Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    How best would I carry one of these for running?

    'Cause pistols just piss grizzly bears off.


    And how would you carry one of THESE if you were running?

    I guess I just run too hard but the thought of carrying anything boggles my mind. ;)

    military does, plus a huge pack.
    don't be a sissy!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I find this whole thread extremely fascinating. The difference between the rest of the world and Americans is kind of in glaring proof here.

    Yes you guys have provided links to articles of gun violence in other countries but you'll note the majority of posters from other countries don't see the need to carry a gun - it's a foreign concept to them. This should speak far more loudly then any articles.

    Whereas many of the Americans on this page not only express a desire to have a gun but many of them already DO have one.

    I'm not making judgments, just pointing out what I'm reading in all these pages and I think it's rather interesting and telling.

    The point is glaring...American (gun owners) dont feel the need for a government entity to provide them with protection. Nor do we trust them to provide us with the personal protection we need for our self and our family. The congested urban areas do. That's why highly populated metropolitan areas tend to vote democrat because they need the government to provide services for them instead of providing them on their own. Democrats are dependent on outside entity. Relying on some one else to provide that for you is a recipe for failure. If you Europeans, Australians and Canadians want to sit back and enjoy the psuedo comfort of your government supplying you with a false sense of protection you are more than welcome.

    We are glad you live over there too :)
    Stay over their and keep your European ideas to yourself. :)

    Eventually your government will fail as ALL governments have in history. Who will protect you then? Do you think those gunless bobbies will give two hoots about weather or not you are protected when **** falls apart? Keep telling yourself that you have no need and you will be safe. You live in a dream land of false safety. You think that you are protected but when it actually comes down to it, No one is looking out for you and your family except you. In America, gun owners not criminals, have a sense of responsibility for themselves, their family, and their property. We dont expect anyone to come to our rescue. We are self sufficient and dont need a government to help us. If you trust your government congratulations. I hope that works out well for you. I hope on your life that you never have to experience it. As for me and my family well we will be protected.

    Quoted for emphasis
    To reiterate, the folks suggesting its unnecessary. You dont know any of us. You dont know where we live or the dangers we may encounter. You dont know how we grew up or how familiar we are with guns or weapons. You dont understand guns as all of you have basically suggested so why would you try to explain what you dont understand or what you fear to those of us that are comfortable and trained?

    Do you have an answer to the OP's question? No then this is not a debate thread. run along.

    Those who suggest we move? Really? We just pick up and move so we can run? Who cares about our families right? OR even if we are single. This is such a great economy to move in. Lots of Jobs and plenty of money for moving expenses. More importantly how far would you have me move? Sat. I'm scheduled to run 14 miles. Im going to run through alot of different neighborhoods and environments. It is better for me to be prepared for what I may encounter than to wish later that I had been more prepared.

    OP I run on a trail sometimes that is an old railroad track that was converted and it runs for 20 miles through woods and farmland. Its dark and secluded. I am midway through my marathon training and I'm definitely going to start carrying pepper spray or mace. I've thought about a weapon but I'm afraid the bulk would be too much. However; I strongly encourage those who need to or want to carry to find a solution.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I live within 4 miles of Detroit and don't feel the need to carry or even own a weapon but to each their own.
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    Bump for later - would like to know options for this also.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Crime did double in england since gun restriction laws were enacted. I just looked it up now myself.

    In 2009, there were 9,146 murders in the USA due to firearms. In the UK in 2008, there were 39. If you adjust the number up for the UK to reflect the lower population compared to the US, you'd have the equivalent of 195 firearm murders. Still significantly lower than what exists in the USA.

    Just to repeat: in the USA, over 9,000 gun murders per year. In the UK, 39.

    The culture of fear in the USA, with every Tom, ****, and Dirty Harry armed to the teeth, means more gun deaths. More guns equals more gun deaths.

    When everyday people (non law enforcement) are jogging with guns, something has gone terribly wrong within the culture.

    So you're saying that the crime in england went up because you hate red necks?
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    military does, plus a huge pack.
    don't be a sissy!

    Yep at like 4am with a 50lb pack and a sergeant yelling at you.

  • renku
    renku Posts: 182 Member
    Wow, just another naive Canadian here, I was surprised to see this was a serious topic.
  • angelamuse
    angelamuse Posts: 20 Member
    I'm an American and I feel no need to carry a gun while running. I do carry pepper spray, but this is because I was attacked by a dog once by running. I run in citites, town, trails, etc and have never felt scared or like I needed a gun. Isn't it a fact that more people are killed with their own handgun then protected?
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    Wow, just another naive Canadian here, I was surprised to see this was a serious topic.

    As another Canadian....

    .... I thought they were talking about wolves, bears and moose.

    Moose are the worse. You would think one of the meat eaters but nope. F**cking herbivore.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    Yea, we all know there is no crime in Europe.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    ... Isn't it a fact that more people are killed with their own handgun then protected?
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    If you trust your government congratulations. I hope that works out well for you. I hope on your life that you never have to experience it. As for me and my family well we will be protected.

