Why do YOU delete "friends"



  • 202685tracy
    202685tracy Posts: 42 Member
    They eat way to little and they post way too much!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Eating under 1000 calories. So unhealthy. I'm trying to stay healthy. I pretty much lost a lot of my friends when I took a break from MFP during the summer, and most deleted me.

    It's very hard for some people to even make it to 1000, I barely come in over 1000 a lot of the time. I have zero appetite and I don't get hungry often. I TRY to eat at least 1300 every day, but like 2-3 days a week, I come in under. Never on purpose.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I delete people when they don't log in for 4-5 or more days at a time. I need people who are as motivated as I am. That's why I'm here, because I don't get the support and motivation that I need in real life.

    What about holidays, surely you must understand people have "lives" outside of MFP and people do go away for longer than 5 days, has nothing to do with commitment, I'd be out of luck been your friend, I can only access through my home PC, I don't have a fancy phone that can connect to the web. Not lack of commitment just lack of funds, actually tbh I'd be okay as I don't have funds to go on a holiday for a day let alone five:(
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    People who post "I'm deleting people because ____________ " (insert reason they are better than everyone else here).

    Those are the ones I can't stand. If our relationship on MFP has contingencies, I don't have time for it. So I'll just delete you now to save you time.

    Otherwise I don't really delete people.
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    Haven't logged in a month ..
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    -people who have their diaries closed off to friends. it is so difficult for people to fully support you and advise you if they can't see what you're eating. I don't feel comfortable saying 'congratulations!' when you were 'under your calorie goal' one day, if I can't see how actually healthy your day was. I can't help you if you don't share things with me.

    -people who consume unhealthily low amounts of calories e.g. people who have an ED that they are NOT trying to get over, or people on 'fad diets' who set their calorie goals to 600 or 700 a day and expect congratulations when they stay under. Those people should not be encouraged and their behaviour should not be reinforced.

    -people who are rude to me

    -people who don't support me or ever communicate with me
  • FurryLittleBunny
    FurryLittleBunny Posts: 27 Member
    One guy on here who "friended me" collected women who showed off their body in their profile (mostly boob pictures). I didn't want to be part of that crowd. :)
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    People that never even talk to me...Why even bother to "friend" me?
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    One guy on here who "friended me" collected women who showed off their body in their profile (mostly boob pictures). I didn't want to be part of that crowd. :)
    Ah man, busted. No, hold on, that's not me. Oops, too late. But it's not just boob pictures, I like other body parts too.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Not logging in for over a month, eating too few calories every day (like not even breaking 1000).
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    So far, I have deleted one person and it was because their choice of the amount of exercising and lack of calories in was starting to cause ME anxiety. I casually mentioned their stats looked a little low several times and after no response, I decided it was in MY best interest to remove that type of activity from my news feed. I wish that person best of luck, but this is all about me, either help me or gtfo.
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    I try not to feel too bad if I get deleted because I figure they didnt care much anyways..

    I used to NEVER delete anyone unless they were rude... but I could see myself deleting someone inactive for a long time to trim down my list...... I feel bad doing it because I know it is a person on the other end... but I do have a big list now so if they dont come on than it would be easier for me to give attention to those who do.
  • DrScrappy
    If we don't interact enough. If you're not actually helping me and/or I'm not helping you. I try to keep a core 10. I don't like to have a laundry list of friends. It's nothig personal, just means we grew out of love lol.

    Oh, I also delete folks with potty mouths.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Eat less than 1200 calories a day
    Have unrealistic goals and whinge about how its not working out
    Never log in
    Never support or show support to others
    Spamming their problems
  • cupcakes_
    cupcakes_ Posts: 274 Member
    general annoyance
    no interaction
    eat garbage
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    If the friend posts something I would not be comfortable my wife or children reading, I drop him/her. No hard feelings, it's just the way it is.
  • 180farm
    180farm Posts: 230
    I delete if
    All they do is complain
    Eat under consistently
    Don't log in and interact with me
    When I feel they are clogging up my news feed and I'm not interested in anything they have to say
    When they only want to flirt

    Sometimes I delete if I feel I can't keep up with what my friends are doing. 40 is my limit, I can't go over 40 friends without feeling overwhelmed.
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    Really, What's wrong with my banana hammock?

    Other than the fact that there is more than one banana...:noway:
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Because they never offer a positive attitude, they seem to collect friends like dolls, havent logging in for a month.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    haven't been on in over 3 weeks, rude, and are only here to log their progress and never comment on my progress. i figure those people only need to log and dont need friends. if youve been on here and you never motivate me as i do with everybody on my friends list, thats the last one.

    edit-they are friend *kitten*