Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • TheJetSet
    TheJetSet Posts: 4 Member
    Got up at 5.30 this morning to do day 2, level 1, my hubbie thinks I'm crazy. I love it even more today than Sunday and those press-ups definately felt easier, maybe by day 5 I'll be able to do full press-ups????
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Got up at 5.30 this morning to do day 2, level 1, my hubbie thinks I'm crazy. I love it even more today than Sunday and those press-ups definately felt easier, maybe by day 5 I'll be able to do full press-ups????

    Hi there,

    Thejetset -Congratulations for being so dedicated and committed to working out.

    I get up at 4:45 am, allow a little time to wake up enough and get myself working out to her dvd too. My co-workers think I'm insane for getting up early. They all sleep in til the last minute then rush to work .

    Sadly, I don't see them bringing pre-planned lunches to work. Instead I see them going out for fast food then hitting the vending machines, every day. I know that it's a carb and sugar addiction, I went through that too.

    As for Level 2, I found that to be the level that really ramped up my strength. That is the level that I finally got strong enough to do a push up from the full plank position. Her dvd really does burn the calories. Take your time in level 2 because level 3 is a whole other ball game. LOL!

    Good luck!

  • Beconsistent
    So happy to have completed L2D5 (Day 15 overall)! I feel GREAT! This is the first time in the last couple of days that Jillian has had to push me. I now push myself. I'm so happy to see how this thread is growing. Can you imagine how many pounds have collectively been shed or should I say "shred?" :smile: Okay, shreded for all the english buffs out there. Keep up the fantistic work ladies!

    Take care,


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Beconsistent
    So happy to have completed L2D5 (Day 15 overall)! I feel GREAT! This is the first time in the last couple of days that Jillian has had to push me. I now push myself. I'm so happy to see how this thread is growing. Can you imagine how many pounds have collectively been shed or should I say "shred?" :smile: Okay, shreded for all the english buffs out there. Keep up the fantistic work ladies!

    Take care,


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Oops! I meant to say that this is the first time in a couple of days that Jillian has NOT had to push me. For all of you early risers, I think that's great! I have worked out in the wee hours of the morning and in the evening and I must say that I prefer the morning. Simply put, it's a great way to start the day. As long as I stick to my schedule, I never feel rushed instead I feel energized.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    WHEW!!! Just finished level 3 day 2!

    Thank you to all who post, you truly inspire me, especially in the early morning hours when the rest of the world seems to be asleep.

    This morning was easier to get through than yesterday. I think my muscles knew what was coming and decided to just do it and get over with quickly.

    I still called Jillian "evil" and "sadistic" during the workout though. I also followed that thought up with reminding myself how good if felt yesterday to be wearing the pants that I couldn't fit into for the last several months.

    So if any of you feel like quitting, just remind yourself of how good your going to look and feel this summer when we have to expose more of ourselves to the world.

    This is so worth the work.

    Have a super "shredded" day everyone!!

  • TaysMum
    I did it!! I done D1-L1 yesterday and gosh-O-gosh was it challenging!! :noway:

    It's the first time I've been excercising since getting pregnant and giving birth. Before that I used to do Taekwondo for an hour every week and go to the gym which kpet my fitness levels fairly up, now I'm just so stunned at how my fitness levels have dropped, I was panting HARD at 8mins and I had to stop to catch my breath 2 times appox 5 secs each... :noway:

    What time do you'll do your workouts? Yday I done mine at 7:30am I leave the house at 08:15am, I could barely walk, I was literally shaking after my workout, I turned up late to my Lecture. So today I'm planning on doing it after I come home hopefully.

    I can't walk properly, I can't sit down on a chair without wincing, go down or up the stairs properly! How long does this pain lasttt LOL!

    ... going to do my D2-L1 soon. I am in so much pain. Wish me luck :flowerforyou:

    PS: What do we log this as in the Excercise section, Cardio? Strentgh? ...Thank you in advance.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all our new people!:flowerforyou:

    I made a really short post yesterday and didn't get back here til today so I wanted to say "hi" to everyone !

    I went back to work yesterday after being off for 3 months (its a seasonal position) and I did LOTS of walking!:laugh: My legs were so sore last night but they feel fine this morning!:happy: I think all the working out I did during my time off--including the Shred--really helped with that!

    Monda--:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope things improve with your neice. My youngest daughter was a problem from the time she was 13 on. Unfortunately, she had to learn the hard way by getting pregnant at 15 (she decided on adoption for her baby, which really surprised me!) and has finally started to settle down a little--she's 18 now. There are still issues with her, but it IS finally starting to get better (I hope!:smile: ). So, hang in there, okay?

    Keep up the good work everyone!:drinker:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I am happy to report that today was DAY 1 LEVEL 1 for me and it was great! I used 5lb dumbells and only took a couple breaks but followed it pretty well. My only question is how long do you do each level for? is it 10 days on each level? Sorry if she said it already but I don't think I heard any specific amount of days for each level. I was thinking either 10 each or 5 each for a total of 2 rounds on each level? dunno.

