Daily Exercise Journal - September



  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sep 1 - 45 minute run followed by 10 minutes of calisthenics @ Hine Lake and area.
    Sep 2 - 45 minute dog walk, 25 minutes tennis w/ husband
    Sep 3 - 2 hours cutting remainder of the limbs on "the juniper project." 20 minutes of frisbee w/ my husband.
    Sep 4 - 60 minute walk, 55 minutes aerobics (run, strength, repeat)
    Sep 5 - 45 minute bike ride
    Sep 6 - 60 minutes aerobics (Run, strungth, run, strength, over and over during daughters soccer practice.)
    Sep 7 - 60 minutes hiking - Bear Creek trail to Panarama Point.
    Sep 8 - 45 min gardening, 25 minute walk.
    Sep 9 - 55 min dog walk
    Sep 10 - 45 minute swim laps, 30 minute evening walk
    Sep 11 - 60 minutes aerobics - fitness course - running between stops.
    Sep 12 - rest day
    Sep 13 - 65 minutes fitness course - running between stations including bench pushups, dips, donkey kicks, ab crunches, once across the monkey bars, hanging crunches, dog leg lifts, side bends. This is what I do during daughters soccer practice. :smile:
    Sep 14 - 70 minute hike with Mr Clover & dog.
    Sep 15 - 20 minute walk, 10 minutes frisbee with Mr Clover.
    Sep 16 - 45 minute run w/ dog, some weeding in the back yard.
    Sep 17 - 25 minutes tennis, 20 minute walk
    Sep 18 - 65 minutes fitness course as on the 13th. This time I made it across the monkey bars once, stopped, turned around and about 4 bars back. I still have about 6 weeks of soccer season, to work on across & back without stopping.
    Sep 19 - 40 minute walk w/ friend
    Sep 20 - 60 minutes fitness course w/ calisthenics & monkey bars.
    Sep 21 - Rest - birthday in the house. I seem to be missing a day. Oh I see it. The 17th^ is listed twice. I correct in here.
    Sep 22 - 45 minute dog walk & 15 minutes frisbee
    Sep 23 - Rest day
    Sep 24 - 35 minutes tennis
    Sep 25 - 45 minute run
    Sep 26 - 50 minutes basketball - not a game, just dribbling around and shooting. It was beautiful out this morning. :smile:
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    1 - 18 min on elliptical, 30 Day Shred (20 min)
    2 - 30 Day Shred (20 min) 10 min on elliptical
    3 - 16 min on elliptical, 1.5 hours of intense car cleaning/washing (I was dripping with sweat!!)
    4 - C25K W2 D1 (30 min)
    5 - 8 min on elliptical
    6 - 20 min elliptical, weights for 15 min, 1:10 plank, 100 russian twists (8 lb) 40 sits ups (8 lb)
    7 - no exercise
    8 - no exercise (Giants game)
    9 - 20 min elliptical, 30 min Skimble workout (phone app), 15 min weights (8-10 lbs)
    10 - no exercise
    11 - no exercise
    12 - 10 min elliptical
    13 - no exercise
    14 - no exercise
    15 - no exercise
    16 - no exercise
    17 - no exercise
    18 - no exercise
    19 - no exercise
    20 - 10 min elliptical, 30 day shred
    21 - Skimble workout 15 min, 20 min on elliptical
    22 - 30 day shred, 100 russian twists (8 lbs)
    23 - no exercise
    24 - 37 min walk, 10 min elliptical, 10 min boxing, 3 min jump rope
    25 - 37 min walk, floor exercises
    26 - 28 min walk, 8 min punching bag, 3 min jump rope, 5 min weights, 3 min floor exercises
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    9/1 - walked 60 min. at 3.5 mph
    9/2 - 5 hours giving my kitchen a thorough cleaning - not really my usual exercise, but certainly active
    9/3 - holiday and rest day (back on track tomorrow)
    9/4 - biked 75 min. (15.2 mi.)
    9/5 - walked 55 min. at 3.5 mph + restorative yoga class 60 min.
    9/6 - biked 75 min. (15.2 mi.) + 60 min. yoga class
    9/7 - walked 55 min. at 3.5 mph
    9/8 - walked 45 min. at 3.5 mph
    9/9 - biked 2 hours (22 mi.)
    9/10 - walked 41 min. on treadmill at 3.8 mph
    9/11 - rest day due to severe tendonitis in my thumb and wrist (won't be riding my new bike for a while )
    9/12 - another rest day...
    9/13 - 55 min. walk at 3.5 mph
    9/14 - 55 min. walk at 3.5 mph
    9/15 - rest day (too much pain)
    9/16 - 5 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/17 - another rest day... no energy
    9/18 - 60 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/19 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/20 - rest day (Other hand swollen and painful - not tendonitis after all)
    9/21 - rest day (too much pain)
    9/22 - rest day (pain and bad side effects from oral steroids)
    9/23 - 60 min. walk (pain is finally a bit better, now have splints on both hands which seems to help)
    9/24 - 40 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/25 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/26 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    How is it I am on these boards several times a day *every day* and I see the monthly challenge threads at the END of said month? LOL I would love to see another thread like this for October. I hope you continue this thread and keep it going! I will be a regular poster, if that's the case. I am doing DVD video workouts + daily/monthly walking challenges every month and this would be something else to keep me on the ball !!
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    9/1 60 minutes of "Cleaning, heavy, vigorous effort"
    9/2 60 minutes of Walk Away the pounds
    9/3 53 minutes of "Aerobics, low impact"
    9/4 Rest day
    9/5 43 minutes of Walking
    9/6 50 minutes with Walk Away the Pounds
    9/7 28 minutes of walking
    9/8 walked 2 miles
    9/9 4 mile walk
    9/10 40 minutes of "Marching, rapidly, military"
    9/11 Push ups, sit ups, lifting 15 pound weights for toning arms
    9/12 49 minutes of "Aerobics, low impact"
    9/13 40 minutes of "Aerobics, general"
    9/14 45 minutes of aerobics
    9/15 52 mins of aerobics
    9/16 rest day
    9/17 42 minutes of "Running (jogging), in place"
    9/18 50 mins jogging in place
    9/19 20 mins of walking
    9/20 30 mins of aerobics
    9/21 16 mins jogging
    9/22 40 mins aerobics
    9/23 rest day
    9/24 35 mins of walking
    9/25 10 mins lifting 15 pound weights, leg lifts with the same weights
    9/26 45 Mins of walking
    9/27 45 mins of walking
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    9/1 - Mowing lawn 40 min, biking
    9/2 - House cleaning 40 min, biking and walk
    9/3 - Yoga 15 min, biking walk
    9/4 - 300 jumping Jacks, Walking in the rain
    9/5 - 50 push ups, running, walk
    9/6 - Biking 55 min
    9/7 - Walking
    9/8 - Hiking 70 min, biking
    9/9 - Walking
    9/10 - Biking 60 min
    9/11 - Walking
    9/12 - Walking 30 min, biking
    9/13 - Treadmill 30 min, biking, walking
    9/14 - Biking 40 min
    9/15 - Walking, biking
    9/16 - Walking, biking
    9/17 - Treadmill, biking
    9/18 - walking
    9/19 - Biking, walking
    9/20 - Rest Day
    9/21 - Biking
    9/22 - Biking
    9/23 - Biking
    9/24 - Walking
    9/25 - Biking, walking
    9/26 - Biking, walking

