~Fit and Fun Sized Week 2~

Hey guys! Ive been MIA for the past few days busy weekend!Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving holiday!Be sure to weigh in today! I unfortanatly am still the same but i at least didnt gain anything!I let this week get ahold of me, im ashamed, but im not gonna let it hold me down! Had a great workout yesterday and im ready to get back on track!Lets have a great week girls!


  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    boo on me!!! Sunday are weigh ins im so sorry!!!!I just saw last weeks post and thank u so much to Marilla for making that chart!!!U are awesome!
  • boomersooner806
    Thanksgiving was great, but any holiday when you're with family is bound to be a good one! I gained a little weight, but it was mainly water weight from all the salty stuff I ate! But, I've lost all of it and lost another pound on top of it. I'm back to working out -- it was tough because the Y closed Thursday-Sunday! So, it was hard to get a workout in and with all the junk food around... weight gain was sure to happen! But, I'm back on track and ready for this week! I'm taking more control and not letting the sugary foods get to me. :smile:
    Keep up the hard work wks7777!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well so far this week! :smile: I am doing well so far. I think I am going to do 30 day shred again to get off some more inches this month. :smile: Hopefully I will get P90X as a Christmas gift (I asked my Dad for it) - then I can start the New Year off right. :happy:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    i'd like to join this fun 'little' group if it's still possible....i am 5 ' 3 1/2 or so and was 190.8 this am. you can use that as my start wt (Sun) and my goal wt is 150 for right now...will re *access* when i get there...

    thanks for starting this group, it will be great gettin to know you all!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I would love to join this group. I am 5 ft tall and weigh 138 as of today. I really need to use lose about 20 lbs by May 2010. Any motivation would be great!
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    Bump for later!

    Glad to hear everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was a lot of fun! Had a lot of food available and instead of eating a lot of it all I took small portions of everything. Did good too. very excited. Shows I can handle the holidays!!
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    just wanted to bump for this coming week....

    did a 3.3 mile walk this afternoon. it's a beautiful, sunny 60 degrees in the mile high city

    take care :drinker:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Hey ya'll how is everyone doing this week?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    It's too rainy :sad: to go to the dog park for my usual afternoon walk while the dogs play, so I'm going to get out my Leslie Sansone videos and walk with her in my living room. :bigsmile: I hope everyone is finding good ways to stay active.
    :heart: Barbie
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am probably going to do a workout video (30 Day Shred) this evening. I haven't worked out yet because I have been running errands and am currently very motivated to work on graduate school applications.. so I am going to keep with it. :tongue:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Okay, I have my evening meal planned and my evening snack. I also plan on going for a walk when I get home (no matter how cold or windy it is) and, I have 15min of abs to do tonight!

    SavvyStephy - Thanks for the link to the new thread.
    Barbiecat - Love your quote "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed." I'll keep that in mind tonight.

    I plan to succeed tonight with not "indulging" outside of what I have in my meal plan.

    'twas a boring day at work. I'm ready to head outta here.

    Talk to ya later
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    It is so boring here at work as well...nothing to do but twidle my thumbs...haha. Today is my day off from the gym but I do plan to do some cleaning so that will get me moving.
  • jzbaby626
    Welcome to the group Kelly & Jacqueline! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Trying hard to get back on track and stay there. Last week was off to a great start, worked out mon/tues/wed and then not only did I not make it back to the gym, my food choices went completely the wrong way, particularly Friday which began with lunch outside of the office (my normal routine is the gym at lunch and then my healthy lunch packed from home at my desk afterward) that included a Sour Grinch martini. You can imagine how many calories must have been in that. This was followed by a long evening of overindulgence with an old friend.
    Much to my surprise, the scale next morning reflected a number I haven't seen in probably 6 years - 114.8!!!
    The rest of the weekend wasn't too bad calories-wise, no exercise though. Stepped on the scale this morning - 118.6!!!!
    Either way, the tape measure hasn't budged and that's the biggie for me these days.

    So my penance for my behaviour this weekend was a 5 mile (8km) run earlier today (I'm not much of a runner, this is huge for me), loads of water and celery/carrot sticks. And no wine tonight ;)

    Hope everyone is doing well, staying strong and enjoying continued success!
  • supermom1114
    Oops I posted on last weeks thread before I got to stephys link!

    SO I'm starting the 30 day shred tomorrow, who's with me?? I think the only day I'm going to take off is Christmas that way I'll get it all done in December.. I'm hoping I get her game Fitness Ultimatum 2010 or some more of her DVDs for Christmas and then I can do them for January.

    Did pretty good today, its wet n rainy n gross here in Houston... blah... I had my presentation today and had a thin slice of my gluten free red velvet cake as well as a thin slice of my original red velvet cake. Then I had some mac n cheese that was low fat, low cholesterol and high fiber. And then a banana muffin that had 0g sugar and was low fat (2g fat), it was pretty good. They used truvia and a funky margarine spread and imitation banana flavoring.. wasn't bad

    Welcome Welcome to all the new people joining!!! Yay!!

    Lets have a great week girls! We can do this!! I hope I can get a work out in tonight but our dogs had a case of the runs so we're trying to clean and get the stench out... right now i could barf when I go into my living room... dunno how its going to smell when I finally get time to do my work out... but I WILL get it done!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    SO I'm starting the 30 day shred tomorrow, who's with me?? I think the only day I'm going to take off is Christmas that way I'll get it all done in December.. I'm hoping I get her game Fitness Ultimatum 2010 or some more of her DVDs for Christmas and then I can do them for January.

    I will start it too! I've been planning to start it again for December. I am not sure if I will do it every day or every other day (because I run three days a week). But I'll do it with you. I need to tighten things up some more. :tongue:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm ready to get back on track after this weekene eventhough I didn't do that bad calorie wise.

    Welcome to everyone new! Congradulations to all that managed to stay the same or loose last week.

    Do we have a challenge yet for this week?

    Thanks for getting the new thread started.

  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am very excited to get back on track with my eatting and exercise. I have been on track with my eatting all day and plan on doing TurboJam later this evening once I am completed with my hw.
    I hope that everyone had a great healthy day!
  • supermom1114
    SO I'm starting the 30 day shred tomorrow, who's with me?? I think the only day I'm going to take off is Christmas that way I'll get it all done in December.. I'm hoping I get her game Fitness Ultimatum 2010 or some more of her DVDs for Christmas and then I can do them for January.

    I will start it too! I've been planning to start it again for December. I am not sure if I will do it every day or every other day (because I run three days a week). But I'll do it with you. I need to tighten things up some more. :tongue:

    Yea I was running to train for a 5k but I'm about to take my son out of daycare and won't be able to get out during the day to run =( so I need something in the house to do while he naps. I'm still going to go to the gym and swim, elliptical, or ugh... use the treadmill lol about 3 days a week but I've got to really push, I've got less than two months before my hubby gets home!! as long as the army doesnt keep him over there any longer, Xfingers crossedX
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    ok, what to do....i am going to ask for a workout dvd for xmas.....30 day shred or p90x...any comments or suggestions plz...and thank you in advance!