~Fit and Fun Sized Week 2~



  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    Thanks for the advice. Will be completely useful. I read that pacing yourself is the way to go otherwise like jacqueline0821 said you get worn out and it will take longer to complete the race.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    today was my * first * day of the shred. I am not sore, but am sure tomorrow will be a diff story. I am anxious to compare this to a very old Denise Austin tape I have that is non- aerobic but is a stretch and tone one that trims from head to toe. If I don't feel sore tomorrow or the next day, I will add Denise to my workouts since I always have results within a week with her. I did a 30 min, 2 1/2 mile walk/jog first, 308 cals and Jillian added 235. need to eat now! :tongue:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I am still going strong on day 18 of my challenge (burn at least 500 calories everyday for 30 days except Sunday which is my designated rest day). A little more than half way through the challenge and I'm still feeling good about it. I've completed my workout for today. I did an hour of cardio (30 minute on the stairmaster and 30 minutes on the treadmill) and 45 minutes of weight training. I burned approximately 430 calories doing cardio and I'm sure I burned at least 70 weight training although I don't have an exact number.
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    hey guys....well i'm a few days late but i did start 30 day this morning. it was hard!!!! it just shows me how weak i have let myself

    get. but i'm excited cause i do feel good that i did it. my arms are very wobbly though!!!

    so i just logged it as light weight lifting. it only came to 48 cal. for 15 minutes. i don't have a HRM so it's a guess i'm trying to

    underestimate the burn! does this sound right? i'm not sure...

  • supermom1114
    hey guys....well i'm a few days late but i did start 30 day this morning. it was hard!!!! it just shows me how weak i have let myself

    get. but i'm excited cause i do feel good that i did it. my arms are very wobbly though!!!

    so i just logged it as light weight lifting. it only came to 48 cal. for 15 minutes. i don't have a HRM so it's a guess i'm trying to

    underestimate the burn! does this sound right? i'm not sure...


    No way! Log it under circuit training if you dont have a HRM. You should burn around 200-250 cals. Oh n its a 20 min workout 24-25 if u count warm up n cool down
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Thanks for the advice. Will be completely useful. I read that pacing yourself is the way to go otherwise like jacqueline0821 said you get worn out and it will take longer to complete the race.

    This is one of the reasons I use music - to help me set a decent pace.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I haven't been around much, the semester is coming to an end which means lots to do in the lab! I've been finalizing all my grad school stuff. I found out I'll be T.A.ing two classes-- Metabolic Nutrition and Clinical Exercise Physiology. Also signed up for my classes -- Nutritional Seminar, Topics in Obesity Research, and Molecular Aspects of Nutrition and Disease. Classes start toward the end of January, and I can't wait!! I will have to work really hard over Christmas break so I can sort of coast and maintain next semester. Wednesdays I will be booked from 8am til 7pm. Bleh. :tongue:

    Today my shoulders are SO sore! It's day 2, week 9 of the G28K and the weather is crappy enough to make me want to run inside! (gag)
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I have eatten all the food that I planned so far. I have felt very full all day and haven't had any cravings! Dinner is up in the air until I get home - probably left overs.

    I have had 4 glasses of water so far today and am still drinking. I plan on doing TurboJam tonight after I complete my final exam and revise some assignments.

    Is everyone eatting healthy today?
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Ladies! My doctors appointment went pretty well. She want to do a complete blood work-up, including Vitamin D, check. The only bad news was I didn't have the blood drawn because I had eaten breakfast. I go back tomorrow... at 11:45! Yikes! They said "drink lots of water! That will help." Ha! I don't think I believe them. :noway:

    Supermom - I am eating all my calories. Unfortunately my exercise is minimal, I am still nursing a sprained ankle. The doctor wants me to keep the brace on for at least another two weeks but said I can start slow. I got on the elliptical today for about 10 minutes, took it easy but it felt really good! Yeah!

    Have a great evening, ladies! I'm off to Bunko with strong will-power! "I will resist the temptation, I will resist the temptation!" :bigsmile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It sounds like so far we are all having a good week.

    I know I am getting a workout DVD for Christmas from my kids, but not sure if they decided on Jillian Michaels or an upgrade to the Wii Fit. What ever they get me, I will work it in to my current schedule.

    It seems like many of us have asked about the challenge for this week and it doesn't look like we ever decided on one. Although, my pc kept speeding through a couple of the posts, so I could have missed something.

    Maybe we should start throwing out ideas for next week now. Any ideas?

    Supermom – I hope your hubby gets home safely and on time. Keep us posted. I’m going to train for a 5K when my daughter can run again (long story). Maybe by then you will be able to get back to running and we can work together on it.

    We are having a wonderful snow storm. The schools let out early and are already planning a delay for tomorrow. The kids and teacher hubby are praying for a snow day! I will have to go to work unless the roads are closed, but luckily I can go late and leave early. I have great managers so I am lucky on bad weather days. I don't have to ask twice to go home early or come in late.

    Have a nice and warm evening!

  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I am suppose to be working on my final exam for one of my courses. It has to be minimum 3 pages but my professor said she would like 5 to cover all of the details. It is stressing me out so bad and all I keep thinking about is eatting cookies. I just feel like crying :sad:
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I had good day did biggest loser on the wii today that was pretty good workout and tommorrow head to the gym to do treadmill for my 5k and then spin class
  • supermom1114
    I had a good day today as well! I'm glad all you ladies are staying strong and sticking to your goals! I really need to find my ipod so I can download more music to it and use it for running. I have such a hard time keeping a pace outdoors without music. At least on the treadmill I can set the speed and what not. I really want to get either a touch or a nano so I can use my nike plus shoes.

    Anyways, my two wii games were on rest days so I just did the 30 day shred. I can feel my muscles getting stronger but I'm still sore. I'm hoping having a rest on my other two workouts helps my muscles feel a bit better for tomorrow.

    Stay strong ladies and Kick some *kitten* tomorrow!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Thank Goodness It's Friday, ladies! I have already completed my exercise for the day so I am extremely excited to have that behind me. I went to my exercise boot camp class and with everything she had us doing today I'm sure I burned at least 500 calories so I am still on track with meeting my challenge goal (500 calories per day for 30 days).

    We weighed in today. I gained 1 lb but lossed 1% body fat so I'm really hoping the weight gain is because I gained some muscle. I know I can see a nice little bicep muscle when I flex and I'm absolutely loving the way it looks. Despite the weight gain I'm extremely inspired to continue my journey. Since I'm working out extremely hard my instructor told me to increase my caloric intake so that my body doesn't enter starvation mode. We'll see how that helps.

    My goal for this weekend is: 1.) Complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class tomorrow. 2.) Not over indulge during a holiday celebration I'm attending on Saturday evening.

    What is everyone else's weekend goals???????
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Thank Goodness It's Friday, ladies! I have already completed my exercise for the day so I am extremely excited to have that behind me. I went to my exercise boot camp class and with everything she had us doing today I'm sure I burned at least 500 calories so I am still on track with meeting my challenge goal (500 calories per day for 30 days).

    We weighed in today. I gained 1 lb but lossed 1% body fat so I'm really hoping the weight gain is because I gained some muscle. I know I can see a nice little bicep muscle when I flex and I'm absolutely loving the way it looks. Despite the weight gain I'm extremely inspired to continue my journey. Since I'm working out extremely hard my instructor told me to increase my caloric intake so that my body doesn't enter starvation mode. We'll see how that helps.

    My goal for this weekend is: 1.) Complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class tomorrow. 2.) Not over indulge during a holiday celebration I'm attending on Saturday evening.

    What is everyone else's weekend goals???????

    If your fat percentage dropped, then you definitely gained muscle and not fat (since muscle is leaner). Don't get discouraged about that, you lost some inches! :)

    My weekend goal is to run a 5K on Sunday! My first competitive race. :smile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Thank Goodness It's Friday, ladies! I have already completed my exercise for the day so I am extremely excited to have that behind me. I went to my exercise boot camp class and with everything she had us doing today I'm sure I burned at least 500 calories so I am still on track with meeting my challenge goal (500 calories per day for 30 days).