    I have done great at getting exercise in but terrible at getting some variety.
  • DreamerZenko
    DreamerZenko Posts: 59 Member
    WEEK 1
    9/6: DDR (Wii) classic and choreograph mode (additional dancing) - 60 minutes (first day)
    9/7 - Rest day
    9/8 - Rest day (sore neck!)
    9/9 - Rest day (sore neck!)

    WEEK 2
    9/10 - Rest day (sore neck!)
    9/11 - DDR (Wii) classic and choreograph mode (additional dancing) - 60 minutes | About 305 calories burnt
    9/12 - DDR (Wii) classic and choreograph mode (additional dancing) - 60 minutes | About 320 calories burnt
    9/13 - Rest Day
    9/14 - 15 minutes slow pace walking And 10 minutes dancing
    9/15 - 50 hatha yoga, 30 cooking in kitchen, 1 hour and 15 minutes of playing frisbee,
    9/16 - 15 minutes light walking, otherwise a rest day

    WEEK 3
    9/17 - Rest day
    9/18 - 45 minutes of Jillian Micahel's Yoga Meltdown (course 1), sit ups, and arm extensions
    9/19 - Leisurely walked for 90 minutes
    9/20 - Rest day
    9/21 - DDR (Wii) classic and choreograph mode (additional dancing) - 62 minutes
    9/22 - DDR (Wii) Wii balance board mode - 60 minutes | 220 calories burnt, Walking mod pace - 60 minutes
    9/23 - Frisbee - 20 minutes, Cooking/Food prep - 30 minutes

