I am so done with this program!!



  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Wheels, could you possibly share some of the exercises that have worked for you? I split my time between a walker and
    a wheelchair. The only cardio I can do is Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home and some light strength training- either a stretch
    band or a 5 pound dowel. Things like light leg exercises and sit ups as well as chest presses. Thanks for any help- you
    have motivated me! Sue
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    My doctor told me that not eating enough makes one cranky so eat up please! Also I know a few people with thyriod problems and it also affects your mood so do check it's all ok at the moment.

    Don't give up, this is a FREE website we are blessed to by able to use as a tool to help us on our weightloss journey. It takes time and effort and good healthy choices. Wishing you success. Also maybe get a fitbit like I did. It tell you how many calories you are burning so you can work out how much to eat easily. They aren't expensive. {hugs}