Milk does NOT do your body good!



  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    I recently switched from skim milk to Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk. I like the Silk one the best.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    You can say what you want. AND I'm sure that the OP has made some very valid points. Fact of the matter is that you can find good and bad in ANY food on the planet. Even fruits and veggies people. EVERYTHING should be eaten in moderation. I'm not giving up milk, I have a glass of it right by me, or dairy.

    I'm 27 and I've never broken a bone, gotten a cavity or had any tooth problems, and with the exception of my high blood pressure (due to my weight) I have NO health problems. I credit drinking milk three times a week for part of this.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I love milk and cheese. I have cut down on it a lot since it makes my face break out. I substitute with soy milk whenever I can. I can give up regular milk since I can get soy milk but giving up on cheese entirely would break my heart.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Even worse is what your body does to poor old milk. All those digestive acids, it doesn't stand a chance.

    Will no one think of the milk?
    And the poor baby cows, for which it was intended, that no longer get to drink it.

    What do they do with the unwanted baby cows from the dairy industry? That's where the veal industry comes from.

    They drag the babies away from the mother immediately upon birth. The mother doesn't want to give up the baby, but the dairy workers move quickly. It's a really sad thing to watch, but you all need your milk, right?

    If all the baby cows get used for veal, where do hamburgers come from? Are you saying that all those hunks of fillet mignon and strip steak are actually veal?
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    We are also the only species on earth to build space shuttles. Coincidence? I think not.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    My boyfriend goes through about 1/2 gallon of organic 2% milk per day...not kidding. Every 2 or 3 days he's buying a new gallon.

    He's still alive. Swear.
  • GaidenJade

    :laugh: :love:
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    We are also the only species on earth to build space shuttles. Coincidence? I think not.

    Ha! I love this. And I love milk. :smile:
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    The constant stream of vitriol spewed forth on these forms threads makes me weep for humanity. So much anger, so much hate. No wonder the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
  • Merrymaker_Misery
    We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    We are also the only species on earth to build space shuttles. Coincidence? I think not.

    we're also the only species that can extract it from other species. Besides, who hasn't seen that tiger nursing those piglets online? They drank tiger milk just fine, it's not that other animals won't. They simply can't.
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    Humans in parts of the world where dairy has been consumed for a long time have evolved to produce an enzyme that allows us to digest it. Diary is terrible for people who can't produce that enzyme and this is a common problem amongst East Asians and Native Americans, for example. For people from Europe, South Asia and parts of Africa, however, most of us will have that enzyme. Our bodies have changed specifically to support the consumption of dairy. Any argument against it along the lines of "it's meant for baby cows not humans!!!" sounds intuitively compelling, but I don't think it holds weight against the fact that many of our bodies have evolved to allow us to eat the stuff. An 8 oz glass of 2% a day is not going to make you double your body weight in like 5 minutes like a baby calf! Tone it down a notch. OP's rhetoric is way over the top.

    One of the only reasons humans are good at existing at all is that we can eat a huge variety of foods compared to many other animals which fill more specialized ecological niches. There are plenty of other arguments available if you are opposed to dairy consumption. Go after the industry, that's the worst part of it! The way cows are treated in factory farms is deplorable and that is good enough reason to stop drinking industrially produced milk if you feel so inclined, but please, leave out hokey junk "science" about the human body and human evolution. Please.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Humans in parts of the world where dairy has been consumed for a long time have evolved to produce an enzyme that allows us to digest it. Diary is terrible for people who can't produce that enzyme and this is a common problem amongst East Asians and Native Americans, for example. For people from Europe, South Asia and parts of Africa, however, most of us will have that enzyme. Our bodies have changed specifically to support the consumption of dairy. Any argument against it along the lines of "it's meant for baby cows not humans!!!" sounds intuitively compelling, but I don't think it holds weight against the fact that many of our bodies have evolved to allow us to eat the stuff. An 8 oz glass of 2% a day is not going to make you double your body weight in like 5 minutes like a baby calf! Tone it down a notch. OP's rhetoric is way over the top.

    One of the only reasons humans are good at existing at all is that we can eat a huge variety of foods compared to many other animals which fill more specialized ecological niches. There are plenty of other arguments available if you are opposed to dairy consumption. Go after the industry, that's the worst part of it! The way cows are treated in factory farms is deplorable and that is good enough reason to stop drinking industrially produced milk if you feel so inclined, but please, leave out hokey junk "science" about the human body and human evolution. Please.

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I've read some stuff about milk from the milk industry vs raw milk from grass fed cows. I agree with what you've said about the majority of the milk industry. Hormones, antibiotics, pus...the whole 9 yards. Also, the fact that it is pasteurized and homogenized is bad, too. We need the enzymes from raw milk in order to break down the proteins in it. When milk is pasteurized, those healthy bacteria and enzymes are killed and we are unable to break down the proteins as easily. Also, homogenizing milk supposedly causes the fat globules to be broken into tiny sticky pieces, which can in fact contribute to clogged arteries. Not homogenizing the milk, though, causes the fat globules to stay in one piece, which is passed through your system. Its not going to get stuck in your arteries. Lastly, I've read that a lot of lactose intolerant people are able to eat raw dairy with no problems! This is due to the good bacteria and enzymes in the raw milk that break down the proteins for them .

    Anywho, I got this info from The Untold Story of Milk and my favorite book, "Nourishing Traditions". I think raw dairy and especially fermented raw dairy are very good for those of us who are able to digest it! And of course, there are those people who have acquired such a sensitivity that they truly cannot digest dairy, even raw dairy.

    I would like to see those studies done using raw milk, from grassfed cows. I wonder what the difference would be?
    None of this is true. The human digestive system has all the enzymes needed to break down fat and protein from cow's milk. Also, lactose intolerant people can't consume any kind of milk, it has nothing to do with the protein in milk. LACTOSE is the sugar in milk, that some people cannot digest. Lactose intolerant people can generally consume yogurt, because the bacteria in the yogurt consume the lactose (that's how it becomes yogurt.)
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    Oh geez, just took another glance at the OP and lol @ "the one tribe in Africa that has osteoperosis is the ONE tribe that drinks milk"???? OMG. There are a lot of different "tribes"/communities/ethnic groups in Africa that drink milk. Not one. LOTS. You need to check your sources if they are telling you that there's only one group of people in Africa that (traditionally) drink milk.
  • GaidenJade

    Cows by nature produce up to 10 pounds of milk a day, but the cows the produce the milk we drink are injected with a hormone so they can instead produce a 100 pounds a day. When you ingest dairy you are ingesting the same antibiotics, pesticides, steroids, and hormones as you would if you digested the meat directly. The udders become sore and infected, and the antibiotics given to them for this goes straight into our milk.
    All of this is absolutely and patently false. Please make sure you do research before posting things like this. These are absolute lies.
    Cows have been genetically SELECTED to produce 100+ lbs of milk per cow per day, give or take depending on the breed and quality of said cow. That is without hormones. You are attempting to give the impression that a cow will go from producing 10 lbs of milk a day to 100 from an injection? No. Not even a little true.
    When you inject a cow with rBST, she will produce 11-16% more milk than they normally would. Not all cows are treated with rBST, either. Something like 20% of dairies use this hormone.
    It is impossible to detect the difference between cows that are treated with rBST and those who are not because there is no difference in the levels of this hormone from cows that are untreated, they produce their own naturally. Read labels. They are carefully worded and do not say "rBST-free milk" because that is not true.
    Cows that are treated with antibiotics for mastitis have ALL of their milk WITHHELD from consumption until there are no detectable levels of antibiotics in the milk. There is a positive correlation between cows that produce more milk and the incidence of mastitis, which is a bacterial infection in the udder. Most cows don't have this, and farmers do everything they can to keep the udders of their cows healthy. Farmers who violate this and let antibiotics into their bulk tanks would be penalized very very heavily for it, so they don't do it.
    Milk is a very clean food. That is a fact.

    Get your facts straight.

    Thank you! :drinker: .
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    Yeah... I love me some milk... And I don't think it's ever going to change :heart:
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member

    This. Milk ain't gonna hurt you. I generally prefer soy and almond milks because I like the taste better, but I've yet to be given any reason why I need to remove dairy from my diet entirely.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Milk ain't gonna hurt you. I generally prefer soy and almond milks because I like the taste better, but I've yet to be given any reason why I need to remove dairy from my diet entirely.
    Read "The China Study" for some reasons.
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member

    infact only one tribe in Africa has osteoperosis sufferers and that is the tribe that drinks cow's milk.

    I'm very curious. Which tribe is that?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Milk ain't gonna hurt you. I generally prefer soy and almond milks because I like the taste better, but I've yet to be given any reason why I need to remove dairy from my diet entirely.
    Read "The China Study" for some reasons.
    "The China Study" has been debunked time and time again.