Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • amandaja
    If you find yourself hungry, try adding a little bit more protein and green leafy stuff and cutting back on a bread or carb. This seems to help me curb the hunger pains.
  • amandaja
    Thalia, don't let the mini snickers upset you. And yes, it was very likely your hormones. They make major havoc! There is a wonderful site that explains it, Synopsis is, approximately 2 weeks of your cycle beginning about 5 days after your period has started you are hormoned for weight loss. The other 2 weeks you are hormoned more for building muscle and maintaining your weight. After I started tracking my cycle and symptoms, and from what I remember of my cycle in the past, it is so all true. Aren't hormones wonderful....ok, so I am being sarcastic. But at least understanding them and working with them makes a world of difference. Hope this little tidbit helps!
  • amandaja
    Hello everyone! I am new to the boards although I have been using the diet tracker for about 3 weeks and on. I plan to stick with it and stay consistant. Isn't that the key, consistancy? That is also my downfall and where I need to work on improving...consistancy in all areas of my life, eating, exercising, me time, etc.

    So here I am now. I happened upon this list as I was skimming the boards. You all see so great! I would love to join you all on this journey and share triumphs and successes! I love being supportive and motivating of others because I always find it does my body good. It makes me want to step it up.

    A little about me. I live in Ventura CA where the weather is pretty awesome year round. I also live within easy biking/walking distance of the beach, a mere 5 minutes. So that means swimsuits, tanks and shorts. I haven't really gone that way in a long time. I started out on this sight at 184. My weigh in this morning was 179.4. Whoohoo! I want to get physically fit so I can enjoy walking, hiking, biking and just hanging outdoors. Plus I want to look hot in a bikini! :)

    I'm 33 with two kiddos, a 7 yr old boy and a 1 yr old girl. My daughter just turned 1 this month! Where did the time fly?! Then there is the grown kid also know as my hubbie. haha! I work for the school district as a secretary but as of Feb 5th I will be working for the county in their Code Compliance office. This means going from a 6 hr a day schedule and school vacations to a real job of 8-5 with no summer break. I think I am sadder about no summer break than anything. haha! I have definitely gotten spoiled. So with the added hours I am really going to have to get it in gear and do some major PLANNING to keep my eats clean and get the workouts in. At least with the county I can get a discount at a nearby gym. I am definitely going to check that out! Trying to figure out when to work that in. I think if I can get hubbie to sign up with me, it will work out better. Plus he has been wanting to get into better shape too. Maybe a win-win.

    Well, off to finish up on some homework. With everything else going on, i am also working on getting my Masters. I think I am a glutton for punishment! haha! So far so good due to everything is on online. There is no way I could have done night classes.

    The plan for today, keep the eats clean, get some fiber in, meet my water goal of 1 gallon, and bike the coast with my son. Hubbie took our daughter to go visit his sons about 2 hours away. This will be interesting. He has never taken him by herself for any extent of time. If he does take her anywhere, it was always to his sisters house or her grandmothers house. Those don't count because he wouldn't have to do anything, they would do it all. This is different. I am thrilled though! It has definitely given me some major time to get things done!

    Have a great day everyone and enjoy!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    AMANDAJA welcome to our group we are happy to have you....Thanks for the support and the email i will be checking out the site at work. I went from working 6 hours a day to anywhere from 12-16 a will def help if you plan your meals. Sometimes i feel that being at work does help me with not over eating if i was at home. Tracking is def the key. last night I was right at my calories. In a month I have been tracking I have only gone over calories by a few hundred twice. Once the first week for tom and the second time i was up 35 hours traveling so I ate about 300 extra calories. I logged it. I went over my calories last night by 250 ( a yogurt bar and some soycrisps) tom again...i wasnt going to record it but i did...and i think that keeps me from going over because i hate to see the number in red.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Amanda, First CONGRATS on the weight loss so far! That is awsome, Also thanks for the article I plan on reading it as soon as I am done here. It sounds interesting, although for me I am not sure how much help considering I am not on a schedule. It comes and goes as it pleases :mad: But YOu are super mom chica. changing jobs, and going for a masters and being a MOM and wiFE! WTG! Any way keep up the good work!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Challange this week and more!

