Maple Syrup Diet?



  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    DONT DO IT!!!!!!! IT Is EVIL!!!!!!
  • >_> Am I the only one who saw the side effect of a furry tongue? XD No one would notice the weight loss if it looks like you're harboring a caterpillar in your mouth.

    Listen to everyone on this- eat health, forget this cleanse. Not good news at all- besides, how do you shave your tongue??? :huh:
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    I am going on holiday a week on sunday. Have been going nice and steady with a diet but now it's crunch time and im looking for a quick fix. No lectures please! Basically i want to try the maple syrup diet but instead of eating nothing with it, im going to eat 2 bowls of cereil with it. Has anyone tried this diet, and did it work for you? I have 11 days until my hols xxxxx

    A hand full of curiosity questions just because inquiring minds wanna know...

    Will doing this cleanse seriously enhance your holiday experience? How so?

    Ok, now as a gal who's gone through Dr. prescribed cleanse treatments before ... have you considered that because you've never tried it before you may ...

    * Spend part or all of your holiday stuck in the rest room because the 'cleanse' worked too well and isn't done 'cleansing' yet..

    * Feel awful as the toxins are been removed from your system. (Can be comparable to feeling like you have the flu)

    * Have little to no energy, light headedness or fatigue due to lack of food with substantial nutrients.

    Or if you manage to squeak by with out the above happening too drastically..

    * Immediately fall into binge eating once the cleanse is over because of the lack of real food for 11+ days..
  • Just keep in mind that with starving your body, you may drop weight, but it's doubtful the bulk of it is fat. When you're body goes into starvation, it breaks down your muscles first for nutrients because you aren't supplying enough of it....or any in the case of this diet. That means that you can damage your vital organs, like your heart because it's a muscle, and you will end up flabbier anyway since it's not all fat that you lost. And when you try to rebound and get back to a healthier you, it will be harder because your metabolism will be in a slump from being in starvation mode and losing muscle, and you'll have to build back up the muscle you lost which is what gives you the shape and tone that you are looking for. Good luck deciding! :smile:

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EXACTLY what this person said!! You won't lose any fat you will lose muscle and probably make yourself SICK! What kind of a holiday is that? TERRIBLE!!
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    WHY.........IS................THIS.......THREAD STILL ACTIVE....

    I know, I keep waiting for it to get shut down.

    The mods have been slow lately, there are quite a few active threads that I was sure would be shut down already.
    Not that many Mod's on the Forum's (Unlike Groups, which are Moderated by the specific group creator) ..

    MFP relies on us to Report posts to have them removed usually. Even original Topic posters have to Report their topic and request deletion to get it off here. :smile:
  • This is a joke right? Please tell me in this day and age that people aren't this ignorant to nutrition. On the same note I've heard cigarettes are the bees knees when it comes to calming the nerves and curbing the appetite. Now I must 52 skidoo out here by gum.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you're an idiot
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Have fun losing muscle.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    It's called the Master Cleanse. It has been going around forever.

    All you will lose is water and muscle. That is weight loss not fat loss. Pick which one you want I guess.
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    AlotOfSweatAndPain Posts: 234 Member
    ... might as well just go on the gum chewing diet.

  • jerendeb
    jerendeb Posts: 55 Member
    Any diet would have to provide me with enough energy to workout. I couldn't work out on that diet. Many years ago I was a 10 mile a day runner and for a medical research thing I went on an Atkins no carb diet. In two days I couldn't finish a 3 mile run. Enough said.
  • I bet you'll lose TONS of weight. But what you want to lose is fat. All you'll really lose is water and muscle.
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