Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well, I did my 3rd day of the shred :smile: . So far so good, though I wonder how I'll feel tomorrow after doing it 2 days in a row!

    I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be a tough day to fit much exercise in so I decided to do some extra today!

    Hope everyone has a good New Year! :drinker:

  • laurajoyk
    Well I did two days in a row of the workout, and I'm super duper sore LOL I am going to try to do this every day, cause its only 20 minutes and it totally kicks my butt. I'm still going to add extra cardio a few days a week and a couple other dvds. But I'm going to try to stick with the 30 day plan. LOL we'll see how it goes.

    Happy New Years Everyone
  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    Ok - I just bought the dvd tonight so I'm going to start tomorrow. Pretty excited about it and it will be fun to moan and groan with everyone as we get stronger!!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Hey there. Just checking in to say hi. I haven't done the shred for today because I've been at the hospital all day. Hope I can get home soon so I can do it. Glad to see everyone doing good.

    I hope everythings okay with you now.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I think I'll do the Shred today instead of tomorrow. Everyone will be here and I don't want to wake them! :tongue: (I like my quiet and exercise time in the mornings! :happy: )

    Welcome to the new gals.:flowerforyou:

    This is just a new thread for beginners so it really doesn't matter if we're a few days off--and some of us are doing this 5 days a week and some are doing it 3 days a week. This is mostly for support and encouragement for us to not give up! :happy:


    Yea everything is ok. My husband's uncle, that we stay with and take care of, had a stroke Saturday and wouldn't go to the doctor until Monday. They put him in the hospital and we were running back and forth. He came home this morning though.

    I done my first day of Jillian Monday but haven't had the time or energy to do it since. I will be getting back to business tomorrow though. I am still sore from Monday:laugh: :laugh: I was planning on doing it today, but have been way to tired. Hope everyone is having great success!:flowerforyou:
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Welll fellow shred buddies, I did my shred today. I decided to do the second one and it wasn't as bad as I thought, actually some of it was easier. Hope everyone is having a great day.:flowerforyou:
  • pinkpoole
    I did my shred today, too! And my husband was home, so I made him do it too. :laugh: I'm so proud of all you ladies - just think, we've got a jump on all those people that are just starting their New Year's Resolutions today. Hope everyone had a safe & happy new year.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hi everyone, I will be starting 30 Day Shred in the next couple days (just as soon as I get the DVD)... just 2 quick questions:

    1. It's only 1 DVD, right? That one DVD has everything on it as far as the various levels go, correct?
    2. What size weights are recommended?

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • pinkpoole
    Hi everyone, I will be starting 30 Day Shred in the next couple days (just as soon as I get the DVD)... just 2 quick questions:

    1. It's only 1 DVD, right? That one DVD has everything on it as far as the various levels go, correct?
    2. What size weights are recommended?

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    Hi Kelynn, and welcome! Yes, there is only 1 DVD - it has three different levels on that one DVD. There is no specific size of weights recommended - it's whatever you want to use. I am only using 2# weights right now, but I think I'm going to up it to 5# next week. Happy Shredding! :flowerforyou:

    PS. Congrats on the Bruins winning the Winter Classic today at Fenway!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hi everyone, I will be starting 30 Day Shred in the next couple days (just as soon as I get the DVD)... just 2 quick questions:

    1. It's only 1 DVD, right? That one DVD has everything on it as far as the various levels go, correct?
    2. What size weights are recommended?

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    Hi Kelynn, and welcome! Yes, there is only 1 DVD - it has three different levels on that one DVD. There is no specific size of weights recommended - it's whatever you want to use. I am only using 2# weights right now, but I think I'm going to up it to 5# next week. Happy Shredding! :flowerforyou:

    PS. Congrats on the Bruins winning the Winter Classic today at Fenway!

    Thanks for the information... and yea, how cool was it to see Fenway "winterized" today? :smile:

    I'm not sure what size weights I should use... I don't do a lot (ok, any) strength training currently. I'm going to purchase the weights tomorrow... I'll think about it, I suppose. It's hard to decide without seeing/doing a few days of the shred first.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone and welcome to the newcomers!:flowerforyou:

    I did the Shred 2 days in a row and it wasn't too bad!:smile: I'm not any more sore than I was doing it every other day. I just might do it 5 days a week next week and see how it goes.:wink:

    I'll still do cardio and the c25k.

