men, does the "I'll kick your *kitten*" male/male trump card...



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    How sad. Unfortunately size and strength do not equate safety. Speaking from considerable experience, you simply cant predict what will happen in a fight and they're rarely fair. Experience and intelligence count for more in a confrontation than does brute strength. If I had to choose, I'd take an experienced fighter over the big guy with little or no experience any day. I've seen some big dudes get KTFO by average Joe's who knew what they were doing.

    Judging your opponent by size alone is foolish. Use your head first and your strength last. Pay attention to your surroundings, keep a cool head, and you'll find you're much better at providing security than any short tempered meathead benching 350.

    Now thats a sheepdog.

    of course the trained fighter has the advantage over the untrained in most cases. but how many people have fight training? i think the point of the thread is 2 people with equal fight skills. in those cases the bigger guys usually win. thats why contact sports have weight classes. a flyweight couldnt harm a heavyweight.
  • retriev00
    retriev00 Posts: 227 Member
    No it's never been a motivater for me. I actually can't stand people who try to physically intimidated others outside of a sporting event they are involved in.

    Athletic performance, and to a lesser degree vanity have been my motivators. Now that school athletics, and a post school fledgling professional athlete days are over, vanity is more of a motivater for me
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    This thread is now stupid. SHouldnt we be discussing hot chicks? Like no chicks are posting on here so let's discuss chicks
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    How sad. Unfortunately size and strength do not equate safety. Speaking from considerable experience, you simply cant predict what will happen in a fight and they're rarely fair. Experience and intelligence count for more in a confrontation than does brute strength. If I had to choose, I'd take an experienced fighter over the big guy with little or no experience any day. I've seen some big dudes get KTFO by average Joe's who knew what they were doing.

    Judging your opponent by size alone is foolish. Use your head first and your strength last. Pay attention to your surroundings, keep a cool head, and you'll find you're much better at providing security than any short tempered meathead benching 350.

    Now thats a sheepdog.

    of course the trained fighter has the advantage over the untrained in most cases. but how many people have fight training? i think the point of the thread is 2 people with equal fight skills. in those cases the bigger guys usually win. thats why contact sports have weight classes. a flyweight couldnt harm a heavyweight.

    My only objection to this... is there's one thing you can't teach, and that's how to take a punch.

    Some people were born with a glass jaw, others can take damage all day long and stay on their feet (a la the Rocky Marcianos of the world).
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    I don't find constitutional rights extremist, but the belief that a right means it is right for everyone and people without a CC are going to die... not so much. Some people would do more harm than good with a firearm...

  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    I was looking forward to watching the ladies hoot n' holler over the buff boys struttin' their stuff.

    Alas, the women seem to be scared off by all the machismo and battlefield positioning going on.

    Not interested in watching a dog out.
  • imo its all about the heart, not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog... for instance.. i am from the country people so give me a break.. but u can have 7 dogs corner a coon on the ground, and that one coon will tear the h3ll out of all of those dogs.. and we are all animals.. we have base instincts, a man is most dangerous when he is backed into a corner with no escape, we have that primal gut feeling of the alpha.. unless you.. well nvm... but its all in the head.. i was in the marines and i saw beasts cry like girls and skinny guys that weight 100 pounds whoop it like nothing. its the head game imo...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    when i saw this thread in a friend's feed, I thought it would be fun. How in the ____ did it turn into a $hitty gun thread? Sad.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    For me, the driving force is elite athleticism and aesthetics.
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I felt that way on the football field too, and it was actually the case most of the time. When I played defense i'd lay people out and when I played offense, which was between fullback and guard, I always had my way. My only downside was my size in height. Im 5'10. I have decent speed for my size, and anytime I play basketball (my sport now since I injured myself playing football) anytime I am up against a big man, I look forward to playing down-low and throwin a body into em to see if he thinks he can handle it.
  • The "kick you *kitten*" does not motivate me.

