What phobia do you have?



  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    Social phobia (not as bad as it used to be)

    And I'm petrified of huge objects like wind turbines or big inflatable objects (don't laugh) like the huge balloon things you get at carnivals. No idea if there's a name for this one.
  • TheNewReen
    TheNewReen Posts: 27 Member
    1. Spheksophobia- fear of wasps & yellow jackets. I'm TERRIFIED. I'm 31 and never been stung but both parents are severely allergic.. and seeing a reaction as a kid was enough to spawn this fear! I've had several anxiety attacks over these lil creatures! I don't let this keep from spending ALOT of time outside, but I will run & scream like a banshee if confronted with one ;P

    2. Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish (it's not so much of a OMG I think they're gonna hurt me phobia.. but they gross/creep me out THAT bad.) AND it's worse when it's fresh water fish. *gag*

    3. Cockroaches- no idea of any technical term. (this is also like the fish phobia)
  • Acrophobia-fear of heights
    Its so bad that I cant even watch people jump from heights on buildings. Its more of the open space fear, im ok on planes if I take or drink something beforehand..lol.
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    I hate birds.....when I was 12 I babysat some kids ,..their parents let this big 'ol bird free in the house,they said it was friendly,..(..still have scars on my wrist from bites,....) i punched in the head,and ran....so,yeah, i pretty much hate birds.
  • I now have trypophobia. Thank you. :P

    I know!! I was like WTF is THAT?! I didn't realize it was photoshopped, but my god, my skin crawled!!! Some of the other hole pictures dont bother me, but that picture was GROSS! I think its the fact that it was on the body that freaked me out! I just wanted to pop out those little seeds or whatever the hell they were! SO GROSS!!!!!
  • Okay, these are my main fears!

    Emetophobia -- The fear of vomiting. For me, I freak out when I see anyone else vomit. If I throw up, it's not a big deal. But, I have to have an escape, and I will usually close my eyes and cover my ears and find the nearest exit. I have severe panic attacks, my blood pressure goes up, and I can't breathe until I get away from it. That is the result of a traumatic experience in 2nd grade. lol Long story, but it legit freaks me out! Definitely my most severe fear!!

    I also have a fear of seeing blood come out of my body, like during blood work. I literally have to look away and if I see it, I get all dizzy and feel like I'm going to faint.

    I can't sleep with my bedroom door open. It has to be closed, and if it's locked, even better. There is something about looking through the door opening in the dark and seeing the dark abyss of the hallway that freaks me out, and I have to close my door. I don't feel safe unless it's closed.

    Now, I feel like i have trypophobia, but it's only if its weird holes in the human body. That seems to be the only one that REALLY bothers me.

    I also HATE HATE HATE porcelain dolls!! I went to visit an all girl, private college once to take a tour, and they took us down this corridor that had red carpet and red walls, and down the corridor was tons of porcelain dolls! They each had a year displayed in front of them, and already freaked out, I asked about the years, and the tour guide said that each year, the seniors of the fashion design program would get together and design an outfit for the doll, and they would then display the doll in the cases. There were dolls from the late 1800's, and every single one of them was staring at me! FREAKY! I'm jussayin.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    fear of falling
    fear of stairs (tied in with the fear of falling kinda)
    fear of flying insects
    fear of being late getting places
    fear of food-borne illness
  • jennaofthejungle
    jennaofthejungle Posts: 11 Member
    I don't have phobias so much as I have irrational fears. My latest is that I am freaked out about having my mouth taped shut by a kidnapper or someone violating me while I have a stuffy nose and accidentally dying. Have you ever tried breathing through your nose when it's stuffed up, it's impossible. How crappy would that be for someone who had no intentions of killing you to unwittingly suffocate you. I know it's demented. But I did finally get over my irrational fear of getting locked in a car trunk. I'm also freaked out about slipping in the shower and choking (I live alone so those are valid concerns LOL) These fears don't by any means consume my life but I think about them ...

    Happy Friday!!

    OMG! I thought I was the only one, lol! I have HORRIBLE sinus problems, have all my life, am totally nose-spray dependent and I always freak myself out by thinking of this. I would completely suffocate if I was ever kidnapped.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I hate anything flying around my head. bees, flies, moths, bugs, even pretty butterflies. I always think they're gonna get in my hair or ears. We went to the science center in the spring and everyone was so jazzed to go in the butterfy garden where they land all over you even your face. um no thank you. I stayed on the other side of the glass. Who wants a flying bug on their face? I don't care if it is pretty.

