For you diet soda drinkers out there...



  • tenaheff
    I have read that artificial sweeteners cause your body to react the same way as sugar by increasing your insulin which can make you more hungry. If this is true, it is your response to that hunger that will make you gain weight not the artificial sweetener. I mostly stay away from artificial sweeteners because they aggravate my IBS.

  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I have read that artificial sweeteners cause your body to react the same way as sugar by increasing your insulin which can make you more hungry. If this is true, it is your response to that hunger that will make you gain weight not the artificial sweetener. I mostly stay away from artificial sweeteners because they aggravate my IBS.


    Read my post not more than 2 posts above...
  • sabrajanebrown
    sabrajanebrown Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for all the great websites!
  • bbf2u
    bbf2u Posts: 12 Member
    There is no way my body creates fat in response to fake sugar--at least not in any way that matters. I drink way too much diet soda and have never been able to quit. The longest I have gone intentionally is 24 hours. It keeps me from eating or drinking something that would put more fat on.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    There is no way my body creates fat in response to fake sugar--at least not in any way that matters. I drink way too much diet soda and have never been able to quit. The longest I have gone intentionally is 24 hours. It keeps me from eating or drinking something that would put more fat on.

    PMSL - create fat?!

    Does anyone here understand physics? Energy cannot be created only transferred. And insulin is released in the same amounts with protein and carbs.

    Some utterly retarded responses on this thread. Please guys, please lets not try to post on things you don't remotely understand!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member

    A word of advice from one who does research for a living. Be cautious of trials with low subject counts. The aspartame study on had 6 subjects if I recall. Even though the area under the curve showed a 40% difference, the statistics showed 'no significant difference'. This can be attributed to the low sample size. Had the sample size been a bit larger, a 40% difference would have been considered significantly different.

    The Acesulfame K trial was conducted on rats. Beware of animal studies. Many animals have different enzymes which can cause different results in their bodies which humans will not see, or the opposite. Case in point, CLA works well in mice as a fat loss aid, but not in humans.
  • tenaheff
    I have read that artificial sweeteners cause your body to react the same way as sugar by increasing your insulin which can make you more hungry. If this is true, it is your response to that hunger that will make you gain weight not the artificial sweetener. I mostly stay away from artificial sweeteners because they aggravate my IBS.


    Read my post not more than 2 posts above...
    I did, but please note that I said IF. I went to your first link. The studies don't all agree although the prevailing thought based upon studies is that there is no effect. Of course, I also know that what was discovered today can be disproven tomorrow which is why I said IF... In any case, diet soda itself will never make you fat. However, IF drinking diet soda does increase hunger for some people then their reaction to that effect could make them fat.

  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    I use a ton of fake suger. All kinds. I have VERY low body fat. Do the math.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    A word of advice from one who does research for a living. Be cautious of trials with low subject counts. The aspartame study on had 6 subjects if I recall. Even though the area under the curve showed a 40% difference, the statistics showed 'no significant difference'. This can be attributed to the low sample size. Had the sample size been a bit larger, a 40% difference would have been considered significantly different.

    The Acesulfame K trial was conducted on rats. Beware of animal studies. Many animals have different enzymes which can cause different results in their bodies which humans will not see, or the opposite. Case in point, CLA works well in mice as a fat loss aid, but not in humans.

    Hence I posted the OVERALL piece as well from various studies combined as well which agreed with the example studies I showed..
  • peneburks
    I think you are right on!:smile:
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I've lost 60lbs eating splenda, drinking Cherry Coke Zero, and MiO in my water. I'll take the 60lbs I've lost over the 80lbs I gained drinking full calorie soda and eating sugar in coffee, tea, and candy.

    I only drink maybe a glass every day and that's enough.
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member

    Industry dumps billions of tons of dihydrous oxide into the atmosphere, lakes and rivers on a daily basis.

    Exposure to large quantities of this substance has been known to cause property damage. Inhalation of this substance in quantities can lead to death.

    ...and if you are someone who is going to start panicking on the basis of this post, I would suggest you go back to school and get an education in basic science....
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    In my humble opinion, all the Pro-Diet-Soda-Drinkers fall into the same category as smokers, chewing tobacco users and drug addicts... If you truly believe you need it, you are really "in-control" of your usage and using it is truly harmless, I wish you the very best of luck. Clearly, you're smarter than I.

    I'll stick with water. Pure water. No chemicals. No taste-enhancement. Good 'ol fashioned water. 1 1/2 gallons a day.

    Natural Selection will determine the winner.

    Keep being awesome.
  • StormyLlewellyn
    In my humble opinion, all the Pro-Diet-Soda-Drinkers fall into the same category as smokers, chewing tobacco users and drug addicts... If you truly believe you need it, you are really "in-control" of your usage and using it is truly harmless, I wish you the very best of luck. Clearly, you're smarter than I.

