Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    momoftwo you are our biggest loser. Post our challenge> Looking forward to it!!!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    Calories - under by about 40 (ate my exercise calories YUM!)
    Water - did fine!
    Exercise - YES!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Proud - that I stuck to the silly elliptical for 30 minutes even though I had to go in slow motion to keep my heart rate low enough:embarassed: LOL!!! I can't wait till I have to work to get it to stay HIGH enough!:wink:

    We rent a room to a grad student who we thought would be out of town this weekend. She came home this morning so our 'romantic pretend vacation' kinda came to an abrupt halt - but Ken's sick anyway so no biggy. The funny part was making our steak dinner into a three person event, complete with red roses on the table - we are in Ohio so we decided it was our "Rose bowl celebration dinner". Also, maybe because I've been working so many hours, I somehow was CONVINCED today was Saturday! I feel like I have this big bonus extra day off now - SWEET! It's like finding a twenty dollar bill in the laundry :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok so I am under control so far today.I am getting ready to burn some calories for 2 hours.I can't wait till the weather warms up cause my friend said she would start walking with me down her road which is about 6 miles long so I can't wait to start doing that.I can put the girls in the stroller and go.I love walking outside but I live near the main road and can't really walk on it due to the crazies that drive to fast on it.My friend lives on a side road which is much safer to walk on with children.Hope everyone had a great New Years!!! I know my gain this week will reflect a loss next week as soon as Aunt Flow is gone.I am going to continue with the NO EXCUSES challenge because I have promised myself that this time next year I will be at my goal weight.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Doing alright today. I lost that 0.6 pounds I had gained over the last week over night. :huh: My university's bowl game is today so I'll be sitting in front of the tube most of the day watching football. :drinker: Go *kitten*! ( :tongue: )
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hello everyone! I miss everyone :( sorry i am not on the board, as much as i would like to be, but i have a Praxis test coming up( Jan 9) and i have studying to do + my children is home...i will probably be on on Monday.

    Check in for Friday:
    calories: 1,613, yea i ate too much but i also worked out and it comes out even
    exercise: biggest loser cardio max..level 1 burnt 313 calores + i played on the wii w/ my family...but i didn't add that as my exercise..
    water: 6 cups, yea it's low..
    proud: That i lost weight...from last year to this year i lost 30 pounds...since it's the new year - new beginning i started my ticker from scratch..(back to zero) and took away how much i lost and how much i have left..i think 50 more pounds.. but because i lost weight friday morning...i put that on the ticker. sorry for the confusion :)

    Checkin for Saturday:
    calories: 1,312...
    exercise: i am sore from the blcm that i will just play wii with the family.
    water: the day is still young..i got, so far, 4 cups...but i will be drinking more
    proud: i resisted the chocolate and chips my children offerd me yesterday...my willpower is building up... and i will resist anything they offer me today...i have to think of my 2 pound goal before friday.

    Good luck all and i will be back on Monday...sorry
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: didn't track but I'm sure I was over
    water: didn't track and probably under
    exercise: great - went to the Y and did 45 minutes of step and 15 minutes of zumba (which I've never tried before)
    proud: that I got up and went to the Y Thursday at 6:45, Friday at 9:00 and Saturday and 9:30 ... for 3700 calories burned ... even if I'm not doing so hot with food

    not happy that I gained with my weigh-in today ... back to just 15 pounds lost ... my January goal is to get back to 20 pounds lost
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    sorry ... somehow I duplicated my post so just ignore this one
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Today is starting out OK - ( oh gosh it's almost 2pm? )

    We stayed up super late watching the third season of 'Alias' - we don't have cable or a digital converter, so the only "tv" we watch is either on the computer or through DVDs. Today we had brunch (ok we just finished so maybe it was just LUNCH) - of the eggs Maryland I'd planned on having yesterday. 350 calories is well spent when you get a crab cake out of the deal :wink: I'm not sure the two mimosas will help my calories but uhm - WORTH IT!:bigsmile: I'll have a light snack later this afternoon and we'll have a lean dinner!

