Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member

    It's not the odds. It's the stakes.

    I like that.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I live in Canada. That stuff doesn't happen here. I'd be more worried about being run down by someone talking on their cell phone.

    I live in Australia and it's pretty safe here, plus it's a lot harder to get a gun license here than it is in USA I think. Over here hardly anyone owns a gun!

    However, it's generally not the LEGAL gun owners you have to worry about, it's the criminals that obtain their guns ILLEGALLY that are generally the problem.

    There are 5 times as many firearm related deaths per capita in the USA than in Canada. There are 10 times as many in the USA as in Australia.

    I hardly think people in Australia need to worry about illegal gun owners killing them. Or, rather, it's much more likely to be killed by a legal gun owner in the US than an illegal one in Australia.

    The idea that you need a gun while jogging is ridiculous. How many people have actually saved themselves from an attacker while jogging? 1 in 100 million??? Puh-lease...


    The US gun question crops up on here a lot. What amuses me (from the UK) is the American standard lines to justify the guns which perpetuates the problem.

    In the next year I don't anticipate any likely-hood of being shot. I will drive my fancy SL anywhere - including inner city - with the roof down and I don't anticipate being car jacked. I will walk on any street at anytime and I won't get mugged. The chances of anything bad happening to me in the next twelve months are ZERO. I'm saying this just to point out the day to day reality of fear over here -- yeah sure we get some nutter every couple of years does something and it's big news. But I cant count the number of little shootings I have heard about from the US since the Batman cinema one --- it's endless

    Now many Americans I know seem to think it's crazy to even consider walking 1/4 mile to the 7/11 in mid -afternoon. I really don't know if this is the true level of the risk - or just irrational fear - even a fear put about to justify gun ownership. (Which I am interested to hear more on)

    However, I do get the point that America is in the situation it is - 'everyone' has guns and that isn't going to change.

    I don't really comprehend if I drove around america with my roof down on my car am I being an idiot if I don't have a couple of guns on me or would I just believing the hype of fear?
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    Crazy world we live in.

    It's just mind-boggling to me...
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member

    It's not the odds. It's the stakes.

    I like that.

    I have to call BS on that one. If you drive, you put yourself at higher risk of the same stakes several times a day. So the odds are worse and the stakes are the same.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Snakes and sharks are much more of a concern than guns when I'm out and about

    Not for me. I can shoot them with my gun.

    You'd even take your gun swimming?

    Why not? I've got a stainless one. I've got a plastic one too.

    Like I said earlier, the ONLY time I'm not carrying is when I'm running.


    Not criticizing
    Just hard to comprehend.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member

    I have to call BS on that one. If you drive, you put yourself at higher risk of the same stakes several times a day. So the odds are worse and the stakes are the same.

    Carry a seat belt, wear a gun.. Wait, hold on.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    This is one of the funniest threads I have ever read in my life.

    The ignorance of people that think that everyone in America has a gun, we all run around waving them everywhere, and that people basically think that we can go to Target and buy one off the shelf.

  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Nobody has ever gone stir-*kitten* crazy with a gun in a busy shopping mall... Do you think that's just a coincidence?

    Not even a taxi driver or unemployed antiques dealer?

    No, never, not in the country I live in anyway.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    The US gun question crops up on here a lot. What amuses me (from the UK) is the American standard lines to justify the guns which perpetuates the problem.

    In the next year I don't anticipate any likely-hood of being shot. I will drive my fancy SL anywhere - including inner city - with the roof down and I don't anticipate being car jacked. I will walk on any street at anytime and I won't get mugged. The chances of anything bad happening to me in the next twelve months are ZERO. I'm saying this just to point out the day to day reality of fear over here -- yeah sure we get some nutter every couple of years does something and it's big news. But I cant count the number of little shootings I have heard about from the US since the Batman cinema one --- it's endless

    Now many Americans I know seem to think it's crazy to even consider walking 1/4 mile to the 7/11 in mid -afternoon. I really don't know if this is the true level of the risk - or just irrational fear - even a fear put about to justify gun ownership. (Which I am interested to hear more on)

    However, I do get the point that America is in the situation it is - 'everyone' has guns and that isn't going to change.

    I don't really comprehend if I drove around america with my roof down on my car am I being an idiot if I don't have a couple of guns on me or would I just believing the hype of fear?

    I go all over the place. I don't expect to get jacked most of the time. The ODDS of something happening to me are very low (a little higher at work but that's different). Most Americans don't think it's crazy to walk to 7/11. For most Americans carrying a gun has little to do with fear. Just like the statistically few cases of firearms being used to commit mass mayhem, the number of Americans who carry out of a sense of preparedness far outnumber the Americans that carry because they believe they will be raped and murdered around every corner. I don't carry because I believe something will happen to me. I carry because if something does happen I want to be prepared for it.

    I don't carry when I fly somewhere. I went to Florida last week and didn't have my gun with me for two days. I felt weird - because I've been carrying for so long - but I didn't believe I was going to die at any second. I paid attention to my surroundings. My wife and I went to Las Vegas a couple of years ago. I didn't take my gun - partially because I planned to drink heavily and don't carry under those conditions. Everything was fine. I still feel better when I'm carrying and will with very few exceptions. I also didn't take a fire extinguisher to keep in the hotel room in Florida or Las Vegas but I have them at my home.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Snakes and sharks are much more of a concern than guns when I'm out and about

    Not for me. I can shoot them with my gun.

    You'd even take your gun swimming?

    Why not? I've got a stainless one. I've got a plastic one too.

    Like I said earlier, the ONLY time I'm not carrying is when I'm running.


    Not criticizing
    Just hard to comprehend.

