Calling all runners!



  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    It is only the recreational runner who uses the heel strike form. most of us are, and the overwhelming majority do not have injury problems. Run with your feet under you and don't worry too much about the rest, it will come, your body is amazing at becoming efficient at what you ask it to do. Also do remember that not heel striking does not mean your heel never touches the ground, it only means it isn't first.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    ABSOLUTELY COUCH TO 5k! I started this in the spring and was the same as you. Couldn't run 30sec without feeling like dying! October 21 I am running a half marathon:)

    KEEP GOING! It is soooo worth it. I have lost 24lbs and feel great. I am still losing. It has come off slow, don't get discouraged.

    Someone told me they thought with all the running I was doing I should be a stick by now. Don't let haters discourage you. My first 5k I felt better because I saw that runners come in all shapes in sizes.

    I used to think that runners were stick thin too but they come in all shapes and sizes. :) I am hoping to get thin and lean from running though BUT I have to admit that I have not been watching my diet and I love soda and sweet tea. Should I still lose weight and get leaner with the running even though I'm not watching my diet?

    From my personal experience.... I started this way and failed. Im not saying you will fail but I will urge you to start looking at your diet because as you run and get better your body will begin to need more appropriate things to fuel it. Switching to only drinking water changed how I felt and how my body functioned. Drinking lots of sugar will not aid you well as your mileage increases. If all you are drinking right now is soda and sweetened tea I would guess that you are border line dehydrated. I would strongly urge you to start by changing 1 or two small items in your diet by replacing them with a healthier option
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Definitely get fitted for running shoes. That's key.
    I started couch to 5K and couldn't run either.
    Now it's easy!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I've seen those Minimalist shoes. They look like they would be annoying cause of how the toes look. Are they comfortable? Maybe I should try on a pair.

    Chris...Please wait till you are more comfortable running changing your gait and run style is not easy and right now I think you have more important issues. I actually changed from heel striking to midfoot strike and was able to go minimalist (which I believe in) But You need to get your body accustomed to running before you introduce a potential issue. As everyone knows you walk heel to toe. The OP is struggling to get his body accustomed to running in the manner that he walks. Its the pounding that his body needs to get used to. Introducing a change in gait that his body is unfamiliar with and hasn't used ever is asking for a compounded problem
  • planetrunner
    Not to be rude to the quoted poster, but be VERY careful with exploring minimalist shoes. This warning comes from the advice of my chiropracter and person experience. This is a debated issue, so interpret it as you wish.

    If you are running on UNNATURAL surfaces (i.e., pavement, concrete, track rubber) regular running shoes are ideal. Your body was never meant to run on these types of surfaces and the protection offered by a cushioned running shoes is what will protect your ankles, shins, knees and back from injury. Finding the right running shoe, however, is a matter of trial and error (check out the Running World forums for advice; people commonly go through 3 or 4 pairs before finding the 'right' shoe).

    If you are running on NATURAL surfaces (i.e., dirt, grass, snow, rocks) then minimalist shoes are worth exploring. Especially ones that allow your toes to move -- your toes are designed to provide stability on uneven surfaces. These surfaces offer more ground cushioning than unnatural surfaces, which your body will appreciate.

    Not really taking offense at the debate, but did you read the rest of my post?

    I didn't say "GO RUN IN MINIMALIST SHOES". I said, based on MY personal experience, that it is a good idea to explore minimalist shoes at the start of a running career... then there is no retraining required and, frankly, the slow gradual increase in running that C25K (or similar beginning runner programs) has is the BEST way to get into minimalist running. I suggested that the OP explore minimalist running.

    It is a highly debated issue for sure. The internet is full of studies and anecdotes on all sides of the minimal vs. traditional show debate. That's why I said it is a personal issue.

    What I disagree with is the idea that SYNTHETIC running surfaces (what you call UNNATURAL) require cushioned running shoes. Cushioned running shoes are A way to run effectively on these surfaces without injury, but not the only way. For me, I've run 550 miles this year - all but about 30 of those have been on asphalt or concrete... and ALL have been in minimalist shoes with virtually zero control or cushioning. A proper gait, shortened stride and mid-foot landing means that my knees, ankles, hips are all cushioned by my feet doing the job that they were designed by nature for.