    WEEK 4
    9/24- DDR (Wii) classic and choreograph mode (additional dancing) - 60 minutes
    9/25- Rest day
    9/26- DDR (Wii) classic and choreograph mode (additional dancing) - 60 minutes, stretching for 10 minutes, jumping jacks - 20, 20 crunches
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    So...just wanted to check in. I got sick last wee and still am feeling yuk! I also fell on Friday and really hurt both of my knees,so I am trying to rest. I am climbing the walls! Hopefully I can start doing activity again in the next couple of days!
    Hi All:

    I just saw this thread and would love to join. So here goes:

    9/7: walked 30 minutes 3.5mph
    9/8: grocery shopping for over an hour at Walmart
    9/9: cleaning light to moderate for 90 plus minutes

    9/10: Rest Day Today

    Just wanted to catch up:

    9/22: Grocery shopping for over 2 hours
    9/23: Rest
    9/24: Elliptical 30 mins/weights, squats
    9/25: Elliptical 30 mins/weights, squats
    9/26: Weight training for 30 minutes
    9/27: House Cleaning for several hours
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    9/1 - bar method 50 min Driving range 60 min Shopping 205 min
    9/2 - shopping 270 min
    9/3 - cleaning 70 min Butt bible 20 min Bar method 50 min
    9/4 & 9/5 - butt bible 20 min Bar method 50 min
    9/6 - Pilates
    9/7 - rest
    9/8 - Pilates. Shopping 110 min
    9/9 - Pilates 40 min Bob's workout 25 min Shopping 80 min
    9/10 - walked 4 mph 27 min Butt bible 20 min Pilates 40 min
    9/11 walked 3.5 mph 20 min Butt bible 20 min Physique 57 30 min
    9/12 - walk 3.5 mph 20 min
    9/13 - walk 4mph 28 min
    Pilates 50 min. 9/14 - butt bible 30 min
    Physique 57 30 min
    9/15 - bar method 50 min Pilates - 50 min Shopping - 55 min
    9/16 cleaning 85 min Shopping 90 min Gardening 60 min
    9/17 - walking 4.5 mph 24 min Butt bible 30 min
    9/18 - turbo barre
    9/19 - rest
    9/20 - Pilates 50 min
    9/21 - rest
    9/22 - pilates 50 min Wii sports 30 min
    9/23 - Pilates 50 min Shopping 110 min

    9/24 - butt bible 30 min
    Walk 4mph 27 min
    9/25 - rest
    9/26 - rest
    9/27 - Pilates 50 min
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    September 1---2 hours dog walking---2 hours moving rocks and digging in the yard
    September 2---2 hours dog walking---cleanse day which is the closest I ever get to a rest day
    September 3--2 hours dog walking--1 hour walking without dogs--1 hour working in the yard
    September 4---3 1/2 hours dog walking---2 hours digging and carrying rocks in the yard
    September 5---3 hours dog walking, 2 hours line dancing, 1 hour yardwork, 1 hour walking with a friend
    September 6---3 hours dog walking--2 hours line dancing---2 hours working in the yard
    September 7---3 hours dog walking---3 hours line dancing
    September 8----3 hours dog walking
    September 9---3 hours dog walking---90 minutes digging in the yard
    September 10---3 hours dog walking---1 hour digging in the yard---1 hour line dancing
    September 11--3 hours dog walking----1 hour walking with hubby
    September 12---2 hours dog walking---5 hours line dance
    September 13---3 hours dog walking
    2 1/2 hours line dancing
    September 14---2 hours dog walking---4 hours line dancing
    September 15----2 hours dog walking---1 hour yard work
    September 16--2 hours dog walking--1 hour yard work
    September 17--2 hours dog walking
    September 18---2 hours dog walking--there are no rest days for people who walk dogs
    September 19---2 1/2 hours dog walking----2 1/2 hours line dancing
    September 20---2 1/2 hours dog walking---4 hours line dancing
    September 21---3 hours dog walking----3 1/2 hours line dancing
    September 22---2 1/2 hours dog walking---2 hours walking with a friend---1 hour walking with hubby
    September 23---2 1/2 hours dog walking---2 hours yard work
    30 minutes walking with hubby
    September 24----3 hours dog walking---2 hours line dancing
    September 25---3 hours dog walking
    September 26---3 hours dog walking---1 hour line dance performance---30 minutes yard work
    September 27---3 hours dog walking---2 hours line dance class

