

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Momma2four!!! I know how hard it can be to stay out of the kitchen but I am like Momoftwo and as long as I am on here I don't go into the kitchen which is nice because it keeps me focused.Thanks for being my support system girls.
    Checking in for today
    Calories-1,108 under
    Exercise-120 minutes and burnt WAIT FOR IT Drum roll please I burnt 1765 calories and I did level 15 resistance which is a big deal for me
    Water-Yes 128 ounces
    Proud I did level 15 on my elliptical for 120 minutes today.So glad I am back in the game girls.I hope I lose something if not this week the end of next week.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Just checking in to see how it's going. I'm lacking motivation for this afternoon, so I took another look at my food diary and found that I'm going to be WAY under my calories tonight even without working out. I WANT to workout, so I'm trying to figure out what else to eat so I don't go too far under my calories. Never thought I'd have that problem! It's amazing how many calories one can save simply by eating at home instead of eating out!

    PEANUT BUTTER!!! :love: :love: :love:

    :laugh: Sorry. Real peanut butter (the kind you have to mix and refrigerate -- the kind with these ingredients: peanuts, salt) is my new chocolate. And it's so good for you! And it's jam-packed (edit: no PB&J pun intended, lol) with good-for-you calories. :wink:

    I've even gotten my bf hooked on it & off the JIF as of last week!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Can anyone give me any tips on how to keep the hunger away ? I really need to get all this weight off & need help.

    Lots of protein. Try to pair a protein with every meal or snack. Egg whites at breakfast, apple with cheese or peanut butter mid morning, lots of chicken at lunch, nuts in the afternoon and more chicken or lean beef at dinner. Protein keeps you fuller longer.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Just checking in to see how it's going. I'm lacking motivation for this afternoon, so I took another look at my food diary and found that I'm going to be WAY under my calories tonight even without working out. I WANT to workout, so I'm trying to figure out what else to eat so I don't go too far under my calories. Never thought I'd have that problem! It's amazing how many calories one can save simply by eating at home instead of eating out!

    PEANUT BUTTER!!! :love: :love: :love:

    :laugh: Sorry. Real peanut butter (the kind you have to mix and refrigerate -- the kind with these ingredients: peanuts, salt) is my new chocolate. And it's so good for you! And it's jam-packed (edit: no PB&J pun intended, lol) with good-for-you calories. :wink:

    I've even gotten my bf hooked on it & off the JIF as of last week!

    I tried that natural peanut butter ,i just couldn't do it, i did try it and I just couldn't take the taste of it.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    I tried that natural peanut butter ,i just couldn't do it, i did try it and I just couldn't take the taste of it.

    That's because Jiff and Skippy and Peter Pan ruined PB with added sugar. I like to try other nut-butters like almond. Sometimes I go to Whole Foods and check out the new natural stuff. It's expensive but hide it just for me :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thanks for the kind words everyone. It has helped me. I am just having one of those days. I guess feeling a little down and a little sorry for myself. I know I have shared with you all in the past about my son who is 4 he has a speech/language delay. He is suppose to start kindergarden in Aug. I was feeling bad about him, how is he going to go to school when he talks like a 2 yo.

    Sorry to chime in here, I'm not a member of the group I just happened to see it today and I seen this post...just thought I would share that when my son was younger, they told me he had a "communication disorder" it was very hard for him to pronounce certain letter sounds and going into kindergarten, lets just say....I was the only one that could understand him. I spent many nights crying and worrying about how he would do in school and I was wondering how he would learn to read, which is so important. Long story short, he is in 6th grade now and has been on high honors the last two terms. He reads all the time and caught right back up with his class mates. He did take some speech classes ( 4 years of them) and I lovingly forced :bigsmile: , the reading, we read about sports, sports, sports....our babies can tear at our heartstrings, just thought you might like to hear about a light at the end of the tunnel:flowerforyou: , Good Luck