    I ran a half marathon last weekend in my VFF SeeYas. I definitely felt it most in my feet and needed about 2 days off... but my knees, ankles, hips, etc felt as good the day after the race as they did the morning of.

    All I'm saying is that there are tradeoffs of both type of shoes and both styles of running.... and that if you think minimalist running may be for you, I believe that it is best to try it out early in your running career, not later when you have established a different style of running that you have to un-learn.

    Sounds like you've found the perfect pair of running shoes for the terrain and distances you enjoy. Right on.

    I agree:

    running shoe advice = personal preference
    running shoe choice = personal preference
    heel drop = personal preference
    running surface comfort = personal preference
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Wipe out any thoughts of shoe brands. Why limit yourself right now with something artificial? Best advice given several times is go to a local running store which can fit you in the best pair for you. Not a big box store. Not a regular shoe store. A running store.

    They are also up on minimalist stuff and can help guide you based on what they see.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Wipe out any thoughts of shoe brands. Why limit yourself right now with something artificial? Best advice given several times is go to a local running store which can fit you in the best pair for you. Not a big box store. Not a regular shoe store. A running store.

    They are also up on minimalist stuff and can help guide you based on what they see.
    Running USA's State of the Sport 2010 - Part I: New "Core Runner" Profiles

    Typical U.S. Female Runner
    Last running shoes purchased: ASICS (29.9%), Brooks (14.9%), Nike (13.6%)
    Typical U.S. Male Runner
    Last running shoes purchased: ASICS (29.1%), Nike (15.9%), Brooks (14.1%)

    Brand is only important if you are looking for what millions of other runners have run millions of miles in. 30% choose Asics, the next 30% is split between Nike and Brooks...From there it breaks down.

    Asics are by far chosen by more runners than any other shoe. It makes sense to point a new runner in the direction of a good choice.
  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    Following is a link that describes propoer running form. Wether you run in shoes or not you need to learn good form from the start. While some muscle soreness is expected when learning to run, pain is not muscle soreness and it sounds like you have pain.

    I'm out of this debate now. I am afraid I am becoming that wierd, pushy barefoot guy. :smile:
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I'm following the couch to 5K program, about at the halfway point right now. My next run will be Saturday and I will run for 3:45, then walk for 3:45, and do it 4 times. 30 minutes total. It's totally working! The off days are super important, at least for me. It lets my joints rest, which I seem to need. I highly suggest it. The one I'm following is a 4 month plan. I use the runkeep iPhone app and it's telling me that I'm running a 9 minute mile when I'm doing my running portion. If I can keep that pace up for a full 5k, I'll be very pleased.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Last night I went running and was able to run about an extra 10 seconds more on each running interval!! :) I'm glad that I took you alls advice on taking an extra day of rest cause I think that made a difference! The only strange thing is that last night my legs were hurting and it was like a shooting pain on and off. I know that my legs just have to get used to this running and I am only into my second week. Would gel heel cups make a difference?
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Following is a link that describes propoer running form. Wether you run in shoes or not you need to learn good form from the start. While some muscle soreness is expected when learning to run, pain is not muscle soreness and it sounds like you have pain.

    I'm out of this debate now. I am afraid I am becoming that wierd, pushy barefoot guy. :smile:

    Thanks for the link! So you run barefoot? Outside?? Doesn't that hurt your feet? You're not afraid of stepping on glass or anything like that?
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Last night I went running and was able to run about an extra 10 seconds more on each running interval!! :) I'm glad that I took you alls advice on taking an extra day of rest cause I think that made a difference! The only strange thing is that last night my legs were hurting and it was like a shooting pain on and off. I know that my legs just have to get used to this running and I am only into my second week. Would gel heel cups make a difference?

    Is the pain in both legs, or just one?
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    here is a shameless plug for my blog
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Last night I went running and was able to run about an extra 10 seconds more on each running interval!! :) I'm glad that I took you alls advice on taking an extra day of rest cause I think that made a difference! The only strange thing is that last night my legs were hurting and it was like a shooting pain on and off. I know that my legs just have to get used to this running and I am only into my second week. Would gel heel cups make a difference?

