Ladies and Men Opinions on Makeup



  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I don't wear any... I have a few times, but it always feels weird on my face and I'm *so very aware* that it's there. Plus I break out like a mofo every single time I wash it off.

    It's not worth the hassle for me.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    This subject came up with a bunch of friends one day. And, all the guys unanimously said that they prefer little to no makeup. But, we figured out what they really want is a girl that looks like she is wearing makeup without actually wearing makeup. Cause, they like the thick eyelashes and rosy cheeks and lips. :) They also unanimously said they HATE the over made up look with the penciled in brows and red lips. Whatever makes you feel comfortable and confident is what matters.
  • Uchomaji7690
    There are few things more UNATTRACTIVE to a guy than a girl that wears a ton of makeup. My girlfriend wears foundation and occasionally a little mascara or lip balm. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I am 55 and have never worn makeup. I don't actually even know the proper way to apply it. I have never seen myself as unattractive because of it, nor has anyone else that I know of. If I think my skin might be a little blotchy, I would consider a light powder, but I'll probably never be a regular makeup wearer.
  • leslielrd12
    leslielrd12 Posts: 115 Member
    I wear makeup daily but that is my personal choice. If I am going swimming or working in the yard on a Saturday I don't bother with it at all. I enjoy going bare but I personally don't feel put together if I don't have makeup on for the day.

    This. I had acne in high school (not due to wearing makeup) and made me uncomfortable to go out of the house without it. I usually have to have foundation or powder and mascara, but most days I wear bronzer, eyeshadow, and liner too. It only takes me 5 minutes in the morning, so it isn't a big hassle for me. To all those women who have great skin and don't need it. . . You suck lol
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    I don't like to pile on makeup, I like to look like myself. I only wear mascara, but I make sure my lashes are super long and pretty. :wink: I spend a lot of time on them... ask my friends... they get so irritated. But that's really all I wear. I don't want all that unnecessary stuff on my face. When leaving the house, that's all I do. If I'm going to something formal or nice, then I'll do more like some pretty eye shadow and blush, but I prefer a pretty natural look. I really admire girls that are really good at doing makeup though. It's really an art form in a way.
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    I wear makeup, but it's fairly minimal... I really don't look that different if I don't wear it (maybe a little more tired, lol).

    I've pretty much always been that way (save for a couple of years when I was younger and PILED it on to go out...)

    Didn't ever want to look like a totally different person or like I was wearing a mask - yes, I do know people that I don't recognize without makeup.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I can do either.
    Somedays I will do full face make up, and it looks really nice.
    But there are days where I just throw my hair up and no make up.

    I like what I look like more with make up, because my skin isn't very good.
    Though I have a dermatologist appointment so maybe I won't need make up too often.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    I like to wear makeup because I think it's fun. Not because I think I need it to be attractive or anything like that. One of my biggest pet peeves is girls who don't wear makeup who think that they are better than girls who wear makeup. Another pet peeve is people who think that girls wear makeup to attract men. Ugh, no. I don't care what men think of my face. I care what I think of my face. And if I think I look great with bright red lips, then I'm gonna have bright red lips. (By the way, I DO look great with bright red lips.)

    Also, I tend to dress nicely. I wear dresses 99% of the time and have my hair done, and wearing makeup just makes me feel polished and finished. I dress this way and make myself up that way because I like it.

    And just to clarify -- not all makeup is bad for your skin. I wear makeup most days that I leave the house, and my skin is pretty great. Of course, I remove all of my makeup and wash my face and moisturize each night, which plays a big part in it. Knowing how to properly apply makeup and remembering to take it off and keep your skin clean can make a made-up face look perfectly fine and natural but accentuated. That's what day-to-day makeup should be for. To accentuate, not to change. And I think a lot of people (mostly those who claim to dislike makeup) forget that.
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I'm not a big fan of make up, especially during the summer since I feel like it's getting melted off anyways. My every day routine must haves are my eyes and lip balm. Primer, eye shadow, eye liner. If I don't put anything on my eyes, I look horrible. I always have to have my hair done somehow. Just curling the bottom or something.

    If I do go out with the full makeup, I prefer using bare essentials since it still gives you that overall natural look.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I wear makeup maybe 10% of the time. I never have been a big wearer. I never wear makeup to work: that ten percent is when I'm not working.
  • michelleindeed
    michelleindeed Posts: 117 Member
    All I wear EVERY time I leave the house is mascara and chapstick. I cannot leave the house without wearing mascara. My eyelashes are blonde and I feel like they're invisible.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I wear make-up most days, but natural looking make-up. I'd love to wear more dramatic make-up but I just feel uncomfortable in it - I feel like I look like a child who has gone into their mums make-up bag or a drag queen.

    But anyway I will go to the supermarket etc win no make-up on at the weekend or keep bare faced when I'm just at home but I always have it on for work or if I'm out with friends.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    I hardly wear make up, which is weird because I used to work in the beauty section of a department store. My manager used to tell me off for not wearing any make up, but I'd received lots of compliments from customers about my skin

    Nowadays (if I can be bothered), I wear eyeliner. But sometimes that seems like effort to me. The coolest thing though is being able to put on liquid eyeliner whilst on a moving bus or train :p

    I tried not wearing lip balm for a few days and my lips felt sooo much better after that. So glad I'm not too dependent on it lol
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    I always wear make-up. I love it.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I wear light/natural make up to work and when we go out. I rarely wear it on my days off if nothing is going on but errands/taking care of kids etc.
  • shop2long
    I go out all the time without makeup...when I do wear makeup, it's very minimal, concealer, blush, shadow, mascara, maybe lip gloss. Less is more is my opinion.

    ^^^ Me too! I rarely wear makeup on the weekends. Mostly it is for work.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I don't wear makeup to school or grocery shopping. I do wear it to interviews and on dates. It's not something I need, but it's nice to have a little extra sometimes!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Hey, as long as a person of either gender knows how to apply it, more power to them for rocking the makeup!
  • Heir0fFir3
    Heir0fFir3 Posts: 50 Member
    I never wear it. I think if someone is covered in it they look terrifying. I was brought up to believe natural beauty and self confidence are more important