    This way of life has worked for me and several generations of my family. So yes... I'm content to live this way and you're content to live the way you do. :)

    I, personally, have never known or met someone who was the victim of gun violence. I also do not know anyone who was ever attacked while out and about jogging or walking or just hanging out. But I live in a very rural area and out here you're more likely to be attacked by a rogue deer (it HAS happened!!!) then a person.

    As I said. I'm not making judgments. I'm watching and listening and learning and I find it all very fascinating.

    I really thought the kind of mentality I'm seeing here was just in the movies.

    Call me naive but my life has been largely violence free so it's hard for me to understand or fathom the things of which you speak. I can't imagine living in a place where people are so violent and volatile that I would only feel safe with a weapon on my person at all times.
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    get something light. I have a Ruger LC 9...small, simple, precise..easy to carry.
  • laprovocateur
    laprovocateur Posts: 128 Member
    But criminals carry guns with the purpose of using them against a person. How is defending yourself from it "wacky"?
    But why would a criminal want to shoot you? Honestly, I'm genuinely confused! I know criminals may want to steal your phone, money, purse etc. but just randomly shooting you for the fun of it seems a bit out there. No?
    I wish...
    Seriously?!? This actually happens? There are criminals who shoot others just for the fun of it? That's insane. Completely and utterly insane, and I am genuinely saddened if it's true.

    Do you not own a TV?

    Yes, I do own a TV but I don't live in the US so we only get your larger news stories over here.

    you have successfully illustrated our point. ("our" being sane, responsible, licensed gun carrying persons in the US)

    criminals kill people with guns for the hell of it. and it happens so often that it does NOT qualify as one of our "larger news stories" and therefore often goes unreported to the news, or is minimized and glossed over.

    people are ridiculous and it is WAY too easy to buy guns here.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Wow, just another naive Canadian here, I was surprised to see this was a serious topic.

    As another Canadian....

    .... I thought they were talking about wolves, bears and moose.

    Moose are the worse. You would think one of the meat eaters but nope. F**cking herbivore.

    It's deer that scare the crap out of me. Those little *kitten* are freaking psycho.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    But criminals carry guns with the purpose of using them against a person. How is defending yourself from it "wacky"?
    But why would a criminal want to shoot you? Honestly, I'm genuinely confused! I know criminals may want to steal your phone, money, purse etc. but just randomly shooting you for the fun of it seems a bit out there. No?

    And what is your argument against being physically assaulted? Say a criminal confronts you and demands your phone, money, purse/wallet. What if they think they need to subdue you first? Maybe they're only going to punch you a couple of times. Maybe they have more nefarious notions in mind. How are you to know? And are you simply going to sit back and let that happen? Let them physically assault you until they feel you're sufficiently cowed? Maybe you're comfortable with that.

    And what about rape? While uncommon given the number of runners vs the reports we hear on the news, it happens. And when it happens to you, you don't give a hoot about statistics that say your chances of it happening to you were slim. Are you content to sit back and let it happen because you don't want the worry of shooting someone and possibly taking their life?

    I'm not. If I'm attacked I want the means to defend myself. If I'm going to be attacked I'm going down fighting. Am I going to be concerned about whatever pain/damage I inflict on my attacker? Heck no!! If they make the choice to attack me then they have to deal with whatever the consequences might be.

    Don't place the blame on the victim for wanting to defend themselves. The blame should be placed squarely where it belongs...on the attacker/robber/assaulter. I simply don't understand this mentality of making the victim out to be the bad guy.
  • jennieth
    I have been looking into an arm band type carrier for a knife. I want to carry in plain sight. My 11 year old runs and hikes with me so I would like to avoid the confrentation if possible. She carries pepper spray in her hand ready to go when we hike. Darn coyotes!

    I run on a track that gets very dark at night. The problem is it's at a park that is connected to a Middle School. I do not know if it is officially part of the school so if it is I cannot carry at all.

    The park we hike at is pretty scary sometimes. Some sketchy people hang out there. I normally park by the sheriffs that patrol there but once we are one the trails its pretty secluded. I asked the sheriffs how big of a knife they would turn an blind eye too but he would not give me an answer.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    reading some of these posts makes me glad i live in an area where i don't have to worry about packing while i'm out. i'm not stupid i know bad things can happen anywhere but i could never live somewhere where crime is so bad i need to run with a gun. i'd be afraid the thing would go off while i was running. i don't own a gun. i run with my cell phone.
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    I would carry a gun with me when I'm out walking if I wasnt so clumsy. I live in a semi rural area in Kentucky, and the parks usually have some form of creepy lurking around. Meth is a big problem where I live, and we've had 2 escaped inmates in the last 7 days, one who stabbed a guard on an ER run to get away. I stopped walking in the parks because the trails can't be seen from the road and cell reception is crappy! Better to be safe than a statistic!
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Dear God, running with knives and guns?!?!? What?!?

    I am very glad I live in Europe!

    Yea, we all know there is no crime in Europe.

    Where did I say "there is no crime in Europe"?