Blaming TOM (please stop)



  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    LOL love this

    I can see having issues on the scale due to water retention - but agreed - PMS doesnt force you to eat bad food.

    Im pregnant - and I refuse to use pregnancy as an excuse to over eat and eat tonnes of junk food either.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    It used to be much worse (unable to move, sweating a river, etc), but it's slightly better through the power of Yaz. However, I do still experience some extreme symptoms that are exacerbated by my regular exercise regimen. So, I honestly don't get where some women here get off generalizing simply because their period is clearly filled with will power and awesomeness.

    Hehe - I think there a few women in the thread who genuinely don't realise that some women have disorders where their periods make them ill (like, OMG, how dare they blame their TOMs for making them ill! Being ill is clearly a sign of weakness and lack of will powerz!!), and that unfortunately going to the doctor won't necessarily fix it and make everything a-okay. But in reality, I've found that most women in the real world are aware that periods can be very different for different people, and that healthy eating and body building don't miraculously heal everything!

    Personally, I find it much more helpful to listen to my body than listen to my 'will power' - it's always important to be flexible in what you've willed yourself to do, so that you're able to adapt to changes in your body. It's never worth making yourself ill. I am always rather glad when people on my friends list decide to have a rest day - it's good to know they're looking after themselves. I find people on this site are generally more inclined to push themselves too hard than to go the opposite extreme.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    It used to be much worse (unable to move, sweating a river, etc), but it's slightly better through the power of Yaz. However, I do still experience some extreme symptoms that are exacerbated by my regular exercise regimen. So, I honestly don't get where some women here get off generalizing simply because their period is clearly filled with will power and awesomeness.

    Hehe - I think there a few women in the thread who genuinely don't realise that some women have disorders where their periods make them ill (like, OMG, how dare they blame their TOMs for making them ill! Being ill is clearly a sign of weakness and lack of will powerz!!), and that unfortunately going to the doctor won't necessarily fix it and make everything a-okay. But in reality, I've found that most women in the real world are aware that periods can be very different for different people, and that healthy eating and body building don't miraculously heal everything!

    Personally, I find it much more helpful to listen to my body than listen to my 'will power' - it's always important to be flexible in what you've willed yourself to do, so that you're able to adapt to changes in your body. It's never worth making yourself ill. I am always rather glad when people on my friends list decide to have a rest day - it's good to know they're looking after themselves. I find people on this site are generally more inclined to push themselves too hard than to go the opposite extreme.

    Couldn't agree More
  • shan1204
    Wow. Some of you ladies...

    I think some of us need to look up at the name of this website and be a "pal". Quit bullying, judging, generalizing, and trying to look more badass than the next girl. It's really not as impressive as you seem to think it is.

    I completely agree.

    I also think more damage is done by women sniping at each other than anything any so called 'TOM' post could achieve. Well done 'ladies'.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Hehe - I think there a few women in the thread who genuinely don't realise that some women have disorders where their periods make them ill (like, OMG, how dare they blame their TOMs for making them ill! Being ill is clearly a sign of weakness and lack of will powerz!!), and that unfortunately going to the doctor won't necessarily fix it and make everything a-okay. But in reality, I've found that most women in the real world are aware that periods can be very different for different people, and that healthy eating and body building don't miraculously heal everything!

    Personally, I find it much more helpful to listen to my body than listen to my 'will power' - it's always important to be flexible in what you've willed yourself to do, so that you're able to adapt to changes in your body. It's never worth making yourself ill. I am always rather glad when people on my friends list decide to have a rest day - it's good to know they're looking after themselves. I find people on this site are generally more inclined to push themselves too hard than to go the opposite extreme.
    Completely agree.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Does TOM drive anyone else to drink?

    You mean drink water? *wink* I do fine myself more thirsty.

    No it doesn't drive me to alcohol just french fries and brownies. LOL

    Yeah, I was just joking around. I don't actually drink. I do start to question my whole life's purpose, though. :wink: But, then I realize it's just TOM and decide I will wait a couple days on making major decisions about the course I should next take in life. But, again, I'm just joking around. I do remember feeling that way sometimes when I was younger.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Does TOM drive anyone else to drink?

    You mean drink water? *wink* I do fine myself more thirsty.

    No it doesn't drive me to alcohol just french fries and brownies. LOL

    Yeah, I was just joking around. I don't actually drink. I do start to question my whole life's purpose, though. :wink:
    Talking about whole life's purpose...I was going to rant about some people around me. :( Trust me I have been much stronger than I first started the journey but once in a while comment like "if I eat like this everyday, I would rather die" or "I don't see the purpose of living to eat like this"...still gets into me. I know I shouldn't let this bother me. But you know from time to time they do make you feel a bit "man, am I really a freak?"
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It used to be much worse (unable to move, sweating a river, etc), but it's slightly better through the power of Yaz. However, I do still experience some extreme symptoms that are exacerbated by my regular exercise regimen. So, I honestly don't get where some women here get off generalizing simply because their period is clearly filled with will power and awesomeness.