    Didn't get much of a regular workout in today:grumble: --been undecorating the house.

    Kathy (pmjsmom)

    P.S. Kelynn--I use 2 and 3 pound weights depending on what I'm doing. I'd like to start using 5 pounds but my shoulder is still weak :ohwell: so I'm gonna wait
  • pinkpoole
    Kelynn, you could try just using something around the house (like two cans of soup) for the first few days to determine what size weights you should buy.
  • Beconsistent
    Happy New Year!

    It just joined this site yesterday and completed my first day of the 30 Day Shred this morning. The pushups were a little bit challenging but it was worth it! I hope to do this workout 3-5 times a week and would love to join all of you.

  • holly122677
    Ok...I have had this DVD for more than 3 months. I did it for 2 days and thought I was going to die. Muscles hurt in places I didnt think they could hurt. That means it works. I am getting married this summer and wanna have a killer body (or at least hot LOL). I am up for this challenge and plan on starting today. I will take my measurements before I start. Cant wait to see the out come of this challenge. Hope I can stick to it. :flowerforyou:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Hi girls! I have done this challenge and it is tough. I would not recommend doing it every day of the week consecutively. I would do every other day - but this is just my opinion. I am thinking of doing this again, however, because it really tones you well. I am going to start back up with my C25K today as well and alternate between that and the shred. So tough, you guys... but, you don't have to finish it in 30 days. I guess it is up to however you feel. I did have days where I could do it consecutively but, then there were times I couldn't. I actually was doing 2 sessions at one point and had to cut back. It was kind of crazy but, I got through it and saw results! Stick with it everyone ----it is really worth it. I think I may have to shut Jillian's voice off this time, though...
    Good luck!!!!!!!

    Also, I am doing this Biggest Loser thing at a gym starting Jan 19th. I am a little worried about this because I am not much of a gym person but, we will see. I really don't need to be going to the gym as I have everything I need at my home but, my husband says it would be good for me to get out of the house. It will only be for three months anyway and I don't have to go back if I don't like it. Has anyone done this?
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    I didn't do a workout at all yesterday. I had done four days in a row (One day of Shred, three of WATP) and felt like my body needed a break. Today is The Shred again...Let's see if day 2 is any easier than day 1!

    Everyone is doing so great! And I agree that we have a jump on those who didn't start til yesterday. :laugh:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hi ladies-

    I've been reading through this thread, and checking into how often (how many times per week) is a good amount to do the Shred. I'm thinking of doing it 3 or 4 (maybe 5?) days per week- depending on how it's going, and then maybe repeating the 30 days doing it every day... for those of you that have already started, does that sound reasonable? I'm thinking doing it everyday is good progression after doing it every other day (roughly) the first time around.

    Thanks in advance for your help.:flowerforyou: I'm planning to get the DVD and begin today since it's way too snowy and windy out to run (I love the snow:love: , but my running schedule HATES it!:explode: )
  • melissahager
    I think 3 to 4 days a week is perfect. I was orginally under the impression that it should be done everyday for 30 days, but I think it just has to work for you and your body. I want to make sure I get the extra cardio in as well since I am more focused on weight loss than anything so I will be alternating the Shred and a walk/run every other day (taking Fridays as a non-workout day). I'm hoping that will be a good mix. Since I am just starting out I figure my body will respond to any exercise it has and then I will modify as I go...
  • holly122677
    Omgoodness....I just took my measurements for the first time in a long time. Didnt realize how unproportional I am LOL. Ok did day 1 of the SHRED. I hurt already. I think I am gonna run a mile on the treadmill to stretch my leg muscles. Here ya go

    SW 172
    Bust 38 1/2
    Waist 33 1/2
    Hips 44 1/2 (anyone say big butt LOL):noway:
    Thigh 26

    Hope to see results by the end of the month :happy:

    Good luck to all :flowerforyou:
  • melissahager
    My measurements... UGH :grumble:

    SW- 170
    CW- 168
    Goal- 145

    Bust- 42 1/2
    Waist- 41
    Hips- 43
  • kimisue8
    Hi Girls! I joined this site about a week ago and just found your posts....I really like this video...I've been doing it for about two months every other day...The off days, I walk about 3 miles....I have lost a total of 30 pounds and still have a great deal to lose~90 more....I really enjoy reading all your posts and want to join in the jillian michaels beginners....I'm still doing level 1 and sometimes still get sore from the crunches.....Keep going it does work....Kim