I am so done with this program!!



  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I guess I just find it a shame that so many people are ready to jump down somebody's throat for not eating healthy enough, instead of providing constructive criticism that will actually teach them WHAT they're doing wrong and WHY. That's what made me love MFP so much, the community helped me learn right from wrong.

    If the OP had started with "I feel like I'm doing everything right but it doesn't seem to be working for me, where am I going wrong?" The vast majority of replies would have been constructive and supportive

    But oh no!

    "I am done with the program" = "Whatever anyone says I am still done, I'm not listening"
    "I have followed the program to the letter" = "I am doing nothing wrong so you can't teach me anything"
    "It doesn't work!!!" = No ambiguity, not a question, but a stated fact!

    Let's see, I want to know why I have had no strength gains on my chest for the last 6 months, how should I word my MFP question?

    1) I have been lifting weights for 6 months now and my chest is no stronger! I do chest exercises exectly right but no gains! LIFTING WEIGHTS DOES NOT WORK! I am so done with the program!

    2) I've been lifting weights for 6 months now but my chest is no stronger. I'm clearly doing something wrong so any advice would be much appreciated.

    I see where you're coming from, but when you don't know what you're doing wrong it's hard to be positive about it...She was ready to give up. I agree the wording could have been better, though. It varies on people's perception of what is said. I have no way of knowing the intended message any more than you do, but I perceived it as:

    "I am done with the program" = "This isn't working for me, why should I continue trying?"
    "I have followed the program to the letter" = "I have followed the program to the letter". No, she's not eating good foods for weight loss. But in her mind, she is. Chicken wings are horrible for you, but I remember a day before I started watching my calories that I used to think "It's chicken. Chicken is good for you".
    "It doesn't work!" = "I'm skeptical about this because I haven't seen any results."

    I was kind of just ranting, I've noticed this on many other topics, and I guess that kind of drew the last straw for me before feeling the need to speak up..
  • throgmar
    throgmar Posts: 16 Member
    No buying the "not eating enough" to lose weight bs.

    Sure, your metabolism slows when you're starving, but math doesn't change.

    Burn more calories than you consume and you will burn fat.


  • rachy_09
    rachy_09 Posts: 41 Member
    Ive been reading your posts and im only in week one. would anyone mind looking at my diary(i dont no if its open for people to see or not ) and if not can someone tell me how and let me know if im following the right lines or not. btw i havent logged my water ect but generral i have 4 pints water a day with the odd glass replaces with either tea or pepsi max cheers
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    Ive been reading your posts and im only in week one. would anyone mind looking at my diary(i dont no if its open for people to see or not ) and if not can someone tell me how and let me know if im following the right lines or not. btw i havent logged my water ect but generral i have 4 pints water a day with the odd glass replaces with either tea or pepsi max cheers

    Your diary isn't public! Go under the "FOOD" tab, then click settings to make it public.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    No buying the "not eating enough" to lose weight bs.

    Sure, your metabolism slows when you're starving, but math doesn't change.

    Burn more calories than you consume and you will burn fat.



    If your metabolism slows down then the maths is NOT changing

    Your BMR = 1500
    Your TDEE = 1700
    You consume 1400 calories then you will lose weight with a 300 deficit

    So if you consume only 1000 calories then you will lose weight with a 700 deficit right?
    No, not if your BMR has dropped to 700

    The maths doesn't change - BMR is not a constant
  • rachy_09
    rachy_09 Posts: 41 Member
    Ive been reading your posts and im only in week one. would anyone mind looking at my diary(i dont no if its open for people to see or not ) and if not can someone tell me how and let me know if im following the right lines or not. btw i havent logged my water ect but generral i have 4 pints water a day with the odd glass replaces with either tea or pepsi max cheers

    Your diary isn't public! Go under the "FOOD" tab, then click settings to make it public.

    all done thanks any tips advice would be fab thanks
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Yeah, only losers blame others for their own problems.....We aren't the ones not exercising and eating bullcrap! Get your head on straight lame *kitten*!
  • stephfranke
    stephfranke Posts: 84 Member
    Hey - I've been on for about six or so weeks. My weight is from over 20 years, so I'm not expecting alot of change for a bit.. mind you the scale dropping would be good... in the mean time, I am feeling alot better, energy levels are going up, and one day I will get the exercise thing going.... so I can possibly feel her frustration, etc. I am learning to eat whole foods, but old habits die hard and learning new ones can be strange. It's also easy to pont fingers, but we all have different circumstances facing us. My advice is to keep up the fight.. this isn't a diet, it's a life style change, and that doesn't happen over night.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    It really gets me how the clean eating people jump down peoples throats for eating hot dogs! OP isn't even getting to calorie target and yet still getting grief for what they are eating. Some people don't jump into the healthy, clean-eating, maniac exercising straight away, I've been here nearly a year and I'm still not there. Hopefully I never will be, it seems to turn people mean!
    OP: Try to get to your calorie limit every day, maybe add some fresh fruit and vegetables in where you can. If your diary is set at sedentary you can log any major movement as exercise. Give it a couple of weeks. I would also suggest tracking your sodium and trying to stay below 1800mg a day and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I attribute most of my weight loss to these 2 factors. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    Completely agree with the above poster. By enlarge people on here are selfless and supportive, and offer useful information when others are struggling. However, there are more than a few narcissistic body Nazis eager to gloat and cast scorn on anyone not following their strict regimes. Kudos to anyone who gets a ripped body, especially if they've shifted a lot of weight to get there. But a fit body and a poisonous personality is still an unattractive package - bear that in mind.

    Beautifully said!!! :)
    Except that it's "by and large" not "by enlarge." FYI.
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    Give me a minute I've got to grab my pitchfork
  • daddysgrl
    daddysgrl Posts: 29 Member
    This person is obviously frustrated and it kills me how so many ppl on here have negative, slightly snotty comments. Find a hobby or read the b**** (I'm probably not allowed to refer to G**)
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hmmm were you doing the program when you gained all your weight ??? Maybe you should blame the program for that also.

    Clearly if you were able to keep in the bounds you wouldn't have gained weight in the first place. Try being honest with yourself then start measuring and weighting your foods. Stop eating junk foods, drink plenty of water, low carbs (below 100) and add exercise.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You have to build muscle in order to burn fat.
    Cardio, Cardio, Cardio!
    You need to eat in order to keep your metabolism fully functioning.

    That's not really correct. Muscle tissue does burn more calories than fat, but not as much as we were originally led to believe. It also doesn't "burn fat."

    The key to losing fat is a low-fat diet that crates a deficit and cardio. Strength training should be part of an exercise program, but not to burn fat.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    Your diary is closed, but I noticed you're older and thus you almost certainly have a slower metabolism than in the past. You probably didn't create an adequate, consistent calorie deficit and didn't exercise.

    I'm older, too, and without a doubt I can't eat the way I did up to age 30.

    I would give it another try.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    It's really sad that internet trolls like this get 9 pages of responses, but people in real need of help get hardly any...SMH
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    LOL at everyone still posting advice in this thread.

    It's 7 pages long and it became clear after page 1 the OP isn't taking on board any thing people have to say.

    But, but, but....we like to hear ourselves talk!!! :smokin:

    :yawn: 8 pages now....:yawn:

    Sometimes, I feel like I don't know "proper etiquette" for forums...But I have to ask...Why are you guys being so negative towards people just trying to help out? Isn't that what MFP is all about? Providing a nonjudgmental, supportive community to help each other through weight loss journeys? Maybe the OP hasn't replied to the forum, but you don't know that they're not reading it, plus there's plenty of people who browse forums and might come across some valuable information. Browsing these forums is one of the biggest tools I've used in learning to eat right. With the things people have been saying, I don't blame her for not replying! I've read a few (not all are like this, but there's a decent amount) who say things along the lines of "well if you eat junk, of course you're not going to lose weight". This is a true statement, yes, but can you imagine how embarrassed she must feel? It's basically screaming "You're dumb, you can't eat hot dogs, your wrong in EVERYTHING that you're doing". She obviously thinks that she's eating the right things if she believes she's "doing everything right down to the letter". Ever thought maybe they don't know any other way of eating? I used to eat fast food ALL the time, 2 times a day sometimes, and I honestly didn't believe that it was THAT bad for me. Through MFP and general research, I learned how to choose healthier foods, and I learned how truly unhealthy my prior habits used to be. I wasn't born knowing that information though. I learned through support and questions, and I know if I had people react the way people react on here, I would feel even worse about myself than I already did.

