30 day shred begining 1-1-10



  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Hi guys, hope you dont mind me jumping in??
    I have just ordered the 30day shread DVD from Ebay.
    Do i have to do it every day? I go to the gym mon-thurs, so was thinking about doing it only on fri, sat and sun?
    Also, do i have to get weights?

    Hope you dont mind me asking?
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Hi guys, hope you dont mind me jumping in??
    I have just ordered the 30day shread DVD from Ebay.
    Do i have to do it every day? I go to the gym mon-thurs, so was thinking about doing it only on fri, sat and sun?
    Also, do i have to get weights?

    Hope you dont mind me asking?

    Welcome, Claire! Jump on in. Some of us are almost at the end of our 30 days, others are starting, and some in between.

    You don't *have* to do it on any schedule. I try to do it every day, and I find that it's helping me progress quickly that way. Others do it every other day, with other stuff in between.

    You will need some hand weights. I think it's safe to say most of us use 3 & 5lb weights. When I started (Jan 2nd), I had to use no weights at all, though...and now I pretty consistently use 5, to give you an idea of how quickly you can improve.
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    L3D5 Done this morning and I twisted my knee on those dang rock star things and now I may have to "rest"! 25 days and then I get hurt!

    If I can't do it tomorrow, I'll try doing just the upper body stuff because I am NOT giving up!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Hi guys, hope you dont mind me jumping in??
    I have just ordered the 30day shread DVD from Ebay.
    Do i have to do it every day? I go to the gym mon-thurs, so was thinking about doing it only on fri, sat and sun?
    Also, do i have to get weights?

    Hope you dont mind me asking?

    Welcome, Claire! Jump on in. Some of us are almost at the end of our 30 days, others are starting, and some in between.

    You don't *have* to do it on any schedule. I try to do it every day, and I find that it's helping me progress quickly that way. Others do it every other day, with other stuff in between.

    You will need some hand weights. I think it's safe to say most of us use 3 & 5lb weights. When I started (Jan 2nd), I had to use no weights at all, though...and now I pretty consistently use 5, to give you an idea of how quickly you can improve.

    Thanks for the reply,
    i have heard good things about this DVD, so am looking forward to giving it a go..if i manage it!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    YEAH!!!!!!! I finally started D1L1 yesterday and let me tell you I LOVE IT!!!!!
    It's tough but, definitely doable, my legs are still burning from the squats & lounges. I did stop maybe 20 secs out of the whole 27 mins. Which burnt 258 calories so, in case if you want to estimate the calorie burn there you have it. I stopped 20 secs out of the whole DVD, I'm sure you will burn more if you push it hard!!

    Ok, I have a change of plans: I see a lot of you are doing each level for 10 Days and think I'm going to do that as well. My rest Day is normally on Sunday but, I guess no rest day for 1 month isn't going to hurt right? If it gets to easy I will do each level for 7 days. I will advance when I'm doing all of the advance moves & not stopping.
    I have bad knees as well & the squat and lunges were killers for me but, I pushed through them! I rode the bike for 13mins which really kicked my tail! Needless to say I had a great workout yesterday & was beat!

    I did D2L1 & it kicked my tail but, this time I took 2 Aleve's an hr before my workout & managed to get though it without the killing pain on my knees! I was definitely doing the moves correct. I did stop again...those butt kicks right after the squats are a killer. I am fighting to kick my feet up but, failing miserably. I still LOVE it though. I definitely feel that this workout will get you into shape no matter how long it takes for you to complete it, I just may take this to St.Maarten with me in March! I was going to take Insanity but, this is a butt kicker in its self and will do!!!

    I also added some upper body strength training & when I got back to work I could barely move my arms to type!!! I am still looking forward to tomorrow, my Day 3 YES!!!!!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L3D6 done! My shoulder hurts, so I had to modify the plank and push up moves.

    Does anyone else think the "cleans" are too easy at this point? I'm using 8lb weights on those and still feel nothing.
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    I did Level 3, Day 6 today.

    Yesterday I twisted my knee at the end so today I wrapped it up and gave it a go. I had to modify most of the lunges and squats and jumps! My leg killed when I was done. :cry:

    So, tomorrow I think I'm going to have to try and take it easy. I was talking to my husband about possibly resting the rest of the week. He suggested I just cut back and maybe not do the "legs" or hard impact stuff. Because I don't want to "get out of the habit" and then never start up again. And he's right.

