Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    Hey everyone! I am a SAHM of a 5yr old and 2 1/2 yr old. I will also be a fulltime student starting Jan2010. I am really excited about all the changes starting in my life. I have been on my weight loss journey since 06' my top weight was 232 and I got down to 180...then got prego with my lil boy and got back up to 210 and then down to 162 about a yr after having him. I am currently at 175 and just cant seem to get ahold of the losing it! I have had my inlaws living with us for bout 6 months now and thats when the weight has came back on. (stress) and the fact they eat and bring in whatever to the house dosent help. Its like I have no self control. I am addicted to SWEETS and Carbs. I want to join this challenge because I think it will help me get through the christmas/newyears on top! Thanks for allowing anyone to join. I am new and may need help with finding my way around this site! (lol) Cant wait to see all the results! CW 176 GW 170
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    MORNING!!! I did 100 jumping jacks last night, and screwed up dinner. No worries though, my husband fixed it! I'm not a cook for sure!

    I am a horrible horrible waiter. I can't wait to get on the scale a whole week like is recommended. I have to check like everyother day. Anyone else have this problem?
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    jitteryspork...GREAT job on the jumpingjacks! I might do that today cause Im running short on time to exercise today! I LOVE to weigh and was doing so almost everyday! I would get so depressed if I didnt see the scale move so I have tried to contain myself for this challenge. I am so excited about weigh in on tues! Keep up the good work! :0)
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Cryslynn, Welcome! :flowerforyou: What a great group we have, and we're glad you're here! You get triple wings:heart: for having your in-laws living with you. How do you DO that? My MIL and me under the same roof? :noway: :noway: :noway:
    Best of luck in returning to school. What will you be studying?

    ebh - I, too, am so excited to be done with Thanksgiving and onto a new challenge, Like you, I've doubled down on my water efforts, and I'm posting my exercise and food. I agree that weighing in weekly is important, even if we had a gain or we stayed the same. Everybody has been there! Nobody will judge us, and it's like going to confession: it clears the past away, poof! And we're ready for a new week, and a new start.

    Tamara - Happy bday to your son - almost a teenager! Good luck at the doctor today. I'm glad to hear you're back on MFP track, that's hard after 5 days off. Even one day off is difficult for me the following day. Do you get a meal at work?

    Cheryl - I've heard great things about Shred. I'm going to see if it's on my cable, too. Your exercise routine motivates me, thanks! Best of luck on your business lunches. I used to feel sorry for myself ordering soup and salad (while others have the seafood combo platter), but I feel SO much better when it's all over.

    Jittery - I love the scale, too (now that it is my friend). I bought a digital one at Costco last month, and so now there's no fudging with the little weight bar on my old doctor's scale. I'm okay with any fluctuations, since I am really being honest with myself now. I know a higher number is only temporary. For kicks, I'll even weigh myself before bed. Some mornings I wake up a pound lighter, and sometimes I never lose a thing. Thankfully, I've never gained through the night! :laugh:

    As for me, I babysit my granddaughter on Thursdays, but she has a cold today, and she's too grouchy to take on our usual walk. I'll see if the Shred is available (thanks, Cheryl), or I'll try wii fit (have it, but never used it yet), while she is napping later.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I would really like to have Wii fit. We have a Wii at home but not that game. I think it would be great for me. I am going to look into an early xmas present.. :)
  • hhhdddggss
    Hey everyone, WHEW! That is over ... it was an association lunch so I didn't have the option of ordering off a menu .... but I did get lucky and they served a chicken cutlet. It had some mystery vegetables with it, covered in some sauce, and some cheesy squisy stuff. Needless to say, I just ate the chicken! It was plenty. For dessert, they offered cheesecake or fruit ... so I did the fruit (mixed berries) and it was delish. And two huge glasses of water. Thanks to The Shred, my abs are sore so I wasn't tempted to take the bite of cheesecake offered me.

    Now ... I'm feeling quite proud of myself ... but next week, I have THREE lunches ... at fine restaurants and trust me, it will be much harder to be Miss Perfect!

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Cheryl, congrats!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Tamara - Happy bday to your son - almost a teenager! Good luck at the doctor today. I'm glad to hear you're back on MFP track, that's hard after 5 days off. Even one day off is difficult for me the following day. Do you get a meal at work?

    Yes I get one meal 50% off, I usually never use it, but when I do I eat a blueberry muffin, but I do like to eat there..

    ok just got home from dr everything is good she said its where I am trying to get over H1N1 and been coughing my muscles around my chest are just sore for all the work they are yippee, good deal...I am gonna pass on the gym one more day, and go tomorrow

    Hope evryone is doing good, I am off to take a bath, I am freezing...and we are suppost to get 1 1/2 inch snow on sat
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    I am going to be a Dental Hygienist. Can not wait to start and finish this journey! It has not been easy having my inlaws here. Its 6 folks and 2 dogs in a 1200 sft home! I dont think it will be to much longer and they will be on their feet so that they can move on out. The hardest part is my self control....before they came the BAD food just didnt even make it in my grocery cart (now I have to face it) and it sometimes.....well almost always wins getting ate cause they bring in the BAD foods!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Tamara, that is great news. I hope you're healed soon.

