

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    zora, thanks that is what I have been told. I worry though cause ry does not seem to understand everything that we say.

    lildeb, I took him to the school district when he was 31/2 and they told me I could have brought him when he was 3. The services I receive through the district are free. He goes every thurs for 30 mins. I work with him daily. I MAKE him use his words. If he wants something. I say use your words. If he does not understand I say to him. "Can you say, Can I please have the ball?" I do that so much that sometimes he will walk up to me and point at one of his cars and say, "momma, can you say..... car" I just play along. I have taught him to memorize some different things. lIke a prayer and his pledge he has to say at church. But I have been dealing with this for a while. once you get her into speech things will start to improve. Ry has learned 33 new verbs since last aug. and he knows how to use them.:bigsmile: My fear with my son is just that I want him to improve even more. He should know more words, then he does and the words he does know he says wrong. Ex. he is a Tracker at church and he is supposed to say " As a Tracker I will learn to follow Jesus" He says, " As a Cracker ILure to follow Jesus" Anyways, if you have not already looked into the school district I would.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member

    jlb123 - ohhhh pizza! I love pizza... dipped in a little ranch dressing... OH WAIT! NO! I mean I LOVE APPLES! Yeah! *shifty eyes*

    Good luck!!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    It took me an hour to read through todays post. You all are terrific! Just a couple of comments. I love to look at before and after pictures when I want to eat more or snack, they are inspiring to me. Now a word on HORMONES! Is this Gods idea of a sense of humor? Hang in there gals. To all you gals that work full time and keep home a running with all that needs to be done. My hat is off to you. I am involved in church and community activities that are taking me away from home more this week and I'm sinking. Love to be busy and volunteer but I need (OKAY WANT) some live in help. I can always dream....

    calories: yes 100 under
    water: 6 glasses
    exercise: no
    proud: I am making better food choices away from home. It is getting easier to think of healthier options.

    Hey makeitallsue: sending you a shout out. Now that you found this group jump and join us if you would like.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I got on the elliptical machine again this morning! The radio makes it MUCH easier! Only 40 minutes but I should be able to pick up the rest of the minutes at lunch walking.

    I'm bummed that I didn't get my hour in yesterday. I let life get in the way and I don't want to start doing that!!!:mad:

    The road have been so bad here this week that I don't mind going into work a little late.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    zora, thanks that is what I have been told. I worry though cause ry does not seem to understand everything that we say.

    lildeb, I took him to the school district when he was 31/2 and they told me I could have brought him when he was 3. The services I receive through the district are free. He goes every thurs for 30 mins. I work with him daily. I MAKE him use his words. If he wants something. I say use your words. If he does not understand I say to him. "Can you say, Can I please have the ball?" I do that so much that sometimes he will walk up to me and point at one of his cars and say, "momma, can you say..... car" I just play along. I have taught him to memorize some different things. lIke a prayer and his pledge he has to say at church. But I have been dealing with this for a while. once you get her into speech things will start to improve. Ry has learned 33 new verbs since last aug. and he knows how to use them.:bigsmile: My fear with my son is just that I want him to improve even more. He should know more words, then he does and the words he does know he says wrong. Ex. he is a Tracker at church and he is supposed to say " As a Tracker I will learn to follow Jesus" He says, " As a Cracker ILure to follow Jesus" Anyways, if you have not already looked into the school district I would.

    Thanks Momma - That is where we are going to the school district. On the 22nd we have an evaluation and if they think we need speech therapy then we will go to the shcool that my older daughter is at for therapy. There are certain sounds that she doesn't make well at all., some words you can understand fine, and other words she just says wrong, but she knows what it is. She just turned 3 on december 6th, so we will see how it goes. Her doctor said at 3 that a stranger should be able to understand about 75% of what she says, and he says he doesn't think she is there.

    I was very estatic this morning...the scale was very nice to me today...I got on and I back down to where i was 2 wks ago, (288.8) woohoo...now to get back to business and get lbs loss not just the stuff i gained.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I've got this. As I was completing my food journal for the day I realized it. There is no chance I will ever go back to being the way I was before. Never. I've done it this time, ladies! I think we all have. :smile:

    I bought a mini goal shirt to get into a week or 2 ago. It's a ladies t-shirt size large - I would say it's equivalent to an adult(men) small, perhaps (I wear a medium in men's right now). I currently wear a XL in women's clothes and I wore a 2x when I started. I put the size large shirt on and woooo, it's completely ridiculously tight. It's hanging in my closet just waiting for me to shrink into it. I can hardly wait to wear it (Rosie, it's a Gogol Bordello shirt with an artsy picture of Eugene & text that reads "This mustache kills facists" :laugh: Yep, pretty much the most awesome shirt ever).