    I guess I just find it a shame that so many people are ready to jump down somebody's throat for not eating healthy enough, instead of providing constructive criticism that will actually teach them WHAT they're doing wrong and WHY. That's what made me love MFP so much, the community helped me learn right from wrong.

    I'll get off my soap box now...lol

    Lots of people TRIED to offer the OP real advice, and she responded by calling people jerks and telling everyone "Bite me!"---It kinda becomes difficult to feel bad for someone when they are so incredibly combative, obstinate, and unreceptive to advice. I tried to offer a sincere comment earlier in this thread, but it just gets old trying to help someone who doesn't want to accept personal responsibility for their own journey.
  • emileesgram
    emileesgram Posts: 141 Member
    LOL at everyone still posting advice in this thread.

    It's 7 pages long and it became clear after page 1 the OP isn't taking on board any thing people have to say.

    But, but, but....we like to hear ourselves talk!!! :smokin:

    :yawn: 8 pages now....:yawn:

    Sometimes, I feel like I don't know "proper etiquette" for forums...But I have to ask...Why are you guys being so negative towards people just trying to help out? Isn't that what MFP is all about? Providing a nonjudgmental, supportive community to help each other through weight loss journeys? Maybe the OP hasn't replied to the forum, but you don't know that they're not reading it, plus there's plenty of people who browse forums and might come across some valuable information. Browsing these forums is one of the biggest tools I've used in learning to eat right. With the things people have been saying, I don't blame her for not replying! I've read a few (not all are like this, but there's a decent amount) who say things along the lines of "well if you eat junk, of course you're not going to lose weight". This is a true statement, yes, but can you imagine how embarrassed she must feel? It's basically screaming "You're dumb, you can't eat hot dogs, your wrong in EVERYTHING that you're doing". She obviously thinks that she's eating the right things if she believes she's "doing everything right down to the letter". Ever thought maybe they don't know any other way of eating? I used to eat fast food ALL the time, 2 times a day sometimes, and I honestly didn't believe that it was THAT bad for me. Through MFP and general research, I learned how to choose healthier foods, and I learned how truly unhealthy my prior habits used to be. I wasn't born knowing that information though. I learned through support and questions, and I know if I had people react the way people react on here, I would feel even worse about myself than I already did.

    I guess I just find it a shame that so many people are ready to jump down somebody's throat for not eating healthy enough, instead of providing constructive criticism that will actually teach them WHAT they're doing wrong and WHY. That's what made me love MFP so much, the community helped me learn right from wrong.

    I'll get off my soap box now...lol
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    Sorry you feel this way... MFP is like the game of golf... It's what you do.. Count your calories and count your golf strokes....It's all a mind game.... Maybe you could give it another try. I have a few friends and family on this and we have all had good results. Oh, the weight doesn't come off as fast as we would have liked but it is coming off....I am not one to exercise alot --even though I have lots of time to do it. I just have to get my butt in gear and do it.....So hopefully you will try this again and you will have good results. You can friend me it you want.. I am 56 years old and have had some health issues. But I will tell you that as of this week, I no longer have them.. My cholestrol and sugar levels are better than good. I am now off the cholestrol medicine.... That is a great thing for me... My blood pressure is back to normal......
  • LadieTink
    LadieTink Posts: 91 Member
    Off the bat, I see a lot of days where you didn't finish logging. I also see a lot of days where you didn't drink any water at all. If you're drinking diet soda and that sort of thing without flushing it out with water, it could be water weight from excess sodium.

    I can understand you're frustrated. It's incredibly tough, especially when you put in effort and don't see results. But keep at it for a bit longer. Weigh and measure absolutely everything - portion sizes can be deceiving. Log every bite. Drink some water.

    If all that fails, go see your physician and have them run some bloodwork. You may be hypothyroid or have some other medical condition that precludes weight loss.

    Keep at it! Best of luck.

    This is true and dont give up. It takes a lil longer for some people. At first I thought the same thing, but I wasnt really following the program like I should. As soon as I actually started taking time out and doing it, I and everyone else can see the progress Im making...
  • Jabray
    Jabray Posts: 4 Member
    If you think that your program has to much carbs and not enough protein, you can go in and customize your program to follow more of a low carb eating style.

    I do a customized plan for low carb.