    So, I think tomorrow, I'm going to go all the way back to level 1 and do that for a few days. However, I'm going to do the jumping jacks and butt kicks with weights like we do in Level 3 and I may try to follow Natalie a bit more now. I will probably not work out on Saturday or Sunday though.

    I'm so bummed! :grumble: I can see the finish line but I have to go backward! Hopefully next week this will all be behind me and I can finish up Level 3! Or by that time I may be so sick of this I just start integrating the Couch to 5K plan in with Jillian. IDK!

    Does anyone else think the "cleans" are too easy at this point? I'm using 8lb weights on those and still feel nothing.

    Yes, Michelle, I think they're a bit "easy" for this level too. I am only using my 5lb's. I keep thinking I'm doing it wrong simply because it's not killing me by the time we're done. But then I secretly welcome the "rest!"
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    D3L1 is in the bag! Today I tried my best to nit to stop for a 3 sec breather but, failed. I only stopped once & felt AMAZING!!! Today I burnt 277 so that's a big difference fro Day 1 258 calorie burn!!! My poor HM was beeping away at me. Screaming at me to slow it down but, I couldn't I had to keep up.
    Last night I hurt my knee & not from working out, I iced all day today & took 2 Aleve before my work out, wore my knee brace plus an ace bandage for extra support. I ROCKED it out & got through the squats, lunges (which I feel the burn & love it) & side lunge things!! My quads are super tight, no jiggle here any more & my calves are much toner!!! I am really enjoying this program!!!

    Great work ladies for getting it in!!! Keep digging deep!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    D3L1 is in the bag! Today I tried my best to nit to stop for a 3 sec breather but, failed. I only stopped once & felt AMAZING!!! Today I burnt 277 so that's a big difference fro Day 1 258 calorie burn!!! My poor HM was beeping away at me. Screaming at me to slow it down but, I couldn't I had to keep up.
    Last night I hurt my knee & not from working out, I iced all day today & took 2 Aleve before my work out, wore my knee brace plus an ace bandage for extra support. I ROCKED it out & got through the squats, lunges (which I feel the burn & love it) & side lunge things!! My quads are super tight, no jiggle here any more & my calves are much toner!!! I am really enjoying this program!!!

    Great work ladies for getting it in!!! Keep digging deep!!

    Way to go!!! It's always nice to NOT HAVE THE JIGGLE!! :laugh: I'm not there yet... still have a little jiggle here and there... BUT I'm getting there... So glad that you are enjoying the SHRED!!! Way to stay at it!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Thank you Kandy!!!
    You're right about it feeling good to feel no jiggle. My quads are solid & so are my calves. Now only if I can get my stomach that way!!!! :smile:

    I knocked out L1D4 and I am HAPPY to say that I almost did all of the 1st set push ups without using my knees! (I missed it by 5) I also think pushing through the push-ups killed me on cardio. The 2nd set of jumping jacks I couldn't push through b/c I was beyond feeling winded. For the rest I did a good job! I rode my spin bike for 15mins & my body screamed "Thank you Jesus" when I finished!!! I iced and took 2 Aleve a hr before my workout & I really think that helps because my knees were good throughout the whole thing, I suck on my butt kicks because, I have my knees wrapped that it's hard for me to bend them far enough to reach my tush!
    I am POOPED!!!

    Have a great night Ladies & Keep pushing through!
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Okay so still on my track and completed the Shred yesterday - am pushing for every other day. But for some reason my knee has been really sore..could it be the push ups? - trust me I am not all ready to do them straight legged though it would be funny to see:laugh:

    Not sure I planned to hit the gym tonight but with TOM and my knee I wonder if I should take it easy and do my Shred tomorrow am as planned. Any thoughts?

