Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    As the saying goes, "today is a gift, that's why it is called the present." So forget about yesterday and embrace today. I know you can do it!


    Good morning my fellow "shredders"!

    Melissa - Well said! I just finished saying something very similar on another thread that I'm on.

    My saying was "our bodies are a gift and we should be cherishing that gift".

    By cherishing that gift, we need to make sure to fuel our bodies with what it needs (not what we want), so that it can burn that fuel to get us to where we should be "healthy, full of energy and participating in our shared gift which is called "life".

    If someone who loves you so much gave you the greatest gift of all and you didn't show any appreciation for that gift, how would that person feel? This gift, when treated the way it was intended gives us so much more than we could ever have imagined.

    I have been able to hike to the tops of mountains and climbed up the sides of waterfalls, because of this gift.

    I have laughed, hugged and played with my daughters and I have danced the night away with girlfriends and my husband, because of this gift.

    This year, because of this gift, I'll be exploring caves, something I never thought of ever doing before.

    Just think of all the things that you've been able to do with your gift and how much more you can do with the right fuel in the tank that will give you the energy to burn, the energy to do, the energy to laugh and dance and be active in life.

    I am looking forward to actively participating in all of the adventures that lie ahead.

    Like Melissa said "today is a gift, that's why we call it the "present".

    Thank you for that Melissa.

    Here's to putting the right fuel in our tanks.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mellissa and Debbie--well said!:flowerforyou:

    L2D1--done!:happy: It wasn't bad at all! I do have trouble balancing on my left leg because it is slightly crooked, but other than that, I think I did fairly well! I did join Anita for a some of the cardio, but not the strength, so I'm pretty proud of myself!:happy:
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    (Don't forget to look for us in another thread once we hit 500 posts!)
  • PrincessDesiray
    PrincessDesiray Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you to all those that welcomed me. I am trying to do this everyday plus Yoga Booty Ballet and the elliptical when I can get to the gym.......when summer hits I want to be ready. I am thinking already that once this 30 days is done I will move onto her other DVD's because she really is kicking my butt.

    Oh I am on Level 1, day 2 and still going strong.....even though my thighs are killing me. I checked the scale this am and was up a pound and I think it may be because of the hard work Jillian made me do. I think my muscles are trying to recover by holding all the water I giving them:angry: .....oh well.

    Hopefully by the end of this I will be down more and have a leaner toner body to show for it, right?
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Thank you to all those that welcomed me. I am trying to do this everyday plus Yoga Booty Ballet and the elliptical when I can get to the gym.......when summer hits I want to be ready. I am thinking already that once this 30 days is done I will move onto her other DVD's because she really is kicking my butt.

    Oh I am on Level 1, day 2 and still going strong.....even though my thighs are killing me. I checked the scale this am and was up a pound and I think it may be because of the hard work Jillian made me do. I think my muscles are trying to recover by holding all the water I giving them:angry: .....oh well.

    Hopefully by the end of this I will be down more and have a leaner toner body to show for it, right?

    I gained weight when I started it too. After about a week, maybe week and a half, it has started falling off pretty steadily, though. Keep at it!
  • mama22girlz
    HI all

    I just got this DVD and did level one once on friday (the day after I started my first class of ZUMBA) probably not the smartest idea cause I was sore LOL. I'm going to start up again monday. Weekends are a little harder for me to do it but I'm hopping to do it everyday and take thursdays (zumba night) and sat off so we will see how it goes.
  • weebles
    So my new DVD still doesn't work in the DVD player! :huh: It does now work in my laptop, but I hate using that to exercise with. In my DVD player it still gets stuck on Recommendations and I can't arrow down to the Workout section. UGH! So I will be starting tomorrow morning on L1D1.....wish me luck. I'm ready for a butt kicking!
  • TaysMum
    Bad news guys! My DVD Drive isn't working! I haven't been shredding for the past 2 days... Just when my fitness level was improving!!! :explode:
  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    Good luck Weebles and Taysmum with getting your DVD situation worked out. If you can afford it, I'd just head to Walmart and buy a new one. They really aren't that expensive now. Don't put off starting the shred...it is GREAT!!!

    Tomorrow is my last day on Level 1, so I'll be starting Level 2 on Tuesday. I'll check my weight and measurements on that day to see where I'm at. I've been a little nervous switching to level 2 because I feel like level 1 has gotten much easier and dread starting out at the bottom again, struggling. But I'm glad to hear from others it wasn't bad!!!! That's great news--makes me feel way less apprehensive!!!

    Welcome to our newcomers! Good luck!!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Tomorrow is my last day on Level 1, so I'll be starting Level 2 on Tuesday. I'll check my weight and measurements on that day to see where I'm at. I've been a little nervous switching to level 2 because I feel like level 1 has gotten much easier and dread starting out at the bottom again, struggling. But I'm glad to hear from others it wasn't bad!!!! That's great news--makes me feel way less apprehensive!!!


    Darci - I know where you're coming from, I was scared to go to level 2 also. You will be starting all over again, however, you will feel so more stronger half way through level 2. This strength will be on top of the strength you gained in level 1. You are going to be amazed with yourself! You're going to be so proud too.

    Don't give up, you are well on your way to being.........SHREDDED!!!! LOL!

    Good luck

  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I started level 2 today and felt so pumped! I actually preferred to follow Natalie for some of it and was so proud of myself. I was really sweating again and i think i actually like level 2 better than 1. I don''t like one exercise on the level one, and i really enjoyed the skating, twist moves on level 2, and could do the planks!! I am going to re measure on thursday which will be 2 full weeks of the shred. I hit an all time low of 159.0 yesterday morning on the scale and fit into a pants suit for church today that hasn't fit for 4 years. yah Me all round!!!!