    every day----100 warrior III poses and a timed plank
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    9/1 - walked 60 min. at 3.5 mph
    9/2 - 5 hours giving my kitchen a thorough cleaning - not really my usual exercise, but certainly active
    9/3 - holiday and rest day (back on track tomorrow)
    9/4 - biked 75 min. (15.2 mi.)
    9/5 - walked 55 min. at 3.5 mph + restorative yoga class 60 min.
    9/6 - biked 75 min. (15.2 mi.) + 60 min. yoga class
    9/7 - walked 55 min. at 3.5 mph
    9/8 - walked 45 min. at 3.5 mph
    9/9 - biked 2 hours (22 mi.)
    9/10 - walked 41 min. on treadmill at 3.8 mph
    9/11 - rest day due to severe tendonitis in my thumb and wrist (won't be riding my new bike for a while )
    9/12 - another rest day...
    9/13 - 55 min. walk at 3.5 mph
    9/14 - 55 min. walk at 3.5 mph
    9/15 - rest day (too much pain)
    9/16 - 5 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/17 - another rest day... no energy
    9/18 - 60 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/19 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/20 - rest day (Other hand swollen and painful - not tendonitis after all)
    9/21 - rest day (too much pain)
    9/22 - rest day (pain and bad side effects from oral steroids)
    9/23 - 60 min. walk (pain is finally a bit better, now have splints on both hands which seems to help)
    9/24 - 40 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/25 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/26 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    9/27 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph (pretty repetitive, but walking is about the only thing I can do right now)
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    9/1 Shopping in the morning, rest in the afternoon.
    9/2 35 min weights, 20 min elliptical, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 139 or 86%
    9/3 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 138 or 85%
    9/4 65 min treadmill :heart: 117 or 72%
    9/5 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 25 min treadmill :heart: 114 or 70%
    9/6 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 23 min treadmill :heart: 115 or 71% 30 min weights
    9/7 24 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 24 min treadmill, 22 min recumbent talking :heart: 112 or 69%
    9/8 Grocery shopping in the morning, 90 min walk in the mall with my sweetie :happy:
    9/9 23 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 24 min treadmill :heart: 118 or 73% 30 min weights
    9/10 24 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 24 min treadmill :heart: 117 or 72%
    9/11 24 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 24 min treadmill :heart: 114 or 70% 30 min weights
    9/12 24 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 24 min treadmill :heart: 116 or 72%
    9/13 24 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 24 min treadmill :heart: 117 or 72% 30 min weights
    9/14 25 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 114 or 70%
    9/15 Grocery shopping & Rest of the day OFF :smile:
    9/16 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 111 or 69% 30 min weights
    9/17 22 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 22 min treadmill :heart: 116 or 72%
    9/18 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 117 or 72% 35 min weights
    9/19 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 116 or 72%
    9/20 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 113 or 70% 30 min weights
    9/21 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 112 or 69%
    9/22 32 min prebreakfast walk :heart: 100 or 62% Grocery shopping Rest of the day off.
    9/23 32 min prebreakfast coffee walk :heart: 104 or 64 % 5 min treadmill fitness test for Vo2 max :embarassed:
    30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 116 or 72% 35 min weights
    9/24 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 114 or 70%
    9/25 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 116 or 72% 35 min weights
    9/26 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 113 or 70%
    9/27 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 110 or 68% 35 min weights
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member
    Im in. never to late to start.:tongue:
  • carol162m
    carol162m Posts: 169 Member
    Calories Burned(Treadmill,Weights, Stationary Bike) (Walk with dogs)