    I'm expecting to come in under calories but only if I get back on that elliptical machine. Exercise is NOT fun for me but I do feel GREAT afterwards!:smile:

    I'm really excited about 2010- I think it's going to be a year of healthy change. I'll lose weight, and something is going to give at work - either I'll find a new job or management will change (probably the first) but I know it will be for the better! Beyond the weight loss I'm excited about how my life will improve with my improved fitness! I want to start riding again (I have two horses that lead a life of total leisure out back) and I want to water ski this summer, and bike ride!

    I think all of us have a lot of great changes ahead!:drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello all..

    I have been doing horrible this week....i don't know why i just want to eat....i know it needs to stop. ...I am soo tired not sleeping good for about a week..seems more tired i am the more crap i want to eat and the more crap i eat the more tired I get ..i know i got to get my but in gear....I went to the grocery store this morning and got all my healthy foods i get, no more junk. I also found some biggest looser weights to use with my big looser came and wii fit. I am going to get doing it more., pretty cool they are actually like 2 or 3 lbs weights you put the wii remote in.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello all..

    I have been doing horrible this week....i don't know why i just want to eat....i know it needs to stop. ...I am soo tired not sleeping good for about a week..seems more tired i am the more crap i want to eat and the more crap i eat the more tired I get ..i know i got to get my but in gear....I went to the grocery store this morning and got all my healthy foods i get, no more junk. I also found some biggest looser weights to use with my big looser came and wii fit. I am going to get doing it more., pretty cool they are actually like 2 or 3 lbs weights you put the wii remote in.

    I have read that the part of the brain that lets you know you are tired is very near or the same as the one that tells you are hungry. Take a Nap see if that helps. (I know how can a Mom with little ones take a nap? Make Dad help ya on that one)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    llldeb, I had a pretty bad week foodwise also. But we have to keep going. The past is in the past and we are all going to have a great 2010 with loads of happy weigh-ins, and some unhappy ones probably. But you can do it, lildeb. Let us help lift you up. :flowerforyou:

    I have a funny story. This morning I tried something new - I turned to FitTV for the first time in my life (LOL) and tried the Shimmy belly dancing show! OK first of all it was a LOT OF FUN! And I love that you can take it at your own level of intensity. Basically getting up out of my chair is aerobic intensity for me so I was working the belly dancing, girls! :laugh: Well, I started really getting into it with my arms, and dancing around the living room. Then there was a knock at my door. It was my neighbor - she had been doing laundry underneath my living room in the basement and heard "pounding" and was checking in to see if I was OK! ROFL! I told her I was belly dancing and we both cracked up! :laugh: :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok checking in for the day
    exercise-YES 102 minutes on my elliptical and I burnt 1102 calories.I also cleaned today for 1 hour but I didn't count it as exercise.
    Water-so far 128 ounces so I met my daily but the day isn't over
    Proud that I am sticking to the no excuses challenge and I know that next week when my TOM is over I will pull some big numbers because I didn't make excuses I just stuck with it.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Zorahope - your belly dancing story made me smile! About 14 years ago I decided to start exercising using a step video in my living room, we lived above our landlord in a gorgeous 100- year old duplex. I was absolutely mortified when the landlord asked me to stop whatever I was doing in the living room because he was afraid his ceiling was going to crack. I was very embarrassed at the time - but can laugh about it now - I just started using the step with just my socks on so that he couldn't hear me ... he also complained that our cats walked too loudly. It was a wonderful apartment, but we only stayed there a year because the landlord was a bit odd.
    Lildeb - it is a tough time of year, I did better the week of Christmas than this past week too ... but like zorahope said - it's in the past, I've already started exercising a lot to get back on track and it sounds like you are too! Good for us!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks ladies...well i tried to take a little nap didn't work soo well. Hubby is at work, the baby is sleeping, i gave my older one play dough and she played for like 5 min then starts screaming....soo not too well.

    I know when i don't eat well it makes me more run down, i am going to stop this viscous cycle. I will have to clean up the house tonight as my mom is coming tomorrow to play with the girls. Not sure what we will do tomorrow.

