~Fit and Fun Sized Week 2~



  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Week 4 on MFP and I'm feeling down and out. I've had a headache for two days and no energy to do anything. (I'm pretty sure I'm not sick, because I'm otherwise fine.) I am logging everything I eat, making good choices and staying very close to 1230 calories a day, I have a Diet Pepsi in the morning, then drink only water the rest of the day.

    Has anyone else gone through this or have any suggestions?

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  • boomersooner806
    Things are going fairly well. Good thing is, I've got enough determination to continue turning down the sweets I see at the store I work at! Other than that, I feel the way jandie does -- not having enough energy. I'm not sure what the deal is! :indifferent:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    MY GLASS OVERFLOWED!!!! :drinker:

    I drank 10 glasses of water today. Way more than I was hoping for! My goal was 4.

    Hope everyone had a healthy day and get some great rest!!!
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Good Morning All! Woke up today and decided, energy or not I'm going to be productive today! I'm going to do some cleaning, some shopping, 5 loads of laundry, finish decorating the house (which always raises my spirits) and spend some time on the elliptical! :happy:

    I made an appointment to have my thyroid levels checked, I'm on Synthroid - post Graves Disease and Iodine Therapy. I was talking to a friend last night and she said her levels changed when she changed her eating habits without weight loss. And since I have lost weight I hadn't really thought about it.

    boomersooner806 - Your quote is something I've been needing to hear. We'll get out of this funk, but it's nice to know I'm not alone! Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    jacqueline0821 - Cheers! :drinker: I prefer to be outside too, but it's 19 degrees here in KC this morning! I'm a wimp, when the temp drops below 40.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I slept great!! I ate oatmeal for breakfast. I also made a smoothie from light n fit yogurt, frozen strawberries, and 1/2 banana. This will be my morning snack at work. I am seeing a change in the scale which feels amazing. Once I hit my mini goal of 135 I will change it to 130. I feel so motivated and energized lately and I love it!!!

    What are you all doing for your workouts today?
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin' everyone :flowerforyou:

    I will be doing a brisk 30 minute walk/jog outside then JM Shred. Have a great day and make it count! :bigsmile:
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Hey gang, I have been MIA this week, very busy!! Anyways I just weighed in today and no change, but my inches are smaller, I hope I'm getting more muscle and thats why my lbs stay the same! Frustrating anyways... Hope everyone is doing good and loosing!
  • supermom1114
    I started running on a treadmill and couldn't imagine running outside...after I took it outside...NOW I can't imagine going back to the treadmill. I think the treadmill is much harder, you'll do great outside!!!

    Really I've always thought the treadmill was easier because its doing some of the motion for you. Plus I can set the treadmill to the speed I want and push myself to stay there but when I'm running outside its harder for me to gauge if I'm pushing myself hard enough ya know?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Hi Fit and Fun girls! :laugh: hee hee.
    I have been doing nutritionally well with eating clean the last 2 days. No Diet soda!!!:happy: (Today will be day 3 if I can make it -- and I intend to!) . I have been working out, today was YogaX and I plan on doing elliptical at noon. Probably 30min minumum....maybe 45min then ...

    I am doing a 12 days of christmas challenge at work so, today I have to add:
    (Day1) 1 mile of Cardio (will be covered in the 45min workout)
    (Day 2) 2 sets of push ups (10 reps each)

    Breezy81: I understand, My scale this morning was 101.4
    I was hopeful for 100.xx but nope. it's better than 102 or 103 but, I was really hoping for 100 by today. Sunday when we weigh in so, stay the course. Muscle does weigh more than fat and the scale lies sometimes (water weight, what you ate last night, when you ate etc.)

    Janie - You go girl! Feel free to come over to my house when you're done.:laugh: Also, i am in South Dakota so I understand, this weather sucks.... It makes it hard to maintain weight, let alone loose any. Walking around the house isn't near as fun as walking outside!

    I still love the quote "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed"

    I knew I would be tempted to quit starting on Day3 (today) -- 2 days is easy to do, 3 or more...wow that's a lot! I will succeed though today. Temptation is great however I hope my willpower is greater.
  • supermom1114
    Week 4 on MFP and I'm feeling down and out. I've had a headache for two days and no energy to do anything. (I'm pretty sure I'm not sick, because I'm otherwise fine.) I am logging everything I eat, making good choices and staying very close to 1230 calories a day, I have a Diet Pepsi in the morning, then drink only water the rest of the day.

    Has anyone else gone through this or have any suggestions?

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Are you eating your exercise calories? If you exercise and don't eat those calories, at least some of them, you're body will start shutting down. I posted about this in another group, I'll try to find it and copy and paste it in this group.

    Also, have you ever had your thyroid checked? Fortunately my doctor caught mine at a very young age so it never affected me weight wise. However thyroid issues are becoming more and more common especially among women. If you have low thyroid it causes you to be very tired or weak even when you get enough sleep and are eating enough. Also it makes it almost impossible to lose weight. I have hoshimotos thyroiditis so my immune system attacked and I guess still attacks my thyroid so its progressively getting worse and worse. I had been losing weight pretty consistently and then stopped for about two months for some reason. I got my thyroid checked and sure enough it was low so they had to up my prescription and I went back to losing 1-2lbs a week again.