    You can't even imagine how happy I was to read this. I have 4 children, my girls are all advanced and do well in school, they are active in sports, play instruments, and get good grades, then I finally get my little guy and he is struggling to speak. I know he is smart, but it is hard to tell because of his speech. I cry all the time. I just want him to be *normal* in school. I so appreciated you making this statement.
    This isn't exactly light at the end of the tunnel - but my nephew Jack is four and he's the youngest and he is in speech therapy. If you ask Jack about speech therapy he'll tell you that he "WUVS IT!!!" :smile: I guess there's a short Pixar film that's going to be included with the DVD of "Where the Wild Things Are", and Jack is the voice of one of the characters. That speech challenge he has made him perfect for the part. A friend of the family works at Pixar and thought of Jack when they were talking about voices. He'll the the cartoon character you can't understand :wink:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Calories- Yes, I done great today, a little under
    Exercise- 65 minutes and I burned 635 Cals
    Water- 96oz today, boy do I have to go to the potty
    Proud- that I did my exericse and did it for 65 minutes, I wanted to quit but I would take a break and go back to it and for that I am very proud
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Just checking in to see how it's going. I'm lacking motivation for this afternoon, so I took another look at my food diary and found that I'm going to be WAY under my calories tonight even without working out. I WANT to workout, so I'm trying to figure out what else to eat so I don't go too far under my calories. Never thought I'd have that problem! It's amazing how many calories one can save simply by eating at home instead of eating out!

    PEANUT BUTTER!!! :love: :love: :love:

    :laugh: Sorry. Real peanut butter (the kind you have to mix and refrigerate -- the kind with these ingredients: peanuts, salt) is my new chocolate. And it's so good for you! And it's jam-packed (edit: no PB&J pun intended, lol) with good-for-you calories. :wink:

    I've even gotten my bf hooked on it & off the JIF as of last week!

    I tried that natural peanut butter ,i just couldn't do it, i did try it and I just couldn't take the taste of it.

    At my health food store, they have a peanut butter grinder where you grind the peanuts right there. They also have almonds in a grinder too which is good because almond butter is a lot better for you than peanut butter but super expensive. I like the kinds you grind yourself a lot better than the pre-jarred kinds, your mileage may vary.... just an idea.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Jib, I have got to say I noticed your Gogol Bordello quote...are you a Gogol Bordello fan? I love them. I first saw them some years ago when Gypsy Punk first came out and they toured with (of all people) Cake and Tegan & Sarah... they opened and they totally rocked... I got to meet the dancing girls and kissed the violinist! Then I've seen them twice here in Phoenix and they rocked both times!
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks Rororosie, for the nice words. Curious what do you take in the morning to help regulate the blood sugar? My hubby is a type 2 diabetic and meds are working but would like to see better numbers. His diet has improved this week. He joined with me, he is already starting to look like he has lost weight.

    I use Chromium picolate, but I will say that this is controversial -- not everyone thinks it is helpful for diabetis. I am pre-diabetic -- a bit more on the hypoglycemic side still but moving into diabetic if I'm not careful. I also have been experimenting with cinnamon. They also had a type of cactus kind that I've bought and not yet tried.

    I find Chromium useful when I'm "detoxing" from a sugar binge and my levels are going wacca wacca.... I usually taper off and don't use it as much when I'm stable on my food plan.

    I like the Cinnamon but seem to have a bit of a reaction to it in my tummy... I have a bad habit of taking supplements on an empty tummy and that doesn't seem good with the Cinnamon tablets.

    I find Cinnamon tea good aromotherapy for hunger and sometimes I use Stevia (all natural 0 calorie sweetener) with some cinnamon on toast (whole wheat) and find it is very satisfying and seems to level blood sugar a bit as well.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    check in -
    calories - yes, 1452
    exercise - not today, I am still sore from yesterday!
    water - 64 oz
    proud - there is a bag of Hershey's Kisses in the cupboard, and I only had 1 serving (9 little chocolates)

    momma - I am a WAHM of 2 little girls (1 1/2 and 3 1/2) I do find it hard to keep out of the kitchen some days, especially when I am feeling stressed with deadlines and my crazy kids.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Rororosie: My busy day isn't going so well yet ... I don't think I'm going to have time to take that walking break that I had planned on ... but I did have to run out to do some Christmas returns at lunch, was driving around the parking lot looking for a close spot and then the light bulb went off and I thought 'why am I driving around for a spot when I need to find time to exercise', so I parked in the farthest spot out and walked to the store, and I did that at 2 stores ... so I'm counting that as 10 minutes of walking!

