Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    Last i checked there was a person asking for help on a fitness related issue. Why dont you stop judging people on their beliefs and go troll elsewhere

    Carrying a weapon is a fitness related question? LOL.

    And this thread left the rails about 13 pages back.


    Actually it was a fitness question originally. I feared it would become a political punching bag and it has. If I do get a weapon I just want it for safety. My ultimate hope is when I do carry, is I never have to use it.

    Like I said, my area has a history not too far in the past. The a cop was shot up in his patrol car as two carjackers walked up and opened fire, before he could get out of his car.
  • kehuizenga

    Imagine the London riots plus guns - you think it would have been BETTER?

    The idea of normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying to me, and reminds me that for all our similarities, the UK and America are very different places.

    If I was running in a rough area I might take a rape alarm I guess.

    I agree with you completely and I am an American living in Chicago, where crime is rampant and concealed carry is illegal. My personal opinion is that maybe if those criminals didn't have such easy access to guns then there wouldn't be so many shootings. Carrying a weapon seems completely unnecessary to me--I feel it would more likely be used against me than anything else or because of the wind I feel that mace or pepper spray would end up in my face instead. It kind of boggles my mind that anyone would carry a gun when running.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Just read about major gun Crimes in France and Canada in the last two days...Glad they don't have any violent crimes there.

    Europe is a continent with 50 different countries, each with their own government (or equivalent) and their own laws. France is only 1 country. I can only speak for my own European country where yes, we do have crime but the average person does not own a gun and the cops don't even carry guns. Until I travelled abroad and saw police carrying firearms, I had never even seen a gun. Of course there are criminal gangs and drug dealers who carry guns over here but that's so they can blow the heads off each other and if a gangster/drug dealer wants to shoot another gangster/drug dealer then let them off I say. One less scumbag gangster/drug dealer in the world, and I'm 100% fine with that (might not be a popular view but I'm not exactly a bleeding heart liberal). The rest of us have no need for firearms that could be used against us anyway if the perpetrator is bigger/stronger.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member

    Imagine the London riots plus guns - you think it would have been BETTER?

    The idea of normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying to me, and reminds me that for all our similarities, the UK and America are very different places.

    If I was running in a rough area I might take a rape alarm I guess.

    I agree with you completely and I am an American living in Chicago, where crime is rampant and concealed carry is illegal. My personal opinion is that maybe if those criminals didn't have such easy access to guns then there wouldn't be so many shootings. Carrying a weapon seems completely unnecessary to me--I feel it would more likely be used against me than anything else or because of the wind I feel that mace or pepper spray would end up in my face instead. It kind of boggles my mind that anyone would carry a gun when running.
    People in the military and law enforcement are people too and they can get fat just like the rest of us. I would imagine they would have this problem. Even terrorists maybe want to lose some weight. It's a valid question and nobody knows the OP's business but the OP.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Even terrorists maybe want to lose some weight. It's a valid question and nobody knows the OP's business but the OP.
    Oh my god... I am having trouble breathing here... Thank you SO much for giving me the biggest giggle I've had all year! That's classic :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I find this whole thread extremely fascinating. The difference between the rest of the world and Americans is kind of in glaring proof here.

    Yes you guys have provided links to articles of gun violence in other countries but you'll note the majority of posters from other countries don't see the need to carry a gun - it's a foreign concept to them. This should speak far more loudly then any articles.

    Whereas many of the Americans on this page not only express a desire to have a gun but many of them already DO have one.

    I'm not making judgments, just pointing out what I'm reading in all these pages and I think it's rather interesting and telling.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I find this whole thread extremely fascinating. The difference between the rest of the world and Americans is kind of in glaring proof here.

    Yes you guys have provided links to articles of gun violence in other countries but you'll note the majority of posters from other countries don't see the need to carry a gun - it's a foreign concept to them. This should speak far more loudly then any articles.

    Whereas many of the Americans on this page not only express a desire to have a gun but many of them already DO have one.

    I'm not making judgments, just pointing out what I'm reading in all these pages and I think it's rather interesting and telling.
    I know plenty of people in Germany who have swords. Guns can at least be used for hunting. There's not much use in chasing down a deer with a 15th century langen schwert. I say make this thread about those decadent germans.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I find this whole thread extremely fascinating. The difference between the rest of the world and Americans is kind of in glaring proof here.

    Yes you guys have provided links to articles of gun violence in other countries but you'll note the majority of posters from other countries don't see the need to carry a gun - it's a foreign concept to them. This should speak far more loudly then any articles.

    Whereas many of the Americans on this page not only express a desire to have a gun but many of them already DO have one.

    I'm not making judgments, just pointing out what I'm reading in all these pages and I think it's rather interesting and telling.