  • ange_mechant
    I did it!! I done D1-L1 yesterday and gosh-O-gosh was it challenging!! :noway:

    It's the first time I've been excercising since getting pregnant and giving birth. Before that I used to do Taekwondo for an hour every week and go to the gym which kpet my fitness levels fairly up, now I'm just so stunned at how my fitness levels have dropped, I was panting HARD at 8mins and I had to stop to catch my breath 2 times appox 5 secs each... :noway:

    What time do you'll do your workouts? Yday I done mine at 7:30am I leave the house at 08:15am, I could barely walk, I was literally shaking after my workout, I turned up late to my Lecture. So today I'm planning on doing it after I come home hopefully.

    I can't walk properly, I can't sit down on a chair without wincing, go down or up the stairs properly! How long does this pain lasttt LOL!

    ... going to do my D2-L1 soon. I am in so much pain. Wish me luck :flowerforyou:

    PS: What do we log this as in the Excercise section, Cardio? Strentgh? ...Thank you in advance.

    Welcome to the hell that we like to call the Shred! It's funny how many people are starting on here everyday. I too had to stop a few times for water the first few days, but it does get better. I still have to stop like twice during the workout (my legs just aren't strong enough to do the entire set of lunges all the way through, so I stop once on each leg), but it's better. My second day (or maybe 3rd) I had to stop purely because every exercise hurt my already sore self. The next day it was better though, so the pain does go away. I log it into cardio as circuit training for 20 minutes and use 3 lb weights--which seems to be the common thing everyone is doing. For my weight and everything it says that burns 219 calories--not bad for 20 minutes! Anyway, good luck!
  • ready4change
    ready4change Posts: 151 Member
    OK so I've been logging it as circuit training as well... but my question is, aren't we going to be burning more on level 2 and 3 than level 1? how are you guys logging this???
  • sarah7181
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this board. My friend Holly had me make my way over here. :) We just started the shred about a week and a half ago. I'm doing it 5 days a week. I've just started level3.. wow! lol I finished day 3 of level 3 today. Hoping to see those pounds go down soon. I can definetly see a difference though in my muscle tone.
  • princessdauphine
    I gained 18 pounds since getting laid off, so I'm going to go and get this too, so I'm going to start it on Monday also, I'll keep you posted!!

    I here you! It is difficult!! Seeking work since this school year! I recently started mfp again........

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Great job with all the work outs and staying on task! Debbie, you're singing my song! I do the same thing as you - but haven't lost that much weight yet! But I'm losing inches and that's more important to me!

    So, I am on day 25 today - Level 3 Day 5. And wouldn't you know it, on the Rock Star jumps at the very end, I somehow twisted my knee and could not go on. I couldn't get any weight on it. I still did the abs at the end of the work out, but it totally sucked to have crapped out my knee like that!

    Anyway - I'm taking it easy today and going to see how I feel tomorrow morning - I too get up at 5:00 am to work out and it is the best time to do it -- and if I can't do the jumping (L3 has LOTS of jumping) or lunges, then I'll figure out some way to work out my upper body!
  • Abrahams_Mom
    I tend to mix them all up..but I can see your point of sticking with the 30 Day Shred for, duh, 30 days! It's a great video. I think all her videos rock and really do a great job of kicking my butt!
  • ange_mechant
    Today sucks. I got up this morning to do the shred, but then didn't do it after all. I did go to the gym where I rode a bike for 35 min and ran 1.25 miles (at 4.8 mph), then came home and did the shred after that. This was definitely not a good plan. I was so tired and out of breath and thought I actually was going to die--following Anita or otherwise. I am happy to report that I did not, actually, die though. Clearly. Anyway, tomorrow is my last day on level 1 and after today I am scared ****less. Pardon my mouth/fingers. Also sucks today because I am STILL at the same weight that I have been stuck at for the last 2 or 3 weeks, so I decided to measure myself and I'm *hoping* that I was in the wrong spot or something because according to the tape, I've gained an extra 1/2 inch on my waist and an extra inch on my hips. Ugh. I was planning on measuring tomorrow after level 1 is completed, but I couldn't stand waiting, so tomorrow I'm still taking progress pics to post on my profile, in the small shred of hope that remains that I can visibly SEE some kind of difference in the way I look. At this point I am so disappointed and frustrated and don't really feel like doing anymore because there's no point, but alas, I shall go on. Maybe one day my stupid body will give up the fight and drop some of this excess that is me. Here's hopin, I guess.

    Ps...sorry this sounds more like something I should have put in my blog, not this forum--but it was shred-related. Moral of the story being, do the shred before the gym always. LOL.
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    I did L1D2 & it kicked my tail but, this time I took 2 Aleve's an hr before my workout & managed to get though it without the killing pain on my knees! I was definitely doing the moves correct. I did stop again...those butt kicks right after the squats are a killer. I am fighting to kick my feet up but, failing miserably. I still LOVE it though. I definitely feel that this workout will get you into shape no matter how long it takes for you to complete it, I just may take this to St.Maarten with me in March! I was going to take Insanity but, this is a butt kicker in its self and will do!!!