    Ok ladies, first try to stick to the same 2 challanges as before!
    Salad twice a week
    fruit for a snack twice a week

    This weeks challange - Keep track of your FIBER! The general rule i know of is 1 gram for every 100 calories you eat. SO for me 12 grams of fiber a day. Just try to look at what you eat, like if you eat oatmeal for breakfast that is already like 4 I add flax seed (milled0 to it and it ads like 2-4 more. Just be careful of the soluble and insoluble fiber. The insoluble fiber hurts my belly! Something I noticed once I started tracking the fiber I was eating,lol. PLEASE only eat what you feel comfortable wiht, if that is to much fiber for you then do what is good for you.
    Dont forget MINDLESS DRINKING & eat a little slower to give that "imm full: hormone a chance to kick in!

    ALso this little extra challange, keep posting the good things! It inspires me and i wonder if it helps inspire you folks as well. I love hearing I didnt order the cake I normally order I only had a soda, or I only drank half a soda, those little things make a big difference ladies! So post them!

    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    How did you do on the challange from last week??

    I had 2 salads and 3 fruits!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    I had several salads this week too many to keep count but slacked on food. Im up for this weks challenge the fiber thing is a sinch :laugh:
  • amandaja
    I will check in even though I wasn't here this past week. I have a salad every day. Makes it really easy since we have a salad bar in the cafeteria that has great stuff on it!

    Another great way to get your greens in, especially if you do smoothies or protein drinks, is by adding a cup of spinach to your smoothie or protein drink. I know it is hard to wrap the mind around this, but seriously, you don't taste it, even if it makes things green. LOL. I had a friend test it out on a picky 3 year old. The 3 yr old deemed it yummy!
  • amandaja
    Hi Myth! Thanks for the welcome. I am not sure about super mom chica....maybe muy loca! LOL. Even if you don't have a "normal" cycle, you do cycle. I take the depo shot so I haven't had a period since being prego with my daughter, almost two years now. It's just a matter of charting your weigh fluctuations, moods, etc. You soon see a cycle developing. I will post more about this later. Seriously, I used to beat myself up so bad about my weightloss attempts and the numerous failures that followed. Now i realize I was working against my body and hormones. Much less stressful trying to sync up instead. Not saying I am hitting it perfect, by no means. Let's just say I am a work in progress! :)
  • Keltinator
    ah, the end of the weekend. sigh.

    for the challenge i definately got my fruits in, but i haven't had my second salad yet! it's 5:30p.m. and i haven't had dinner yet though, so there is hope! i'll post tomorrow to let everyone know if i had the salad. speaking of dinner, i'm really happy right now because i have 600 calories left today, and i haven't even logged in the soccer game i played today! (each half is forty mins, so the game is 1 hr and 20 mins long! of course i only enter around thirty to forty-five minutes of "casual soccer," depending on how much/how hard i played in the game.) hooray! so i should for sure get that salad in there!!

    hello amanda. i can't imagine how busy your life must be! good luck in 2010 :flowerforyou:

    this fibre challenge might be though for me! my calories for the day are 1410 .. 14 grams is a lot! but i will try, and see how the week goes.

    have a good week everybody :happy:
  • amandaja
    AMANDAJA welcome to our group we are happy to have you....Thanks for the support and the email i will be checking out the site at work. I went from working 6 hours a day to anywhere from 12-16 a will def help if you plan your meals. Sometimes i feel that being at work does help me with not over eating if i was at home. Tracking is def the key. last night I was right at my calories. In a month I have been tracking I have only gone over calories by a few hundred twice. Once the first week for tom and the second time i was up 35 hours traveling so I ate about 300 extra calories. I logged it. I went over my calories last night by 250 ( a yogurt bar and some soycrisps) tom again...i wasnt going to record it but i did...and i think that keeps me from going over because i hate to see the number in red.

    Thank you so much for the welcome! I refuse to go to 12-16 hours a day! Yikes! What do you do? I did 10-12 hours before night shift and swore i would never do that again!

    I find planning is key to success. The moment I get slack on planning everything goes down hill quick!

    At least when you do go over it is a little and seems to be healthy choices. Some days your body just needs a little more, and it usually seems to be right at the TOM. Even though i don't have a period, I still get those urges. If for that two weeks I can maintain, I feel successful.

    My goal now is to get workouts in consistantly. It is so easy to use everything as an excuse not to work out, no time, kids, homework, etc. The reality is that if I can find an hour or so to be on Facebook and the internet, I can use part of that time to get in a quickie workout. Kind of hard to make an excuse when I look at it that way.
  • amandaja
    A friend on another list that I am on just recently did some research in regards to fiber. I will post what she came up with here:

    Soluble Fiber:

    Binds with fatty acids
    Prolongs digestion so blood sugar is released more slowly
    Can help lower LDL cholesterol
    Helps maintain proper function of digestive system

    Soluble Fiber Food Source, Weight of Food Stuff in grams, Soluble Fiber Content in Grams
    Artichoke, cooked 168 6.60
    Carrots, raw 110 1.65
    Broccoli 186 1.90 Egg plant, cooked 198 1.38
    Tomato, paste 262 2.15
    Celery 180 1.05

    Soybeans 180 3.40
    Lima beans 188 6.96
    Kidney beans 177 5.66
    Cowpeas 165 0.89
    Lentils 198 1.19

    Banana, 1 medium 118 0.71
    Blueberry 144 1.44
    Kiwi 170 0.34
    Strawberry 144 0.86
    Orange 131 1.83

    Nuts and Seeds
    Almonds 142 1.56
    Brazil nuts 140 1.82
    Flax seeds 114 13.89
    Sesame seeds 150 2.83
    Sun flower seeds 128 2.69
    Ginger root, powder 280 2.20

    Insoluble Fiber:

    Moves bulk through intestines
    Control and Balance pH in intestines
    Promote regular bowel movements, prevent constipation
    Remove toxic waste in colon in less time
    Can promote weight loss
    Help manage diabetes

    Ranking order
    Insoluble Fiber Food Sources Insoluble Fiber Content (in grams/100 grams food portion)
    1 Wheat bran 36.3
    2 Linseed 27.2
    3 Cocoa powder 22.8
    4 Oat bran 16.7
    5 Carrot, dried 13.8
    6 Bean brown/white 13.5
    7 Coconut flake 13.3
    8 Crispbread, rye new 12.8
    9 Crisp rye bread 12.7
    10 Wheat germ 12.7
    11 Bran flakes 11.6
    12 Malt for beer 11.5
    13 Rye malt 11.5
    14 Rye flakes 11.4
    15 Rye flour whole meal 11.4
    16 Rye bran 11.4
    17 Rye grain, crushed 11.4
    18 Dried ryebread 10.9
    19 Rye flour light refined 10.8
    20 Pea, dried 10.0
    21 Wheat grain, crushed 9.5
    22 Rose hip puree without sugar 9.5
    23 Soya beans 9.3
    24 Weetabix wheat biscuit 9.3
    25 Wheat flakes 8.9
    26 Wheat flour whole grain 8.9
    27 Ryebread 8.5
    28 Maize, kernel, dried 8.4
    29 Powdered mixture of dried oats and barley 8.3
    30 Rye bread with whole grains and potato 8.2
    31 Mixture of flakes 7.9
    32 Soy meal, white 7.8
    33 Soya flour low-fat 7.8
    34 Peanut 7.7
    35 Peanut salted 7.5
    36 Crispbread, wholemeal 7.3
    37 Rose hip 7.3
    38 Banana weetabix, wheat biscuit 7.3
    39 Popcorn 7.2
    40 Popcorn industrial fat 7.2
    41 Rye mixed grain bread 7.1
    42 Exotic fruit average, mango, papaya, dried 7.1
    43 Peach dried 7.1
    44 Mixed rye and wheat flour 7.0
    45 Ryebread 6.9
    46 Ryebread low-sodium, with grains 6.9
    47 Almond 6.9
    48 Lentils green/brown 6.9
    49 Bean stew dried beans 6.8
    50 Barley flour 6.6
    51 Barley, pearl 6.6
    52 Barley, rolled 6.6
    53 Ryebread 51% rye 6.5
    54 Stew of black salsity 6.5
    55 Chestnuts 6.5
    56 Sesame seed, with hull 6.4
    57 Soya flour, full fat 6.4
    58 Sunflowerseed 6.4
    59 Cereal muesli 6.4
    60 Black salsify 6.3
    61 Rice whole grain 6.3
    62 Whole grain rice flour 6.3
    63 Prune without stone 6.2
    64 Raisin 6.2
    65 Graham bread 6.1
    66 Rye mixture bread 6.0
    67 Crispbread, wheat 6.0
    68 Chocolate plain 5.9
    69 Dark blood bread 5.9
    70 Dark, mixed grain bread 5.9
    71 Cloudberry 5.8
    72 Hazel nut 5.7
    73 Rice cake 5.6
    74 Muesli basic 5.4
    75 Baking yeast 5.4
    76 Apple, dried 5.3
    77 Mixed fruit, dried 5.3
    78 Rye malt bread 5.3
    79 Potato dried 5.2
    80 Bean hot pot 5.2
    81 White beans in tomato sauce 5.2
    82 Rye wheat bread 5.2
    83 Fig with skin 5.2
    84 Prune with stone, dried 5.1
    85 Bean white, cooked 5.1
    86 Rowan berry 5.1
    87 Sea buckthorn berry 5.1
    88 Buckwheat, whole grain 5.0
    89 Walnut 5.0
    90 Rutabaga/swede pastie rye crust 4.9
    91 Mashed potato powder 4.8
    92 Rye bread roll 4.7
    93 Coconut milk 4.7
    94 Date with stone, dried 4.6
    95 Oat flour 4.6
    96 Oat flour oats, rolled 4.6
    97 Flour for bread roll 4.5
    98 Macaroni whole wheat, spaghetti 4.5
    99 Onion, dried 4.5
    100 Semolina, whole wheat 4.5

    When you increase your fiber you need to increase your water intake to in order to help move everything through :) .
    Recommended amounts range from 20 to 40 grams! Whatever you do, if you're only getting maybe 10 grams, don't go for 30 or 40 the first week. You will be in the bathroom all of the time and have quite a bit of gas LOL (first hand exp). Slowly work your way up maybe 10 grams a week. I'm doing really great in the high 20's.
    Many fiber rich food have a little of both types of fiber. Here's a list with that breakdown.
    This research changed the way I look at some foods. Things I might have avoided as too many carbs are now included due to their superior fiber content. Ok, so I used to eat some of them anyway,LOL, but I felt like it was "not clean" eats. As I experiment more we'll see how that goes.

    Here are some links that were provided:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    The one thing I noticed after working out for a period of time that my symptoms are not so strong. My bad days not so bad, craveing not so bad. So i agree working out and watching my diet is a great thing. NOw if I can only control my hubby and tell him to stop cooking his wonderful meals! I think I might keep track of my emotions and craveings for a few months and see how things go that is an interesting idea. You cant know what to do if you dont now where to start. Thanks for the ideas.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • turin
    turin Posts: 14
    Hi Folks,

    Looks like my weight loss plan's working fine. I did my third week weigh-in today and was down by 3.4 pounds. This week I stayed close to (under, but close to) the daily calorie goal, but didn't get as much of exercise time as I would have liked to.

    I think it's just a consistency game. If we can stick to the grind and plan our meals (at least a day in advance), then we can be pretty sure that things will work out fine.

    My first big milestone is to touch 200 pounds by March 8. Hope that works out.

    Have a nice day all


  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Amanda thanks for all of that info, it is noice to have something to take a quick glance at to know those things.

    Turin - congrats on the weight loss, stay with us! I love success stories!
  • dooper74
    I'm with ya!! 2010 will be a NEW change for me too. I've "dieted" since 4th grade and this is the year I am going to STOP and make a LIFEstyle change!!!! I've come to a realization that I am addicted to food, but I have strongly been praying for a release from this bondage to food. It's a strong hold in my life and I am determined to be HEALTHY and not addicted to food. I am tired of thinking of food and my next meal.
    Anyone else feel this bondage too????
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member

  • Keltinator
    dooper--yup, i know what you're talking about! going to bed thinking about what you might want to eat for breakfast, thinking about what's for dinner while you're still eating lunch, etc. i've caught myself doing that. it's really like the saying "eat to live, don't live to eat." it's hard not to! but we're all in this together, so somehow it'll be alright!

    i did end up having a salad last night which means i've completed last week's challenge. i also had fruit today! a good start :)

    hope everyon'es having a decent monday!