Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    The US gun question crops up on here a lot. What amuses me (from the UK) is the American standard lines to justify the guns which perpetuates the problem.

    In the next year I don't anticipate any likely-hood of being shot. I will drive my fancy SL anywhere - including inner city - with the roof down and I don't anticipate being car jacked. I will walk on any street at anytime and I won't get mugged. The chances of anything bad happening to me in the next twelve months are ZERO. I'm saying this just to point out the day to day reality of fear over here -- yeah sure we get some nutter every couple of years does something and it's big news. But I cant count the number of little shootings I have heard about from the US since the Batman cinema one --- it's endless

    Now many Americans I know seem to think it's crazy to even consider walking 1/4 mile to the 7/11 in mid -afternoon. I really don't know if this is the true level of the risk - or just irrational fear - even a fear put about to justify gun ownership. (Which I am interested to hear more on)

    However, I do get the point that America is in the situation it is - 'everyone' has guns and that isn't going to change.

    I don't really comprehend if I drove around america with my roof down on my car am I being an idiot if I don't have a couple of guns on me or would I just believing the hype of fear?

    I go all over the place. I don't expect to get jacked most of the time. The ODDS of something happening to me are very low (a little higher at work but that's different). Most Americans don't think it's crazy to walk to 7/11. For most Americans carrying a gun has little to do with fear. Just like the statistically few cases of firearms being used to commit mass mayhem, the number of Americans who carry out of a sense of preparedness far outnumber the Americans that carry because they believe they will be raped and murdered around every corner. I don't carry because I believe something will happen to me. I carry because if something does happen I want to be prepared for it.

    I don't carry when I fly somewhere. I went to Florida last week and didn't have my gun with me for two days. I felt weird - because I've been carrying for so long - but I didn't believe I was going to die at any second. I paid attention to my surroundings. My wife and I went to Las Vegas a couple of years ago. I didn't take my gun - partially because I planned to drink heavily and don't carry under those conditions. Everything was fine. I still feel better when I'm carrying and will with very few exceptions. I also didn't take a fire extinguisher to keep in the hotel room in Florida or Las Vegas but I have them at my home.

    I think you are painting a level headed view there which is probably more reality - but I still think their is a slight bias towards a feeling of an implied need to be armed which doesn't exist where I live.

    With regards to "Now many Americans I know seem to think it's crazy to even consider walking 1/4 mile to the 7/11 in mid -afternoon" that is my ACTUAL experience of americans I knew/know. Now maybe I'm misunderstanding this as - Why would you walk when you can drive - which is more of an obesity worry. But I'm pretty sure it was a crazy Brit safety issue!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I don't because it would be awkward and an annoyance. I've carried when walking the dog (I live out in the woods so my biggest fear is running into a bear, coyote, etc.) and while I felt safe knowing it was there it was kind of annoying. The only way I'd be able to carry when running is if I threw it in a back pack or a fanny pack and what good would that do me if I can't get at it?
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    I live in Taipei...safest place EVER! Only the police have guns here! Prior to this I lived in the nicest, quaint village in the UK, no gun required there either :smile:
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    That's the funny part, about the cultural differences.

    Carrying a gun is really no big deal. It's just a thing. Like a cell phone, or pocket book.
    Except you can't kill anyone - or yourself - with a cell phone or a pocket book (althoug I'm sure you could if you tried hard enough).

    I can kill someone with my bare hands, though. Or my car. Very easily, many people.
    That's where the big disconnect is - It's just a utility to be owned responsibly. Nobody thinks they are in the wild west.

    (And if they do, they should leave it at home...)

    (And, fwiw, I don't own or feel like I need to own a gun. I might consider it, if I spent a lot of time hiking in mountain lion country. Although they are sneaky. At least the gun would give them indigestion.)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    Because Europe doesn't have any crime? :huh:
  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    Me too!!!
  • peinek
    can we open carry in MN i haven't lived their in 7 years but next year i'll be be back i'm just curious
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    I understand the OP has most likely tuned out by now but I would suggest he set up a little test for himself before he invests in a carry weapon for running. I think it might help to get a feeling of your competence with the hand gun at the end of the run.t would Be a shame to go for a run and end up being robed after you shot yourself in the foot. I know I can't work a TV remote right after a hard run I cant imagine try to use a hand gun.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!