    Last night it hit me that random men are being a whole lot nicer to me -- holding doors, offering to help me get things off tall shelves at a store, etc. I find it both funny and depressing that some men are such jerks they only want to help women they find attractive. Stupid boys. :angry: I just mostly find their offers annoying, especially because they rarely offered to help when I weighed 40 pounds more. I almost feel sorry for any man who offers to help me or hits on me when I reach my goal weight! :laugh: I'm not the most tactful when it comes to turning down offers and I'm sure I'll be more than a little bitter about the situation in the first place. I'll have to figure out a way to get over that so I don't turn into a skinny feminazi b****. :wink:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    check in from yesterday

    Calories: over by 200
    Water: about 60 oz
    Exercise: only walked the dogs for about 20 minutes

    Proud: this week I'm trying new recipes to add different foods that I wouldn't normally eat
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Had a setback day yesterday.. The day started off well and I went to work with intentions of coming home to workout. Well.. I ended up picking up an extra client who was just had to get in and in pain. I should really learn to say no. But, I went ahead and worked her in. Unfortunately, I am seriously paying for it. I did not get my workout in yesterday, I over did it working (I am still limiting my work load due to the MVA) and then my husbands Dr apt took ALL afternoon (we are pretty sure he has a torn meniscus and will need surgery) I went to the Chiropractor and I was a mess, he really had some work to do. (So, I did not track my meal last night and sabotaged myself emotionally eating.. Oh why do I do this to myself? This morning I woke up and I hurt all over, between not eating right last night, this thyroid thing with no energy and my neck and shoulder still having problems I feel like a wreck. So, check for yesterday

    Calories over
    exercise none
    water did not do so hot
    Proud.. well not yesterday..

    I think I will try some yoga today, maybe that will help this aching body and my mindset. Guess I need to follow my own advise and start over today as it is a new day!

    Check back in later and thanks for letting me vent.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    calories: yes 100 under
    water: 6 glasses
    exercise: no
    proud: I am making better food choices away from home. It is getting easier to think of healthier options.

    Hey makeitallsue: sending you a shout out. Now that you found this group jump and join us if you would like.

    Hello Snowflakes, thanks for the invite..I was actually stalking you when I found this thread:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , just teasing, on my home page it showed that you had replied to this topic and I took a peek. I am glad I did, you all seem very caring and motivated! I would love to join.....if I understand correctly the following is what I should post everyday....I'll start my post with yesterday 1-6-10
    CALORIES - yes ,1,486 (under for day... 2,002 allowed with exercise)
    EXERCISE- yes , 99 minutes of strength, abs and elliptical
    WATER - yes, over 10 cups, I have no problem with water..I drink, drink, drink it all day
    PROUD - I grabbed the sweeper and got rid of ALL the cobwebs in every corner of the downstairs and even the heating ducts. I usually notice them while exercising and think, man I need to take care of that, then later I get off track and usually forget...(okay, I'm busted:embarassed: ...I hate housework, I do it..but I hate it..it just never ends!)
    I'm trying to get to know you all reading the posts....
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    OK I am going to whine right now.I think I have a right to though.I have pumped out for 2 weeks now full straight on clean eating and powerful 2 hours of exercise every night give or take.Now last week I was on my TOM and fully understood gaining 5 pounds but at the beginning of the week (Monday)I was at 233.8 (got done with TOM on Sunday).Yesterday I was at 231.8 and this morning back up to 234 and I burnt so far this week 4022 calories.So what the heck gives.I guess its my body readjusting to me getting back into the swing of things full force.But if I don't see some numbers soon I am going to cry.This is usually the point where I USED to give up completely but I haven't yet and I WON'T.I am just going to continue what I am doing and be happy because I really think I am losing inches right now because my clothes aren't as tight and I will take it,I suppose I just needed to vent a bit because my children are driving me bananas.They have been home from school all week because of snow(my youngest isn't in school but its just her during the day when my 15 and 5 year old are gone at school,alot easier.)All they have done is fight with each other all week and its making me crazy.We only have one vehicle right now and my husband has to take it too work so I also have cabin fever.Ok I am done now thanks for listening.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OK I am going to whine right now.I think I have a right to though.I have pumped out for 2 weeks now full straight on clean eating and powerful 2 hours of exercise every night give or take.Now last week I was on my TOM and fully understood gaining 5 pounds but at the beginning of the week (Monday)I was at 233.8 (got done with TOM on Sunday).Yesterday I was at 231.8 and this morning back up to 234 and I burnt so far this week 4022 calories.So what the heck gives.I guess its my body readjusting to me getting back into the swing of things full force.But if I don't see some numbers soon I am going to cry.This is usually the point where I USED to give up completely but I haven't yet and I WON'T.I am just going to continue what I am doing and be happy because I really think I am losing inches right now because my clothes aren't as tight and I will take it,I suppose I just needed to vent a bit because my children are driving me bananas.They have been home from school all week because of snow(my youngest isn't in school but its just her during the day when my 15 and 5 year old are gone at school,alot easier.)All they have done is fight with each other all week and its making me crazy.We only have one vehicle right now and my husband has to take it too work so I also have cabin fever.Ok I am done now thanks for listening.
    Any chance you're body is in a panic with the work and calorie control? Maybe you should eat more of your exercise calories for a few weeks?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awestfall, I don't know if you remember or not, but I went through a similar 2 week rut when I was killing myself doing 30 day shred, running, walking, and biking -- pushing pretty high intensity workouts for like 15 hours a week or so. I exhausted myself, got frustrated, took about a week break from everything but biking and walking and lost like 4.5 pounds the next week after losing basically nothing the 2 weeks I was kiling myself. Since then, I've had a lot more success exercising moderately, averaging 60 minutes a day. Like mstahl said, maybe our bodies just panic about all the changes and the huge calorie deficits. ?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    OK I am going to whine right now.I think I have a right to though.I have pumped out for 2 weeks now full straight on clean eating and powerful 2 hours of exercise every night give or take.Now last week I was on my TOM and fully understood gaining 5 pounds but at the beginning of the week (Monday)I was at 233.8 (got done with TOM on Sunday).Yesterday I was at 231.8 and this morning back up to 234 and I burnt so far this week 4022 calories.So what the heck gives.I guess its my body readjusting to me getting back into the swing of things full force.But if I don't see some numbers soon I am going to cry.This is usually the point where I USED to give up completely but I haven't yet and I WON'T.I am just going to continue what I am doing and be happy because I really think I am losing inches right now because my clothes aren't as tight and I will take it,I suppose I just needed to vent a bit because my children are driving me bananas.They have been home from school all week because of snow(my youngest isn't in school but its just her during the day when my 15 and 5 year old are gone at school,alot easier.)All they have done is fight with each other all week and its making me crazy.We only have one vehicle right now and my husband has to take it too work so I also have cabin fever.Ok I am done now thanks for listening.
    Any chance you're body is in a panic with the work and calorie control? Maybe you should eat more of your exercise calories for a few weeks?
    Maybe!!! But I am following my doctors orders so I guess I am going to just stick with it.I know it works because I lost almost 50 pounds last year not eating exercise calories and burning more than I eat.(this is my doc instructions for me Do not eat exercise calories and burn more than you eat.Keep your calories between 1200 and 1400 calories )I do appreciate your advice though and I don't want you to think I am being rude by telling you my doctors orders .BUt again thanks and I will keep that in mind when I go see him again.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall, I don't know if you remember or not, but I went through a similar 2 week rut when I was killing myself doing 30 day shred, running, walking, and biking -- pushing pretty high intensity workouts for like 15 hours a week or so. I exhausted myself, got frustrated, took about a week break from everything but biking and walking and lost like 4.5 pounds the next week after losing basically nothing the 2 weeks I was kiling myself. Since then, I've had a lot more success exercising moderately, averaging 60 minutes a day. Like mstahl said, maybe our bodies just panic about all the changes and the huge calorie deficits. ?
    Thanks Jbl !!! I think you guys are right and I am going to try just doing 60 minutes today and nothing more.I appreciate everyones input and I will try not to freak out about it.YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    awestfall, I, for one, am so glad you're here! :flowerforyou: You're awesome!

    Edit: Oh, I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck. :embarassed: I came here to post about the most filling breakfast ever and completely got sidetracked.
    Tuesday I ate oatmeal (1/2 cup/40g dry prepared with about 1 cup water) for breakfast and added 1/2 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder & 1 tbs peanut butter (The "ingredients: peanuts, salt" kind). 290 calories. I could barely eat it all and I was full forever. I thought maybe it was a fluke and I wanted it again today (I told you, I'm a peanut butter fiend these days) so I made it, and sure enough 3.5 hours later I can't even think about eating lunch yet. So, if you're having one of those days when you're STARVING, you may want to consider eating this oatmeal.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I know I'm going to forget to comment on somebody's post that I wanted to ... next time I'll have to take notes. We have such an active group that it is hard to keep up ... but it's great!

    mstahl: sorry to hear about your job situation ... that stinks, proud of you for not crying. I've always been a big cryer - it seems like especially when I'm mad ... it can be very frustrating.

    awestfall: hang in there, you know you are doing the right things ... maybe mstahl's suggestion to eat some of your exercise calories is a good idea to change things up a bit

    welcome makeitallsue!
    I'm thinking of you momma2four and lildebbie with your worries about your kids:flowerforyou: . I am a huge worrier too, and I know it adds to my eating issues. Remember that you need to take care of yourself to best be able to take care of your kids (I find it hard to take my own advice sometimes!)

