Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • rose_parker9784
    I'm in! My friend jitteryspork told me about this website and I joined a few days ago. Since then, I stay logged in all day and keep track of everything I do and eat. I am excited to have others share my journey and help others get through theirs.

    My name is Rose, I am 25, crazy in love married for almost 7 years and we have 2 boys, ages 4 and 5. When I got married, I was 121 lbs and 2 kids and 7 years later I'm 187. I would like to get down to 150 and I think this challenge will help me jump start the weight loss with extra motivation and I look forward to motivating all of you along our journey to a slimmer and healthier lifestyle.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Rose, I know we can help each other achieve our goals. Thanks for joining us!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    I'm in too! How do I join a group?:huh:
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I am excited about this!!!!! I cant wait to get all the details! Checking in every day till then, just to get me in the habit! Rose, I am glad you joined... you're gonna have to keep me motivated, and I'll do my best to help you too!!

  • nickid
    Sign me up! I'm 27 and want to loose 20lbs, I work as a baker/chef so keeping my weight down has been hard!!! I've been on and off of mfp for quite a while but really want to loose these 20lbs to feel confidenet and fit again. A 4 week challange over xmas sounds impossible!!! But with all this support I'm willing to try. I'd like to loose 8 llbs by Jan 5th. And am keen to post my exercise and any healthy recipes I can share to hlep us all meet our goals!!! Thanks so much, Nicki
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Sign me up! I'm 27 and want to loose 20lbs, I work as a baker/chef so keeping my weight down has been hard!!! I've been on and off of mfp for quite a while but really want to loose these 20lbs to feel confidenet and fit again. A 4 week challange over xmas sounds impossible!!! But with all this support I'm willing to try. I'd like to loose 8 llbs by Jan 5th. And am keen to post my exercise and any healthy recipes I can share to hlep us all meet our goals!!! Thanks so much, Nicki

    HI! I absolutely LOVE all the colors! You remind me of Rainbow Bright :love:

    I am not a cook, but I am trying to learn so that I can give my husband a break every once in a while. He loves to cook, but I am sure he'd love to be served too! I am looking forward to trying out any recipes you have to offer!!!!!

  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I'm in and I also think we should "have" to post everyday (if not every other day) about our day, things like what we ate, what we did for exercise, our attitudes, our gratitudes etc; etc;! I think it will motivate us and make us be more accountable! What do you girls think? Next week!!!

    I think posting at least every other day would be great. I am a talker so I have no problem with sharing my days events with you. It also will give me a good reason to get on and remind myself of all the other people backing me on this challenge!
  • hhhdddggss
    I would love to join you in this group if there is still room! I joined My Fitness Pal on Monday and have been seeking a group to hang with ever since. This one sounds like just the ticket!

    A couple of years ago, after diligent eating and daily workouts, I lost 38 lbs in a quest to lose 55 lbs. ... well, after some stressful times with my business, etc. (we all have our stress stories), it crept back on. I closed my publishing business earlier this year and joined a wonderful company, trading bad stress for the excitement of new stress! Although I can say I am thrilled and challenged and very happy here in the new job, it does require a lot of travel which just zapped my on-again, off-again diet. So I've been losing and gaining back weight. I'm establishing an exercise club here at the office with other sales reps (more on that later), and re-focusing on myself and nutrition.

    My goal is 57 pounds.

    I joined this site after much research and frankly, a gut feel (no pun intended) that it was the perfect spot for me to land each day to monitor my food and exercise. Can't wait to get started on this challenge with y'all!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Hi Cherlou! I think this is going to be a great adventure for us all. I looked and looked for quite a while for a challenge group that wasnt on week 2,3,4,5,6 etc. I wanted to start fresh with a new group! Someone who is just starting a challenge like me. So welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay, with this group, and with MFP! They are fabulous here, and of course, just like every family, we have our crazies :)
  • hhhdddggss
    "They are fabulous here, and of course, just like every family, we have our crazies :)" ... Jitteryspork

    I am counting on it! :-)
  • niky1215
    Hello! This sounds like a great idea! Count me in!

    CW: 161.5
    GW: 115
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    ebh, nicki, cherlou & niky,
    Welcome! We're glad you found us.

    The official weigh in will be this Tuesday. Just show up and post your current weight (as of 12/8) (abbreviated as CW), and your 4-week goal weight (GW). A realistic goal would probably be around a 4 pound loss, considering the holiday challenges we're bound to face. If you're closer to your end goal, maybe less than 4 pounds; if you're further from your end goal, perhaps a little more than 4 pounds? Whatever goal you set, you can always blow it out of the water!