    DAY Treadmill,Weights
    Bike Walking Total
    9/1/2012 Sat 342 250 592
    9/2/2012 Sun 262 262
    9/3/2012 Mon 446 217 663
    9/4/2012 Tues 472 273 745
    9/5/2012 Wedn 296 296
    9/6/2012 Thurs 426 0 426
    9/7/2012 Fri 340 340
    9/8/2012 Sat 470 283 753
    9/9/2012 Sun 344 344
    9/10/2012 Mon 491 383 874
    9/11/2012 Tue 393 393
    9/12/2012 Wed 0
    9/13/2012 Thu 398 332 730
    9/14/2012 Fri 313 313
    9/15/2012 Sat 436 379 815
    9/16/2012 Sun 309 309
    9/17/2012 Mon 146 146
    9/18/2012 Tue 401 401
    9/19/2012 Wed 432 432
    9/20/2012 Thu 467 436 903
    9/21/2012 Fri 290 290
    9/22/12 Sat Treadmill 30 minutes, Stationary Bike 12 Mins, Circuit 20 Mins, Walking with 3 dogs 48 mins, Walking by myself 10 mins
    9/23/12 Sun Walking with 3 dogs 54 mins
    9/24/12 Mon Treadmill 30 mins, Stationary Bike 12 mins, Circuit 24 mins, walking 3 dogs 54 mins
    9/25/12 Tues Rested Body
    9/26/12 Wedn Treadmill 30 mins, Stationary Bike 12 Mins, Circuit 24 mins, walking 3 dogs 42 mins
    9/27/12 Thurs Treadmill 30 mins, Stationary Bike 12 mins, Circuit 18 Mins, walking 3 dogs 30 mins
  • Wrkgirl11
    Definitely in for this weigh-in and journal entries, I need to get me a scale so I can weigh myself does anyone know where a good place to buy one would. I'm ready awesome! Let's Rock!
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    How I felt after my leg workout walking home(Gym is a 10 minute walk.)

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    todays work out = legs ...

    barbell squats - 145# 8,8,8
    deadlifts 145# 6,5,5,4
    barbell split squats 95# 5,6,6,6
    dumbbell romanian deadlift 70# 4 65# 4,4
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    How I felt after my leg workout walking home(Gym is a 10 minute walk.)


    LOL ha, i hear ya..!
  • Bowl4life87
    September 8th 2012- 1 hour and 45 mins of doubles tennis
    September 9th 2012- 1 hour and 45 mins of doubles tennis and walking around the mall for 30 mins.
    September 10th 2012- gym did 40 crunches and went on the tredmill for 30 mins
    September 11th 2012- Basic Walk and Exercise at Work for 30 mins
    September 12th 2012- Walk around the track. 5 Laps in 30 mins
    September 13th 2012-Basic walking and exercise at work and playing doubles tennis for 80 minutes
    September 14th 2012- Basic walk at work for 30 mins
    September 15th 2012- 15 minute grocery shopping (walk). Doubles tennis for 85 mins
    September 16th 2012- 30 minute walk at work and when we went to the vineyards. Basic arm and leg exercises at work also.
    September 17th-2012-REST DAY and HOLIDAY
    September 18th 2012- 30 minute walk at work and basic arm and leg exercises
    September 19th 2012- Singles tennis for 35 minutes
    September 20th 2012-80 minutes of womens doubles tennis
    September 21st 2012- 60 minutes of mixed doubles tennis
    September 22nd 2012- 85 minutes of womens doubles tennis,GYM> 36 minutes on the tredmill, arm curls, 20 crunches, and 50 leg extensions.
    September 23rd 2012- 60 minutes of womens doubles tennis
    September 24th 2012- 60 minute tennis lesson so played around 40 minutes. Abductions at work 5 reps at 10 each.
    September 25th 2012- Basic Arm and Leg exercises, 40 minute walk.
    September 26th 2012- REST DAY AND HOLIDAY
    September 27th 2012- 75 minutes of womens doubles tennis, 30 mins walk at work/basic arm and leg exercises at work
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,051 Member
    Finally back in town!

    Sept 1 - 1 hr. Aerobics DVD
    Sept 2 - 15 min. walk, 40 push ups (7 reg., 13 bent knee, 20 wall) & 110 jumping jacks
    Sept 3 - 15 min. walk, 50 push ups (20 reg., 10 bent knee, 20 wall), 102 jumping jacks, & 110 crunches.
    Sept. 4 - 1 hr. aerobics class
    Sept 5 - Rest day
    Sept. 6 - 1 hr. Aerobics class
    Sept. 7 - rest day
    Sept. 8 - rest day
    Sept 9 - 1 hr. Zumba class
    Sept 10 - rest day
    Sept 11 - 21 min. walk & 1 hr. Aerobics class
    Sept 12 - Rest day
    Sept 13 - 1 hr. Aerobics class
    Sept 14 - rest day
    Sept 15 - rest day
    Sept 16 - 45 min. TurboJam!
    Sept 17 - rest day
    Sept 18 - 1 hr. Aerobics class
    Sept 19 - None
    Sept 20 - None
    Sept 21 - walked 30 minutes
    Sept 22 - walked 2 hours
    Sept 23 - walked 2 hours
    Sept 24 - 60 jumping jacks
    Sept 25 - none
    Sept 26 - Religious Holiday
    Sept 27 - 1 hour aerobics class