Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Just finished day 1 of the shred- what a workout! I loved it! :bigsmile:
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Just finished day 2 with my 2 1/2 year old working out WITH me! He was hilarious so that kept me going, although it made the strength intervals a bit tricky.
  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    april - thanks for the post - I just started the shred and was wondering if anybody else did more than one workout at a time. I usually work out for longer so while the 20 minutes is certainly intense - I kind of felt like I was just getting warmed up. (Even though my body told me different the next day! :ohwell: ) Anybody else doing more than one at a time??
  • Beconsistent
    Good Morning!

    I just finished Day 2 - Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred. My arms were sore from doing it yesterday (which didn't help much when I was doing those beloved pushups) but aside from that it was good. I always feel like I can conquer the world when I'm done. Doesn't it feel great to finish what you started? My plan of attack is to do each level for 10 days until I complete 30 days. I've incorporated a few more streches and excercises so that I can workout for at least 30 minutes. I plan on taking a spinning class or at least doing some yoga on the weekends. I'd love to hear how everyone else is progressing.

    Have a spectacular day!

  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm new to MFP and have added it to my iTouch to track every little calorie I eat (it sure holds me accountable!!). I am a big fan of Jillian Michael's workouts - she's brutal and I love her no-nonsense attitude.

    I did the 30 Day Shred yesterday (ow ow ow) and am about to do it again.... wish me luck that I can move tomorrow! :ohwell:
  • lailavendar
    I just got the 30 day shred for Christmas and have not started it yet. I am unsure about some things, so if someone could answer my questions that would be wonderful. First of all, how many days should I do it per week? I initially assumed you do it everyday for 30 days, but I've heard it's pretty challenging.

    Is this one video enough of a workout? Should I incorporate some cardio along with it? I'm pretty fit, so should I do more than one video at a time? I have a membership to the YMCA, so perhaps I should do the video a few times per week and also run on the treadmill or something. I don't know. Any advice is much appreciated.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L1D2 done! I feel good...but also know better. Tomorrow's gonna probably hurt!

    Lailavendar - some people do it every day, some do it 3x, 4x, 5x a week. I personally think it should depend on what your body can take. The first time ever I did this (a couple months ago), I went gung ho (heavy weights, hard as I can) and ended up *way* overdoing it and having to stop *any* formal exercise for a few weeks because of muscle spasms in my neck (I have a history).

    This time, I am going to try to aim for doing it most days but I'm skipping the weights (just doing the arms) on some exercises, using lighter weights on others. I have very weak upper body along with neck issues. The no-weight approach still has me needing to stop the arms for a couple reps...and I'm pleasantly sore today from yesterday. :flowerforyou:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I did a round of it about six months ago and then all hell broke loose in my life so I was away from exercising and even MFP for a while. My on-demand cable has it (all three levels) so I'm going to start fresh with level 1- did it today and was able to make it through with 5 lb. weights. That plus 20 minutes on the elliptical and I feel like I got a decent workout :smile:
  • mellysbelly
    mellysbelly Posts: 10 Member
    I would very much like to join this group! I did this dvd one time a few months ago - I need someone to keep me accountable. ;) Be back soon with measurements ...
  • thicansxy
    Ok I think I am the only one to say this but then again I might be bigger then most of you but I could only do Day 1 for about 5 mins and I thought I was going to die. I am going to keep at it tell I can get further along but OMG that was a workout.

    So am I the only one struggling?
  • kimisue8
    okay, I walked today for 1hr and 30 minutes....I feel pretty good, but doing those crunches from the video on Saturday is killing my ab area...I will be doing the video on Monday morning....I'm sure I will still be sore but no pain no gain....Hope everyone had a good workout!!!!!![
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    I really felt up to doing day three after doing day 2 yesterday but I never found the time! After church, my little boy wanted to nap on my bed and I fell asleep with him! I did not mean to do that! After he woke up, we played with Hot Wheels the rest of the afternoon so that pretty much took care of the day. I'll be back to work tomorrow (teacher) and my aim is to work out as soon as I get home each day.
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Hello everyone. I done L2 Friday and Yesterday. It is easier on me to do level 2 so that is what I am going to stick with for now. I wanted to even do it again today but today is my rest day. I know this sounds weird but I had to talk myself out of doing it today, lol. Tomorrow is back to the game plan though.

    Hope everyone has a great week!!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Level 1, Day 2 today. Did day 1 yesterday and definitely running tomorrow instead of doing the Shred. I'm pretty sure that if I tried to do the Shred again tomorrow I'd end up with a broken nose trying to do push-ups on my spaghetti arms! :laugh:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Ok I think I am the only one to say this but then again I might be bigger then most of you but I could only do Day 1 for about 5 mins and I thought I was going to die. I am going to keep at it tell I can get further along but OMG that was a workout.

    So am I the only one struggling?

    :noway: You are not the only one struggling with this!:noway: I have trouble with the jumping jacks (old leg injuries) but I'm gonna keep at it. Just do what you can--it WILL get easier!:happy:

    I'll be doing day 4 of level 1 tomorrow. Went for a walk today its difficult to do my workouts on the weekends with everyone around,:tongue:


    P.S. Welcome to the newcomers!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Nice to have you here!
  • Beconsistent
    Please don't be discouraged. I think that there is some portion of this excercise that we all find challenging. For me it's the pushups, but I'm not complaining. I'm confident that before you know it, these workouts will become more managable. Since I've only completed day 3 of level one I can't say that it's easier but it is doable, If you are struggling with jumping jacks, challenge yourself to do 5 then increase that number each time until you are able to do it for the alloted amount of time. Stick with it and you will reach your goal. Whatever you do, don't quit and remember that tomorrow is a new day.

  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L1D3 done!

    I wouldn't say it's necessarily easier yet, but I can now do more pushups (albeit girly-style) than I have been able to in a very long time! Still can't do weights on the shoulder raises, though.
  • twt1999brd
    I have had this DVD for a while now and started and stopped so many times. That seems to be the norm with me. It is hard to find a thread that is active where the post don't tapper off after a couple of weeks. I want to start this again! I hope you all are here to help me. I get addicted to checking this thing and tracking my calories if there are some good posts going on. I am in if you are!!!

    Happy New Year! Maybe this year will be my year.
  • mellysbelly
    mellysbelly Posts: 10 Member
    level 1 day 1 - done!
    i totally forgot how hard this dvd is for me. omg! :grumble:
    but i feel happy i got through day 1, even though my legs feel all wobbly. lol
    i did my measurements this am - think i'll do them on mondays ...

    bust 34
    waist 28.5
    hips 39
    thigh 22.5
  • pinkpoole
    Level 1 Day 4 done! (though I have not been doing in every day - three times a week rather). It seemed much harder today than it did last week. Is anyone doing this everyday? I'm wondering if that would help my stamina? I had to take several of the "Jillian-approved" 5 second breaks today. Congrats to everyone who is doing this!