    Also if you used to drink a lot of diet cokes or caffeine filled drink and you've recently cut down to only one a day it could be caffeine withdrawls. Caffeine isn't a bad thing when taken in moderation, it actually does a lot of great things for the body and can help prevent some cancers but the way americans take it in today is what messes everything up. Either its in a sugary drink or diet drink, both filled with chemicals that mess with the body or you get it from coffee thats had pesticides sprayed all over it so that screws with ur metabolism. So yea... lol sorry I went off there I'm just saying you may be getting the headaches from lack of caffeine if your body was used to having it all throughout the day
  • supermom1114
    oh oops, I didnt read all the way through the posts, so I'm glad you're getting your thyroid checked, sorry to be repetitive =)

    Anywho, today is a rest day for my two Wii Games but I'm still going to get my Shred work out in. I'm starting to feel muscles building and showing through a bit. For those doing Shred where are you sore the most?? I guess I'm not sore but my calves always feel tight or like they're balled up or something, I stretch them out and everything but the still feel different.. is this just from muscle building there? I'm definitlely sore in my upper arms, shoulders, chest, n back, but I knew I would be since I've never pushed myself to work my upper body.

    I hope everyone has a great day!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, I ran 35 minutes today which worked out to be 2.77 miles. :smile: Burned 600 calories while in the process. My shins hurt a little.. they hurt as soon as I started walking for my cool down.. so I am going to give myself a couple days break on running and see how I feel on Sunday. If I feel fine, I will be running my first competitive 5K race. :smile:

    supermom - 30 Day Shred has me sore in my shoulders mainly. Great job on sticking to it.

    sr88201 - Take one day at a time and it will be easier.
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    Hello All!!!

    So I ran around the track at the High School last nite...it was great!!! I ran 9 laps in 30 minutes. I think 4 laps equal a mile...am I right?

    It was hard at first until I got my rythym. It is easier on the treadmill cuz you have the speed set and you know what you are doing. But honestly I like running outside better. You are going somewhere when doing that and I think time goes by faster. I'm not constantly looking at the clock wondering how long I have been at it.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    So I ran around the track at the High School last nite...it was great!!! I ran 9 laps in 30 minutes. I think 4 laps equal a mile...am I right?

    Yep! 4 laps is a mile, so you ran 2.25 miles in 30 minutes. :smile: Great job!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Hello All!!!

    So I ran around the track at the High School last nite...it was great!!! I ran 9 laps in 30 minutes. I think 4 laps equal a mile...am I right?

    It was hard at first until I got my rythym. It is easier on the treadmill cuz you have the speed set and you know what you are doing. But honestly I like running outside better. You are going somewhere when doing that and I think time goes by faster. I'm not constantly looking at the clock wondering how long I have been at it.

    Most tracks at schools are 1/4 mile so you would have completed 2 1/4 miles. That is a great time!!

    I love running outside for the same reason...time goes by a lot faster. When I am on the treadmill I have the terrible habit of constantly looking down at the time and distance.
  • jzbaby626
    Hey girls. I just did the Jackie Warner Total Body Circuit workout on On Demand (comcast cable...i dont know if you guys have On Demand outside of the northeast area?)...but she kicked my *kitten*! it is hurting to keep my arms up to type right now. so im gonna keep it short & sweet lol. had a bad day yesterday but im back on track today. have a good rest of the day everyone! :glasses:
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    Thanks...got to get to 3 miles...my 5k is in 2 weeks. I think its doable! just have to push myself. Since yesterday was the first outdoor run I think I did prety well.
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    Hello All!!!

    So I ran around the track at the High School last nite...it was great!!! I ran 9 laps in 30 minutes. I think 4 laps equal a mile...am I right?

    It was hard at first until I got my rythym. It is easier on the treadmill cuz you have the speed set and you know what you are doing. But honestly I like running outside better. You are going somewhere when doing that and I think time goes by faster. I'm not constantly looking at the clock wondering how long I have been at it.

    Most tracks at schools are 1/4 mile so you would have completed 2 1/4 miles. That is a great time!!

    I love running outside for the same reason...time goes by a lot faster. When I am on the treadmill I have the terrible habit of constantly looking down at the time and distance.

    I know!!! Even though I put my towel over the display I still end up sneaking a peek to see the time. So bad. On the treadmill i can run a longer distance and I think its because you can set your speed and stick to it. This will be a great challenge.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Thanks...got to get to 3 miles...my 5k is in 2 weeks. I think its doable! just have to push myself. Since yesterday was the first outdoor run I think I did prety well.

    You will be able to get to 3 miles with no problem. I ran my first 5K back in July and have another scheduled for the 13th of this month.

    My only advice would be to pace yourself at the beginning of the race. I took off and did under a 10 min mile for the first mile and wore myself down and my last mile was in 16 minutes. It is such a rush with all of the people around. Just remember to pace yourself and enjoy it!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Thanks...got to get to 3 miles...my 5k is in 2 weeks. I think its doable! just have to push myself. Since yesterday was the first outdoor run I think I did prety well.

    You will be able to get to 3 miles with no problem. I ran my first 5K back in July and have another scheduled for the 13th of this month.

    My only advice would be to pace yourself at the beginning of the race. I took off and did under a 10 min mile for the first mile and wore myself down and my last mile was in 16 minutes. It is such a rush with all of the people around. Just remember to pace yourself and enjoy it!

    You should be able to run the 5K! I am hoping to do one this Sunday.. so long as my shins don't hurt. It's an informal winter series, where you register on location for $5. No t-shirt for running it though, just getting your time posted online and having a chance to win prizes. :tongue: My t-shirt race is April 17th for Earth Day!