    I know 4 pounds doesn't sound like much, but wouldn't it be amazing to come out of the holidays thinner than how we went in? When I put it THAT way, even 2 pounds would be great....

    And if you have a birthday, anniversary or some other important event between now and Jan 5th, post that, too, so we can celebrate with you!

    I, too, am looking forward to starting with a new group at the beginning of a challenge. So many of the groups seem so well established that it's awkward to join late. :flowerforyou: We're ALL new here - and ready to support each other. :flowerforyou:

    Why wait until 12/8? Tell us a little about yourselves, for we'd like to get to know you. A post everyday or every other day would be great.
    nicki & cherlou, it's nice to meet both of you.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone I did pretty good toda neck and back are killing me I didnt eat as much as I should have because I couldnt it hurts when I swollow something I went to a massage therpist and she felt a knot on the base of my neck and she wants me to get it checked out before she would continue my massage...My husband is wonderful he is at walmart getting me medicine now...I am a waitress and I lift my trays with this arm so I dont know what happened....It hurts when I swollow sneeze cough and take deeps breaths....we will see I hope everyone is doing good. I only ate 600 calories today and I am suppost to eat 1220....well gonna take my meds and go to ned when my husband gets home!!!

    Hope everyone else, is ready to get this started, I am excited as long as I can get better. I had H1N1 about 2 weeks ago and have not been 100 percent since then...

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Tamara, Oh no! Take care of yourself, and I hope you're feeling better soon. Let us know how you are doing tomorrow.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    It is great to see all the positive attitudes! looking forward to next week although I hope this week is going well for you too! Get well Tamara! I thank you Susan for starting this thread!! Good night and have a deligent day tomorrow!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    I am really excited about joining. I have been doing extremely well these last couple of days. I really got motivated and said I can do and WILL lose this weight. It just amazes me how the calories add up so quickly. With posting them regular on MFP it really is keeping me within my daily amount. I am making it a point to drink my water as I should, I know this will help me. Thank you Susan for starting this challenge, it is going to be awesome. Have a great day!!!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    I agree with the posting "daily" or every other day. That way we are being accountable for everything. If we mess up, then I know we will have support to get us back on track. That has always been my problem, not being accountable so I need to be accountable for my actions. It really only takes a few minutes!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone, How are ya'll today? I am doing ok considering...still hurting, not in the same area where I wore my heat patch, but still hurting. Gonna go to the dr today and if she says nothing wrong I am gonna go get my massage finished. I will keep ya'll updated. Thanks for all the support. I back slide over thanksgiving, for like 5 days and I have been on my journey since aug 17 2008 and thats the most days that I have taken off, So I am pretty proud. Glad I am back on the eating right wagon since monday. I did good sat morning until I got off work and wanted to celebrate my sons 12th brithday, so I went and bought him a cake and daddy and I took him and his sister out to dinner, I had to celebrate it, they grow up so fast. Sunday was an awful day at work, I did good all day until I got off work again. I work at cracker barrel so I see all that food and when I get to being hungrey its over. Some time I can keep it under control but a lot of the time it gets the best of me. Over thanksgiving I had to bake like 500 pies for cracker barrel and was up all night baking them so my body was telling my I am hungrey lady, so I ate. But no excuses I am back on and proud to be on the healthy wagon.

    Welp, I will keep ya'll posted...Hope everyone has a great day and get ready for that weigh in on 12/8.
  • hhhdddggss
    Good morning, y'all! Just checking in. I discovered that the DVDs I ordered (Jillian Michael's SHRED) are already on Comcast cable here in the ATL for I actually got in a good workout last night. I'm sore as can be today, but it's all good. I have a big business lunch today, so please send some good karma I can stay strong! 'Tis the season here in sales, and this is the first of a few I have this month for clients.

    Tonight is kick-boxing, so at least I know if I err in any way I will repay it tonight! Have a good day!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning, y'all! Just checking in. I discovered that the DVDs I ordered (Jillian Michael's SHRED) are already on Comcast cable here in the ATL for I actually got in a good workout last night. I'm sore as can be today, but it's all good. I have a big business lunch today, so please send some good karma I can stay strong! 'Tis the season here in sales, and this is the first of a few I have this month for clients.

    Tonight is kick-boxing, so at least I know if I err in any way I will repay it tonight! Have a good day!


    Stay strong we can do this...I was riding with my husband yesterday while we were working( we own our own heating and air buisness) I sat in the truck while he ate chick fila for breakfast, and taco bell for lunch, then brought home chinese for dinner, I so wanted a bite of the chinese but know its loaded with sodium, I am waiting on a good weigh in tuesday...Proud of you..keep up the determination