

  • munchkin1969
    Hi . I'm Lill . I've been on this site before but it's been a while. I started trying to lose weight again Jan. 1st. The first few days were not that bad , but the last couple of days have been pretty rough. Like tonight, it seems like I am starving. I've gone over my calorie intake for today by almost 300 calories. Can anyone give me any tips on how to keep the hunger away ? I really need to get all this weight off & need help.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Can anyone give me any tips on how to keep the hunger away ? I really need to get all this weight off & need help.

    Protein and fiber are your friends. Eat more of each and drink a LOT of water and you'll be less hungry. Honest.

    Also, pay attention to the *quality* of the calories you're eating (I say as I eat a piece of pizza... :huh: ). If you're eating 100 calorie packs of wafer thin cookies and crackers and foods labeled "fat free" or "diet" or "low calorie," you're probably wasting your calories. If you want to make your food diary public, I'm sure we'll all be happy to look & give any suggestions we can. :flowerforyou:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi . I'm Lill . I've been on this site before but it's been a while. I started trying to lose weight again Jan. 1st. The first few days were not that bad , but the last couple of days have been pretty rough. Like tonight, it seems like I am starving. I've gone over my calorie intake for today by almost 300 calories. Can anyone give me any tips on how to keep the hunger away ? I really need to get all this weight off & need help.

    Hi Lill!

    Like jlb123 said - make sure your calories are high quality because I think those 100 calorie packs are the enemy of weight loss! I've discovered that small green apples are my new best friend. I forget about them all the time but if you eat one off the core (not cut up) you have to chew it more and it takes more time and it adds good fiber and some nice sugar to your diet. I've been drinking more water and trying to eat an apple before my meal. An apple takes a while to break down and exit your stomach so it holds its own even with out fat!

    I also have been enjoying a hot cup of tea with sweetener in it - it takes a while to drink and the warmth fills you up!

    lildebbie - sounds like you have lots of good options for exercise! I would like to get a Wii one day!

    Momma - I have a 17 yr old grand daughter (technically step granddaughter) and she's the same way. She can't imagine how I can be this big because she eats more than I do! Grrrrr:grumble:

    jlb123 - ohhhh pizza! I love pizza... dipped in a little ranch dressing... OH WAIT! NO! I mean I LOVE APPLES! Yeah! *shifty eyes*

    Good luck!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks gals for the pick me up.I just finished an hour on my elliptical and I am going to attack another hour here in a few minutes.I will post everything later on.Great JOB everyone keep it up!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Welcome Lill, Congrats on returning to the site to make a difference in your life this year:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for all the encouragement girls, Okay I am feeling a lot better. I just got out and got some air, went to the neighbors house and visited her for a while got my house pretty clean need to get on to laundry so my day is going okay. I will be fine. By the way I know most of you work. Are any of you, SAHMS ? I am one, just wondering if anyone else was.

    lildeb 6 yo are sweet and honest you just gotta love them. I think it will be fun to have several different choices on the wii for your work out. I still want the wii fit plus. I almost have the husband convinced.,
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:


    Calories: Under
    Excersise: 20 minutes on the gazelle (wow its harder than it looks!) and some light cleaning
    Water: Perfect

    Getting sick and its my TOM, UGH. HORRIBLE. In other news, I finaly got my mom on here and I told her to come join the thread. Her screen name is madgoth, so BE NICE. :flowerforyou: hehe, just kidding, you guys are amazing.

    Momma - Goodness, if only it WERE that easy to lose a whole pound. If I could find something that burned 3500 calories in an hour or so that wouldnt absolutely kill me I would so be doing it.

    debbie - my weights been hovering aorund the same area too and its really irritating, but I'm just going to say I'm retaining water. I lost two pounds overnight, its gotta be water! I just want it all to go away, lol I'm so close to my first goal.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    By the way I know most of you work. Are any of you, SAHMS ? I am one, just wondering if anyone else was.

    lildeb 6 yo are sweet and honest you just gotta love them. I think it will be fun to have several different choices on the wii for your work out. I still want the wii fit plus. I almost have the husband convinced.,

    Unfortunetly i work, but i work remotely from from my home.

    I hadn't been on the wii fit in a while till last week...I may not burn as much as on the eliptical but it is fun and I do it for longer.

    Today on the wii fit, i did like 15 min of rhym boxing, running (yes running slow but running), some other stuff for 30 minutes. it says i burned 236 cals..I will take that...will do some more tonight.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Welcome Lill, Congrats on returning to the site to make a difference in your life this year:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for all the encouragement girls, Okay I am feeling a lot better. I just got out and got some air, went to the neighbors house and visited her for a while got my house pretty clean need to get on to laundry so my day is going okay. I will be fine. By the way I know most of you work. Are any of you, SAHMS ? I am one, just wondering if anyone else was.

    lildeb 6 yo are sweet and honest you just gotta love them. I think it will be fun to have several different choices on the wii for your work out. I still want the wii fit plus. I almost have the husband convinced.,

    I am a stay at home mom I love it but sometimes I need a break.And I don't get those often enough.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks for the kind words everyone. It has helped me. I am just having one of those days. I guess feeling a little down and a little sorry for myself. I know I have shared with you all in the past about my son who is 4 he has a speech/language delay. He is suppose to start kindergarden in Aug. I was feeling bad about him, how is he going to go to school when he talks like a 2 yo.

