Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Chip you are a machine,lol. My husband tries to watch his sodium as well. I think they recomend like less then 2000. Good luck girly and keep it up!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Amanda, not sure IF I posted this but I bought the low carb whole wheat mission tortillas this past week and have had them with tuna and they were great. Ill let you know when I try to make just a wrap with ham or chicken. Thanks for the idea the the high fiber low carb low cal I really like about them.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    OK I has a question for you all...

    For breakfast I have to say my favorite thing is the vita muffin 100 cal 5 fiber. I know it is premade not homemade wtc, but I like them! Chicken is my fav meat to cook with. I try to stay away frompasta as muc as possible!

    What is something you all make that is quick easy and a fav thing of yours??

    I want more ideas for myself instead of the same old thing. :)
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Myth, my favorite is ice pops, they have 5 calories and not much else. We purchase them at WalMart near the ice cream. I like the orange and grape, my hubby eats the cherry. it is a nice desert that keeps me with in bounds.

    When I started losing weight we spent four hours shopping and reading labels. Now I mostly eat produce and chicken (some fish but the fish is all frozen, no fresh) Canned groceries carry lots of secret salt and calories. I miss living near an ocean where you get fresh fish off the boats. We loved shark steaks. (They do not freeze well)

    Have had my 2 salads and 4 fruit already this week and sodium is below 2000mg fiber is back up to 20g.

    We only have 100 more posts in this topic before Mike locks it. Let me know by message what thread you start up with next.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    wow I did not know they would lock us out! crap! Thalia, fix us! lol
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    :noway: OMG! They lock it! thats just crazy talk!!! Well you ladies let me know what you want to do. i can start a new thread...Its 2010...Please join me Part 2....will that work for everyone?

    Myth in regards to your favorite thing to make thats quick and also to the mission tortillas i put the tortilla in the pan i put 1/4 a cup tomato sauce (20 calories) shredded fat free kraft cheese 1/4 cup (45 calories) sometimes turkey pepporini (8 slices 35 calories) and make a cheesy goey pizza i fold it in half some time sometimes not....All the ingredients plus the tortilla is about 215 and under 200 if you skip pepporoni! its very yummy :love:

    Demise welcome and also to anyone else i might have missed ....we are glad to have you. I cant even remember lol what was this week challenge? just back to basics right? i drink mindlessly...and i have had one salad.....what else? lol

    Chip thank you for the nice guys are what makes this group so wonderful!
  • amandaja
    Just need to throw my thoughts out to the universe here. Today was a good day but a bad day. I believe my hormones are playing havok with my brain and body. I took 4 days off of the gym, 2 because I dont go on the weekend and give my body time to rest and the other 2 were because of my kid school and me being sick on Monday. SO I went yesterday and today. OMG! I am so freakin sore! I am at the point where I am so tired and sore that i do not want to go back tomorrow. But I will. The other thing that is making it worse is my weight is not budging. Frustrating but I know i hit a plataue here a few years ago. There is something good I did notice reacently, that is that the stretch marks that use to be really visible on my calfs *hangs head on that* are almost not here! Which I like. That is something that makes me want to keep going to the gym and not stop what i am doing but man my head is not in the right place. I am seeing my body looking better and showing signs that it is working but my brain and the damn scale are telling me other things this week, seems worse then last week. But the week before that was great! hmm still going to keep my charts and see how this ties in to my hormones. :) ok had to vent sorry!

    If you are working out you may need to eat a little more calories of clean eating. Also, you may be swapping out the fat for muscle. You will not see a loss on the scales when this happens...sometimes you may even see a slight gain. That's muscle baby and it will start working to your advantage soon. It burns more calories throughout the day. Try doing measurements once a week for a while instead of weighing. You may see more changing there. Don't get hung up on the scale. It is only a tool.
  • amandaja
    OK I has a question for you all...

    For breakfast I have to say my favorite thing is the vita muffin 100 cal 5 fiber. I know it is premade not homemade wtc, but I like them! Chicken is my fav meat to cook with. I try to stay away frompasta as muc as possible!

    What is something you all make that is quick easy and a fav thing of yours??

    I want more ideas for myself instead of the same old thing. :)

    Yea, I am glad you like the tortillas. I need to get more. They are pretty tasty and yes, the high fiber, low carb does make them even better.

    Here is a thought for a quick dinner that I turn to when low on time. I also try to keep from pasta. I always try to keep bags of frozen stirfry or mixed veggies in my freezer. Then you can make a quick stirfry in no time. I like using shrimp, but chicken or beef would work. I cook up the meet with some olive oil and a few cloves of pressed garlic and season with salt, chili peppper flakes, or whatever your heart desires. Then dump in the frozen veggies. With uncooked shrimp it takes all of about 15-20 minutes. If you used precooked shrimp I would throw in the veggies first and then when they are about half way done throw in the shrimp. If someone wanted, they could throw in some whole wheat pasta for carbs.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    I might try that pizza thing when I get home wiht out the pepperoni since I do not have it but just cheese will be good :)
    Yes this week I said just back to basics, unless youwanted to continue what we were doing before. Like chip she is a machine! lol I think the its 2010 please join me 2 will be fine for me. :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Amanda, I think I might start keeping track o fmy measurments. I wish I had done it from the begining just because I know they have changed I wish I knew my starting measerments but oh well. I might do that today. Thanks for the kind thoughts and advice. :)
    The stirfry with shrimp sounds good as well. Thanks for the ideas ladies keep them comming. :)
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    2010-Part 2 will work for me. Not sure we get locked at 500, just noticed several topics were closed at 500.

    In a magazine, they recommended you weigh every day for a week while on a life changing eating habit to see how the body reacts with different foods and situations. Still think I'll change my weight on Saturday as far as the MFP goes. I know some of you weigh everyday, does it make you more aware of your habits?

    Enjoying all the receipes and love pizza:bigsmile:

  • amandaja
    Part 2 sounds great to me. Just let me know when it is opened up and we switch over.

    Haven't been posting or tracking lately. The last two weeks seem more of a blur than anything. That isn't all bad. Even without meal planning be as good as it could be, I have been loosing about .4-.6 lbs every week. This week I started walking at lunch for about 30 minutes. It isn't a really fast clip because the group I walk with don't mall walk. That is okay with me. I think it is about .75 miles. Then on Friday I joined in on the lunch hour yoga class that the county office holds every Friday. That was great!

    So I am starting to add a little bit of more movement here and there. I would really like to look at adding about 10 minutes of dumbbell weights in themorning. This week may not happen due to it being finals. Ugh! I have a paper I really should be writing now. I will do that when the kids are in bed. I have printed out most of my research. Now to read it and get to writing. I hate writing papers. I personally feel it is a waste of time...especially anything that has to be 10 pages or bigger.

    I think i am fixing to go out for a quick jaunt with the kiddos. We have been semi house bound today and I think we are getting on each others nerves. haha! It has been a fairly productive days. Went grocery shopping and got quite a few veggies. Yea me! then I have been sweeping, mopping, vaccuuming, laundry. I need to do ironing, but that may just get put on hold. Who knows. haha!

    Hey Myth, another great idea for a quick treat are protein smoothies. Add fruit, water or milk, and you are good to go. I also like to add about a cup of spinach. You don't even taste it...just have to get past the greenish color. :)

    Breakfast burritos are another hit for my family. Microwave the bacon between paper towels to help sop up the grease. While this is going scramble up you eggs. I usually do 1 whole egg and about 2 egg whites. That does two burritos fairly well. Sprinkle in some cheese and salsa, wrap it up in a low carb tortilla, and you have a great on the go breakfast. I think you can make these and freeze. I haven't tried that. It may do some this weekend so that I have something to grab in the morning as I head out the door.

    Have a great rest of your weekend everyone!!!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    OK LAdies, Last week we were just trying to get back to basics. If you needed it. This week do it all again baby!!!

    2 salads
    2 fruits
    watch your carbs I would like to keep mine around 100
    watch your fiber I am trying to do 12v - 1 for every 100 cal - but remmeber this is your lifestyle change do what you need to do
    MIndless drinking!
    Take your time

    For a kicker see how many servings of vegetables you at his week??? just keep track..

  • Keltinator
    just in case anybody hasn't found it yet, newbeginning has made a new thread, something along the lines of "it's 2010 join me part 2." it should be somewhere on her profile.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks EEK yes the new group is....

    Its 2010 please join me part 2... my lovely group!