    I have a 9mm on my side and CC permit in my pocket. I don't know any man that can beat up a bullet no matter how ripped he is.

    unless you have it drawn at all times and your head on a swivel keeping everyone at arm's reach that gun will do nothing for you if someone attacks you.

    I disagree. I pity the person who believes and employs your theory. They most likely will not survive the day. We all should have a CC and exercise that right.

    agreed, its better to have a gun and not need it then need a gun and not have it... now with that said im not the type to pull out a gun because some punk wants to start trouble.. but every1 should carry.. you never know when your going to be in that situation where the guy fighting you isnt using fists.. but bullets.. and all the training and muscle will account for absolute nothing. you dont carry for the feeling of "oh im so bad" "im so macho".. you carry for when the dude that just went ape shizz walks into the restaurant and starts popping people you got something to pop back with.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'd say it definitely motivates me. I take martial arts at 43 years of age, and i'm confident in my abilities if i had to use them in a situation (no guns of course). Plus i have strength in my corner which i've had a good portion of my life, so i know i can use that as well if needed. The last fight i've ever had was when i was 12 years old, but since then i have never been tested, maybe because i'm quiet and laid back, but not a small person by far, so maybe people think NOT to test me for those reasons............i dunno.
  • mavrick7
    mavrick7 Posts: 1,607 Member
    when i saw this thread in a friend's feed, I thought it would be fun. How in the ____ did it turn into a $hitty gun thread? Sad.

    You kinda worry about someone taking out an assalt rifle and shooting up the movie theatre or killing their boss at work. It seems like everyone needs to express their strengths: whether it was football, ruby, basketball, kick boxing, or their gun collection?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    This thread is now stupid. SHouldnt we be discussing hot chicks? Like no chicks are posting on here so let's discuss chicks
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    for someone with no training what would be the best discipline to take just for self defense? BJJ? Krav Maga? Muay Thai?
  • for someone with no training what would be the best discipline to take just for self defense? BJJ? Krav Maga? Muay Thai?

    brazilian jiu jitsu and muay thai are great.. i dont have overwhelming experience with either.. but i know enough

    Strikers sell tickets
    Grapplers win championships
    Balance is legendary
  • mavrick7
    mavrick7 Posts: 1,607 Member
    If I had to start over, I would recommend boxing. Great cardio, conditioning and hand eye coordination. Seek a certified boxing trainer, but they will usually charge $50 to $60 per hour.

    BJJ - is very expensive and takes years to master. Let me know which city and I can recommend a few schools.

    Muay Thai - This is the shortest amount of time to learn, but very bad on the joints. Most trainers don't teach proper defense, slipping punches, countering, etc.

    Krav Maga - Find a legit teacher. Israeli soldiers are very tough. I fought a few.

    SEALs - strong willed, physically tough, great endurance. Most are trained in MMA.

    Police - my buddies are the instructors, and they incorporate MMA, BJJ into their rookie training.

    Convicts - what better way to learn survival. I fought a few and they are tough to submit or knock out.

    Karate, Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do - this could be over confidence. Most of these fighters are good after 2nd or 3rd degree black belt.
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    May I suggest Turkish oil wrestling? :tongue:
  • mavrick7
    mavrick7 Posts: 1,607 Member
    May I suggest Turkish oil wrestling? :tongue:

    :) Sounds dangerous! :O

    Are you a black belt?

    BTW, there was bar that held these matches in college. The girls would wrestle in oil, then stop and have the guys bid on a match with champion. It was a lot of fun.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I liked Wing Chun Kuen and Chin Na for self defense. Not 100% perfect (no system is - you find what works for you), but quite easy to use a small amount of force to deflect and control a large amount of attacker. I called the techniques I focused on "giant-killers" - in particular, I would use my wife as an example (she used to be a student of mine before the school closed down). If someone 4'10" can decisively deflect a haymaker punch thrown by someone 200 lbs heavier and 16" taller, then it's pretty effective.