Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I did Level 1, Day 7 today. This is the first time in my life I don't have to force myself to exercise. During the workout, I keep telling Jillian how evil she is. But afterward, I love her for it. : )

    Too funny! I do the exact same thing! I call her evil (and other nasty names) and I aim at her when I do my punches...but when I'm done and I look at my emerging muscles, I love her and tell everyone I know that she's awesome.
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    OK so I've been logging it as circuit training as well... but my question is, aren't we going to be burning more on level 2 and 3 than level 1? how are you guys logging this???

    I asked this earlier and didn't get any responses -- I was hoping someone new would be on now that could possibly help answer my question. Thanks!

    I log this as Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Level 1. I added it in to the programs, under cardio for 27 mins burning 258 calories!!!
  • BeccyBerry
    Hi everyone,

    I got my dvd yesterday and popped it straight on and omg I could barely move by the time I'd finished. I got up this morning to do day 2 and I wanted to cry whilst I was doing it as I still hurt from yesterday. I think I might do 2 days on 1 day off to start with till I get used to working out. I cant wait for my weigh in on sunday to see how it helps with my weightloss. I've lost 10lb in the last 4 weeks without really doing much in the way of exercise so fingers crossed this helps even more =D
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good Morning all!

    With a great sigh of relief, I can say that I just finished doing my Level 3 Day 3.

    I do have to say though that doing this dvd everyday certainly helps me a lot. I find that it's easier to do with each passing day.

    I do want to address the calories burned question out there.

    I highly recommend that if you can get a heart rate monitor to do so. Keep in mind that the mfp calories burned is just a generalization. All of us are unique with our bodies and therefore have different metabolisms burning at different rates. Even the experts will tell you that the readouts on, for example, treadmills, is not specifically accurate to you personally.

    I use my heart rate monitor for virtually everything. It's so handy to take along on every activity.

    Good luck everyone on getting "shredded"!

  • ange_mechant
    I am back people. Though I was depressed yesterday and ate a whole crapload of food because I just didn't care anymore because it wasn't doing anything anyway, I got my happy *kitten* up and did my shred this morning. Today was significantly better than yesterday and the first day I didn't stop at all during the lunges! Yay! Today was day 10, so tomorrow is level 2 and I am definitely scared. I posted my progress pics this morning and I think I have less back fat, but that's about the only difference I can see. I was taking the pics on a timer, so I'm further back in the new pics, which makes me look smaller, so it's hard to tell. But whatever, pics are there.
  • TaysMum

    Welcome to the hell that we like to call the Shred! It's funny how many people are starting on here everyday. I too had to stop a few times for water the first few days, but it does get better. I still have to stop like twice during the workout (my legs just aren't strong enough to do the entire set of lunges all the way through, so I stop once on each leg), but it's better. My second day (or maybe 3rd) I had to stop purely because every exercise hurt my already sore self. The next day it was better though, so the pain does go away. I log it into cardio as circuit training for 20 minutes and use 3 lb weights--which seems to be the common thing everyone is doing. For my weight and everything it says that burns 219 calories--not bad for 20 minutes! Anyway, good luck!

    Thanx Ange,

    Hope shreddings going good for ya! Good luck on Level 2 btw! I was watching L2 today, just to make myself appreciative of L1 and mentally convince myself to keep pushing because there's more evil to come Lol! :happy:

    3lbs? Hmmm.. I've started on 2kg weights? Is that too much, when I get tired I drop it down to one... :grumble:

    Done D3-L1 today, slightly getting better, could probably push more if I weren't too sore!

    All the best Ppl!! :flowerforyou:
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Hey everyone! I did Day 26 today - Level 3 day 6.

    Yesterday I twisted my knee at the end so today I wrapped it up and gave it a go. I had to modify most of the lunges and squats and jumps! My leg killed when I was done. :cry:

    So, tomorrow I think I'm going to have to try and take it easy. I was talking to my husband about possibly resting the rest of the week. He suggested I just cut back and maybe not do the "legs" or hard impact stuff. Because I don't want to "get out of the habit" and then never start up again. And he's right.

    So, I think tomorrow, I'm going to go all the way back to level 1 and do that for a few days. However, I'm going to do the jumping jacks and butt kicks with weights like we do in Level 3 and I may try to follow Natalie a bit more now. I will probably not work out on Saturday or Sunday though.

    I'm so bummed! :grumble: I can see the finish line but I have to go backward! Hopefully next week this will all be behind me and I can finish up Level 3! Or by that time I may be so sick of this I just start integrating the Couch to 5K plan in with Jillian. IDK!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    D3L1 is in the bag! Today I tried my best to nit to stop for a 3 sec breather but, failed. I only stopped once & felt AMAZING!!! Today I burnt 277 so that's a big difference fro Day 1 258 calorie burn!!! My poor HM was beeping away at me. Screaming at me to slow it down but, I couldn't I had to keep up.
    Last night I hurt my knee & not from working out, I iced all day today & took 2 Aleve before my work out, wore my knee brace plus an ace bandage for extra support. I ROCKED it out & got through the squats, lunges (which I feel the burn & love it) & side lunge things!! My quads are super tight, no jiggle here any more & my calves are much toner!!! I am really enjoying this program!!!