    I think that was brilliant... I will follow your example when busy or even when not busy... waitaminute... when I am NOT busy?!?!?!? :laugh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Home tonight due to weather so I WILL get that last 15 minutes in to make my exercise a full 60 minutes! I do photography on the side and for what ever reason I have a bunch of orders all the sudden so I go side tracked!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in

    calories- under
    water--48 oz still working on that
    proud- That I am still working toward my weight loss goal
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks for the kind words everyone. It has helped me. I am just having one of those days. I guess feeling a little down and a little sorry for myself. I know I have shared with you all in the past about my son who is 4 he has a speech/language delay. He is suppose to start kindergarden in Aug. I was feeling bad about him, how is he going to go to school when he talks like a 2 yo.

    Sorry to chime in here, I'm not a member of the group I just happened to see it today and I seen this post...just thought I would share that when my son was younger, they told me he had a "communication disorder" it was very hard for him to pronounce certain letter sounds and going into kindergarten, lets just say....I was the only one that could understand him. I spent many nights crying and worrying about how he would do in school and I was wondering how he would learn to read, which is so important. Long story short, he is in 6th grade now and has been on high honors the last two terms. He reads all the time and caught right back up with his class mates. He did take some speech classes ( 4 years of them) and I lovingly forced :bigsmile: , the reading, we read about sports, sports, sports....our babies can tear at our heartstrings, just thought you might like to hear about a light at the end of the tunnel:flowerforyou: , Good Luck

    You can't even imagine how happy I was to read this. I have 4 children, my girls are all advanced and do well in school, they are active in sports, play instruments, and get good grades, then I finally get my little guy and he is struggling to speak. I know he is smart, but it is hard to tell because of his speech. I cry all the time. I just want him to be *normal* in school. I so appreciated you making this statement.
    This isn't exactly light at the end of the tunnel - but my nephew Jack is four and he's the youngest and he is in speech therapy. If you ask Jack about speech therapy he'll tell you that he "WUVS IT!!!" :smile: I guess there's a short Pixar film that's going to be included with the DVD of "Where the Wild Things Are", and Jack is the voice of one of the characters. That speech challenge he has made him perfect for the part. A friend of the family works at Pixar and thought of Jack when they were talking about voices. He'll the the cartoon character you can't understand :wink:

    That is a very special expierence for your nephew, I'll have to look for that for my grandkids! That will be something he can share with is kids, what a positive

    Believe me, I can understand exactly where you are coming from, I have 2 older girls, same story. They both do well. We thought we were done having kids and I was headed back to work...then our gift came and at first I was a little taken back. Everything about the pregnancy was different, I was so sick. Then when he was born, he had a club foot and Doctors told me he would never be able to walk with out surgery and a brace, he wore casts for the first 6 months of his life. I felt so guilty because like I said at first I was taken back a bit, I thought I was back to work and I was ready to do that, I had major adjusting to do...
    I worked on that little foot night and day when the casts came off...you know what, I managed to put that foot back where it should of been (it was curved in and his big toe actually touched his inner leg) no surgery, no braces and he plays every sport now that comes his way and he is actually a pretty good baseball player and pitcher, then came the speech problem and I thought boy, God sure is testing me....but I have one terrific son, and with all of his struggles he has became a very loving , kind and considerate person, very in tune to people and their feelings, so I know it's hard to watch the struggle...just keep loving him like you do and it may be a little harder for him than others, but he'll gain so much at the same time, my best to you....I think I need to go hug my guy:bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    makeitallsue - what a great story! Your little guy sounds awesome! :flowerforyou:

    Checking in-

    Calories - did fine (ate a few exercise calories)
    exercise - NO I only did the 45 minutes this morning :frown:
    Water - still working on it but close!

