Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)



  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    OK new year, new weigh in for me. I'm just going to do a "do-over" and say my starting weight is 212, my goal is to lose at least 1% each week.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Happy New Year! Well... I have a couple New Years Resolutions..
    1. to become more healthy and fit
    2. to become a bit more Green.

    What about the rest of you?

    I am not going to count my % either this week as I am fairly certain it is no more than water weight.

    Whoever is next copies and pastes my numbers and adds their name to the list. Here is you calculator

    lildebby...0% weight loss
    Momma... 0% weight loss (really it is 4.3% of water)
    Momof 2... 1.6% (4.2lbs now 257)
    Stephanie... do over? not really sure what % that is
    Colorado ...0% weight loss (1.10% of water as well)
    Snowflakes ... 0% weight loss
    zora ?
    mstah ?
    jib ?
    rosie ?
    positvlhy ?
    awestfall ?

    I hope I got everyones right.. let me know if I missed something
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    January 1, 2010

    Here we go into a new year. I love getting a new calendar wondering what will fill the pages. I have changed my weight loss goal for an additional 5 pounds to lose, my first goal was just a few pounds under being overweight. I am large frame with a 7" wrist, I feel like this is doable.

    Hope to feel up to snow shoeing later today. It is lightly snowing again this morning. The scales say that I gained .4 pounds with the flu??? Maybe My body thought that it was in starvation mode and clinging to the dreaded fat. This week I'll be back to my routine and that will help. What a party poop I was last night. I watched a movie with the family and then went to bed at 10:00 PM. Hope you all had a safe and peaceful night.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok so I am going to weigh in and its not good but I will say that I ate poorly yesterday and I also started my period yesterday too so in all fairness I know this is not my true weight because of water retention.Last week I weighed in at 231 and this week it 236.4 but I am not worried because I know when Aunt Flow disappears it will go back down hopefully a bit more because of all the exercise I have performed this week.I skipped exercise one day this week so I should pull GREAT number next week.I will post a new thread with a new titl on Sunday.GREAT JOB to those of you who did lose this week.I really feel I would have lost a few if my period hadn't come along LOL>But NO EXCUSES for me so thats my post.I will post calories ,exercise and water later.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    lildebbie...0% weight loss
    Momma... 0% weight loss (really it is 4.3% of water)
    Momof 2... 1.6% (4.2lbs now 257)
    Stephanie... do over? not really sure what % that is
    Colorado ...0% weight loss (1.10% of water as well)
    Snowflakes ... 0% weight loss
    zora ?
    mstah ?
    jlb 0%
    rosie ?
    positvely ?
    awestfall 0%

    I'm with the rest of you -- what gives? :laugh: I'm up 0.6 from last Friday. I didn't expect much because I didn't eat well Friday - Sunday or yesterday plus I ate quite a bit of sodium for dinner in addition to 2 glasses of wine.

    I guess the holidays caught up with us afterall! :smile: But you know what this means, right? We're all already back on track so next week is going to be awesome for all of us!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey Girls! Happy New Year everyone!!!

    check - in:

    last week weight: 211
    today: 209
    -2 pounds lost.

    Chat later girls...hope everyone had/has great results!!!:)

    lildebbie...0% weight loss
    Momma... 0% weight loss (really it is 4.3% of water)
    Momof 2... 1.6% (4.2lbs now 257)
    Stephanie... do over? not really sure what % that is
    Colorado ...0% weight loss (1.10% of water as well)
    Snowflakes ... 0% weight loss
    zora ?
    mstah ?
    jlb 0%
    rosie ?
    positvely .99%
    awestfall 0%
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I was 200 yesterday AM - I weigh in at work, after breakfast around10 most mornings... Last night I came home from work already over calories, but knew I'd have a glass of champagne for the new year... My DH "made" a pizza (frozen Di Giornos) and brought me a glass of wine :cry: and... I ate two pieces (500 + calories) and had a glass of red (but I made it last from 7 - 11:30 which is a miracle for me!) and of course the champagne (only one glass) at midnight so I was over more than 1000 calories:cry::sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I weighed in this morning and I'm back up at 202 but A) I using my home scales and B) I'm sure I'm holding water weight from the salty Mexican and pizza yesterday. Today I'm going to work on hooking up the elliptical machine and figuring out if my old heart monitor works :happy:

    Calories - way way over
    Water - good
    Exercise - just two trips up the stairs - but I jogged up the first TWO flights!

    Proud - that I stood strong and told my husband we weren't going to follow our tradition and I spread out the weekends "New Years" meals so I can still keep to my calories today and tomorrow! (I.E. - no crab cakes egg Benedict this morning AND steaks tonight!!!)

    lildebbie...0% weight loss
    Momma... 0% weight loss (really it is 4.3% of water)
    Momof 2... 1.6% (4.2lbs now 257)
    Stephanie... do over? not really sure what % that is
    Colorado ...0% weight loss (1.10% of water as well)
    Snowflakes ... 0% weight loss
    zora ?
    mstah ...0% weight loss
    jlb 0%
    rosie ?
    positvely .99%
    awestfall 0%
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Happy New Year All!!!!