    Great work ladies for getting it in!!! Keep digging deep!!
  • sarahgadams
    I have tried this workout and it does definitly make you sore for days it works great. I love to know it is working.. I also do the Jillian no more trouble zones and banosh fat boost metabolism and the biggest loser cardio I rotate them do different ones each day
    It is working and I love it.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Good luck, mrsberry. Don't forget to check your measurements, too!

    Ange--:flowerforyou: Don't worry too much about one day--just get right back to your healthier ways!
    And I definitely see less back fat so--you go girl!:drinker:

    Mimi--Let your knee heal. Just do what you comfortably can!:smile: Don't get discoutaged!

    Leeslim--I'm really enjoying it, too.:happy:

    I did L1D8 (2nd time) today. I'm finally getting good form with all the pushup and not just with the first ones!:laugh: I was lugging around tres at work and I am finding my job to be so much easier than I did last year!:happy:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ya'll I didn't get a chance to post this morning but I was up bright andf early @ 6am to do Level 1 Day 2. I was so tired and sleepy that I was forcing myself thru it all so I know i didn't put enough effort cuz my HRM only reported about 200 cals for the same exercise I did yesterday for 250cals. Oh well. Maybe a rest day tomorrow will do me some good. Also I am kinda scared that my knee got hurt, it doesnt hurt like crazy but it bothers me a bit. Wll try to keep an eye on it.
  • ange_mechant
    :smile: Good luck, mrsberry. Don't forget to check your measurements, too!

    Ange--:flowerforyou: Don't worry too much about one day--just get right back to your healthier ways!
    And I definitely see less back fat so--you go girl!:drinker:

    Mimi--Let your knee heal. Just do what you comfortably can!:smile: Don't get discoutaged!

    Leeslim--I'm really enjoying it, too.:happy:

    I did L1D8 (2nd time) today. I'm finally getting good form with all the pushup and not just with the first ones!:laugh: I was lugging around tres at work and I am finding my job to be so much easier than I did last year!:happy:
    Aww...thank you. I appreciate the encouragement very much--especially the validation that my back at least looks better than it did--even if that's it. Skipping the gym today to play with my son and do homework, but I'll be back on tomorrow after the I finish day 1 of level 2 and then it's off to the gym! Yay!!
  • sarahgadams
    what is the best way to check your measurments cause i dont have a measuring tape that u can wrap around u properly?
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Ange, Hun!!!
    You can notice a difference on your back fat, the back of your legs & your curves in the waist area!!!! You go Girl!!!!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    what is the best way to check your measurments cause i dont have a measuring tape that u can wrap around u properly?

    There is a printable one on the sparkspeople site. I just used a dollar store one i had here from my sewing kit. I used the sparkspeople sits reccomendations on where best to measure ;) Hope this helps.
  • TheJetSet
    TheJetSet Posts: 4 Member
    5.30 am, a little town near Nottingham, England, L1D3 OW!!

    Loving this :love:
  • Beconsistent
    L2D6 (Day 16 overall) DONE! Oh the joy in saying that I'm done :wink: As I read through the thread, I can relate to the fact this journey has it's ups and downs but we are all motivated and encouraged by one another to keep going. I'm going to take a moment today to email some of the people that I haven't seen on the thread lately. They may just need a friendly reminder that they are not alone.

    Have a wonderful day!


    BTW - Kathy, how's the new job?
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning everyone!

    Well, just finished Level 3, Day 4. I am really happy with the fact that I am feeling stronger each day I do this workout. When I look at myself in the mirror, I am starting to see some real changes to my midsection. YEAH!! When I stand sideways, I can see that that my tummy has changed its shape too. I'm really happy with this dvd, as hard as it is, it is worth all that hard work with Jillian.

    Keep up the good work everyone and go get "shredded".

  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    good morning everyone!

    Just finished Day 27! I did not do Level 3 though. Because of my leg ouchie I went back to Level 1 because there isn't has much jumping.

    I did do the jumping jacks, butt kicks and shadow boxing with weights like in Level 3, and I tried to follow Natalie as much as possible. I even got in 5 "real" push ups before I got stuck and couldn't get back up! :happy:

    But, it was still a challenge and incredibly hard!

    My leg/knee is still a bit sore, but not as bad as yesterday. I will probably get up early tomorrow to work out and then take the weekend off and start again on Monday or Tuesday morning - depending on how I feel.

    To everyone just starting - Great job! Keep it up and you'll be through in no time! And just think of how great you'll feel! Everyone moving up and on, Woo hoo! Way to go!

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Look at all the early birds!!! Great job getting it in Ladies!! I will doing Day4 Level 1 this afternoon & I am excited about it. I to think this is one of the best DVD's I invested in & am thinking about getting her other 2 "No More Trouble Zones" & "Banish Fat & Boost Metabolism" anyone workout to those yet?

    Pz- You are a trooper, getting it in with a soar knee!! You did the right thing by dropping back to level 1 & using the weights to make it harder!! You Rock! Keep it up & Be Safe!!!

    Debbie- I am looking forward to seeing the changes in my body when I get towards the end. I am pushing through each workout to get the most out of it!!! Keep it up!!!!

    Did I say how much I LOVE the 30 Day Shred? :heart:

    Have a great day everyone & Keep Pushing through! :flowerforyou: