Can husband motivate wife to lose lbs w/o being a jerk?



  • MimosaRosa
    MimosaRosa Posts: 5 Member
    The husband can not motivate his wife to lose weight unless the wife asks him to support her in some kind of weight loss/exercise program. The minute you open your mouth and volunteer your observations, expect a honest concern or comment about your dirty laundry, balding head, not so white teeth or the fact that you really can not sing/dance/tell a good joke or worse that you are not so great in bed -- along with some resentment, hostility or worse. You will open a door to a very delicate place and once it is open, although it's not the best communication technique, you are now vulnerable to your wife asking or suggesting ways to motivate you to improve yourself. No matter what your good intentions you are walking on some unchartered mined territory. Good luck with that. And all those suggestions for your wife to join you at the gym, a run or a walk are sooo transparent. Here comes more resentment and thoughts that you must think she is some kind of clueless piece of chalk. She might not want to go to the gym, walk or a run WITH YOU if she was a supermodel. She might not want to share that part of her personal time with you. What I would suggest is that you tell your wife that YOU are concerned that although YOU go to the gym, you have not met certain health goals and would like to limit treats, carbonated beverages, etc. in the house and to severely limit fast food, eating out and concentrating on more healthy meals at home. YOU do all of those things: shopping, prep, etc. Oh, and stop looking at other women's assets.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
  • calebland
    calebland Posts: 1
    Yes you can.

    1) Talk about how fat you feel, you think your fat is disgusting, you hate how you feel and how you look....rinse and repeat, she may start feeling fat herself through's like a knitting circle feeding off each others negativity.

    2) You go to the gym!.....go go go, get a schedule and stick to it, you can suggest she go with you if she wants. If she agrees....great, read no further....if not continue onto step 3.

    3) Stay positive....share your experience at the gym and that it makes you feel great, your also learning a lot, you found a great personal trainer to partner up with and help your routine and she is really knowledgable.

    4) Enjoy as your wife begins attending the gym regularly with you the moment she hears you were working with a female trainer....oddly enough you haven't seen your trainer around the gym lately....oh well you have a great workout partner now with your wife.
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