Word prounounciations that drive you nuts



  • Posts: 549 Member
    Missour-ah instead of Missouri.
  • Posts: 955 Member

  • Posts: 1,978 Member

    Instead of oriented.

    "What? No kids? Ur so cuhreer orien-tay-ded"
  • Posts: 6,256 Member
    I too have a list. Some are regional dialect differences, some are just maddeningly wrong. Beyond what has been previously mentioned.

    There is not "t" in across (acrosst).
    Alzheimer's is not All Timers
    Defibrillation is not defibulation.
    dunno instead of don't know.
    chopping the ing of words and replacing it with in' instead.

    The saddest part is they are beginning to creep into my speaking sometimes. Ah.. Languages evolve, I should get used to it.
  • Posts: 2,036 Member
    Prolly instead of probably. Makes my skin crawl.
  • Conversate
    Its not a word. Its converse.
  • Posts: 69 Member
    A girl at work calls a buffet a boofett. :noway:
  • Posts: 260 Member
    Uk southeners that put an 'R' in words where there aren't any like Class and Glass and Bath
  • Posts: 11,068 Member
    I hate when people pronounce



  • Not so much a mispronunciation, as a made up word: irregardless.

    If regardless means without regard to, then irregardless must really mean WITH regard to

  • Maybe they should return that R to the "LIBARY!"

  • Posts: 1,056 Member
    Jameson- Jamerson

    Where the FVCK is the 'r'?

    My bf's name is Jameson and when I hear people say "Jamerson" it physically pains me.
  • Posts: 1,326 Member
    I hate when Supernanny says eZactly instead of exactly...How hard is it to pronounce an X!!! Also cannot abide people saying 'pacific' instead of 'specific' but that's not really a pronunciation thing, it's just that they're dumb.

    Also when people say, 'I'm really tan'...you're not, you're really 'tanned.' Laziness!
  • Posts: 863 Member
  • Posts: 1,073 Member
    "Pronounciation." It's pronUnciation.
  • Posts: 1,289 Member
    My favorite word to say is Ain't. When I was in college, my English teacher Mrs. Hankins use to give me hell cause I would always say "ain't." And I told her "Isn't ain't in the dictionary and she said yes I said ok. But she reminded me that ain't is not grammatically correct. I will never forget this. But I still say ain't, maybe it's a Southern thing lol.

    Another one I don't use it but I have heard a lot of people say it
    Thang for Thing
  • Posts: 51 Member
    omg it's a COUpon, not a Q-pon.

    and if i hear one more person say heighTH instead of heighT...
  • Posts: 6,256 Member
    I have a habit of saying "Acrosst" instead of Across. It drives someone I know bonkers! :laugh:

    Yeah... ME!
  • My most annoying ones are all said by a single one of my coworkers:

    Available: she says "Avay-ble"
    Supposedly: she says "supposably"
    Error: she says "ay-er"
    Personal: she says "personable"
  • Posts: 1,907 Member
    I love hearing how people say things and how their pronunciations differ from region to region. It is interesting to hear different accents, but for some reason folks get really annoyed at accents and pronunciations from others who would be considered native to their region.

    The English language is so screwy anyway, who's really to say if it is pronounced WILL-a-mette or wil-LAM-ette? There are also crazy words like through (threw) that sound nothing like rough (ruff), but only two letters have been added to the beginning and the vowel sound is totally different. You just have to know how to say it.

    Phonetics in English are really terrible. No wonder why we all have such a hard time understanding each other!
  • Posts: 2 Member
    Shedule instead of schedule...makes me nuts. It's a hard "C".
  • Posts: 984 Member
    It drives my husband crazy when I say "full" because it sounds more Iike "fool." I can't really help it though, it's just the way it rolls off my tongue when I speak.
  • Posts: 1,159 Member
    my mother in law says "twiced" for twice... like shes saying what it means. twiced. LOL

    Of course, she also warshes, wrenches and hungs her clothes out to dry.

    I also cant STAND when someone spells: tomarrow. Really? *sigh*
  • Posts: 1,326 Member
    My most annoying ones are all said by a single one of my coworkers:

    Available: she says "Avay-ble"
    Supposedly: she says "supposably"
    Error: she says "ay-er"
    Personal: she says "personable"

    Personable is a word.
  • Posts: 552 Member
    Americans most definitely say sub-LIME. Long I.

    When northern midwestern people pronouce everything with a long A. That's rather annoying. I know it's a regional/accent difference, but still rather bothersome.

    Definitely suposably instead of supposedly. I have a friend who does this. It's not the right word! That word doesn't exist!

    Irregardless. >_<

    I guess those are more grammatical than punctuational.
  • Posts: 361
    pacifically instead of specifically

    Absofrigginlutely - I hear this on conference calls all the time. What the frick, are we talking about the ocean?
  • Posts: 902 Member
    My most common ones are:

    Supposably (even though this one is now in the dictionary as a synonym for supposedly)
    Excetera (instead of eTcetera)
    Societal (instead of social)
  • Posts: 1,373 Member
    I have a friend who says 'simular' and I want to scream when she does it lol

    I work with a lady who does this. Drives me up the wall.

    Another lady says "again" "Ah-Gayne." Really draws out that hard "a" when she says it, too.
  • Posts: 1,159 Member

    or suppos-of-ly.
  • Posts: 1,165 Member
    ruff instead of roof HATE IT!!!! or uge instead of Huge
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