    That little winky thingy meant I was kidding.
  • marsviolet
    marsviolet Posts: 79 Member
    This just seems completely insane to me. I live in Australia and while I'm not saying that bad things don't happen here it has NEVER occurred to me that I would need any sort of weapon while excercising. Let alone a GUN. And I am extremely grateful that the other people excercising around me don't have guns either. Jeez.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I live in Canada. That stuff doesn't happen here. I'd be more worried about being run down by someone talking on their cell phone.

    I live in Australia and it's pretty safe here, plus it's a lot harder to get a gun license here than it is in USA I think. Over here hardly anyone owns a gun!

    However, it's generally not the LEGAL gun owners you have to worry about, it's the criminals that obtain their guns ILLEGALLY that are generally the problem.

    There are 5 times as many firearm related deaths per capita in the USA than in Canada. There are 10 times as many in the USA as in Australia.

    I hardly think people in Australia need to worry about illegal gun owners killing them. Or, rather, it's much more likely to be killed by a legal gun owner in the US than an illegal one in Australia.

    The idea that you need a gun while jogging is ridiculous. How many people have actually saved themselves from an attacker while jogging? 1 in 100 million??? Puh-lease...


    The US gun question crops up on here a lot. What amuses me (from the UK) is the American standard lines to justify the guns which perpetuates the problem.

    In the next year I don't anticipate any likely-hood of being shot. I will drive my fancy SL anywhere - including inner city - with the roof down and I don't anticipate being car jacked. I will walk on any street at anytime and I won't get mugged. The chances of anything bad happening to me in the next twelve months are ZERO. I'm saying this just to point out the day to day reality of fear over here -- yeah sure we get some nutter every couple of years does something and it's big news. But I cant count the number of little shootings I have heard about from the US since the Batman cinema one --- it's endless

    Now many Americans I know seem to think it's crazy to even consider walking 1/4 mile to the 7/11 in mid -afternoon. I really don't know if this is the true level of the risk - or just irrational fear - even a fear put about to justify gun ownership. (Which I am interested to hear more on)

    However, I do get the point that America is in the situation it is - 'everyone' has guns and that isn't going to change.

    I don't really comprehend if I drove around america with my roof down on my car am I being an idiot if I don't have a couple of guns on me or would I just believing the hype of fear?

    Far fewer Americans are regularly carrying guns than you think. It's a small minority of people and even of gun owners. I grew up with guns and learned to shoot as a kid, but that's because my dad was a hunter. Never had handguns in the house, so obviously none were carried in daily activities. The guns and the ammo weren't even stored on the same floor of the house, as a matter of fact (partially due to children in the home). I never wanted to own a gun as an adult and never have. In fact, none of us kids grew up to own guns or even hunt.

    The NRA (National Rifle Association) is far and away THE most powerful political lobby in the US, and work very hard to convince otherwise rational Americans that their right to own firearms is under constant threat. It isn't.

    It seems to you as though most Americans carry weapons around because those worrying about losing the right to own guns post about it very frequently. Not unlike any other issue, really--the ones who are worried are more vocal than those who are content with the status quo.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    This just seems completely insane to me. I live in Australia and while I'm not saying that bad things don't happen here it has NEVER occurred to me that I would need any sort of weapon while excercising. Let alone a GUN. And I am extremely grateful that the other people excercising around me don't have guns either. Jeez.

    Me too
  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    A note to any one running with mace and pepper spray..I'm not sure it will work on a person that is high on drugs and you have to be might close to use spray to use is wasp spray it shoots straight and bad the can is so large@!
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Geeze. I am SUUUURE glad I'm from Texas.

    **kitten* gun*
  • This is one of the funniest threads I have ever read in my life.

    The ignorance of people that think that everyone in America has a gun, we all run around waving them everywhere, and that people basically think that we can go to Target and buy one off the shelf.


    Are we so very wrong? Here's a satellite TV company offering a free gun (or pizza!) with every purchase:

    And here's a car dealership doing the same:

    (WHY aren't links live on MFP?)
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    That's the funny part, about the cultural differences.

    Carrying a gun is really no big deal. It's just a thing. Like a cell phone, or pocket book.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Does anyone carry a pistol with them when they run or bike? I live in a neighborhood that is not the greatest. There is a lake block from my house that has a wonderful trail. Years ago there were several assaults, some of them sexual against women. Two years ago a cop was killed a block from lake. Nothing has happened since then, at least not in the abudance it had been happening but I think I would feel safer if I got a conceal and carry permit (legal here in Minnesota). So here are my questions.

    1) If you do conceal and carry while running, have you ever had any situations? i.e. causing pain because it is secured awkwardly, falling out, etc
    2) If I am a jogging, how would I secure it in the best way? What piece of equipment for holstering?

    I have had training with pistols, assault rifles and shotguns beyond a little personal experience so I am not a total novice with guns.

    My first thought was this sounded like MN then I kept reading and saw that it was. My friend on here carries a gun strapped to her stomach while she runs. She lives in a suburb but she runs at 4am so you never know who you'll run into.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member

    In the next year I don't anticipate any likely-hood of being shot. I will drive my fancy SL anywhere - including inner city - with the roof down and I don't anticipate being car jacked. I will walk on any street at anytime and I won't get mugged. The chances of anything bad happening to me in the next twelve months are ZERO.

    Weelll you are an idiot. Wait until it's your daughter walking around at any time of night in the inner city.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    That's the funny part, about the cultural differences.

    Carrying a gun is really no big deal. It's just a thing. Like a cell phone, or pocket book.
    Except you can't kill anyone - or yourself - with a cell phone or a pocket book (althoug I'm sure you could if you tried hard enough).