Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • KismetHot
    Well this weekend was way to much partying for me. I should have said no to have the things I said yes too! I felt it in kickboxing class as well. I am hoping my weigh in on wed. wont reflect the horror! LOL.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Weather kept me away from a computer for a few days. I do not have internet at the farm. I had 3 salads last week and 4 fruits. Look forward to this weeks chalange.:drinker:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    yaayyy new begining! 2 salads that is awsome! Fiber omg keep up the good work, now as long as I can get my 12 today Im good!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Even if the scale reflects the horror... you know what, you knew you did it, just fix it for next week! New and I did that a week or so ago as well. Just dont give in because of it! U can do it! :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    YAYYY Chip that is awsome I was wonderin about you... WTG!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    going to stay with mom again for a few days. Had 19g of fiber for yesterday. and an orange. Had salad Monday. I like the Fiber challenge keeps me watching choices closer.:wink:

  • Keltinator
    Hey everybody :smile:

    So lately i've been getting a bit off track, and i feel horrible about it! Honestly, if it wasn't for this thread, i would have probably quit! But i'm not gonna let that happen! So tomorrow is a new day, and i will try harder. Today i also had a salad and an apple! Hooray! as far as fibre goes, i've been getting around 10-12 grams a day, which is a little under what i should be getting, but it's definately an improvement!

    so i decided to join a pe course in school! we do "bootcamp" everyday for around 20 minutes for warm-up. let me tell you, we did lunges yesterday, and my legs still hurt! lol. that's a good sign that it'll be a bit of a challenge for me... i'm looking forward to it.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Good going EEK. Don't think my kees would let me bend far enough for a lunge. For the 3rd I had 21g of fiber. Most of it comes from yougert and fruit. 1cup salad only has 1g (thought it would have more than that). This challenge has me watching every little bite I take. Cannot wait to see what I watch next week.:wink:
  • Rubys
    Rubys Posts: 1
    I am joining also. I was the same weight for 6 years then all of a sudden added 10 pounds. I look forward to meeting you all
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hello everyone. Been loging food daily but this last wekk has not been a good one. I ended up closing a big chapter in my life. moved my stuff out of my exs house and it was harder than i thought even though it has been awhile since we have been seperated. I also found out that my grandpa whi is thousands of miles away is sick in hospital.

    I do great all day then at night my emotional eating comes back. These last 2 days i wake up at 11am and dont eat til * pm because iv been so busy and stressed. I thought i was just going over my cals by a little i looked at the last week and it has been this:

    FRI (-63)
    SAT (-255)
    SUN (-151)
    MON (-35)
    TUE (-307)
    WED (- 213)


    I had only gone over twice in calories in a month.Now this week has been hell I have gone over everyday almost. Im so irritated with myself. I feel depressed
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Eeek, DONT GIVE UP! You can do it you know you will feel better in the long run. Boot camp ohh you are better then me! lol Dont give up hun! yaayyyy salad! lol
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Wow chip! wtg on the fiber, ya I was a little diapointed about that lack of fiber in salad as well,lol. Ill have to think about next weeks :huh:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Thalia, :flowerforyou:

    Hun how to handle all of this at once, Im not even in your situation and can not answer it. Yes moveing out is like the last and final goodbye. It sucks. You can not even say put one thing aside and deal with one thing at a time cause it all happened at once. My only advice is take it one DAY at a time. Remeber if you can try to do eat better now the easier it will be when you are finally getting things back to normal. What ever normal will be. My heart goes out to you hun. We are here to listen and will not judge you if slip because life is not a* happens! Remember the only thing you can control is you. I hope tomorrow is a better day sweety.
  • Keltinator
    rubys--hello :) good luck in 2010! :flowerforyou:

    newbeginning--i'm sorry to hear about your dad. i hope he's doing ok.

    well, tomorrow we go for a mile run in pe! the idea is we run a mile every friday, and strive to improve our times throughout the course of the year. i hope i'll improve a bit! had more fruit today, and another salad with dinner. hooray :smile: . no i need to get this fiber thing together! i am so not good with it... but i will try very hard to improve it (today i only got 10 grams:frown: )

    also, i weighed myself after dinner (not a smart idea). the last time i weighed myself (in the morning) i weighed 145.8 lbs... and after dinner today, i only weighed 146.0! i was thinking whaaaaaat??! because i normally fluctuate up to 5 pounds in a day. so, i wonder what i'll weigh tomorrow morning? i'm kind of looking forward to seeing. i hope it's 143 or 144.

    good luck to everyone on their weighins tomorrow!
  • wmboyd
    Hi Thalia,

    This isnt my 1st time on thois site either, last time it was working for me and I just started getting lazy again and stopped. Like you I am determined to make 2010 my year. I also would like to lose around 70-80 pounds. It would be nice to have a "PenPal" to give support to each other. You can email me at Good luck to you and keep positive!!

  • amandaja
    Hello Rubys and Wendy! 2010 is the year!

    Well, I have been off and on tracking this week. One day I log, then the next day I don't. Usually it's because things get so crazy and I make myself do my homework instead of chitchatting on the net. haha!

    Doing well with the salad challenge. I have gotten fruit in everyday but today. Will go and munch on me an apple right now. I would still like to up my water. I need to purchase a large water bottle and just keep refilling it. I do better that way. I am meeting the fiber challenge but not getting up to how much I want. I am averaging about 20 g of fiber but would like to get closer to 30g a day. It's a tough one because i like to keep my carbs low (less than 100g...the lesser the better!) and protein high (over 100 g). Aw the juggling act of it all. :) It's a major bummer that salad greens don't have more fiber in them. Ugh! Trying to make choices for those veggies that have more bang for their buck.

    Mission Tortillas has a great low carb white flour tortilla that has 18g of carbs, 11 g of fiber, and I think 4 or 5 grams of protein. Even tastes good! Granted my Mexican hubby did not buy into them, but I think they taste great compared to other low carb options.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member

    My thoughts are with you about your Grandpa and ex. Just keep us posted and let out steam when you need to.

    Fiber was down yesterdayI ate egges for breakfast and they do not have much fiber. Dad got up early with us and fixed a great meal before we left for work. Nice to be pampered. Will probably move back out to the farm this weekend.

    I'll average my fiber for the week on Saturday and let you know how I did. I had 3 salads and 7 fruits. (I like bananas)

  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Wendy Thank you for your support I greatly appreciate it. thank you to everyone for the nice thoughts for my grandpa.
    Well today was week 5 weigh in and I am down 4 pounds for a total of 13. Not bad but could have been better. This week coming up I plan to start working out. hopefully that will pick up the pace. My goal is 10 pounds a month.

    I was able to stay on my calories yesterday :) horray! hope everyone had a good week.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Have fun with your run I hope you had good luck with your weigh in today! SOunds like you are doing good with your salad and fiber, 10 is pretty good look back on your previous weeks and see what your fiber was and compare that to this week, see how it goes.