Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for January



  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Got an hour and two minutes in yesterday on the Wii Fit Plus. Also got in a run outside. Met my goal for yesterday! On to today...
  • I'm in! I'm using EA Active More Workouts. I'm on week 3 of the 6 week challenge. I am doing 4 workouts per week, and they work different parts of the body, mostly strength. I have been doing 10 or 20 minutes of step on the Balance Board on EA Active as well. Today was supposed to be a workout day, but I decided an hour of shoveling dang snow was going to replace the Wii!
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    Id like to wii 3x a week maybe 30 minutes, or between days of rest doing the harder workout videos.
    I have wii fit and wii fitness trainer and soon hopefully wii cardio!!
  • I'd like to join! I've had EA sports active for a while now and just haven't used it the way it was intended. I started a new 30 day challenge on it yesterday! My goal is to work out on it as often as it allows then on the "rest" days, I'll do yoga and areobics from Wii Fit. My goal is to workout everyday for at least 1 hour.
  • prairiemom
    prairiemom Posts: 391 Member
    Helllo all, I am also using the WII to get in fit. Right now I am on the four week beginner level of the biggest loser. My goal is just to complete it. MY legs barely made it through the first week. Good luck All!!!!
  • hi everyone I also have the wii fit plus and the biggest looser. I have lost 4 pounds so far. I am trying to get on it everyday for atleast 30 minutes if i can. have to share the tv with the kids this week while they are out of school.
    I love the step, boxing, and just tryed the bubble game last week and its fun.
    biggest looser did not know you can set up a routine to last 4 weeks. Need to get it back out and check it out. I have seen the persoal trainers at Wal-mart has anyone used those?
    Would like to find other wrk out games to go along with the ones i have. Would really love to have a treadmill to use along with the running in the park with the wii fit plus.

    keep up the great wrk everyone.
    deana in texas
  • prairiemom
    prairiemom Posts: 391 Member
    Just did my first challenge and wiegh-in, lost one lb. That's one week down and 3 to go.
  • I'm just starting out with the wii today is only my third day using it so Im gonna start off slow.....I'm going to use the wii fit plus for 15mins 6xs aweek
  • Workout day for me today on the EA Active more workouts. I'm doing the "easy" six week challenge. Today's workout was lower body and cardio and did not use the balance board. After that I did a 10 minute step class, also from EA Active. Yay! I had to force myself, but as always, I feel better now. :)
  • i also have the wii fit and it is wonderful
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    WOW! We've got a lot of new people this month and to all of you welcome!

    This thread has changed month to month as the needs of the group have changed, so it's really up to all of us if we want to have daily posting or weekly checkins. So it's up to all of us here how formal we are.

    I'm for everyone posting as often as they can or want to. For me I do better if I post or at least read all the posts everyday. But, with work, kids, etc it can be hard to get on everyday.

    Yesterday I shovelled snow for 1.5 hours and was too tired to do more that 20 minutes free step at the middle pace. I hope to do more today and I should be back on track Tuesday. Tomorrow as long as everyone feels OK my kids and I will be skiing. On Tuesday we are all back to work and school.

  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Skiing! I hope everyone does feel okay and that you guys enjoy yourself!
    For me today, I did not get any Wii in, but I did: run 2 miles, attend Zumba, and reorganize the office furniture in my office for the entire morning! And if that is not a workout, I don't know what is!

    Enjoy the rest of your day, it's bedtime for me here. Good night to all! :yawn: (And I seriously yawn, wow, it really is contagious! :laugh:
  • Hi Everyone, I'm new and trying to get healthy.

    I just got my Wii Fit Plus.

    My January Wii Exercise goals:

    To get on my board every day by 6:00 am and work out for at least an hour.

    So far I am really enjoying it. I am working with the boxing alot.
  • bestmomtr
    bestmomtr Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm new to myfitnesspal and have had the Wii for some time but, started really workingout on Saturday so, this is my second day using it so I'm also going to start slow. I have been doing the advance step for 15 min the first day and 20 min the second day.

    Here is my goal for the week: 5:30 am
    Monday: Bike 15 min, Wii 20 min Step
    Tuesday Bike 17 min Wii 20 min Step, Hula hoop 5 min
    Wednesday: Bike 20 min, Wii 20 min Step, Hula hoop 5 min
    Thursday: Bike 20 min Wii 20 Step, Hula hoop 5 min
    Friday: Bike 20 min, Wii 20 step, Hula hoop 5 min, Treadmill 15 min (weigh in on Friday)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Did 1 hr of WF+, burned 376 cals. Was being lazy.

    Also burned about 50 cals doing church duties (delivering rolls to classes, and running errands for people in charge-- lots of scurrying around)
  • Well I took some time off over the holidays but am back and ready to lose the weight!!! I have a wii fit and am looking to buy the fit plus or the active. I also am working out at my in-laws gym starting tomorrow on Monday's and Wednesday's. I am also looking at what they call "mommy boot camp" here and it's MWF for 1 hour. I have heard it's pretty tough so I may try it. But my goal on the wii is to get on it M-F for at least 30 minutes a day. Hopefully I can keep that up! Best of luck everyone!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Didn't reach my goal yesterday but managed to get an hour in today. Ran for 11 minutes, did the Hula Hoop for 10 minutes 2x and lots of other stuff! Great fun, don't even know I am working out. Also went for a 2.5 mile run / walk today and did outdoor stuff, heavy stuff for 7 hours. I am surprisingly not tired though.
  • penelope1001
    penelope1001 Posts: 12 Member
    Brand new here.. Just got Wii Fit Plus and EA Active is on order. Goal 30 mins/5 times a week. Question though- how does one increase activity level/length? I can only do short runs, 3 minutes rhythm boxing, etc. Do I have to reach a certain level before it lets me increase? Thanks!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have the Wii fit Plus and the Biggest loser for Wii fit. I just started using the Biggest Loser for Wii yesterday and like it alot. Im doing a 4 week challenge to see how much I can drop in that time.

    Im looking forward to having other wii buddies and hearing what you are using. I love the wii fit plus and have really gotten into the games, but it seems like the workouts for the Biggest loser one are a little more "challenging". Maybe its just Jillian.. LOL who knows!
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    I just got Wii sport and plan on getting Fitness Plus, Am recovering from internal surgery in November and knee surgery in December so am easing back into workouts. I am a very active person slowed down by some health issues but back again in 2010. Losing weight to help knees and to feel better. Will follow to see how folks are using their Wii Plus so I can learn and enjoy it. I also checked out EA (learned of it reading your posts so thank you) and may move to that as recovery permits. I am happy to have found this group.
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