    It is comforting in Europe... Because when a small group of punks try to rob some American tourists with a small pocket knife they REALLY are not expecting to be told no.... by the universal language of looking down a big bore.

    and no.. I didn't have mine, as I couldn't there. Thankfully I had a friend employed by the US government, and he can have it there.
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    Good question and answers. I do not carry mine when running for a number of reasons, but some of the ways to conceal and links are something to look into. I am always concerned about safety as well, but as of now, I just carry a cllp on of pepper spray.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I have my concealed carry license but I don't walk with one yet.. I haven't found one light enough that i like. I do take mace though.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I'm not sure about for men, but I have seen compression shorts with built in holsters for women. As soon as I get my permit for a concealed weapon, I plan on getting a pair of those shorts.
  • angels960
    angels960 Posts: 35 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    LOL me too I have never heard anything like it
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    In all honesty I wouldnt really carry in a body touching holster for the fact that unless you get a really good neoprene or nylon holster the sweat is going to damage and or wear down a lot of the components. I would go for a fanny pack or water pack style -

    Yeah they might flop around a bit but unless your running in the fall or winter and can have bigger clothes on I think concealing becomes an issue.

    Its dependent on your local laws. Me personally I just try to always have my dog with me / knife ./ cell phone etc. I have carried a few times in areas I was unfamiliar with but I do not have any smaller firearms other than full frame semi's
  • tasiamere
    My stepfather bought me this holster and had an additional clip thing added to it. I just clip it to the inside of my hoodie pocket. I have a small .38 special and it works.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    The US gun question crops up on here a lot. What amuses me (from the UK) is the American standard lines to justify the guns which perpetuates the problem.

    In the next year I don't anticipate any likely-hood of being shot. I will drive my fancy SL anywhere - including inner city - with the roof down and I don't anticipate being car jacked. I will walk on any street at anytime and I won't get mugged. The chances of anything bad happening to me in the next twelve months are ZERO. I'm saying this just to point out the day to day reality of fear over here -- yeah sure we get some nutter every couple of years does something and it's big news. But I cant count the number of little shootings I have heard about from the US since the Batman cinema one --- it's endless

    Now many Americans I know seem to think it's crazy to even consider walking 1/4 mile to the 7/11 in mid -afternoon. I really don't know if this is the true level of the risk - or just irrational fear - even a fear put about to justify gun ownership. (Which I am interested to hear more on)

    However, I do get the point that America is in the situation it is - 'everyone' has guns and that isn't going to change.

    I don't really comprehend if I drove around america with my roof down on my car am I being an idiot if I don't have a couple of guns on me or would I just believing the hype of fear?

    I go all over the place. I don't expect to get jacked most of the time. The ODDS of something happening to me are very low (a little higher at work but that's different). Most Americans don't think it's crazy to walk to 7/11. For most Americans carrying a gun has little to do with fear. Just like the statistically few cases of firearms being used to commit mass mayhem, the number of Americans who carry out of a sense of preparedness far outnumber the Americans that carry because they believe they will be raped and murdered around every corner. I don't carry because I believe something will happen to me. I carry because if something does happen I want to be prepared for it.

    I don't carry when I fly somewhere. I went to Florida last week and didn't have my gun with me for two days. I felt weird - because I've been carrying for so long - but I didn't believe I was going to die at any second. I paid attention to my surroundings. My wife and I went to Las Vegas a couple of years ago. I didn't take my gun - partially because I planned to drink heavily and don't carry under those conditions. Everything was fine. I still feel better when I'm carrying and will with very few exceptions. I also didn't take a fire extinguisher to keep in the hotel room in Florida or Las Vegas but I have them at my home.

    I think you are painting a level headed view there which is probably more reality - but I still think their is a slight bias towards a feeling of an implied need to be armed which doesn't exist where I live.

    With regards to "Now many Americans I know seem to think it's crazy to even consider walking 1/4 mile to the 7/11 in mid -afternoon" that is my ACTUAL experience of americans I knew/know. Now maybe I'm misunderstanding this as - Why would you walk when you can drive - which is more of an obesity worry. But I'm pretty sure it was a crazy Brit safety issue!!

    A slight bias towards feeling a need to be armed.

    Are you F'ing kidding me. You have zero idea about the US, come on...admit it.
  • bubmaster
    such a different world you live in :(
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    can we open carry in MN i haven't lived their in 7 years but next year i'll be be back i'm just curious

    I know conceal, but you need a license.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member