Got really mad at the supermarket today



  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Very interesting thread. As a teacher, I took a class on povery a few years ago and it was very eye-opening. One thing I remember was about food. People in povery ask "Did you get enough to eat? People in middle class say, "Did it taste good?" The wealthy say, "Did it look good?" Since all of us here have internet access I am guessing most of us fall in middle-class. The truely wealthy are probably working with their personal chefs, etc. So we are looking at this situation through middle-class eyes. If a person is in generational poverty, they are more worried about their kids getting enough to eat. It's about quantity, not quality. I complain about money but I have never really wondered how we would feed the kids tomorrow. Many people in poverty are not thinking long-term, they are thinking how to survive today or perhaps tomorrow. I am thankful that I have the luxury to be able to meet my children's immediate needs so I can think about their future. I realize this is off-topic from the original post, but this thread is off to interesting places!

    Yeah, I took the Ruby Paine class. That's the creator by the way. We certainly do perceive things according to our knowledge base. It's sad though that people only know their own certain mindset which creates horrible health problems. You can't fix a culture that will never have the resources to understand, I guess that's just natural selection, or we can just become communists. I prefer the former. Is what it is.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    The problem is we don't educate people about diet and exercise..........I am still 26 pounds over weight and my start was over 200 pounds. Food is very tricky and not everyone is as educated .................if people don't see the harm in it when they first eat it they think there is no harm.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    The problem is we don't educate people about diet and exercise..........I am still 26 pounds over weight and my start was over 200 pounds. Food is very tricky and not everyone is as educated .................if people don't see the harm in it when they first eat it they think there is no harm.

    Let's be real here. Please. It isn't all education. It's self-control. And don't harp on those who have medical conditions yadda yadda yadda. The majority of us are here because bad food tastes good and we have a lack of self-control for whatever stupid reason our parents screwed us up from childhood. I know that a hamburger is worse than a salad with healthy ingredients. And no, ranch dressing or blue cheese dressing is not allowed. Enough, this thread is exhausted.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    when your child needs to have their gall bladder removed at 18 because they went on a liquid diet and destroyed it, that's going to cost you and them a lot, not only in terms of money, but also in future mental issues.

    mental health issues are broad, i can point many of them out just in this thread. people are walking mental health issues. although i do agree with you. figure that one out!

    Nothing you say here is wrong, but how is it relevant to this topic?

    my point was, that saying mental health issues are relevant here is right. but that is like saying human beings are part of the problem....if you get my point. (not good with examples), mental health issues are in EVERYTHING, so i don't feel like it was an adequate argument :P
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    But hey Banks, thanks for posting this gripe, it really is the core as to why we are all here. Whether our parents didn't show us how to eat well, or society hasn't done this for those with crappy parents, it's the core as to why we're all here. It's about self control and making personal choices. Some don't have the control, and others do. Those who do, feel and look better, those who don't are in the hospital complaining of health problems that can most likely be attributed to being fat. Thanks Banks for hitting the nail on the obvious head.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I was thinking about this has been awhile since I was intrigued by a thread...........and a few things came to mind.

    A few ppl said this should be considered child abuse. OK-now what??

    Do we, as a country, take on the daunting task of arresting these parents?
    Should DCF remove the children from the home?
    Should the food police be standing at the end of the Kroger registers to write citation to report abuse?

    Then there would be the mental and real costs of housing this child in a foster home.........should it be an organic foster home? Good luck finding a family to take in the addl billion over weight children in America, let alone have them be health concsious.

    Good topic, but there are oh so many reasons for the junk people feed their kids. What can we do about it?

    I for one encourage young moms on here to take control now, and raise their children with a different set of rules when it comes to food. That is my contribution.

    :heart: Jeannie

    did i just read something with thought incorporated? get out! :P jk everyone

    and shboss, you said that it was off topic to talk about nutrition, i think the point is that some of us think that it is in fact the whole point

    and commercialism/capitalism are the end all be all-aimed at a poster on page 4 (too lazy to quote right now-he discussed the dark history of some of our foods)

    I also agree with you on the commercialism of food and it has been going on since day 1 of television for all.

    I grew up in the latch-key, television as babysitter decade. I can STILL recite the commercials for many many foods!! Thank GOD Cheerios is the first one that comes to mind!!

    commercialism extends way beyond television

    off topic: mmm cheerios :)
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I'm going to McDonald's for a couple hamburgers. Who shall I blame for this? My mother? Nah. My father? Nah. Hmm..maybe it's my choice. I'm no raving conservative, but COME ON. Enough already.
  • BamaRose0107
    I'm going to McDonald's for a couple hamburgers. Who shall I blame for this? My mother? Nah. My father? Nah. Hmm..maybe it's my choice. I'm no raving conservative, but COME ON. Enough already.

    I agree with you. This topic has gone way off topic!
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I'm going to McDonald's for a couple hamburgers. Who shall I blame for this? My mother? Nah. My father? Nah. Hmm..maybe it's my choice. I'm no raving conservative, but COME ON. Enough already.

    I agree with you. This topic has gone way off topic!

    Cheers for losing 109, simply amazing!
  • BamaRose0107
    I'm going to McDonald's for a couple hamburgers. Who shall I blame for this? My mother? Nah. My father? Nah. Hmm..maybe it's my choice. I'm no raving conservative, but COME ON. Enough already.

    I agree with you. This topic has gone way off topic!

    Cheers for losing 109, simply amazing!

    Thank you!:flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good night you all~

    I may not agree with you

    I may get a bit angry

    I may be a bit distressed

    or maybe a bit guilty

    but I am always a bit more educated when I take the time to listen to others opinions.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good night you all~

    I may not agree with you

    I may get a bit angry

    I may be a bit distressed

    or maybe a bit guilty

    but I am always a bit more educated when I take the time to listen to others opinions.

  • meferretti
    meferretti Posts: 36 Member
    I completely agree. One of the kids in my child's preschool class eats McD's EVERYDAY for breakfast. The child was about 2.5 yrs old and the parents fed them hashbrowns and some sort of meat patty every morning. I am nausious just thinking about it.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Jeannie made me think of something by her words.

    The focus of this site is helping people understand and strive for better health. Nutrition is a large part of that process. So while we all have our opinions, lets make sure that everything we talk about has a constructive purpose. I will admit to forgetting that from time to time.

    If we take the emotion out of it, there are some very good points made on this site and in this thread. Maybe we all can't agree on everything, but I think we can all probably agree that nutrition (and focusing on the topic at hand) and childhood nutrtion, is an extremely important and often overlooked subject in America today. Getting the word out is our responsibility as informed adults.

    To that end I'm going to list a few sites that I've found. Lets make sure everyone we can think of knows about these and any other resources you may know of!

    these are just a few that I found. Feel free to post more, and forward these links to anyone you think might benefit.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I can't understand why people get crazy over taking someone to task over poor nutrition. If we saw a parent giving cigarettes or booze to a child we would be up in arms about it. But somehow feeding a child chips and soda is ok? I have yet to see a fit and trim parent with a shopping cart full of junk food. I won't confront a person over poor choices because it probably will not make a bit of difference.

    Education is fine, but it is not the only answer. How many people watch Biggest Loser while eating ice cream? It's far easier to talk about nutritiion and fitness than to do something about it. The tools are out there. Most people have TV and Internet and access to a public library. There is NO excuse for not educating one's self. We've used class, gender, race, economic staus as crutches far too long.

    Obesity is quickly supplanting Cancer as a major health risk in the Western World.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have yet to see a fit and trim parent with a shopping cart full of junk food.

    this made me LOL. I was at the grocery store a few weeks ago after working out at the gym. It was obvious with my clothing and a bit of sweat still clinging to my brow.

    I had fruits and veggies.......but also 3 kinds of icecream.....THREE

    The lady behind me, dress in kind, had this disgusted look on her face as I put the icecream on the belt. I then realized how really STUPID this was. So I put back 2 and kept just the one my DH likes (because he is an adult and can choose to be fat and unhealthy if he likes)

    Just a Jeannie story................thanks for listening. :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    To that end I'm going to list a few sites that I've found. Lets make sure everyone we can think of knows about these and any other resources you may know of!

    these are just a few that I found. Feel free to post more, and forward these links to anyone you think might benefit.

    Just wanted this on the new page too. Thanks Banksy!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    That was a good one, Jeannie! Sure, everyone buys treats...but I've literally seen people buy $100. of junk food and not one thing with good nutritional value.
  • leavinglasvegas
    I have yet to see a fit and trim parent with a shopping cart full of junk food.

    this made me LOL. I was at the grocery store a few weeks ago after working out at the gym. It was obvious with my clothing and a bit of sweat still clinging to my brow.

    I had fruits and veggies.......but also 3 kinds of icecream.....THREE

    The lady behind me, dress in kind, had this disgusted look on her face as I put the icecream on the belt. I then realized how really STUPID this was. So I put back 2 and kept just the one my DH likes (because he is an adult and can choose to be fat and unhealthy if he likes)

    Just a Jeannie story................thanks for listening. :laugh:


    The last time I went to Kroger I had a cart full of veggies, organic soups and dairy, and a bag of ruffles with a jar of full fat dip. I didn't look at anyone because I realized how ridiculous it must have looked. I still bought it. TOM was here and I may have punched anyone who commented on it. LOL Looking back, I can laugh at it. :laugh:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    OK, I admit it, when I'm bored waiting in line I do look at what other people are buying. I'm amazed at the amount of junk food and pre-packaged food people will spend money on.

    I felt so bad for the little girl who has NO idea the world of hurt she is in for. I wanted to grab her and take her home and say "don't worry hon, I'll fix you right up."

    My wife grew up overweight, in weight watchers by 12, still has issues with her weight, still has days where she gets visibly angry with me if she's having a bad day and I mention food and/or exercise, it really ends up dominating their life for a long time. It's almost like torture.

    No.. IT IS TORTURE!!!!

    And the SAD thing is ALOT of moms focus on themselves loosing weight, so they buy healthy things for themselves and dont think to find healthy things for their kids because they ASSUME they will be fine.

    I think moms need to think more about their children and teach them how to cook right.

    Women USUALLY ALWAYS have self worth issues already.. weight issues is a forever thing!!!!

    I love this, I wish more mom's would think about their kids. At my house you eat what I give you or you don't eat end of story. I'm sick of parents saying that their kids don't like this or that, if they are hungry enough they will eventually eat the good stuff!