    I love this thread btw - gives me a lot of motivation!!!
  • emilyoung
    emilyoung Posts: 1 Member
    I bought this on iTunes today, and did the first workout. I'm in college, and hoping that adding this to my everyday will really help me! It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but I walk a lot here at school, so I guess I've stayed in better shape since the end of high school than I thought. I can't wait to see results! From what I've heard, this is a great workout! Woo!
  • nmluna
    nmluna Posts: 34 Member
    I have the DVD and LOVE it! I don't use it as an everyday workout. I workout at work. (I work in a chemical plant as a process operator but they just built a brand new gym that is free to employees 24/7) But I work 30 minutes from home so its not easy to make it out to the gym everyday if I'm not working. I use the DVD on the days that I don't work. It is a very good workout and the bonus is that its only 20 minutes!! I have like 5-6 different workout dvd's and this one is by far my favorite!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Melissa- Thank you for your words of encouragement!!! :flowerforyou:

    Way to go to all of the 1st timers!!!

    I was sick in bed all day yesterday so I didn't get my Day7 Level 1 in!!! Maybe that's why I was dragging on Sat with my workout. I just didn't have the energy!!! I am going to rest up today & see if I feel up to it later on!!!

    Have a great day everyone!!:heart:
  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    SuperMel---Congrats on fitting into those clothes!!!! I think that is by far the biggest motivator for me...when I can fit into those clothes I haven't been able to wear in YEARS!!! It's a great feeling!! Keep it up!

    Debbie--Thanks for the words of encouragement and support! I start level 2 tomorrow. In a way, I'm anxious to have some change in the routine.

    Leeslim---Hope you are feeling better!!! :flowerforyou:

    Had a 2 hour delay this morning due to the snow we got hit with this weekend. So, I got up early and wrapped up level 1.
    My husband was impressed with my dedication!!! :happy:

    Have a GREAT day!!!!
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    I did Level 1, Day 10 today. On to Level 2 tomorrow...yikes!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Thank you TwinMom, I am feeling better! :happy: I was even able to get Day7 Level 1 in today!! I can't seem to push myself through the 2nd set of jumping jacks. I still have to break to catch my breath!!! This is day 7 I would think I have built myself up to get passed the 2nd set of jumping jacks! Am I the only one suffering like this? :huh:

    Lisa good luck on level 2!!!

    Have a great Night everyone!!!
  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you TwinMom, I am feeling better! :happy: I was even able to get Day7 Level 1 in today!! I can't seem to push myself through the 2nd set of jumping jacks. I still have to break to catch my breath!!! This is day 7 I would think I have built myself up to get passed the 2nd set of jumping jacks! Am I the only one suffering like this? :huh:

    Lisa good luck on level 2!!!

    Have a great Night everyone!!!

    I was thinking the same thing about those darn lunges with the weights....they were killing my arms. I was hoping by the last day of level 1 I'd be breezing through them, but they are still tough for me. I'd love to hear if anyone else has felt this way about a particular exercise!!!
    Hang in there!!
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Thank you TwinMom, I am feeling better! :happy: I was even able to get Day7 Level 1 in today!! I can't seem to push myself through the 2nd set of jumping jacks. I still have to break to catch my breath!!! This is day 7 I would think I have built myself up to get passed the 2nd set of jumping jacks! Am I the only one suffering like this? :huh:

    Lisa good luck on level 2!!!

    Have a great Night everyone!!!

    I was thinking the same thing about those darn lunges with the weights....they were killing my arms. I was hoping by the last day of level 1 I'd be breezing through them, but they are still tough for me. I'd love to hear if anyone else has felt this way about a particular exercise!!!
    Hang in there!!

    The side lunges with the arm raises...I still can't do them all. But, I can do more than when I started! Little by little...

    I was thinking today, maybe by the time I finish level 3, I can come back to level 1 and do the WHOLE thing. That'd be great!
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    After four days off, I finally finished Day 28 - Level 3 day 8. It was very hard but I did it! Feels good to be back on the wagon!

    Happy me!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning shredders,

    Mimi - CONGRATULATIONS!! You finished all of the 30 day shred program, that is totally awesome. You should be so very proud of yourself.

    Lisa - the side lunges with the arm raises are brutal! I totally agree with you.

    leeslim4life - it's funny how our bodies are so different. My body seems to like do the jumping jacks. It's like I have spring in my feet. Weird. But as I already stated, those front arm raises, killer.

    Lisa - funny you should mentioned starting over again when you're done with level 3. That is exactly what I have done. I went through all of the levels and this week I am starting over again on level 1.

    What I am doing different though is using a heavier weight this time around. Not easy with all of the moves however. So, I went the first time around using 3lb weights to help me get conditioned. Now I'm going through all the levels again using 5lb weights. I have to be honest and say though that I could only do the first set or front arm raises with 5lbs, the second set I had to drop back down to 3lb's. I could tell right away that the 3lb's was too light, but the 5lb's were making me shaky after a number of lifts. So, I think I'm in a transition. I'll just keep using the 5lb's as much as I can and only drop down to the 3lbs as an "emergency", lol.

    Anyways, I'm still excited about losing 17lbs since January 2nd. I'm feeling good like I used to years ago. YEAH!!

    Have a super day everyone and go get SHREDDED!!!!