    Cryslynn, it seems like dental hygienists can always get work, and can name their own hours. That sounds like a perfect fit for a family. Best of luck to you.

    Well, I found Jillian Michael's Shred on our cable channel, and I did it while my granddaughter was napping. I have NO upper body strength, so the weights & push ups really challenged me. It was a good workout, and I would definitely do it again. She really keeps things moving, with many transitions from standing to floor. Sometimes I think I'm a little A.D.D., so the quick, changing pace was perfect for me. Again, thanks for the suggestion, Cheryl!

  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Tamara I hope you feel better soon!!! I had brochitis once and even after it was gone I had a horrible cough that made me ache all over. I thought I was never going to stop. I know it stinks!

    So I looked into the Jillian Micheal's Shred on DVD (we dont have cable) and I am thinking that I might get it. I see they have an Ultimate 2010 for the Wii and I might get that also. Does anyone have this and can you tell me if you need a wii fit board? I don't have one of those, but I am sure I can get one!! :bigsmile:

    I was supposed to do 125 Jumping Jacks yesterday but I didnt get to. My left leg is having problems and its hard to do 1 legged jumping jacks. I am not "fit" enough for that yet... :tongue:

    SOO glad it is Friday. I hope I get tons of work done today and I can go into my weekend with the feeling of accomplishment!

    Almost time for our FAB FOURS Challenge to start! WOOT:heart:
  • hhhdddggss
    Yes, Susan, it is quite the workout ... but like you, I love the ever-changing aspects of it. If I get bored, I won't workout. I'm so glad you liked it ... I saw a few others on there that I will choose from for my Saturday afternoon workout. I need to be entertained for sure!

    Last night we had another "office workout" group session ... I started these a bit ago with one of my colleagues (she's 15 years younger, very fit, and loves to workout ... she motivates me). Now we have 2-3 classes a week after work held on a floor in our building that, due to the poor commercial Real Estate market, is empty. It's like having our own little gym. I bring a laptop and Power Yoga or Jillian DVD, she a PX90 DVD, and we alternate. Last night was kickboxing with Tony Horton, Monday will be a cardio class. We've recruited two others in our small office ... it is a blast! I have a bad commute home (not in distance, in traffic!), so this way, I get in some great workouts and beat (some) traffic. It also keeps me honest — I don't skimp on a workout at home simply because I'm too tired from a long day!

    Looking forward to the weekend, a long massage tomorrow, and time off to decorate for the holidays. And I'm four pounds thinner for the weekend, so I'm motivated to stay on track!

  • momieof2
    I want to join! This is just what I need. What do I need to do???
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I want to join! This is just what I need. What do I need to do???
    It hasnt been announced yet what exactly this will be involving.. but so far we have all pretty much agreed that we check in at least everyother day, to help with accountability. :) Welcome!
  • niky1215
    Daily check in: Not been doing so good. I have been slacking on tracking my calories and on working out. I just feel so blah. I know that if I would work I would feel better. I know this. I just can't seem to get motivated.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Momieof2, WELCOME! Our big kick off is this Tuesday. We hope to see you post often. Tell us a little about yourself. We're glad you're here.

    Niky, sorry to hear you're having a hard time. What's going on in your life? It's always stress that gets to me. Talk to us.

    Hey, Jittery, while I was doing JM's Shred, she said that punches were good at raising your cardio when you have a lower body injury. Just a thought. BTW, what does a one-legged jumping jack look like, exactly?????:happy:
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    I feel good about my last 2 days.... I am having a issue with these darn Hersheys peppermint kisses (I) put in the buggy! Y did I do tha? Atleast I havent ate them ALL at one I also did not realize how much sodium was in a Tender grill with no mayo from BK...that was alittle distrubing! other than that I am just proud of myself for logging all my food that goes in my mouth (good or bad food). Hope yall all have a GREAT weekend and keep the FAITH!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member

    Hey, Jittery, while I was doing JM's Shred, she said that punches were good at raising your cardio when you have a lower body injury. Just a thought. BTW, what does a one-legged jumping jack look like, exactly?????:happy:

    Oh let me tell you.. its more of a hopping, teetering, claping disaster.

    Daily check in: Not been doing so good. I have been slacking on tracking my calories and on working out. I just feel so blah. I know that if I would work I would feel better. I know this. I just can't seem to get motivated.

    What can we do? Maybe talking it out will help?
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I feel good about my last 2 days.... I am having a issue with these darn Hersheys peppermint kisses (I) put in the buggy! Y did I do tha? Atleast I havent ate them ALL at one I also did not realize how much sodium was in a Tender grill with no mayo from BK...that was alittle distrubing! other than that I am just proud of myself for logging all my food that goes in my mouth (good or bad food). Hope yall all have a GREAT weekend and keep the FAITH!

    Those are my favorite!!!!!!! My hubby has hidden them from me! Good luck avoiding them.. just save them all for me :)
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member

    Oh let me tell you.. its more of a hopping, teetering, claping disaster.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: