Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • momieof2
    I am a mother of two beautiful boys. I work full time and I am starting school in the Spring. I have been dieting my whole life and ready to be out of this body!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: It makes me so angry that I let myself get this way.:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: But no looking back just forward. :smile: Think Positive! My biggest challenge is going to be snacking on all the bad foods that call my name, expecially late at night. But I am ready to live a healthy life not only for me but my family. My goal for the next 4 weeks is to loose 10 pounds. Today I did really good!! I am going to watch Ice Age 3 and have 100 calorie popcorn. Hope everyone has a wonderful night!!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Pollart77, smw225, k1b2k3, britw02, rascheer, pmckenna, mommymac, rose_parker, ebh1024, nickid,
    How are things going?
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I am a mother of two beautiful boys. I work full time and I am starting school in the Spring. I have been dieting my whole life and ready to be out of this body!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: It makes me so angry that I let myself get this way.:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: But no looking back just forward. :smile: Think Positive! My biggest challenge is going to be snacking on all the bad foods that call my name, expecially late at night. But I am ready to live a healthy life not only for me but my family. My goal for the next 4 weeks is to loose 10 pounds. Today I did really good!! I am going to watch Ice Age 3 and have 100 calorie popcorn. Hope everyone has a wonderful night!!
    good job on your day! great choice for a movie treat. way to go.:flowerforyou: be very proud.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good MOrning everyone its 425 and I am getting ready for work fixin to go weigh my food. The last 2 days have not been perfect I only ate what I wanted for one meal but I dont like doing that yesterday, I went to the gym and burned 903 calories in 30 minutes...Hence I went to buffet for lunch, BUT in my defense I wasnt as bad as I could have been, I started off with a dressing and it was hige. The dessert bar is what always gets me. SO back at it today. I am also doing a 100 sit up per day with another group I am on, we should think about something like that for us. Well I hope everyone has a great day and I just have abetter no. Staying on the wagon today.
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    Familygirl37167....How do u burn that many calories in 30min at the gym. I can only do 450 in 30 min on the eleptical! I need to know what you are doing cause I would love to be able to do that. U go girl :0)

    oh.. Im so excited bout weigh in on TUESDAY :wink:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I sugggest if you do NOT have a HRM (heart rate monitor) to ask for one for a gift because most machines you use in the clubs or wherever are NOT correct! You may enter info but it does not seperate male from female etc,! I have read tons of post's on here and most suggest a polar f6. I am also curious how familygirl37167 can burn 903 cals in 30 minutes??? I wear a HRM when I work out and I have been in the gym and did 30 min on elip, 30 min on tread, 45 min of HEAVY full body lifting and only burn around 1100 calories! So YES I am very curious as to what I can do in 30 minutes to burn 903 calories! We are all different ages, sizes and fitness levels so I suggest get a HRM and KNOW exactly what your body is doing!! I am going to go do my Insanity Series workout and I will let you know my calorie burn! Have a great weekend and please try to get in a workout!!!
  • ars7r3
    Hi everyone!
    I would love to join this group also! I am 24 and 141 lbs. I just graduated college two years ago and I weighed 128. I had a lot more time then to eat healthy and exersize and i have let myself get away from a lot of good habits. I would love to have some accountability! I am hoping to lose at least 5 lbs my first month. I will check in on tuesday!

    Good Luck to everyone else!
  • hhhdddggss
    Hi everyone! I am having a challenging day, so I popped online to get some motivation to get in a workout yet today. I had a long massage this morning (much needed for my aching muscles), and thought that would kick-start me to go kick-butt ... but I heard the siren song of Starbucks and a grande low-fat latte later, I lost my impetus to workout. So I'm reading our posts and getting inspired again.

    As for burning a lot of calories in 30 minutes, I do know that the PX90 cardio and Jillian SHRED DVDs offer a great burn. Depending upon how many minutes, you can burn up to 500 calories in an hour. But I do want a HRM so thanks for the tips on which one might be a good choice!

    OK, I'm going to shut down and turn on Jillian and try to get going! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


    P.S. Our start date the 8th, is 25 weeks until Memorial Day! FYI!
  • running_girl_84
    Want to join! My husband is deploying next month for over a year and want to look smokin' when he gets back!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Welcome to the group ars7r3 and running_girl_84 ! We start being losers on Tuesday the 8th! Best wishes and try to post each day!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi everyone! I am having a challenging day, so I popped online to get some motivation to get in a workout yet today. I had a long massage this morning (much needed for my aching muscles), and thought that would kick-start me to go kick-butt ... but I heard the siren song of Starbucks and a grande low-fat latte later, I lost my impetus to workout. So I'm reading our posts and getting inspired again.