    My New Years Resolution is to keep doing what I have been doing and to hit that 100 pounds lost mark. (60 Pounds)

    After Zora and Rororosie post whoever our biggest loser is, please give us a challenge. I will participate in the biggest loser competition next Week. I just did not feel right about posting an 11 pound weight loss when I knew it was water. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I probably will not be back until Mon. (I may be back)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Looks like we got lots of 0's this week :(:(

    that means next week is going to be awsome for alot of us...Right:)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Looks like we got lots of 0's this week :(:(

    that means next week is going to be awesome for a lot of us...Right:)

    YES IT WILL!!!! And think how amazing it is that we didn't all gain weight last week! :bigsmile: CHRISTMAS WEEK and we're all doing FINE! It's amazing! Aside from a little water weight we are holding our own against the SURGING CURRENT of FOOD and FAMILY and CULTURE and we are VICTORIOUS!!!!!:flowerforyou: :smile:

    I'm super motivated to be the biggest loser one of these times because I have a fun challenge idea :wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    That would be a big Z E R O weight loss for me. I gained big time this week. Ah well, life goes on and I am ready to lose, lose, LOSE in 2010!!! I am NOT changing my weight loss ticker - too devastating for me to see the gain. It will come off soon.

    lildebbie...0% weight loss
    Momma... 0% weight loss (really it is 4.3% of water)
    Momof 2... 1.6% (4.2lbs now 257)
    Stephanie... do over? not really sure what % that is
    Colorado ...0% weight loss (1.10% of water as well)
    Snowflakes ... 0% weight loss
    zora BIG FAT 0%
    mstah ...0% weight loss
    jlb 0%
    rosie ?
    positvely .99%
    awestfall 0%
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Whoo Hoo.... let's all be a bunch of losers this year! Love being a loser :)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    My husband just took me on a very long walk. First we walked to the Best buy (takes about 35-40 mins to get there) Then we walked around best buy for around and hour and half. Then We walked home. We were gone for 3 hours. Did pretty good and burned some calories. I needed them. I changed my goals from 2 pounds a week to 1/2 pound a week. I think because I have a hard time on the weekends with my eating I am going to allow myself a little bit more cals. Less likely to cheat if I am not starving or feeling deprived. It is working because I am staying under my cals for today. Then On Mon. I am going to change my goals back to 2 pounds a week. Just thought I would try and see. I guess we will all know next week how my plan went.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    calories- a little too many today but nothing too bad
    Water-64 oz.
    exercise- nope
    proud- that I have been on MFP for a year and that I am 35 pounds lighter than I was on January 1, 2009, and that even though I went over a little bit it wasn't too bad.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hey momma2four that is a nice long walk it feels good to start out strong today. Went snow shoeing today and boy can I feel it. Also I realized that I had weighed in my flannel pj's which I never do, when I reweighed myself I have lost .4 instead of gained. I jumped all over that and recorded it because I was sure to have lost more considering the week I had. :sick: :glasses: :huh: I'm ready to call it a day.:yawn:

    Calories: under again
    Water: no
    Exercise: yes
    Proud: that I got back at it, and didn't gain over the holidays.

    momoftwo: I'm blank if this is the correct name, I'm having a brain fog...(thanks to edit I got it right) I just wanted to congratulate you on your one year anniversary with MFP and the 35 pounds you have kept off. That is a wonderful accomplishment. Glad that you have shared your success with us.:flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hey mommaof4 that is a nice long walk it feels good to start out strong today. Went snow shoeing today and boy can I feel it. I'm beat and ready to call it a day.

    Calories: under again
    Water: no
    Exercise: yes
    Proud: that I got back at it, and didn't gain over the holidays.

    mommato2: I'm blank if this is the correct name, I'm having a brain fog... I just wanted to congratulate you on your one year anniversary with MFP and the 35 pounds you have kept off. That is a wonderful accomplishment. Glad that you have shared your success with us.

    thanks snowflakes!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    We have the elliptical machine in our garage - I put in 30 minutes- at times going literally .5mph to keep my heart rate in range (yes I'm THAT out of shape) but I did 30 minutes!!!!!!!!!!:happy:

    The garage was 27 degrees which might explain why my lungs kinda hurt but it felt JUST RIGHT for this girl! I was still sweating up like crazy - only my fingers were cold!.:tongue:

    I feel very proud!:bigsmile:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl, you ROCK! I am very proud of you for dusting off that elliptical! :flowerforyou:
    momoftwo, congrats on the year anniversary! 35 pounds is fantastic! :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: for the LOSERS this week!
    :flowerforyou: for the no gainers this week!
    :flowerforyou: for those of us who gained but are still here! (me! LOL)

    I did much better today. Stayed within cals, but did go over in fats due to the authentic polish sausage leftovers I ate for lunch. MMmmmm. I love being Polish! :laugh:

    cals: OK
    water: perfect
    exercise 40 mins bike plus arm work
    proud: I rebounded with a vengeance! :flowerforyou: 2010 is the year for ALL of us at the Over 200 Club!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Happy New Year all. I havebt been tracking my food this week but have been working hard on exercising. 2 days of heavy basement cleaning with lots of stairs, and 2 days at the Y for 1100 cals burned at step. Will be goinv back tomorrow too, will weigh-in then.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,371
    Exercise: 30 minutes biking, Week 3 of C25K. Yep, I'm still stuck on week 3, but I'm getting better.
    Water: Not sure -- I think I got at least 8 cups
    Proud: I'm still not feeling well, but I exercised more today than I have all week. :smile: I hit the first day of 2010 with a vengeance.