    I also added some upper body strength training & when I got back to work I could barely move my arms to type!!! I am still looking forward to tomorrow, my Day 3 YES!!!!!

    To answer some of your questions I work out at 3:20pm during my lunch! I work from home so I can get away with sweating like a pig. :happy: I'm doing each Level for 10 days straight, no breaks in between, but I will cut out the bike & strength training on the weekends, I will just Shred on weekends! I use 5lbs weights as well during the Shred!
    Oh & I log this as Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Level 1. I added it in to the programs, under cardio for 27 mins burning 258 calories!!!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    What time do you'll do your workouts? Yday I done mine at 7:30am I leave the house at 08:15am, I could barely walk, I was literally shaking after my workout, I turned up late to my Lecture. So today I'm planning on doing it after I come home hopefully.

    I can't walk properly, I can't sit down on a chair without wincing, go down or up the stairs properly! How long does this pain lasttt LOL!

    ... going to do my D2-L1 soon. I am in so much pain.

    PS: What do we log this as in the Excercise section, Cardio? Strentgh? ...Thank you in advance.

    TaysMum - First of all, congratulations for allowing yourself to get "shredded" by Jiliian. It takes a brave person to do this, lol.

    I noticed that you started your workout at 7:30 and left your house by 8:15. I have a couple of suggestions, I hope you don't mind. I think that if you are wanting to workout in the morning, you need to give yourself more time. If you can barely walk, take a few extra minutes after the dvd to do some more slow, steady stretches of your calves, quads and hamstrings. Also, are you drinking enough water. If you aren't hydrated properly, your muscles will go into painful contractions. So you may want to make sure that you're drinking lots (before and after).

    You also mention that you were really shaky after the workout. Did you take any time to eat? Did you know, that after working your muscles in a strength training routine, you NEED to have protein within 30 minutes after your workout. If you don't do that, your body will take the protein from wherever it can steal it from. It steals the protein from your muscles. You were probably shaking because you had no "fuel in the tank". Take the time to have something like peanut butter, a protein bar or a protein shake.

    So overall I think that you were very dehydrated and needed to re-fuel with protein.

    Add to that not stretching enough and not having worked out in quite a while. No wonder you were/are in so much pain.

    The bottom line is, you can fix this.

    I hope that you aren't discouraged from working out. Keep up the good work and in no time you're going to feel as strong and fit as you did before having a baby.

    Good luck!

    ange_mechant - please don't be so hard on yourself. I think that you actually did an amazing workout routine today. You rode a bike for 35 minutes and then started running? Wow! I'm really impressed with you.

    I know that you're really bummed about not losing, the upside, you're not gaining either.. Take that as positive as you may be converting fat to muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. However, if you are truly concerned, perhaps you should look back over your food log and see if you are needing to make any adjustments to your diet.

    mimi - I am so very sorry that you blew out your knee. That has to be so painful. I hope that you recover quickly. Somehow I don't think that Jillian would mind if you took it way down to as low impact as you can until you recover. As far as those rock star jumps go, I don't like them. I'm never even going to try to do the high impact version. I think that move is just asking for people to blow out there knees. I'll just stick to small jumps like Anita.

    Anyways, I'm so sorry for going on and on like this. I truly hope that no one takes any offense to my suggestions, they are only meant to be helpful.

    Take care and go get "Shredded"!

  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I did some measurements today and couldnt' believe it! I'm down 2.5 inches in my waist already! 1 inch on my thighs, 1 inch on my upper leg, and 1 inch on my arms! WOW i am just super excited. That's after 5 days on level one (took my measurements last thursday, after doing day one level one).
  • ready4change
    ready4change Posts: 151 Member
    OK so I've been logging it as circuit training as well... but my question is, aren't we going to be burning more on level 2 and 3 than level 1? how are you guys logging this???

    I asked this earlier and didn't get any responses -- I was hoping someone new would be on now that could possibly help answer my question. Thanks!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    OK so I've been logging it as circuit training as well... but my question is, aren't we going to be burning more on level 2 and 3 than level 1? how are you guys logging this???

    I asked this earlier and didn't get any responses -- I was hoping someone new would be on now that could possibly help answer my question. Thanks!

    Here's my theory on that: Level 1, the first few days are really hard, and it gradually gets easier. Since calorie burn is relative to your LOE (level of effort), you are not likely burning the same calories on Day 1 as on Day 10. So, when you move up a level, that starts all over again. I think it all balances out. Besides, the calories listed in the program are an estimate based on your height and weight, it does not know your individual metabolism and LOE.

    I'd suggest getting a heart rate monitor for more accurate results, but I've heard they often over-calculate.