    As for burning a lot of calories in 30 minutes, I do know that the PX90 cardio and Jillian SHRED DVDs offer a great burn. Depending upon how many minutes, you can burn up to 500 calories in an hour. But I do want a HRM so thanks for the tips on which one might be a good choice!

    OK, I'm going to shut down and turn on Jillian and try to get going! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


    P.S. Our start date the 8th, is 25 weeks until Memorial Day! FYI!
    The most intense cardio for burning fat is the Insanity Series with Shaun T! I have done Tony Horton P90X cardio and plyo and it is nothing to the Insanity series, in the Insanity series I usually burn 500 to 600 per workout and that is sometimes not quite a full hour! It is extreme and not for beginners!!! It is a two month series and now I just use it a couple of days per week and go to the gym on the other days!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    ars7r3 and running_girl_84, WELCOME!

    Jump right in and tell us a little about yourselves, and how your day is going. See you on Tuesday, for our official weigh in (current weight and 4-week goal weight). Just post your info and I'll compile it into a chart.

    running_girl, I'm in PDX, and my sister is in Centralia.

    I'm so excited for this thread. There are 20 of us now!! We rock!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I just returned from snowshoeing with my husband. We hiked to a lake where we camp during the summer. Today, it was frozen over, with a layer of snow on top of it, and it was perfectly silent on a bright, sunny day. What a beautiful sight. The hike was a great workout (I'm sore). I'll post a photo.
  • running_girl_84
    I'm Michelle and 25 years old. I met my husband while teaching over in Korea. We both lost a lot of weight but I'm still holding onto about 15 extra pounds. He is deploying next month. Sad face. We live in WA on fort Lewis. I live to run - I can't get enough of it! No kids yet. I want to get down to about 145 before we start trying (I'm 5'8)

    Today I ran 5 miles in about 42min and did a cooldown walk of 10min. My training program for a May marathon begins on Dec 28th. Been craving bad food lately but have stayed within my calorie range pretty well.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Michelle, I admire your love of running. Do you have a running partner? Where is your marathon in the spring?

    My youngest daughter's boyfriend finished third for his age group in the 2009 Portland Marathon! He has qualified for the 2010 Boston Marathon twice this year, and I sure wish he'd go. I'm proud of him.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    :flowerforyou: Fab Fours:

    What do you think about us taking turns posting a daily challenge?
    It could be diet, exercise, behavior related, etc. that we would all try to accomplish on the one day that it was posted.

    Some ideas for daily challenges (we wouldn't do ALL of these on the same day) :tongue: :
    drink 8 glasses of water, or
    do 50 situps, or
    avoid desserts, or
    take a relaxing bath, or
    stretch for 15 minutes,
    you get the idea

    What do you think?
  • hhhdddggss
    LOVELOVELOVE this idea. I mean, some days will be easy for some, more challenging for others, good for all of us. Love it!

  • mrsrobinson
    Can I join? The only problem I have is that I don't usually come on here until around 5pm CST. If it were my turn I'd have to post the day before. ???
  • running_girl_84
    Michelle, I admire your love of running. Do you have a running partner? Where is your marathon in the spring?

    My youngest daughter's boyfriend finished third for his age group in the 2009 Portland Marathon! He has qualified for the 2010 Boston Marathon twice this year, and I sure wish he'd go. I'm proud of him.

    What an accomplishment for him! That's incredible! I only wish I was that talented. I've done 2 half marathons and one 10km this fall. I mainly run just for fun. I'm not fast by any means. My second half marathon was done in 1:57:12. The marathon I want to run is the Tacoma City Marathon on may 2nd. my goal is 4 hours and 30minutes. I might change it to 4hours and 15min since there are a bunch of pacers doing that race that I can follow. Sadly, I don't have a running partner and do all my runs solo.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Bluenote :flowerforyou: You sure CAN join! Welcome to you.:flowerforyou: Congratulations on the 26 pounds so far! Tell us more.

    I'm on the west coast, so, like you, I would have to post my challenge in the evening. I think that's a great suggestion. Thanks!