Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    :yawn: I have been here just havent had much to say
  • Hello everybody! My week sure has been hectic, but classes are over for the week for me! Hooray. Today I had a fruit salad again with lunch. It's super delicious, and when I entered it in my food diary it came up as around 110 cals, around 30g carbs, I think (I can't remember) and 5g of fiber. It's super filling! I had set a goal for myself today to no matter what, stay under my calorie goal, which I met! I've been going over for a little while and I had to put an end to it! I feel accomplished, lol. One day at a time. Now, if I could only wrangle those carbs in. I'm over by 30g today (gasp) which is better than previous weeks, but obviously still needs to improve.

    Weigh in tomorrow! Ah! It seems like this week went by really fast for me... I'm wishing eveyone luck.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Myth - How do you manage your time with eating right, children and going to the gym??

    I dont even have children and I struggle!!!!

    Today was a good example. I was locoming at a practice near home but still didn't get home til 645pm. My BF wants dinner and no later than 7:30pm (which is fair enough). If I stay and have dinner we won't finish up til 8:30. The gym closes at 8pm. I cant exercise later in the evening it affects my sleep!!! so no time to exercise before dinner!!

    What to do???
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Weigh in time! I lost 2.6 pounds this week, I have lost 23 pounds!!!!! Have a fabulous Valentine's weekend! My brother is getting married on V-Day, my daughter is the adorable flower girl! My game plan this weekend is to relax and have fun, there will be several food temptations (wedding cake!).... I think I will try a little of everything and drink lots of water.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Weddings always provide water and I walk around holding a full glass the whole time. That way I can gracefully refuse food. Good luck what a wonderful way to start on Valentine day.

    My thoughts are with you Thalia. I know you read the posts even if you do not respond.

    My carbs were lower yesterday around 100g. However fiber was down as well 14g. Had my salads and fruits for the week. Had to go back to the store and buy more greens, also bought an alvacado for the salad. (Husband keeps wanting to make guacamole out of them)

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    New begining,

    My motivation this week was kind of crap. Not ot mention I have had no energy! none! Even my sleep was bad this week. But I am tracking all this like the hormonal timming amanda had suggested just to see if there is a trend with my body over the next couple months. Not sure what I will do with this info but knowing is half the battle right? I hope things are getting better for you. I also think this is why they say it can be harder for people maintaining rather then trying to lose. Cause when you hit a rough spot it is not easy! I hoep you have a btter weekend! Rejuvinate your mind and body hun!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    My check in for the week

    I had 2 salads and 2 fruits carbs were more then I wanted and fiber was 3 out of 5 days so far. My weight i think was something like 4 oz . Which is frustrating since I was down to 139 even sunday! UGH! Anyway I also know my energy and and sleep and moods were not good this week. TOM better be here with in the next week or so. Other then that I dont have anything to blame what happened to me this week on. Maybe my eating??
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Ladies and gents - most of us seem to be haveing a rough time this week. Your asignment should you choose to accept is ......... STOP what you are doing take this week end and relax. Take some much deserved you time. If you let this get the best of you then this is just not the time for you to change your lifestyle. We all need to stop and smell the roses or coffee or even I love fresh cut grass in the summer mornings. Remeber your life is what you make of it. You are what you eat. Remember how sluggish and tired and fat you felt just 1 month ago. Look at you now. This is your time, take care of you and the rest will fall in place. Have a great weekend!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Kids and the gym,lol right now it is easy they go to school and i go to the gym. I am an extremly lucky mom/wife/ ME my husband makes enough money for me to stay home with our kids even though they are both in school right now,lol. I have had a few jobs over the past couple of years that when staying at home is not enough I need to contribute somethign to my bain besides mommy mush lol I go get a part time job. But because my hubby works from home and can work from anywhere I tend to not work beause then we are free to up and go where ever around the kids schedule as we please. But come summer time they will complain when I go to they gym every day and have to drag them with me,lol. But I will deal with that when we get there,lol. I have plenty of friends whom are working moms and let me tell yo I give them props! Cause omg I am not sure I could work, take care of house kids and the gym! No way! So to all you working mamas and non mamas! YOU GO GIRL! :drinker:
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Myth how do you track hormonal timing? I read amanda's article she had given a link too it was great but had a hard time understanding how to understand my hormons and the cycle. I am trying to hang in there. I didnt lose much this week but I am down 1 pound for a total of 15. in the first 6 weeks. I was disppointed eating only 1200 a day and not losing the 2 lbs that i am "suppose" to lose a week but then i remembered that I have gone over cals several times and i was sick 2 days. I guess the bright spot is that i lost something and thats all i wanted and even through rough times i recorded.

    I dont know where I am but for this challenge with the rough week but I know i have eaten fruit am and night at least last 3 days....fiber has been good just laking salad. Hope everyone is having a good day :flowerforyou:
  • good morning everybody, and happy valentine's weekend to you!

    i got a chance to weigh in this morning, and i'm now 144.6. down a pound and a bit. i feel good. hooray! i will now make myself pancakes. (my trick with pancakes is a cut out the oil. no, they're not quite as fluffy, but still good if you eat them while they're still warm.)

    so this week i ended up having lots of fruit, 3 salads, and my fiber was still up at around 15-20g. My carbs were over but only by around 10g each day. i call that a success! i don't really have much else to say today, i'm so tired from last night. the ceremonies were amazing! the atmosphere in bc place was incerdible.

    hope everyone has a good day.
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Myth- Thank you for your constent support and encouragement! Relaxing is exactly what I plan on doing this weekend. My brother is getting married, but it is not my I am just going to sit back and enjoy the time with my family. I do remember how lazy, sluggish and fat I felt a month ago...I do not want to go back to that! I had pizza yesterday, today I am at my mom's...she has nothing but junk here:( I know now how much I count on plannng ahead. I just have to make it thru Monday, then it is back to my routine!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Happy Valentine Day for everyone. My husband sent me daises this year to my office, everyone is enjoying them. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    As far as recording hormonal things I just went to the site Amanda suggested and read some stuff and decided to keep track of things I thought might benefit me haveing knowledge of. The site it self was a little hard to understand but I have noticed certain trends in my past regarding my cycle and thought mayeb there are trends that if I know of them will help me out. So I am gonna try recording things for a few months and see what I can make of it. Knowing is supposd to be half the battle :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Yes eating out of our home and norm routine is always a challange. For that is every weekened,lol. My hubby does not liek to sit still we are always busy an don the go, that means a lot of eating out. But he and I have taken to sharing a meal or I get something on my own and I get a salad. :) But like you yesterday I had a kids bday party and lunch out with my gfamily and today friends comming over for a cook out well cook in,lol. I htink I can behave though Ill keep you up to date,lol. I wish you luck. My ogal this weekend as been to not eat so much I have that uncofy horrible over full feeling, and I did nto get it yesterday! yaayyy!! Ill let you know tomorow about today! :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    HAppy Valenties everyone! My day will be spent with friends and family I love! I hope yours is as enjoyable as mine will be! xoxoxoxo to you all!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • I started at the beginning of the year as well.....I see that our progress so far is pretty much the same. Good luck with your goals.:smile:
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi sarah welcome!
  • turin
    turin Posts: 14
    Hi Folks,

    Weigh-in time again - this time I lost 3.85 pounds !!

    So, here's the trend so far -

    Week 1 - 3.25 pounds lost
    Week 2 - 0 pounds lost
    Week 3 - 3.37 pounds lost
    Week 4 - 0 pounds lost
    Week 5 - 3.85 pounds lost

    Interesting - this means I'll lose about 3 pounds every alternate week, if the trend is to be believed :laugh:

    My net calories this week were 1281 against the planned 1400 calories (I didn't eat my exercise calories this week - about 114 calories per day).

    I am creating some model meal plans out of the food diary for the weeks I did lose weight to figure out how I can replicate the success going forward. I know its going to slow down, but still so long as there is some burn happening by following the trend of past success, I can live with that.

    Hope all of you have successful weigh-ins as well !!

    Best Regards,

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