    It's because topics like this attract gun owners. The overwhelming majority of Americans neither own nor carry guns.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I find this whole thread extremely fascinating. The difference between the rest of the world and Americans is kind of in glaring proof here.

    Yes you guys have provided links to articles of gun violence in other countries but you'll note the majority of posters from other countries don't see the need to carry a gun - it's a foreign concept to them. This should speak far more loudly then any articles.

    Whereas many of the Americans on this page not only express a desire to have a gun but many of them already DO have one.

    I'm not making judgments, just pointing out what I'm reading in all these pages and I think it's rather interesting and telling.

    you're forgetting that the far majority of Americans that dont have a pistol, or are not interested in them, are not going to even open this thread.

    they already know the basic argument that always arises from the topic.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Whereas many of the Americans on this page not only express a desire to have a gun but many of them already DO have one.
    In the words of Tuco Ramirez: "Not one, lots of em"
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member

    Imagine the London riots plus guns - you think it would have been BETTER?

    The idea of normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying to me, and reminds me that for all our similarities, the UK and America are very different places.

    If I was running in a rough area I might take a rape alarm I guess.

    I agree with you completely and I am an American living in Chicago, where crime is rampant and concealed carry is illegal. My personal opinion is that maybe if those criminals didn't have such easy access to guns then there wouldn't be so many shootings. Carrying a weapon seems completely unnecessary to me--I feel it would more likely be used against me than anything else or because of the wind I feel that mace or pepper spray would end up in my face instead. It kind of boggles my mind that anyone would carry a gun when running.

    The argument is a simple one.
    If you have to worry about that guy shooting you.... You wont contribute to the riot.

    Thats why London and Chicago, both citys where its 'illegal'... have riots.
    and other areas of the US where we are free to protect ourselves.... dont.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I find this whole thread extremely fascinating. The difference between the rest of the world and Americans is kind of in glaring proof here.

    Yes you guys have provided links to articles of gun violence in other countries but you'll note the majority of posters from other countries don't see the need to carry a gun - it's a foreign concept to them. This should speak far more loudly then any articles.

    Whereas many of the Americans on this page not only express a desire to have a gun but many of them already DO have one.

    I'm not making judgments, just pointing out what I'm reading in all these pages and I think it's rather interesting and telling.
    I know plenty of people in Germany who have swords. Guns can at least be used for hunting. There's not much use in chasing down a deer with a 15th century langen schwert. I say make this thread about those decadent germans.

    THAT'S why my brother owns so many swords! HAHA! Must be a German thing. ;)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I find this whole thread extremely fascinating. The difference between the rest of the world and Americans is kind of in glaring proof here.

    Yes you guys have provided links to articles of gun violence in other countries but you'll note the majority of posters from other countries don't see the need to carry a gun - it's a foreign concept to them. This should speak far more loudly then any articles.

    Whereas many of the Americans on this page not only express a desire to have a gun but many of them already DO have one.

    I'm not making judgments, just pointing out what I'm reading in all these pages and I think it's rather interesting and telling.

    you're forgetting that the far majority of Americans that dont have a pistol, or are not interested in them, are not going to even open this thread.

    they already know the basic argument that always arises from the topic.

    You're right. I did forget that. I still find the thread fascinating. :D

    I don't own a weapon. I opened this thread because I was curious how one would safely carry a weapon while running. It just seems very dangerous to me. I still haven't seen any kind of 'concealed' holster that truly seems safe.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member

    Imagine the London riots plus guns - you think it would have been BETTER?

    The idea of normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying to me, and reminds me that for all our similarities, the UK and America are very different places.

    If I was running in a rough area I might take a rape alarm I guess.

    I agree with you completely and I am an American living in Chicago, where crime is rampant and concealed carry is illegal. My personal opinion is that maybe if those criminals didn't have such easy access to guns then there wouldn't be so many shootings. Carrying a weapon seems completely unnecessary to me--I feel it would more likely be used against me than anything else or because of the wind I feel that mace or pepper spray would end up in my face instead. It kind of boggles my mind that anyone would carry a gun when running.

    The argument is a simple one.
    If you have to worry about that guy shooting you.... You wont contribute to the riot.

    Thats why London and Chicago, both citys where its 'illegal'... have riots.
    and other areas of the US where we are free to protect ourselves.... dont.

    :laugh: That's some interesting...well...can't call it "logic"....:laugh:
  • kehuizenga
    Oh god, this topic really depresses me :( I live in inner city Chicago, am a woman, and sometimes have to run at night - but I will NEVER carry a gun, much less own one. This is such an incendiary topic in the U.S., I'm reluctant to weigh in here, but I must say this - I work in one of the most crime-ridden neighborhoods in this city (I'm a social worker), and where I live ain't so great either - but I totally reject gun culture. If you must carry a gun while running - plz stay clear of me - I wouldn't want to be mistaken for an assailant and lose my life!