    Also hate:
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I don't have any fears that are irrational. All the things I'm afraid of (muddy water, scary creatures, failure, loneliness) are very normal fears.

    Now, on the other hand, I have a quirk that stands out. If I'm walking down a sidewalk and I have to pass an awning, I either have to go completely underneath it or completely around it. Somewhere in my childhood imagination, I got the idea that if an awning fell on me and I was halfway under, the edge of it would slice me right down the middle. Now it makes my skin crawl to walk with my head lined up with the edge of the awning.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Globophobia - The fear of balloons, for me it is only latex balloons! I am fine with mylar balloons but I can not be in the same room or area as a latex balloon or I freak out! It is bad, I have anxiety attacks and everything!
  • Scoptophobia - the fear of being stared at.

    And crickets. Omfg. Crickets. :noway:

    I'm sorry, but this made me laugh because I used to be freaked out by them too! But I work at a pet store, and I have to catch crickets on a daily basis because we feed them to reptiles and we sell them as food. One less cricket in the world! YAY! LOL
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    Mine is Arachnophobia (spiders) and Lilapsophobia (tornadoes)

    I have astraphobia which is the fear of thunderstorms. I get very panicky when I know it is going to storm. I have even left work early once because I knew a bad storm was coming and I had to get home before it hit.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member

    :frown: :frown: help!!


    I know SOOOO many people with this phobia. One woman I know will actually cry when she sees a clown and she is 31.
  • Moths.......yuk!!!!! Even the thought of them gives me the heebie jeebies.

    And cotton wool...........dont know how to explain this one. The first time I told my husband this one he laughed uncontrollably and seriously thought I was joking. Then when he realised I was actually serious he laughed again :-)
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    I've got anxiety issues mixed with horrible O.C.D, which isn't so much phobias (although the anxiety can be at times).

    I've luckily never had a phobia phobia. Everyone in my family faints even at the sight of needles, but I've always been fine with them. And my sister will scream and cry when she sees clowns.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member

    (n.) The morbid fear of running out of toilet paper. From the Greek, literally "absence of paper for hygiene purposes, fear of."

    An abnormal and persistent concern about the possibility of being without toilet paper at the vital moment. Highly variable in severity, can range from merely accumulating and storing excessive supplies of toilet paper to at the most extreme end, a need to stock up "just in case" every time the person goes past a shop, even though the house is already full of the stuff.

    Milder forms of toilet paper anxiety not fulfilling criteria for the full-blown disorder include obsessions with whether the paper comes off the roll from the top or underneath, and changing rolls around when they are on the "wrong" way.

    I seriously have about 250 rolls of toilet paper in my house right now and I take rolls when travelling, lol... which came in handy while at a family reunion a couple weeks ago, cuz the bathroom there ran out of toilet paper, and guess who just so happened to have a roll in the car! saved the day!

    I did not realize that this was a fear. I am not exactly afraid to run out but anytime I go to any store I buy some. I will also turn the roll around if one of the kids puts it on "backwards". I like it to come over the top of the roll. It makes it so much easier when I have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and I don't want to turn the light on. :smile:
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    Ughhh... Rodents yukkkkkkkkk !!!!!

    Ohhh... And a very odd one .. chewing gum !

    My grandmother absolutely cannot look at a piece of chewed gum. She will throw up. It is the strangest thing. I am always careful to never chew gum when I am at her house.
  • It's interesting. I once read that public speaking was the number one fear, and death was rated as number 3 or 4. In other words, people would rather die than speak in public (we drew the conclusion that most people don't think of death immediately as a fear and therefore didn't rate it as high). I can't site the source because I read it in college a few years ago, but no one on here has listed public speaking as a fear, or at least I haven't seen anyone list it.

    I always thought it was a surprising "statistic" just because I have never really had issues with it. I actually really like it. I am a dog trainer and teach classes every day, so it's obviously not a problem, but I'm just curious.

    Is anyone afraid of speaking in public?
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    I'm somewhat afraid of speaking in public. My main irrational everyday "phobia" that is likely to impact anything significant is myxophobia, though. It's pretty limited to human/animal stuff though, I don't mind okra or similar stuff at all.