What phobia do you have?



  • dinoskycm
    Yea, slime is pretty gross!!! I can't stand algae in a swimming pool. So disgusting!
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I searched for trypophobia, and this picture came up. Can somebody tell me what the hell this is?1 It's the most disgusting, horrifying picture I've ever seen on the internet. BE WARNED!!!!!!!!


    I am not sure what it is but I am sure it is definitely photoshopped. It isn't real.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Spiders and childbirth/raising children. Just thinking or even looking at either subject leaves me in a cold sweat. :(
  • Lmezz11
    Lmezz11 Posts: 619 Member
  • angusmike
    Penguins stealing my underwear while I sleep. :noway:
  • KMBmutt
    KMBmutt Posts: 11 Member
    my phobia is climbing ladders. I cant climb them no matter how high they are or are not without having a panic attack.. but i DONT have a fear of heights..
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    Necrophobia - fear of death, dead bodies, graveyards, etc.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'm terrified of heights & large bodies of water especially if the water is not crystal clear (oceans, lakes, rivers etc) I don't know if I'm more afraid of drowning or not being able to see WTF is down there ::shudder::. There's this clear skywalk-type thing, I think is in Chicago, anyway you're way the **** up there and you're walking and you can see everything below, like you're walking on air. I can't even look at PICTURES of that **** with out my heart slamming and my palms sweating, lol.

    ETA it blows my mind when ppl see pictures of an ocean sunset, or palm trees and lounge chairs on the beach or pics from the deck of a cruise ship and they OOOH & AHHH over it like it's the most relaxing, gorgeous thing they've ever seen...when all I see is an unpredictable beast with the power to swallow you whole at any moment lol. Even the sound of ocean waves lapping the shore makes me nervous lol.

    My husband forced me onto the skywalk in Chicago, knowing full well I'm scared of heights (heck I was freaked out going up the elevator). I told him if I was going to step on it that I didn't want to look and would just cover my eyes and pretend I wasn't on it. He was adamant I uncover my face and said "just don't look down", and of course curiosity kicked in and I did. I instantly felt like I was going to faint. :sad: I got kind of used to it (by looking back towards the building instead of out lol), but I always stayed close to where it ends so I could jump out of there at any moment. He also kept telling me I was cheating because I'd try to leave one foot on the normal floor. :laugh:
  • sunshine2212677
    sunshine2212677 Posts: 88 Member
    open water - makes me shudder thnking about it
    at least i never have to squeeze into a swimsuit! lol
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    What is your phobia or what are you scared of?

    Mine is trypophobia. (have fun with googling that once you see what it is I bet some of you will realize you have this too!)

    Yup, came here just to say this. Too scared to look through thread in case of pictures X_X
  • openairhealth
    telephobia. i hate calling people more than words or reason can explain.
  • emmaonamission
    Moths... I didn't realise how bad it is until I almost ran into the path of a car when I saw one outside the other day. Lucky I had my boyfriend with me! I totally didn't see the car and it didn't register that I had gone onto the road because I was so scared!
  • blueroses_78
    Spiders. I'm scared to death of them....and they ALWAYS find me...always....
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    Death, heights, flying, getting ill, spiders, cockroaches, things that fly (moths, daddy long legs, wasps, bees etc) pretty much everything :(
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    Spheksophobia {Fear of Wasps}
    Autophobia {Fear of Being Alone}
  • FitOna
    Bambakomallophobia - Fear of Cotton Wool!! It is the most revolting thing to touch...just thinking about it gives me the shivers!
  • pabisc
    Mine is Arthrophobia: the fear of scorpions. After a bad encounter in Arizona, I no longer want to live in the southern states.
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    Bambakomallophobia - Fear of Cotton Wool!! It is the most revolting thing to touch...just thinking about it gives me the shivers!

    Ugh, when it squeaks :/
  • pabisc
    You have Stepnophobia. I occasionally get it myself, although I'm not afraid of heights either.
  • Boppinbird
    The trypophobia thing doesn't bother me. It's just holes!

    I am terrified of heights - though I'm told it's actually the fear of falling that bothers me, not the height itself. I can't get up past 3 rungs on a ladder.

    I'm not a fan of creepy crawlies - though some I can handle.

    I'm terrified of dying. Can't think about it. I know that one day it will happen whether I like it or not and I think it's the fact that I can't control that is what terrifies me the most.