    Why not practice safe running habits (already suggested above, I'm sure), like running with a partner, etc. There is a foldable stick thang that some female runners I know carry along for their runs - can't remember the name - might not be a bad thing to consider buying.

    Sticks and my partner arent' going to take care of wildlife...

    I do think it makes sense if you live somewhere where lions, tigers, bears, oh my are an issue. But in an urban or suburban area that does not have much scarier animals than rats, carrying with the purpose of using your gun against a person seems a little wacky to me.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I don't own a weapon. I opened this thread because I was curious how one would safely carry a weapon while running. It just seems very dangerous to me. I still haven't seen any kind of 'concealed' holster that truly seems safe.

    You only need one basic thing to carry concealed safely- the weapon must by held securely typically with a strap over the backstrap area of the weapon and the trigger area covered.

    I personally own a number of holsters that are "open" (i.e. no strap) but due to their design they more then adequately retain the weapon even while flat out running (but even then I would put my hand on the grip of the weapon to ensure retention). When I jog the weapon is in a more secure holster with a retention strap.

    Many of the options presented are quite secure as a point of fact.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't own a weapon. I opened this thread because I was curious how one would safely carry a weapon while running. It just seems very dangerous to me. I still haven't seen any kind of 'concealed' holster that truly seems safe.

    You only need one basic thing to carry concealed safely- the weapon must by held securely typically with a strap over the backstrap area of the weapon and the trigger area covered.

    I personally own a number of holsters that are "open" (i.e. no strap) but due to their design they more then adequately retain the weapon even while flat out running (but even then I would put my hand on the grip of the weapon to ensure retention). When I jog the weapon is in a more secure holster with a retention strap.

    Many of the options presented are quite secure as a point of fact.

    Interesting. I've never held a gun in my life. Well, not a hand gun. Out here we use rifles and only when we're hunting.

    The police officers (the only people I see with guns) have those leg holsters and they seem safe enough. Or the chest strap holders (you know the ones I'm talking about).

    Tucking a gun into the back of my pants doesn't seem safe to me. But I know nothing about guns so... *shrug*
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Oh god, this topic really depresses me :( I live in inner city Chicago, am a woman, and sometimes have to run at night - but I will NEVER carry a gun, much less own one. This is such an incendiary topic in the U.S., I'm reluctant to weigh in here, but I must say this - I work in one of the most crime-ridden neighborhoods in this city (I'm a social worker), and where I live ain't so great either - but I totally reject gun culture. If you must carry a gun while running - plz stay clear of me - I wouldn't want to be mistaken for an assailant and lose my life!

    Why not practice safe running habits (already suggested above, I'm sure), like running with a partner, etc. There is a foldable stick thang that some female runners I know carry along for their runs - can't remember the name - might not be a bad thing to consider buying.

    Sticks and my partner arent' going to take care of wildlife...

    I do think it makes sense if you live somewhere where lions, tigers, bears, oh my are an issue. But in an urban or suburban area that does not have much scarier animals than rats, carrying with the purpose of using your gun against a person seems a little wacky to me.

    But criminals carry guns with the purpose of using them against a person. How is defending yourself from it "wacky"?
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    But criminals carry guns with the purpose of using them against a person. How is defending yourself from it "wacky"?
    But why would a criminal want to shoot you? Honestly, I'm genuinely confused! I know criminals may want to steal your phone, money, purse etc. but just randomly shooting you for the fun of it seems a bit out there. No?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member

    Imagine the London riots plus guns - you think it would have been BETTER?

    The idea of normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying to me, and reminds me that for all our similarities, the UK and America are very different places.

    If I was running in a rough area I might take a rape alarm I guess.

    I agree with you completely and I am an American living in Chicago, where crime is rampant and concealed carry is illegal. My personal opinion is that maybe if those criminals didn't have such easy access to guns then there wouldn't be so many shootings. Carrying a weapon seems completely unnecessary to me--I feel it would more likely be used against me than anything else or because of the wind I feel that mace or pepper spray would end up in my face instead. It kind of boggles my mind that anyone would carry a gun when running.

    The argument is a simple one.
    If you have to worry about that guy shooting you.... You wont contribute to the riot.

    Thats why London and Chicago, both citys where its 'illegal'... have riots.
    and other areas of the US where we are free to protect ourselves.... dont.

    :laugh: That's some interesting...well...can't call it "logic"....:laugh:
    Crime did double in england since gun restriction laws were enacted. I just looked it up now myself.