    Is the pain in both legs, or just one?

    Both but it's more in my left leg.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member

    Both but it's more in my left leg.

    The reason I ask is because usually, if the pain is on just one side of your body, that's more likely to be an injury that requires rest and/or attention. Pain on both sides might be more soreness. Naturally, your body is yours, and you need to do what feels best. If you think it might be an injury, treat it like an injury.

    It doesn't sound to me (not a professional anything!!!) like the heel cups have anything to do with what you're describing. In fact, what they might do is allow you to have poor form, because you could come down harder on your heel than your body is made to do, and that leads to injuries. It might actually be a simple matter of needing to cut back on distance or speed for a little while.

    I'm assuming you're running in shoes though, and since I run barefoot I'm not much help there. Someone else might have more info.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Following is a link that describes propoer running form. Wether you run in shoes or not you need to learn good form from the start. While some muscle soreness is expected when learning to run, pain is not muscle soreness and it sounds like you have pain.

    I'm out of this debate now. I am afraid I am becoming that wierd, pushy barefoot guy. :smile:

    Thanks for the link! So you run barefoot? Outside?? Doesn't that hurt your feet? You're not afraid of stepping on glass or anything like that?

    I'm not the one you're asking, but as one who does run barefoot outside, on track and pavement, I can say that once you build up the strength in your feet (basically, once you get used to running barefoot) it doesn't hurt. When I ran in shoes, I would always get shin splints, and occasional knee pain. I hated it, avoided doing it, and was very jealous of people who "could" run. Since I tried going barefoot... whole different story. I built up to it using C25K - which was great, since I wasn't a runner to begin with - and have been a weird, creepy barefoot gal ever since. :) I LOVE it. The pavement doesn't hurt more than anything else, because you land softly on the mid-foot, instead of slamming your heel into the ground. In fact, I prefer pavement to grass sometimes, because it's so reliable. I'm not afraid of stepping on glass or anything, because there really isn't all that much on the ground. Coming down on a piece of loose gravel is much more likely, and I do try to avoid that, because it would hurt. If there's something in my path that I don't want to step on, I go around or over it. It doesn't take much thought or energy, really.

    Then again, if I lived in bad area where there was actually a lot of broken glass littering the sidewalks, I might think twice about running there. However, I suspect those areas are not the norm.
  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    Last night I went running and was able to run about an extra 10 seconds more on each running interval!! :) I'm glad that I took you alls advice on taking an extra day of rest cause I think that made a difference! The only strange thing is that last night my legs were hurting and it was like a shooting pain on and off. I know that my legs just have to get used to this running and I am only into my second week. Would gel heel cups make a difference?

    If it is not a localized sharp pain, I wouldn't worry unless it doesn't go away with rest. I wouldn't mess with heel cups, it is likely just stress from the increase in running time. Same advice as previous, let things recover on a day off between runs and keep going. Muscles can do some weird things when they get stressed but they will adapt as you go and do those things less often.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I'm sure it's been said a million times, but I want to add, because this is vitally important: when you're starting out barefoot running, if you do too much, too fast, then it *will* hurt your feet and possibly lead to injuries like plantar fasciitis. Unless you're used to going barefoot a lot, the soles of your feet have to adapt, and when you start running barefoot you're asking your legs and feet to work in a new way - which means even experienced runners need to take it slow and easy until their legs and feet are ready for more.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Went for my walk/run tonight and I swear I don't understand this! I came home hurting again! My knees and lower legs are killing me! Don't know what I'm doing wrong! I try to be mindful of my form, my shoes are good shoes, and I'm not pushing myself too hard! Don't mean to keep complaining but it makes me want to quit running! My husband says that it's cause I'm out of shape and need to get used to the running. I'm not so sure it's that though! It feels more like pain instead of just soreness. And what doesn't make any sense is that when I ran 2 days ago, I felt pretty good and felt like I was making some progress, but tonight it felt like I had fell back some! I don't know!