    Anyhoo I am on L1D2 if I count the beginning of February which I think is best. I did the video in January but not consistent ( I think like 5-6 times)

    Superbowl is rigt around the corner and I definately plan on Shredsing Sunday morning before the game to help with the goodies that will be consumed later :drinker:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I finished level 2 today. I tried to go to the gym today but the parking lot was so full there was nowhere to park. 5:00 is not a good time to go. I came home and did the Shred instead. I will start level 3 on Saturday. Will let you know how it goes. Have a great weekend.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L3D7 done! I can't believe I'm almost done! And my next videos are not here yet! I guess I'll have to do L3D11, L3D12, etc till they are.
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    L3D7 done! I can't believe I'm almost done! And my next videos are not here yet! I guess I'll have to do L3D11, L3D12, etc till they are.

    Well done! You're going to finish before me! I am taking the weekend off so I can rest my knee. Sucks with the finish line so close, but better to not get injured!

    Come Monday morning I'll be in a world of hurt I'm sure!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Okay so still on my track and completed the Shred yesterday - am pushing for every other day. But for some reason my knee has been really sore..could it be the push ups? - trust me I am not all ready to do them straight legged though it would be funny to see:laugh:

    Not sure I planned to hit the gym tonight but with TOM and my knee I wonder if I should take it easy and do my Shred tomorrow am as planned. Any thoughts?

    Anyhoo I am on L1D2 if I count the beginning of February which I think is best. I did the video in January but not consistent ( I think like 5-6 times)

    Superbowl is rigt around the corner and I definately plan on Shredsing Sunday morning before the game to help with the goodies that will be consumed later :drinker:

    Have you tried icing your knees before your workout? My knees are super bad but, I ice them before & after my workout & I take to Aleve 1 hr before working out. I use a knee brace as well.

    If you are really in pain I would say rest, if you try the icing & pain killers you will be good to go!!!
    My TOM is finishing up so , I know how you feel. I would push though it but, we aren't all the same. Listen to your body and do what's best for you!!!! Good Luck!!!

    mschelle- Wow!!! I am eager to hear your final results!! Way to go!!!!

    tamelab- That's crazy!!! You pay to go to the gym & there isn't any parking!!! :noway: I would be upset!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    L3D7 done! I can't believe I'm almost done! And my next videos are not here yet! I guess I'll have to do L3D11, L3D12, etc till they are.

    You totally rock my world!!! :drinker:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Okay so still on my track and completed the Shred yesterday - am pushing for every other day. But for some reason my knee has been really sore..could it be the push ups? - trust me I am not all ready to do them straight legged though it would be funny to see:laugh:

    Not sure I planned to hit the gym tonight but with TOM and my knee I wonder if I should take it easy and do my Shred tomorrow am as planned. Any thoughts?

    Anyhoo I am on L1D2 if I count the beginning of February which I think is best. I did the video in January but not consistent ( I think like 5-6 times)

    Superbowl is rigt around the corner and I definately plan on Shredsing Sunday morning before the game to help with the goodies that will be consumed later :drinker:

    Have you tried icing your knees before your workout? My knees are super bad but, I ice them before & after my workout & I take to Aleve 1 hr before working out. I use a knee brace as well.

    If you are really in pain I would say rest, if you try the icing & pain killers you will be good to go!!!
    My TOM is finishing up so , I know how you feel. I would push though it but, we aren't all the same. Listen to your body and do what's best for you!!!! Good Luck!!!

    mschelle- Wow!!! I am eager to hear your final results!! Way to go!!!!

    tamelab- That's crazy!!! You pay to go to the gym & there isn't any parking!!! :noway: I would be upset!

    I go to a very small gym where my husband works. It only costs us $5 a month so I can't complain a whole lot. It has all the equipment of a larger gym, just not as many (only 4 treadmills, 2 ellipticals, 2 of those old stairmasters that kill my knees, and 4 bikes). It has a very nice Nautilus circuit and ab machines as well as free weights. I usually go in the a.m. after I take my son to school and before I start typing. I will have to remember that!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Hi Guys,
    i finally recieved my dvd through the post this morning, and have just watched it. It sounds really full on, but thats great! I love the way Jillian encourages you!!
    I am planning on doing it this evening and tomorrow!!
    Wish me luck for my 1st time!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L3D8 done!!!

    Good luck, Claire! It's a great workout with great results!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Hi Guys,
    WOW, i think my arms and legs are about to fall off, they are soooo sore after my 1st day of level one!!
    But its a good thing, as i know its doing me some good!