    Proud - I had a rough day at work having to defend against a written warning. I had to write up my response with lots of documentation, and I had to talk to our legal people and HR (all of whom were super supportive) and I NEVER cried!:bigsmile: That might not sound like much but ever since my hormones went nuts when I had my ovaries removed I've been the biggest cry baby:sad: :sad: :sad: !!! I got choked up a few times but no tears!:bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Just checking in to see how it's going. I'm lacking motivation for this afternoon, so I took another look at my food diary and found that I'm going to be WAY under my calories tonight even without working out. I WANT to workout, so I'm trying to figure out what else to eat so I don't go too far under my calories. Never thought I'd have that problem! It's amazing how many calories one can save simply by eating at home instead of eating out!

    PEANUT BUTTER!!! :love: :love: :love:

    :laugh: Sorry. Real peanut butter (the kind you have to mix and refrigerate -- the kind with these ingredients: peanuts, salt) is my new chocolate. And it's so good for you! And it's jam-packed (edit: no PB&J pun intended, lol) with good-for-you calories. :wink:

    I've even gotten my bf hooked on it & off the JIF as of last week!

    I tried that natural peanut butter ,i just couldn't do it, i did try it and I just couldn't take the taste of it.

    But... It just tastes like peanuts. :huh:

    I didn't love it the first time I ate it either. I think it's something you have to get used to after being fed jif & peter pan & skippy your whole life. It was definitely worth the adjustment for me.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jib, I have got to say I noticed your Gogol Bordello quote...are you a Gogol Bordello fan? I love them. I first saw them some years ago when Gypsy Punk first came out and they toured with (of all people) Cake and Tegan & Sarah... they opened and they totally rocked... I got to meet the dancing girls and kissed the violinist! Then I've seen them twice here in Phoenix and they rocked both times!

    Oh Rosie. Gogol Bordello is my absolute favorite band ever. And, I (like millions of other women, I'm sure) am completely in love with Eugene Hutz. :love: :love: :love: I love him as much as I love natural peanut butter. :laugh: The violinist is awesome! I'm jealous! :wink:

    I also love Cake, definitely in my top 5 favorite bands of all time.

    Okay, check in
    Calories: 1299
    Exercise: 30 min stationary bike
    Water: 9 cups so far
    Proud: After eating pizza for lunch & a small slice of cake unplanned, I didn't have many calories left for dinner but I made it. :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Calories - 1388
    Exercise - 50 minutes today
    Water - not very good
    Proud - I am still sticking to this, some ups and down but I am 3 months steady and 20 lbs lighter of course it could be better but I will take it steady and I will win this race eventually.

    Momma - How old was your son when you 1st took him for any speech problems? I have a 3 yr old little girl, and her ped, said for her to get checked out by a speech therapist. We have an evaluation on the 22nd. My older daughter talked perfectly at 3 , you can only understand maybe 25% ofwhat my 3 yr old says. I am a little nervous on what they are going to say.

    I bought the wii active todya, i love it...and i hate it.

    I did the 1st work out and it kicked my bootie, i was dripping sweat at the end.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:
    cals: good
    water: 64
    exercise: walked one mile again today :bigsmile: and 40 mins of bike
    proud: that I made it through day two of walking a mile. I will say that I was sore this morning and was kind of thinking I might not do it today, but I did!!! And how could I not when I see awestfall's amazing exercise reports! :happy: Level 15 on the elliptical? WOWSA! Great job, gal! :flowerforyou:

    Keep it up, Lisa! You'll get there! :flowerforyou:
    mstahl, I don't want to choke you up :laugh: but good going with the no tears challenge! I know exactly how you feel and that IS a big deal!!! :flowerforyou:
    jlb - I love cake too! Especially marble. :laugh: hee hee hee
    moma2four and lildeb - I understand your worries. But I can tell you as a teacher to K-6 kids that I have seen so many kids come into KG with speech issues that get worked out pretty well through the course of their elementary years. And the most successful kids are the ones with parents like you two who care tremendously and worry (that's an OK thing in moderation - keeps you on your toes!) and want their child to succeed! :heart: