Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member

    HE PROPOSED!!!! so we are now engaged!!!!!!!!

    Jaymie CONGRATS!!!!! Glad to hear you had a fabulous holiday.

  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Congradulations Jaymie, sounds like a keeper if he flew to Ausie land with you.

    Myth, This week may be hard to keep track of everything, but I'll try.:bigsmile:
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member

    Hang in there. Dont give up the fight!!! Life is not always kind but at least you can be kind to your body!!

  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    THANKS Nicole Chipgal

    Yeh he really is a KEEPER this one!!! Im over the moon!! but there is so much planning to do now

    Hopefully this will keep me occupied and not wanting to eat all the time!!

    I hope everyone is doing well and keeping on top of there calorie limits.... or at least MAKING THE EFFORT!!!

    As long as your trying eh!!! and don't beat yourself up if you slip now and then. Its OK!! just get back into it!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • Keltinator
    Jaymie--omg congrats!!

    today was a good start to the week. had an orange at lunch, and half an apple for a snack later on. now let's see if i can get a salad in? :wink: lol.

    turin--that's such a good idea to look at all the data like that. now, if only my computer was working well enough to let me use excel. (if any of you are computer geeks, i can only use my computer in various types of safe mode at the moment. it sucks, the audio configuration is all screwed up. no sound... :sad: )

    i was surprised that there was 3 grams of fiber in the orange i ate today. pleasantly surprised :) and my personal carb challenge for me this week is to not go over the amount MFP gives me! it seems everything i eat is a carb. if anyone has some delicious food ideas that are low-carb and don't involve TOO much meat, could you enlighten me? (i'm not a meat fan. especially seafood, too. i know it's not a good thing, but fish are my enemy. i can't stand eating them)

    well, hope everyone else had a decent monday.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    I say go with your instinct. If you noticed some amount works fo ryou try it. Allof our bodys are different. Keep us up to date and what you do, I totally like looking back at trends and seeing how things work. Good luck
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Jaymie CONGRATS!!!!! YAYy!! Glad it was a great holiday for you! You are right now youreally have a goal to work towards lol. Congrats and dont worry in 4 short weeks or less that 4 pounds you put on will be gone again! Welcome home and congrats hun!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Chip I agree it will be hard to keep track of it all,lol. It will be worth it i the end I think.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Eek to hear someone say fish are my enemy just sounds funny! lol I will think on the low carb food list and let you know. I eat a lot fo chicken. But ill try to think on it.
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Calorie Intake Exercise Calories Net Calories Net Calories per day Weight loss

    Week 1 - 9822 2189 7633 1090 3.25
    Week 2 - 10464 1413 9051 1293 0.00
    Week 3 - 8825 990 7835 1119 3.37
    Week 4 - 10100 1078 9022 1288 0.00

    The conclusion I am drawing from the above is that I need to keep my net calories in the 1200's in order to see losses happening

    The conclusion I would draw is that when you go over 1200 calories you see no weight loss results for the week. From what I see in your data you lost wieght on the weeks you averaged under 1200 calories per day. How are you doing on water in take and sodium?
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    My fiber is up to 25g but so is my carbs (147g). Had a fruit but no salad yet this week. I will add more later.
  • Keltinator
    even though i have very little to say today i thought i'd check in :)

    today the carbs are lookin' pretty good for moi :) i had chicken at lunch, instead of bread. but i went over on my calories a little! the only thing i can say is that if 1500 calories today is over my limit, it's okay, because i bet this time last year, i would have been eating over 2000 or something like that!

    p.s. i had a salad at lunch, too! so the count (i'm keeping track for me lol) is 1 salad, 2 fruits, and 1 day under carbs this week so far!

    hope everyone is having a good day :D
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    I have to report I wanted to keep my carbs as close to 100 as possible and I am not happy with what I have done. I am gonna try better tommorow! I agree with you though, all my count are 100% better then anythign last year at this time,lol. I was also excited that I got on the treadmill at the gym tonight when I normally dont do anything at night. But my daughter goes to tae kwon do there so I was like what they hey! I was also surprised at my energy had.
  • amandaja
    Hey girls! Wanted to check in and then it is off to bed for me. This week has been interesting so far. Just trying to get used to the longer work days. I think this job is a keeper. LOL. It better be! Seriously, the people have been great and very welcoming. that is always a plus.

    So I was hoping to really hit it hard, and I can still clean it up to get a great rest of the week. I haven't been cooking like in the past; DH has been doing that. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Picking up the kiddos too! I have been pleasantly shocked!! But the small downside to that is that he cooks his way which is heavier in carbs than how I cook. That is okay. I will figure out how to deal with it....just don't eat them if I can...and always have a salad! :)

    So I have not been logging because it just has been crazy and I know they aren't where they need to be. I will refocus for tomorrow. Need to go and clean the kitchen up really quick and figure something out for a lunch and snacks. I will do better then.

    Workouts are just not happening right now. I need to remember to take some walking shoes to work with me so I can join them on their little jaunts around the facility. Plus I need to check out what is going on during lunch. They have all kinds of cool things like boot camp, yoga, walks, etc. No reason to not take full advantage of these FREE offerings!

    g'night ladies!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Well i dont know what is happening to me and my motivation i seem to have lost myself in this past week or so. Calories are over almost daily and yesterday and today were horrible. I woke yesterday am feeling so sick to my stomach....pain just right under my bra smack dab in the middle.

    I tried everything soup tums liquids and nothing... the only thing that seems to help is the crackers. I had crackers and gave in and had to have a regular sierramist they dont have anything other than pepsi in diet at work for my stomach. What i thought was very little food turned out to put me 600 calories over. The 200 calories on the sierra mist didnt help but i had to do what i could to keep from throwing up. So needless to say my no soda thing has gone out the window yesterday and today as i have been drinking nothing but diet sprite and diet 7up i just had some water.

    I made some receipes from hungry girl cook book for us for dinner hoping to be able to keep it down. I only have 8 calories left and I dont know what to do with this stomach pain or what will happen calorie wise the rest of the night. I put out a post on the forums on what do you do when your sick.They told me to get better and i tried because the last thing i have wanted to do these last 2 days feeling like this is right down calories.... especially after feeling this way for 15 hours at work yesterday. However i continued to log and now i am in major disappointment as i am way over on calories and fear for fridays weigh in. I havent stepped foot in the gym like i had planned to and my stomach pain is still there.

    Hope everyone else is having a good week.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks Buddies!!!

    My love life seems to be going well!! Cant say too much about work or the lack of work. Ive been thinking of setting up my own practice Im an optometrist. But the legal and financial side of things are sooooo stressful. I have no idea what all the legal jargon means.


    Ive been reading everyones post and it seems like alot of us are going slightly over on our daily calories. Myself as well. My calorie total today was 1600 my goal is 1200. However (which you will like to hear MYTH) is my carbs is down.

    I wonder if I have logged this in correctly I had cereal for breakfast, a salad sandwhich for lunch and moussaka for dinner. I think for my sandwhich I might have to log in every item in the sandwhich (ie whole grain bread plus egg plus lettuce...) so I can get the correct calorie log. I just find some days I don't have the time to log every single item so I just look up other members foods they have saved and use there information. Maybe I shouldn't be so stroppy and do it myself... just not enough time in one day!!!!

    EEk - Im not a big meat eater too. I sometimes get tummy aches after eating red meat. But I do like white meat which luckily is lower in calorie than red. Have you tried crumbing or breading your fish? I find this improves the flavour and removes the fishy smell.

    Amanda -Its great that your enjoying this new work place. Its not always easy starting up new with different people.

    Myth - Thanks for your support. I always like to read your post! keep it up!!

    Everyone else including any new members - Welcome and 'don't give up' we can all do this.

    Night night everyone
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Well i dont know what is happening to me and my motivation i seem to have lost myself in this past week or so. Calories are over almost daily and yesterday and today were horrible. I woke yesterday am feeling so sick to my stomach....pain just right under my bra smack dab in the middle.

    Thalia - I think understand what your going through. I was with someone (before my fiancee) for 6 years. After the break up - I was a mess. Sometimes we just have to allow ourselves to feel these emotions (as aweful as that sounds) but thats the healing process. Be patient with yourself - You will get through this.

    We are all here for you!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    My Goal for tomorrow : Will not goal over my daily calorie allowance
    Will do 45mins of cardio at the gym!!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Wondered what had happened to you Thalia. I am still facing snow storms and it is hard to get a good internet connection.

    I keep a small calendar in my purse to write down what I eat so I have a record to update my diary when I'm able to.

    My carbs are my downfall, they still hover around 200g. Had a salad and 2 fruit for the weekr. Fiber is around 20g.

    Hope the week gets better for everyone.