    We weighed in today. I gained 1 lb but lossed 1% body fat so I'm really hoping the weight gain is because I gained some muscle. I know I can see a nice little bicep muscle when I flex and I'm absolutely loving the way it looks. Despite the weight gain I'm extremely inspired to continue my journey. Since I'm working out extremely hard my instructor told me to increase my caloric intake so that my body doesn't enter starvation mode. We'll see how that helps.

    My goal for this weekend is: 1.) Complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class tomorrow. 2.) Not over indulge during a holiday celebration I'm attending on Saturday evening.

    What is everyone else's weekend goals???????

    If your fat percentage dropped, then you definitely gained muscle and not fat (since muscle is leaner). Don't get discouraged about that, you lost some inches! :)

    My weekend goal is to run a 5K on Sunday! My first competitive race. :smile:

    SavvySteph, thank you for the encouraging words and good luck with your first race. Please report back and let us know how you did. Have a happy and safe weekend.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186

    What is everyone else's weekend goals???????

    My goal, to not emotional eat while dealing with my mother, sister and her kids!!! Love them to pieces but they are a lot of work!! Plus this will be the first time I have went to a restaurant while eating right!!

    Other than that I will do my boot camp class on Sat. and my yoga then on Sunday I will hit the treadmill
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Happy Friday
    No diet soda day 3...Yipee. Woot! Woot! I did Legs and Back X, and 50% of AbripperX and I plan on doing elliptical at noon. Probably 45min Ellip at noon ... Then for my 12 days of Christmas work challenge I will do(see below) - and either after my workout or tonight I will finish my AbripperX:

    __1 mile of Cardio (will be covered in the 45min workout)
    __ 2 sets of push ups (10 reps each)
    __ 3 sets of Lunges( 3 sets 10 reps each)

    I feel stronger willpower today not to be tempted to cheat on my nutrition. Strong willpower..... hope it stays a while. "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed"

    The Hubby leaves tomorrow at 11am for a couple day trip which will include going to the Greenbay Packer Game on Monday night. I'm kinda preparing myself to be home without him for a couple days.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday
    No diet soda day 3...Yipee. Woot! Woot! I did Legs and Back X, and 50% of AbripperX and I plan on doing elliptical at noon. Probably 45min Ellip at noon ... Then for my 12 days of Christmas work challenge I will do(see below) - and either after my workout or tonight I will finish my AbripperX:

    __1 mile of Cardio (will be covered in the 45min workout)
    __ 2 sets of push ups (10 reps each)
    __ 3 sets of Lunges( 3 sets 10 reps each)

    I feel stronger willpower today not to be tempted to cheat on my nutrition. Strong willpower..... hope it stays a while. "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed"

    The Hubby leaves tomorrow at 11am for a couple day trip which will include going to the Greenbay Packer Game on Monday night. I'm kinda preparing myself to be home without him for a couple days.

    What is the 12 days of Christmas challenge, it sounds very interesting?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    At my work they are doing a 12 days of "Fitness" challenge.
    Each day for 12 consecutive days, (12 days m-f of your choice).
    On Day 1 you complete Day 1, On Day 2 you do Day 1 and Day 2, On Day 3 you do Day 1, 2 and 3 etc.

    We record our progress and are suppose to complete 9-12 days by Dec.23rd

    I'm posting the Days because I thought maybe someone else might want to do them as well.

    Here is all 12 days:
    1 mile Cardio
    2 sets of push ups (10 reps each)
    3 sets of lunges(10 reps each)
    4 sets of jumping rope (30 sec each)
    5 single squats
    6 laps on the Gym floor (down and back)
    7 squat jumps
    8 pull ups
    9 jumping jacks
    10 mountain climbers
    11 sit ups (2 sets of 11 reps)
    12 minutes of stretching