    Ok ... checking in for yesterday even though I really, really don't want to :angry: :
    calories: really bad, almost twice my limit. My husband went to a hockey game with my brother, with my blessing ... but that meant I was really busy running around with the kids, feeling a bit sorry for myself and also if I admit it - feeling some freedom to eat whatever I wanted without my husband home to judge me. Not that he every really does - but it is always easier to overeat when no one is there to see it. So I snacked while I made dinner for the kids, had already eaten more for lunch than I should have so at that point was over my calories .. and then proceeded to make myself one of my favorite meals (potato pancake with butter) ... which put me WAY over. I even had the thought before I started making the pancake that I was already full and should stop ... but went ahead and cooked and ate it anyhow. Aaargh! I felt awful afterwards ... and still this morning when I went to workout!
    Today is a new day.
    exercise: no good ... just the 10 minutes I'm counting for parking at the far end of the parking lot and walking in when shopping
    water: not enough - probably 24 oz
    proud: not much for yesterday ... other than that I tracked everything and I'm still here.... I am proud that I went to the Y this morning for my 6:45 step class even though the roads were a bit nasty from snow - I HATE driving on icy/snowy roads so that was a big thing on my part to go to class today and not use the snow as an excuse ... but I was feeling pretty bad about my eating yesterday so am glad I made it to workout this morning.:smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Here are my stats for yesterday, 1/6/2010:
    Calories: Awesome! Was 55 under my goal, then didn't eat the 569 exercise calories.
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: 53 minutes of Cardio Kickboxing DVD...it's so fun I barely notice how hard I'm working!
    Proud: I drank all of my water servings two days in a row. I don't think that has EVER happened before!

    I had to giggle reading about the shirt hanging in the closet. I have several items of "goal wear" that I've bought purposely as things to motivate me to be able to wear them. My favorite, though, is a tshirt that is a size medium (I've just dropped from an XL to a Large) that says "I can't help it I'm awesome." It's going to be my "bar shirt" when it fits.

    I love that we're all on the same track and I have to thank you all for being here and being active on posting. I love meeting my goals for the day so I can give you all a great report.

    Hope you're all having a fantastic day!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    hajohnson24: where did you get your Cardio Kickboxing DVD and what is it called? I've been trying to find something similar to my Turbo Kick class at the YMCA and am having trouble finding anything. Thanks.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    I am enjoying mywonderful lunch.

    left over plum sauce chicken (recipe from mrs dash ) and 1/2 serving spaghetti noodles with parms cheese and butter spray..

    This is soo much better than that cheese sandwich dinner i have ....i have a feeling this will fill me up more.

    I love my wii right now..at lunch time i did a workout ( i hadn't been on it in a long time)..well today was final weigh in day...and it told me i weighed 287..woohoo...and 7lbs loss since last time when i was on (not sure when that was.

    I think i like my other two work out games better, this one just doesn't calc the calories right, but when i get my hrm it won't matter what it says. Still fun. Got a good upper body workout today.

    Speaking of clothes :) I tried on my 24 jeans last night. They are getting looser every time i put them on...Still not comfy but "i could" wear them out, just still a little tight. But to say 6 months ago i couldn't even get them buttoned i am proud of that.

    I am betting another 10 lbs and I will be wearing them...I am going to have to cause these 26 that are falling off me i don't think can last another 10 lbs....
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Speaking of clothes :) I tried on my 24 jeans last night. They are getting looser every time i put them on...Still not comfy but "i could" wear them out, just still a little tight. But to say 6 months ago i couldn't even get them buttoned i am proud of that.

    I am betting another 10 lbs and I will be wearing them...I am going to have to cause these 26 that are falling off me i don't think can last another 10 lbs....
    lildebbie - WHOOOOHOOO!:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
    Excellent on the weight AND jeans! No matter what the scale says, its the clothes that really tell you the story! 21 pounds in just a few months is AWESOME!

    I brought my two most favorite pairs of work pants into the office to give to a co-worker. I've decided that as soon as I diet out of clothes they LEAVE THE HOUSE:angry: . I will NOT go back up - I will not have ANY options for:grumble: "fat" pants. I found two pair of pants from about five years ago that fit and I'll replace pants as I have to, with thrift store or wal-mart but no "nice" clothes until I meet my goal!

    The pants I brought into work had suddenly gotten all baggy in the crotch - I realized I must be missing some butt :blushing: