~Fit and Fun Sized Week 2~



  • supermom1114
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am very excited to get back on track with my eatting and exercise. I have been on track with my eatting all day and plan on doing TurboJam later this evening once I am completed with my hw.
    I hope that everyone had a great healthy day!

    How do you like TurboJam?? I've heard of it but don't really know what it is..
  • supermom1114
    ok, what to do....i am going to ask for a workout dvd for xmas.....30 day shred or p90x...any comments or suggestions plz...and thank you in advance!

    I think of Jillian Michaels as the ideal body I want hahaha except for the arms... so I'd say 30 day shred but I've never used p90x but I know 30day shred kicks butt. I've heard of other people doing great on p90x too though... yea I'm not much help I think it all depends on you personally. You have to get something that you enjoy doing but that still gives you a good workout, something you're willing to stick with. Maybe see if they have them at your library and check them out to take a trial run or see if any of your friends have them....
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am very excited to get back on track with my eatting and exercise. I have been on track with my eatting all day and plan on doing TurboJam later this evening once I am completed with my hw.
    I hope that everyone had a great healthy day!

    How do you like TurboJam?? I've heard of it but don't really know what it is..

    I love TurboJam!! I got in quite a few years ago. They have come out with another newer series now but the old ones are just as good. The series is by Beachbody (I believe the same company that makes P90X).
    It has a lot of kicks, punching, and some ab work. It is very upbeat...burns lots of calories but not too difficult to where you feel defeated. I am hoping that I can start doing it on a regular basis again. :smile:
  • kmarsala99
    Hello I am new to MFP and would like to join this group. how do you stay in touch with this thread?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    Hello I am new to MFP and would like to join this group. how do you stay in touch with this thread?

    :flowerforyou: kmarsala
    Now that you've posted, this thread will come up on "My Topics" so you can find us again. Welcome to the group.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Someone wise said that the best exercise is the one that you'll do. I have a stationery bike that faces the TV so I can ride and watch TV. I have a couple of Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" and some Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies". I love them. I can do all this stuff in my regular clothes so I can turn one on even if it's only for 15 minutes at a time.
    :heart: Barbie
  • supermom1114
    Hello I am new to MFP and would like to join this group. how do you stay in touch with this thread?

    Whenever you come to the community tab on MFP click My Topics in the middle of the page and since you've posted in this tab it'll have it on there. Then every sunday or monday look for someone to post the link to the new thread!! =) Welcome Welcome!!
  • supermom1114
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am very excited to get back on track with my eatting and exercise. I have been on track with my eatting all day and plan on doing TurboJam later this evening once I am completed with my hw.
    I hope that everyone had a great healthy day!

    How do you like TurboJam?? I've heard of it but don't really know what it is..

    I love TurboJam!! I got in quite a few years ago. They have come out with another newer series now but the old ones are just as good. The series is by Beachbody (I believe the same company that makes P90X).
    It has a lot of kicks, punching, and some ab work. It is very upbeat...burns lots of calories but not too difficult to where you feel defeated. I am hoping that I can start doing it on a regular basis again. :smile:

    Sounds fun! I'm looking for stuff to switch up with. I'm excited to start the 30 Day Shred but I know by the time I'm done I'll prob be a little tired of Jillian although I know I want the rest of her DVDs and her new Wii Game but it'd always be nice to have something to switch things up with every once in a while
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am very excited to get back on track with my eatting and exercise. I have been on track with my eatting all day and plan on doing TurboJam later this evening once I am completed with my hw.
    I hope that everyone had a great healthy day!

    How do you like TurboJam?? I've heard of it but don't really know what it is..

    I love TurboJam!! I got in quite a few years ago. They have come out with another newer series now but the old ones are just as good. The series is by Beachbody (I believe the same company that makes P90X).
    It has a lot of kicks, punching, and some ab work. It is very upbeat...burns lots of calories but not too difficult to where you feel defeated. I am hoping that I can start doing it on a regular basis again. :smile:

    Sounds fun! I'm looking for stuff to switch up with. I'm excited to start the 30 Day Shred but I know by the time I'm done I'll prob be a little tired of Jillian although I know I want the rest of her DVDs and her new Wii Game but it'd always be nice to have something to switch things up with every once in a while
    I believe it is super important to switch up your workouts. Not only does it keep you from getting bored but keeps you from hitting a plateau.
    I only have one DVD with Jillian and that is the Biggest Loser Cardio DVD. It is a great DVD but super exhausting, great calorie burn! I didn't hear very good reviews on Jillian's first Wii Game but would love to hear the reviews on her newest one. I did recently get the Biggest Loser Wii Game and like it so far.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I had good day today starting my program on my iphone for my 5k run that is Jan 1st and did the treadmill today and burned 600 calories this morning and going to work out with friend tommorrow morning
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    I may have missed it, but did we have a winner for last week and a challenge for this week?
  • supermom1114
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am very excited to get back on track with my eatting and exercise. I have been on track with my eatting all day and plan on doing TurboJam later this evening once I am completed with my hw.
    I hope that everyone had a great healthy day!

    How do you like TurboJam?? I've heard of it but don't really know what it is..

    I love TurboJam!! I got in quite a few years ago. They have come out with another newer series now but the old ones are just as good. The series is by Beachbody (I believe the same company that makes P90X).
    It has a lot of kicks, punching, and some ab work. It is very upbeat...burns lots of calories but not too difficult to where you feel defeated. I am hoping that I can start doing it on a regular basis again. :smile:

    Sounds fun! I'm looking for stuff to switch up with. I'm excited to start the 30 Day Shred but I know by the time I'm done I'll prob be a little tired of Jillian although I know I want the rest of her DVDs and her new Wii Game but it'd always be nice to have something to switch things up with every once in a while
    I believe it is super important to switch up your workouts. Not only does it keep you from getting bored but keeps you from hitting a plateau.
    I only have one DVD with Jillian and that is the Biggest Loser Cardio DVD. It is a great DVD but super exhausting, great calorie burn! I didn't hear very good reviews on Jillian's first Wii Game but would love to hear the reviews on her newest one. I did recently get the Biggest Loser Wii Game and like it so far.

    Yea I've heard her new game is A LOT better!!! I got the biggest loser wii game too but I'm still on the fence about it.. some parts are tough but other parts seem too easy...
  • supermom1114
    I had good day today starting my program on my iphone for my 5k run that is Jan 1st and did the treadmill today and burned 600 calories this morning and going to work out with friend tommorrow morning

    Sounds like you had an awesome day!! Way to go!!!
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I have the 30 Day Shred and have been doing it off and on, but am trying to be more "on" this week. I haven't ventured past Level 1 yet.

    I often reserve and check out workout DVDs from my library to preview them before a purchase or just as a way to add variety to my workouts. There are so many out there, I like to know which ones are worth spending the money on. I also do searches on this forum for what members have to say or read the reviews at Amazon.com. I also found a site that has reviews of home fitness DVDs. http://www.videofitness.com/

    Have a great week, everyone.
  • shel75
    shel75 Posts: 75
    Today was OK. Ate all the exercise calories but that is fine...a litle extra salt with that hummus and celery :) but it was good! How does everyone feel about the 1200 net calories? I wonder if it is enough sometimes but still hoping increasing exercise days will speed things up even just a little bit!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I was under on my calories today just a little and I didn't eat my exercise calories. I felt full all day after my big breakfast of oatmeal and yogurt. I did 20 min of TurboJam and some crunches. I planned out an exercise routine for the rest of the week. I am hoping that I stay this motivated all week. I definately need to work on my water intake starting tomorrow.

    (5 1/2 months until my wedding!!!!)
  • supermom1114
    I may have missed it, but did we have a winner for last week and a challenge for this week?

    I haven't seen a winner announced yet, I don't know if everyone has weighed in yet either...
  • supermom1114
    So I was under on my calories today just a little and I didn't eat my exercise calories. I felt full all day after my big breakfast of oatmeal and yogurt. I did 20 min of TurboJam and some crunches. I planned out an exercise routine for the rest of the week. I am hoping that I stay this motivated all week. I definately need to work on my water intake starting tomorrow.

    (5 1/2 months until my wedding!!!!)

    Keep up with your exercise!! You can do it!!! and Yay for you wedding!! Its getting close!!!
  • supermom1114
    Today was OK. Ate all the exercise calories but that is fine...a litle extra salt with that hummus and celery :) but it was good! How does everyone feel about the 1200 net calories? I wonder if it is enough sometimes but still hoping increasing exercise days will speed things up even just a little bit!!

    I think the 1200 is pretty low, but I stick to it daily unless I exercise. I think when you're eating that little of calories you've got to eat your exercise calories so you muscles have something to rebuild with. Just make sure its nutrient dense foods, not candy or processed carbs ya know?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Okay, my scale isn't entirely broken. I weighed on two separate ones and I actually did gain about 8 lbs in two days. It's not fat, rather it's glycogen and water from having cut carbs and re-introduced them. I am impressed I could hold that many! That means I've put on some muscle mass in the past year since the last time I carbed up. :happy: I'm going to weigh-in next week when my body is back to it's normal state (I usually eat 40% carbs). On the plus side, my stomach is looking flat! Woohoo!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Okay, my scale isn't entirely broken. I weighed on two separate ones and I actually did gain about 8 lbs in two days. It's not fat, rather it's glycogen and water from having cut carbs and re-introduced them. I am impressed I could hold that many! That means I've put on some muscle mass in the past year since the last time I carbed up. :happy: I'm going to weigh-in next week when my body is back to it's normal state (I usually eat 40% carbs). On the plus side, my stomach is looking flat! Woohoo!

    Awesome! Great work. I really need to work on flattening my stomach, any tips? I know that I'll never get compleatly flat (have too much excess skin from having my daughter-and my abs have split).