    Looking forward to using my new wii weights and stuff too...I need to get more motivated to go back to the elliptical...

    I think
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    calories- over, I have my TOM and want to eat everything in sight\
    water-64 oz.
    exercise- no in a lot of pain today
    proud- that I didn't go crazy with eating and that I stopped myself from being too bad today
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Gals,

    mstahl, I am sure you will be able to do all those things you want to do in 2010. Brunch sounded great. I look forward to when you win the biggest loser contest. I want to hear that challenge

    momoftwo, you are our biggest loser girl. Pick our challenge. :flowerforyou:

    lstpaul, glad to see you. I know that you will make your goal.

    zora, Loved the story. I think it is great that you and your neighbor could laugh about it. We use to live in a house when I was a teenager and the foundation was bad. I would go in my room to exercise and the pictures on the walls in other rooms would shake. (i was little then too)

    awestfall, good luck to you!! I know you can pull some big numbers next week.

    lildebbie, just keep chugging a long. We are all here for the long haul.

    I think I will start shimming this week. All this talk of belly dancing reminds me of how much fun that was. I did nOT do it right but hey the body is moving. Took another walk with the hubby. He told me he was wanting to start the new healthy lifestyle. I am a bit shocked he keeps wanting to take me on walks. Maybe he is serious this time. I hope. I would like to to see him get his diabetes under control.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    mmmmmm, my neighbor just brought me a bag of oranges off her tree. They are fresh and juicy and taste wonderful and only 69 calories. Just thought I would share as I sit here smelling of oranges.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    momma - THat is great about the oranges. I love oranges, i bought some at the store last weak and ate them all up, got me more today. I love them.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories_ High but still in weight loss mode
    water- could have been better
    exercise- yes, took a long walk and played the wii for over an hour

    I am proud of my determination to conquer this fat and be healthy this year.

    By the way I thought of another goal for this year, GET OFF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATION, I am currently on 2 pills for my blood pressure.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hey girls,

    We are so on the same page this week. Since I started logging here we have never had a weigh-in with so many holding steady, usually either gains or loses. Great job to all.

    mstahl: Good things will come your way. Having positive energy in my environment is crucial to me being productive. Things always workout for the best. Hoping you soon get the changes around you that enhance your day at work, whatever it may be.

    zorahope: Love your positive outlook.

    awestfall: It is nice to have someplace to walk that you feel safe with your munchkins. Have you ever tried the Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD when you can't get outside? I have really enjoyed her the few times I have chosen that as my workout.
    You have really buckled down and are doing amazing. Keep up the good work you WILL see results.

    positvely_me: Great going losing 30 pounds last year. You must feel so good about that accomplishment. You are moving right along to your goal weight.

    lildebbie: I remember many a day when my kids were little and I would just drag. Have you had blood work drawn recently for iron levels and thyroid? During my TOM I was toast. You have worked hard to get to where you are. You are going to make it through this bump in the road. I have never done the elliptical but I easily get bored with doing the same thing so I mix up what I do throughout the week. Hope you find a balance that you are happy with. GO GO GO GIRL!

    momma2four: I am drooling at the thought of fresh oranges picked off a tree. Oh the luxury of citrus trees out your front door (and not from Krogers via Mexico). Several years ago we golfed in Palm Springs, CA in January and there were grapefruit trees laden with fruit. OH my.... mmmmmmm the aroma was like nothing else in this world. Enjoy every savory bite. I made orange glaze tonight for rolls at dinner. OH....... mmmmmmmmm and fresh squeezed orange juice is divine, I have had that three or four times in my life. The foodie in me is showing, sorry for gushing on and on. I appreciate home grown goodness.

    No citrus trees out my door but I do have PLENTY of snow so we look advantage and went cross country skiing today. The conditions were perfect.

    Calories: yes (I didn't eat my exercise calories but my appetite is much better today)
    Water: yes or close
    Exercise: yes
    Proud: That this has been a perfect holiday with everyone home. Momma likes here nest full. Oldest goes back to college tomorrow, hubby got called in to work at 7:00 AM tomorrow, high school starts back on Tuesday.

    Take Care