E-reader....yes or no?



  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I had the Sony but just got the iPad.. loving the iPad.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    I love my kobo touch. I wouldn't get one of the back light or colour ones though. That is to much like reading on a computer for me, I get headaches. But the E-Ink is easy to read for hours.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I LOOOOOOVE my Kindle! It is the most awesome, most-often used thing I own! Plus, we figured out how to find free versions of ANY book online, and can transfer it to my device, so I never have to pay for another book again as long as I live. WIN!

    I'm sure the authors who are losing money are thrilled by that.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I bought a Nook color for my mother and she really digs it. Go with that one. It is now under $200.
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    Trying to decide if I should invest in an e-reader. I love books, read all the time, but don't know if I could get into reading on the screen all the time. Anyone have one and what do you think? What models do you like?

    I have an Amazon Kindle and I LOVE it. I read all of the time too and my book collection was overtaking me. It's very slender it's fits in my purse and not bulky like a book. Don't get me wrong, I still love actual books (because all books are not Kindle ready), but it is very convenient.
  • nancyki
    Being able to change the font size so "readers" aren't required, is a big plus!
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I LOOOOOOVE my Kindle! It is the most awesome, most-often used thing I own! Plus, we figured out how to find free versions of ANY book online, and can transfer it to my device, so I never have to pay for another book again as long as I live. WIN!

    I hope you aren't stealing books? I realize some books are available for free, but most are not.

  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I have multiple Kindles, including the Fire. I love them. I read often and am a writer who is writing for e-media.

    And I'm a huge Amazon supporter, so . . .

    While I do buy physical books from time to time, I prefer to buy them on the Kindle.

    Give it a spin!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I move around a lot so I've had to give up on print books... I love my kindle touch. Putting it in a "book like" cover makes the action of holding and "turning" pages feel very natural.
  • BeckZombie
    BeckZombie Posts: 138 Member
    I LOVE my Kindle Keyboard. I actually read a lot faster on it. I have no idea why.

    Mainly, I love how easy and quick it makes buying books.
  • cspinney
    cspinney Posts: 81 Member
    I've had a Kindle for a couple of years now; I didn't think I would like it, but I do. It's great for travelling, so much easier to carry than a ton of books.

    I'm not one for going to the library, I always buy books. My husband is a reader as well. That leads to a lot of books in the house. I would try to pass books on, or donate to charity book sales, but there would always be some that I didn't want to give up, or that I thought were not good and no one would want them, so over the years books have been piling up and storage is an issue. That was our main reasoning for purchasing e-readers. That said, I do still buy books, so the problem is not 100% eliminated, but it is more manageable. :)
  • literatelier
    literatelier Posts: 209 Member
    I borrowed one from a friend, and I hated every second of it. Until they can make them look and smell like books, I'll stick to my books.

    Hear hear! :)
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I vote yes! I got a Nook Tablet just after Christmas and I'm absolutely in love with it. I read even more now then I did before and I've always loved reading & books. You can get a lot of the old classics free through places like the Gutenberg Project and other online resources that make them available to download. You can also find collections of classics that aren't free but very cheap! I paid I think $2.99 for the entire Sherlock Holmes collection and about the same for the entire Agatha Christie collection. I've got 100 books in my library on my Nook right now that I've read since I got my Nook Tablet in December. Now I get 2 hours of dedicated work commute reading time in 5x a week (I take a train and hour each way) but still, thats a lot of books and I read about half fiction and half thick nonfiction history books.

    I really advocate the Nook line because you can buy books pretty much anywhere (they use an Epub format available from tons of e-book retailers not just Barnes & Noble. Kindles have you buying books from Amazon and I'm not a fan of companies that create proprietary products) also I love that I can walk into a Barnes & Noble if my Nook is acting funny and they'll check it out and fix it right then. My Nook Tablet has been fine but my grandfather has taken his first gen Nook in after dropping it once and leaving it on the top of his car once (oops!) and they fixed it in less than an hour while he had a cup of coffee. No shipping it off somewhere and waiting for anything. Perfect!

    I still love a paper book and at home will pull them off my shelves now and then, but I absolutely love the portablity, storage and convenience of my Nook Tablet.
  • PlumNoodles
    At first i was set on books, thinking "No way I will never sell out and get an E-Reader!" But my mother got me one for Christmas and I never looked back. I am in love with my Kindle, it's totally unlocked my love of books and made me search more into topics I never thought I'd like! With the Kindle especially if a topic pricks your interest you can look in the Amazon Kindle store for books about it, and they're all a lot cheaper than books normally!
    Obviously you can't get every single books ON your Kindle and have to buy the books but I still think that's great, I love buying books and holding a book but it's so much easier carrying an E-Reader than having 10 books in your bag! Haha.
    It's also so much lighter than normal books, especially if the topics you enjoy tend to be massive and only in hardback haha. You can comfortably read while laying down, on your side, anything!
    I was totally won over with my Kindle but I'm still in love with books! :)
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I love my Kindle. I love that I can get almost any book at any time and I can read it just like a real book.

    However, there are certain books that I still buy as books. Books by my favorite authors, books in a series that I have been collecting, those things are still physically bought.

    Other than that, I love the Kindle. I also have a Kindle fire, which I don't like as much. I'm not really a games person and I can't read on those screens (which is why the i-pad and nook wouldn't work for me).

    ETA: For traveling, there just is no better alternative. I brought an endless supply of books to the airport, which took up almost no space and weighed next to nothing. And I also love that I can borrow books from my library without having to go out. So, on a rainy day off, I can borrow a book for free without going out in the rain.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    All of the people I know who have gotten them absolutely love them. Can't speak from personal experience, though. I just get books from the library anyway.
  • ShellyShuey
    I use the Kindle app on my iPad and just love it.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    Call me a skeptic, but I have that naggling fear that someday, the technology will fail, or some conspiracy to do away with all "controversial" material will cause my purchases to be erased. That, and I enjoy the feel of a book in my hands. I will occassionally download a book or two to my phone's book-reader app, but the majority of my reading material is physical, not digital.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Just got a chance to read through all the responses, thank you! Did some shopping around in town today, and found out that if I buy the Kobo through a secondary retailer and get their extended warranty, I can bypass the horrendous Kobo customer service! Woohoo! $20 for the warranty plan is worth losing the headache. Will wait until the fall models all come in, so I can see them in person and play with them, but think I will be taking this step!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I LOVE my KINDLE FIRE!!! I can also check out books from my local library for my KINDLE. This=FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE