~Fit and Fun Sized Week 2~



  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Hey Fellow Fun-Sized Ladies!

    I need some help - I am getting dental surgery (gum grafting) tomorrow and the periodontist said I won't be able to eat solid foods for at least three days. As tempted as I am to stick to an all ice-cream/pudding diet, I know it's not very nutritious. Any suggestions so I can at least keep it semi-healthy?

    Many thanks - and great job to all - reading your posts about your workouts are definitely keeping me inspired!

    I would recommend eatting some yogurt...very nutritional.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Checking in - I ran 2.55 miles yesterday in 30 minutes. Today I decided to restart 30 Day Shred this month and did Level 1 with 5lb weights this time. It's cool to see the difference in my endurance / stamina since two months ago when I first did 30 Day Shred with 3lb weights.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Hey girls...

    I'm wondering if any of you have used or know anybody that has used a Cleansing/Detoxification kit?! I'm looking into doing one over my Christmas break in hopes of increasing my energy level, decreasing headaches, and increasing my memory/attention. Not to mention, I'm sure I have a lot of not-so-good things in my body!

    Any recommendations? Any side effects you had that might make me reconsider? Any advice at all?!?!?!

    I'm going to GNC after work today so hopefully you'll be able to give me some quick responses...if not, I have time to think it over between now and break ;)
  • romst19
    romst19 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, sonbyrd and jacqueline!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I am right on track with my calories for the day and I drank 2 glasses of water so far. Hoping for at least 2 more :drinker:
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    So I am right on track with my calories for the day and I drank 2 glasses of water so far. Hoping for at least 2 more :drinker:

    Try drinking water with your meals. I went from drinking literally one 16oz bottle of water in one day to 4 or 5 of them. I drink it for all my meals. Can't even tell you last time I had soda. I just started switching to water for breakfast...used to be juice. Now I only have juice about twice a week.

    Good luck!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I am right on track with my calories for the day and I drank 2 glasses of water so far. Hoping for at least 2 more :drinker:

    Try drinking water with your meals. I went from drinking literally one 16oz bottle of water in one day to 4 or 5 of them. I drink it for all my meals. Can't even tell you last time I had soda. I just started switching to water for breakfast...used to be juice. Now I only have juice about twice a week.

    Good luck!!

    Thanks for the tip! I use to drink 64 - 72 oz of water each day but just got away from it. I was constantly having to get up and go to the bathroom. I am working real hard to drink more because I know it is so good for me.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I learned in a fitness instructor course that it takes about 2 weeks to re-hydrate your body, so for the first 2 weeks of drinking your 64oz water each day it will run through you like a dry plant. After that, your body should be able to absorb it better and you will make less frequent trips to the little girls' room.
    I am still in that phase because I seem to have a hard time being consistent with the water for more than a few weeks at a time.

    Didn't make it to the gym yesterday but I did stay within my calorie budget. Good spin class today and so far so good with the food choices and water intake.

    Hoping to get outside for a run tomorrow, it has finally stopped raining here and it's beautiful out there!

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Still wondering if we have a winner and a challenge. I haven't seen anything. Did I miss the post?
  • supermom1114
    Still wondering if we have a winner and a challenge. I haven't seen anything. Did I miss the post?

    no there hasn't been anything official yet, I looked back at the old chart and calculated everyones n geicko was the highest percentage lost but I'm not sure if anyone else has weighed in that had a higher weight loss.

    I think we should just make up a challenge for this week before its over... What are some ideas you guys have? I know I have the hardest time working veggies into my diet so I'm trying to get two servings of veggies a day, one is probably going to be a salad with lunch and somehow I've gotta work in another.

    I worked out for 80 minutes today. Did my 30 day Shred workout- Day 2 Level 1, then did a workout on the EA Active game on the Wii and finally a work out on the Biggest Loser game on the Wii. Wow I was really feeling it on the Shred today.. I'm not a big one on upper body workouts, just so scared about getting too muscular looking so its been really tough, my lower body can keep up just fine, I've played soccer, basketball, and volleyball for years so thats not a huge problem its just my arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Hows everyone else doing on the Shred?
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi to my short people.....

    hope you are all having a good Wednesday. I bought 30 day shred today...so, am excited to start that. did you all do before and after pics with this? not sure I am brave enuf to bare it here...ugh! I enjoy reading all the variety of workouts here...gives me ideas in case I need to switch things up or if I get bored. you are all doing great on exercising! just wanna make sure here, we weigh in on Sunday's??

    cherie ~ I think it is easier to run/jog outside, but a few times I was against the wind, and believe me, it was a challenge, kinda fun and I did burn more calories!