    I'll stick with water. Pure water. No chemicals. No taste-enhancement. Good 'ol fashioned water. 1 1/2 gallons a day.

    Natural Selection will determine the winner.

    Keep being awesome.

    Great way of putting it...
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    In my humble opinion, all the Pro-Diet-Soda-Drinkers fall into the same category as smokers, chewing tobacco users and drug addicts... If you truly believe you need it, you are really "in-control" of your usage and using it is truly harmless, I wish you the very best of luck. Clearly, you're smarter than I.

    I'll stick with water. Pure water. No chemicals. No taste-enhancement. Good 'ol fashioned water. 1 1/2 gallons a day.

    Natural Selection will determine the winner.

    Keep being awesome.
    What is your take on coffee?
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    In my humble opinion, all the Pro-Diet-Soda-Drinkers fall into the same category as smokers, chewing tobacco users and drug addicts... If you truly believe you need it, you are really "in-control" of your usage and using it is truly harmless, I wish you the very best of luck. Clearly, you're smarter than I.

    I'll stick with water. Pure water. No chemicals. No taste-enhancement. Good 'ol fashioned water. 1 1/2 gallons a day.

    Natural Selection will determine the winner.

    Keep being awesome.
    What is your take on coffee?
    Hmmm? I was distracted. ;)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    In my humble opinion, all the Pro-Diet-Soda-Drinkers fall into the same category as smokers, chewing tobacco users and drug addicts... If you truly believe you need it, you are really "in-control" of your usage and using it is truly harmless, I wish you the very best of luck. Clearly, you're smarter than I.

    I'll stick with water. Pure water. No chemicals. No taste-enhancement. Good 'ol fashioned water. 1 1/2 gallons a day.

    Natural Selection will determine the winner.

    Keep being awesome.

    Right. So the natural water that contains.... Algicide, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Clarifiers, Filter Cleanser, Dry or Muriatic Acid and Soda Ash or Sodium bicarbonate.

    Not really that natural, is it. Quite fooling yourself and get off that soap box!
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    Not losing weight fast enough? Diet soda is worse for you than regular soda. Anyone wanting a healthy life style shouldn't drink any sodas. If you must, at least stay away from the fake sugar. The aspartame used in diet sodas also causes vitamins to be leached from your bodies and it is also highly carcinogenic. Studies have found that bodies react to fake sugar in the same way as real sugar. It might not have as many calories but your body still creates fat in response.

    Excellent response.

    I'm posting this for my mom and aunts who are diet coke addicts.

    When you read research, please remember that correlation does not equal causation. Here it is stated in the WebMD article you cited:

    "Diet Soda No Smoking Gun

    Fowler is quick to note that a study of this kind does not prove that diet soda causes obesity. More likely, she says, it shows that something linked to diet soda drinking is also linked to obesity.

    'One possible part of the explanation is that people who see they are beginning to gain weight may be more likely to switch from regular to diet soda,' Fowler suggests. 'But despite their switching, their weight may continue to grow for other reasons. So diet soft-drink use is a marker for overweight and obesity.' "

    From the MSNBC article:

    "For example, it’s possible that people who drink diet sodas are replacing those saved sugar calories with other unhealthy choices, Gardener said.

    That explanation makes a lot of sense to Dr. Nehal N. Mehta, director of inflammatory risk cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania. Although the researchers know the total calories study volunteers were consuming, they weren’t able to account for unhealthy eating habits, Mehta said.

    'Maybe along with the diet soda, people are grabbing a Big Mac and a large fries,' Mehta said. 'Soda may not be the villain. It may be the other things people consume in association with diet soda. After all, what goes better with pizza or fries than a soda?' "
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    I can't speak to the question of whether or not diet soda aids or hinders weight loss. But I can comment on whether or not artificial sweeteners have adverse side effects when consumed in moderation. They most definitely can.

    For a significant number of people, the artificial sweeteners do indeed cause adverse side effects. I am one of those people. I cannot consume anything that contains Sucralose. Even so little as a piece of Trident Sugarless gum, which I do not even swallow. Any time I have anything with Sucralose I have debilitating nocturnal muscle cramping in my legs and feet. I'm not talking mild cramping. I'm talking rip the muscle off the bone cramping. They are brutal. It is a very consistent reaction. It happens every single time. And only when I consume Sucralose. I read every food label now before putting anything in my mouth. If it contains Sucralose I will eat/drink the full fat version or not eat/drink it at all. It is just not worth the trade-off to me.

    I have talked to other people who have suspected Sucralose of causing medical issues for them as well. Migraines are another consistent reaction many people that I have talked to have had. I have a friend who will get an instant migraine anytime he drinks a diet soda.

    So to make a blanket statement that artificial sweeteners cause no adverse reaction is simply not true.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It's the high levels of citric acid and phosphoric acid in diet sodas that can be bad for teeth when consumed in excess.