    Hehe - I think there a few women in the thread who genuinely don't realise that some women have disorders where their periods make them ill (like, OMG, how dare they blame their TOMs for making them ill! Being ill is clearly a sign of weakness and lack of will powerz!!), and that unfortunately going to the doctor won't necessarily fix it and make everything a-okay. But in reality, I've found that most women in the real world are aware that periods can be very different for different people, and that healthy eating and body building don't miraculously heal everything!

    Personally, I find it much more helpful to listen to my body than listen to my 'will power' - it's always important to be flexible in what you've willed yourself to do, so that you're able to adapt to changes in your body. It's never worth making yourself ill. I am always rather glad when people on my friends list decide to have a rest day - it's good to know they're looking after themselves. I find people on this site are generally more inclined to push themselves too hard than to go the opposite extreme.

    Yeah, I agree with this also. Especially with weight lifting, you need to take regular rest days (sometimes 2 in a row), so why not take it during TOM. Why does everyone here think people need to exercise every single day. Nothing horrible will happen if once a month you take off a day or two (lots of people do that weekly).
  • Irish_eyes75
    Imagine a watermelon - now imagine a bloated watermelon - those would be my boobs during TOM - and I DO blame TOM :noway:

    But seriously - It's hard to talk yourself out of cravings but it can be done with some serious commitment. Some women have horrible periods that come with emotional issues and physical issues which can in turn cause more emotions, and yeah, some like to just use it as an excuse to over eat - I used to fall in the category of the latter.

    I was on vaca last week and I had TOM (sucked to be me) and the scale stuck to the number from the week before - because I constantly talked myself out of eating bad stuff. It was HARD but I felt SO much better when it was over that I didn't let it win! This week - I'm down 2lbs. So yeah, you may not lose that week but it regulates after a few days.
  • brandipoo
    brandipoo Posts: 58 Member
    I see what you're trying to say, but the delivery was not effective. Your body runs on hormones, and sex hormones are very powerful. This seems to be more shaming than empowering.
  • Irish_eyes75
    Some people just need an excuse to pig out. If they just ate in moderation instead of starving themselves of the foods they like, they wouldn't need to.

    People are freaking stuuuupid and people who over-eat clearly constantly do not want to lose weight badly enough.

    Also...Yeah, $4 tampons, haven't seen those. More like $8!

    Not cool
  • AndreaDaPrincess
    AndreaDaPrincess Posts: 58 Member
    I am a hyster-sister.......Tom is no longer is a threat to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!! :laugh:
  • GeekyGoddess
    I understand the basic gripe of the OP. However, it could have been worded more tactfully with a generally more positive and proactive approach to the subject, but how could the OP have known she was going to set off such a $h!t storm of negativity. MFP forums have such a toxic culture.

    But this:
    "People are freaking stuuuupid and people who over-eat clearly constantly do not want to lose weight badly enough."

    That was just uncalled for. Unmitigated ignorance. Hurtful. The absolute opposite of what a supportive environment is supposed to be about.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    Every cycle is different and causes a different set of reactions. This post is pointless and sad coming a female. Isnt there enough bashing on this forum already?
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Seriously...what does it matter what women use as an "excuse" to make poor health choices? Men will come up with different and equally as pointless excuses to make their own poor choices. People should really stop giving so many fuks about what others choose to do. OTOH, if I am starving and my stomachs is growling because TOM starts tomorrow and I need to eat, you can surely bet I will eat something regardless f if I am at my "calorie limit" or not. Additionally, if I have cramps and bloating so bad that I feel like my insides are being extracted with a tow chain, I am sure as hell not gonna go jump around for an hour to get my cardio in.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    I understand the basic gripe of the OP. However, it could have been worded more tactfully with a generally more positive and proactive approach to the subject, but how could the OP have known she was going to set off such a $h!t storm of negativity. MFP forums have such a toxic culture.

    But this:
    "People are freaking stuuuupid and people who over-eat clearly constantly do not want to lose weight badly enough."

    That was just uncalled for. Unmitigated ignorance. Hurtful. The absolute opposite of what a supportive environment is supposed to be about.

    AMEN this isnt a griping place its support/motivation. Maybe her TOM is bothering her.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    LOL I agree partially with you, OP. I do think the extra craving are very real during TOM, but I also agree we should have more than enough self control not to indulge in them. I have heard you burn a little bit more calories during TOM, and I do notice my appetite increases, so usually I will allow for a bit more wiggle room... but I certainly do not eat 1000 extra calories and then wonder why I take a step backwards on the scale that week (not including the water weight.. I always jump up the week during my period by 5-7lbs, so I just don't weigh until the next week)
  • juli_jones
    juli_jones Posts: 101 Member
    for me....when TOM leaves, he usually takes a little weight with I don't totally HATE him, just mostly!! :-)
  • chanson104
    This thread makes me think of one of my favourite quotes:

    "Your body doesn't care if your mind isn't motivated. Results are the same with or without it. JUST SHOW UP!"
    This is a great quote! Stealing it!!
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Every cycle is different and causes a different set of reactions. This post is pointless and sad coming a female. Isnt there enough bashing on this forum already?

    Tell em leggy!