    romst19 ~Campbell's Select have some new soups out. all natural and pretty healthy for cals, sodium, etc.

    stephanie ~ i am starting the shred today too. will start with 3 lbs...since this is my first time ever doing this.

    dree ~ i have never done a detox, but eating ALL clean will do it too, avoiding all processed food... and i read somewhere once that fasting will do it naturally as well.

    ripgirl ~ thanks for the info on water...did not know that. that is one good habit to keep!

    supermom ~ veggies challenge would be good for me too. kinda short on my intake lately.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I had good day did day week 1 day 2 of the c25k today and then did 30 mins on the elptical ans then did some arms and tommorrow going to work out at home doing the wii just not sure what I am going to do on there yet :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey ladies! Today I lifted for about an hour (chest, triceps, shoulders, abs) then did 30 min cardio on the elliptical. My shoulders looked pretty beast today in the gym and I burnt them out really well. :bigsmile:
  • supermom1114
    So the Houston Rockets are putting on a 5K on Jan 31st and I'm going to run it. You run around the streets of Houston and end up going underground into the stadium and you come out to finish on the court. I'm doing it with my best friend, but she runs anywhere from 3-9 miles almost daily so yea, I'm definitely not going to finish with her but running has always been something I couldn't conquer. Never a physical thing just all mental and I started the couch to 5k program but I started on week 3 since I know I'm capable of it but I injured my knee so I had to stop after two weeks. So even though my son won't be in daycare anymore and most of my training will have to be in the gym on the treadmill at night I'm going to do this!!!
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Hey ladies! Today I lifted for about an hour (chest, triceps, shoulders, abs) then did 30 min cardio on the elliptical. My shoulders looked pretty beast today in the gym and I burnt them out really well. :bigsmile:

    That's awesome! Your back looks ripped! I love the way my shoulders, traps, and biceps look after a hard workout too. :tongue:
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    So the Houston Rockets are putting on a 5K on Jan 31st and I'm going to run it. You run around the streets of Houston and end up going underground into the stadium and you come out to finish on the court. I'm doing it with my best friend, but she runs anywhere from 3-9 miles almost daily so yea, I'm definitely not going to finish with her but running has always been something I couldn't conquer. Never a physical thing just all mental and I started the couch to 5k program but I started on week 3 since I know I'm capable of it but I injured my knee so I had to stop after two weeks. So even though my son won't be in daycare anymore and most of my training will have to be in the gym on the treadmill at night I'm going to do this!!!

    that is how I am doing on the treadmill I have run on Jan 1st!!!!
  • supermom1114
    So the Houston Rockets are putting on a 5K on Jan 31st and I'm going to run it. You run around the streets of Houston and end up going underground into the stadium and you come out to finish on the court. I'm doing it with my best friend, but she runs anywhere from 3-9 miles almost daily so yea, I'm definitely not going to finish with her but running has always been something I couldn't conquer. Never a physical thing just all mental and I started the couch to 5k program but I started on week 3 since I know I'm capable of it but I injured my knee so I had to stop after two weeks. So even though my son won't be in daycare anymore and most of my training will have to be in the gym on the treadmill at night I'm going to do this!!!

    that is how I am doing on the treadmill I have run on Jan 1st!!!!

    I'm just worried because I know its a big adjustment to go from running on the treadmill to running outdoors. I need to get some cold weather gear and make sure Im getting at least one, two if I can of the workouts outdoors.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    So the Houston Rockets are putting on a 5K on Jan 31st and I'm going to run it. You run around the streets of Houston and end up going underground into the stadium and you come out to finish on the court. I'm doing it with my best friend, but she runs anywhere from 3-9 miles almost daily so yea, I'm definitely not going to finish with her but running has always been something I couldn't conquer. Never a physical thing just all mental and I started the couch to 5k program but I started on week 3 since I know I'm capable of it but I injured my knee so I had to stop after two weeks. So even though my son won't be in daycare anymore and most of my training will have to be in the gym on the treadmill at night I'm going to do this!!!

    That sounds like an awesome 5K! :bigsmile: I am sure you can do it by putting your mind to it.
  • ButlerMom
    ButlerMom Posts: 23 Member
    I started running on a treadmill and couldn't imagine running outside...after I took it outside...NOW I can't imagine going back to the treadmill. I think the treadmill is much harder, you'll do great outside!!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I started running on a treadmill and couldn't imagine running outside...after I took it outside...NOW I can't imagine going back to the treadmill. I think the treadmill is much harder, you'll do great outside!!!

    I love running outside, I feel that it is so much easier. However, with the rain and even nastier weather approaching Michigan I am back to the treadmill. I am headed to the basement to run 2 miles for the day!!!