Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)



  • munchkin1969
    Hi . I'm Lill . I've been on this site before but it's been a while. I started trying to lose weight again Jan. 1st. The first few days were not that bad , but the last couple of days have been pretty rough. Like tonight, it seems like I am starving. I've gone over my calorie intake for today by almost 300 calories. Can anyone give me any tips on how to keep the hunger away ? I really need to get all this weight off & need help.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello munchkin1969 ! We've moved to a new thread located here!
  • VeraciousVAL
    Is this over 200 pounds to lose or over 200 pounds? I'm not sure I can remember not being over 200...oh wait, about 1979, pre-high school graduation. I see somebody else felt like they were going to starve. I felt that way about my first 3 days, I was using another program. I don't eat because I'm hungry, I graze...all day long. And not on the green stuff. I believe this will work for me. I'm so out of shape that just riding my stationary bike 15 minutes wears me out. I feel like I did a marathon. This too shall pass. We can ALL do this. Keep your chin up!