

  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    You need to stay away from him because he is an abuser and a cheater who won't change for anyone. A real man doesn't grab his wife and throws her out the way he did. Don't ever feel bad about telling him how you feel and getting away from him. It's safer this way. Hugs :flowerforyou:
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Stay away and don't look back. Really? you want to go back to that? He'll only continue to do what he's done in the past, because you were so easy to get back.
  • ericagray
    ericagray Posts: 49 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I split from my "husband" on September 21st, so we have been separated for about 3 months. It feels like so much longer! Since then I have gotten a job, and I am starting school in January. I'm happy, most of the time, and I actually have friends! I feel that this has ONLY made me a stronger person. Him and I went to court over our son, and we have a 50/50 schedule. The divorce is going to go through on January 5th. Since we have been split, I went over to his place to get my stuff, and he picked me up and threw me out literally in front of my son. I have finally gotten most of my stuff back, and I filed for support. It's so sad to think things have to be this way, but I know deep down I will be okay and things will take time, getting my own place, getting through school, getting a better car. I have heard that he has a girlfriend, and I feel at this point, the nest thing he can do is getting her knocked up! Good luck to her because he will only do the samething! He said to me last night, he wants me to just give my son to him, he thinks it would help since I am working, and going to school, and I wanna have "fun" He's crazy if he thinks I will do that.!! I just thought I should give ya'll an update, just so you don't think I'm dead somewhere in a ditch(:
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    So you are free now? Let's party.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I was friends with his "ex" he dated her for about a month or two and it was a year before we met. I started becoming friends with her when her and I had gotten pregnant around the same time. I thought nothing of it to be friends with her. They both stated that they had no feelings for each other, and that was that, I TRUSTED both of them. Well, she stayed a night when my now husband was working night turn. It was fun to have a friend, who had a baby and understood what it was like. She had stayed two more times after that. The one time, she had stay and my husband got up to "get a drink". My reason for putting it that way is because you could set a bomb off and he wouldn't wake up. It was both times she stayed he needed a "drink" Well the first time she stayed he went down to get a drink and I went downstairs accusing him of doing stuff with her. Come to find out she tells me he tried to kiss her. The next time she stayed, we were all sleeping in the same bed, i was in the middle, this was before we were married, and I felt bad, and didn't want her sleeping on the couch, Well, i couldn't sleep and she ends up laying on his cheast, again, didn't think anything of it. We;;, she goes downstairs, and he follows, she then tells me that he asked her to have sex ith her in the downstairs bathroom. I had gone to sleep, because again,I trusted then. So the beginning of August, I went to the beach and he stayed home due to working, I took our 1yr old son with me, well two days after leaving drives 30 minutes to meet her at 10pm, to kiss her, and hold her down trying to get into her pants(her story, he only told me about the kiss) so the day I find out about this, I found porn on the history, so I called him at work and asked him about it he lied to me 3 timed before telling the truth, so I called my sister and asked her to come get me that I would like to stay with her for a few days, well in the meantime, he was texting my step cousin's gf and lying about who it was and deleting messages..I asked him about it and he said that he wanted to prove i go through his phone, and then the real reason was because he wanted attention. As he was trying to figure out where I was he calls my friend and asks he, I didn't tell her where I was, so she called me, and told me she had to tell me something, and I asked her what, and she said maybe I shouldn't tell you, well i begged her, and that's when i found out about what happened while i was away. So he called me, and is tarted screaming st him, asking him about what he did, he lied of course and demanded to know where i was, so my friend 3 wayed him, and he asked her why she couldn't keep her mouth shut.
    So i went back to our apartment that night, and I cried all night, how could he do this to me?!
    I decided i was going to stayed at my sisters for a few weeks, but of course we saw each other everyday, due to him wanting to see our son.
    I am back at the apartment again, and in fact I spend the night at my sister's the other night because I'm not happy and I don't think I can find it in myself to forgive.
    My mom on the other hand, feels we need to make it work and I'm full of ****, i am so happy, and she's giving me no choice but to stay. She says "porn is normal, nothing to worry about" and him talk to his mom about me is okay it will pass, and him calling me names and putting me down, that's okay and that will change. I'm just fed up.
    We were going to counsiling, but I felt that he was putting too much focus on me and not trying to figure out why my husband did what he did, so i am looking for another, i just feel no amount of "help" will help.

    and i will be honest, I am sometimes not the nicest to him, but everyone does stuff to make you mad, right?

    Sounds to me like you guys both have a lot of growing up to do. You let another woman sleep in your're asking for trouble...just sayin!
  • FightingforFit82
    My ex Husband. He cheated on me with 8+ women :( I stayed for a cpl mths trying to work past it but couldn't. Plus he continued to do so. I ended up filing for divorce. I think in certain cases, if the other party is sorry and stops, things can be saved. People can change but they need to apply the change. I would seek out other options before leaving them. I would try to work through it.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I split from my "husband" on September 21st, so we have been separated for about 3 months. It feels like so much longer! Since then I have gotten a job, and I am starting school in January. I'm happy, most of the time, and I actually have friends! I feel that this has ONLY made me a stronger person. Him and I went to court over our son, and we have a 50/50 schedule. The divorce is going to go through on January 5th. Since we have been split, I went over to his place to get my stuff, and he picked me up and threw me out literally in front of my son. I have finally gotten most of my stuff back, and I filed for support. It's so sad to think things have to be this way, but I know deep down I will be okay and things will take time, getting my own place, getting through school, getting a better car. I have heard that he has a girlfriend, and I feel at this point, the nest thing he can do is getting her knocked up! Good luck to her because he will only do the samething! He said to me last night, he wants me to just give my son to him, he thinks it would help since I am working, and going to school, and I wanna have "fun" He's crazy if he thinks I will do that.!! I just thought I should give ya'll an update, just so you don't think I'm dead somewhere in a ditch(:

    Glad to hear it! You will feel more sure of yourself as time goes on and feel the freedom and realize you have the potential to do and be anything you want. I would suggest getting a restraining order on him though....him tossing you around, even in front of your son speaks volumes about his character. One day he may be super pissed at his current gf and take it out on you. Be safe.