    Sorry to chime in here, I'm not a member of the group I just happened to see it today and I seen this post...just thought I would share that when my son was younger, they told me he had a "communication disorder" it was very hard for him to pronounce certain letter sounds and going into kindergarten, lets just say....I was the only one that could understand him. I spent many nights crying and worrying about how he would do in school and I was wondering how he would learn to read, which is so important. Long story short, he is in 6th grade now and has been on high honors the last two terms. He reads all the time and caught right back up with his class mates. He did take some speech classes ( 4 years of them) and I lovingly forced :bigsmile: , the reading, we read about sports, sports, sports....our babies can tear at our heartstrings, just thought you might like to hear about a light at the end of the tunnel:flowerforyou: , Good Luck
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Calories: was over yesterday
    Exercise: and no e yesterday
    Water: and not enough water yesterday
    Proud: that I realized why I am so ADD'd out - not taking my thyroid and have decided to be gentle with myself as I get back on track

    Something about the holidays disrupted me taking my thyroid. We have new thyroid as the company who used to make my thyroid doesn't make it anymore and so my doctor had me taking a compound. When I used to forget to take the Armour I would notice ina few days a total slump in energy; extreme fatigue. The compound seems different. I just get dreamy, spacy, and sleepier but I don't feel it like fatigue, I just find myself sleepier, not the stretched thin feeling I used to feel. So I continue to forget to take the thyroid and it has been more than a week. Many things are LOST and disorganized around me, really I am amazed that I am doing as well as I am without my thyroid.

    I had some days of good calories with some E and approaching good water drinking during this time, so that's pretty amazing as it was.

    So I have a plan for digging out of the hole and remembering my thyroid, and am just going to be gentle with myself. When I was younger, before the thyroid and food sensitivities were diagnosed, things got this bad all the time and worse and I lived through them, so I can live through a few days of getting back on track again.... I can do it!
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Momoftwo29 - I like your picture too! Good photo taking.
    Haley4tm? - sorry if I cgot your name wrong, my handwriting is bad. Proud that you are exercising after Christmas again too, inspiring!
    1stpaul - How has your busy day gone? It's very hard to get in e those days, even when I plan a break sometimes things eat up my break time! Hope it went well!
    mstahl - congrats on the smaller pants... that always feels good, also good ideas for Lill
    Momma2four - I don't know why it happens sometimes but those are the hardest times and I am glad you are posting here... i think stress, TOM, lack of drinking water, even lack of sleep sometimes can keep the weight on temporarily but eventually it will go...
    jib - yay for staying in calories with pizza even!
    awestfall - hang in there too!
    snowflakes - nice encouragement
    Sephani08 - hi there!
    LilDebbie - on honest kids, my 4 1/2 year old niece asked me over Christmas "why is your belly so big?" OUCH!
    Lill - I liked the advice you got from everyone... on the green apples I heard that the scent of green apples is used in aromotherapy for appetitie control. I take cinnamon and other blood sugar levelers when I first start up because my blood sugar goes wacka wacka, and protein at intervals helps too. Also sometimes I confuse thirst with hunger so I drink some water or tea and see if that calms me down. Gum helps, and it tends to be 5-10 calories a stick so I journal it. Actually taking a walk or stretching helps too. Who knew? I didn't think it would, but it did.
    Sometimes I set my calories too low in the beginning too, it's better to lose just a pound a week. I don't like that, but that's what the experts say == I'm an all or nothing person but that's not a good way for my health so I'm trying to learn to moderate....
    Anyway welcome this is a very wonderful group.

    I know I missed a lot of people and I am sorry. Please forgive me. The thyroid thing has really knocked me off course for a whle and work has been crazy hectic busy too.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Momoftwo29 - I like your picture too! Good photo taking.
    Haley4tm? - sorry if I cgot your name wrong, my handwriting is bad. Proud that you are exercising after Christmas again too, inspiring!
    1stpaul - How has your busy day gone? It's very hard to get in e those days, even when I plan a break sometimes things eat up my break time! Hope it went well!
    mstahl - congrats on the smaller pants... that always feels good, also good ideas for Lill
    Momma2four - I don't know why it happens sometimes but those are the hardest times and I am glad you are posting here... i think stress, TOM, lack of drinking water, even lack of sleep sometimes can keep the weight on temporarily but eventually it will go...
    jib - yay for staying in calories with pizza even!
    awestfall - hang in there too!
    snowflakes - nice encouragement
    Sephani08 - hi there!
    LilDebbie - on honest kids, my 4 1/2 year old niece asked me over Christmas "why is your belly so big?" OUCH!
    Lill - I liked the advice you got from everyone... on the green apples I heard that the scent of green apples is used in aromotherapy for appetitie control. I take cinnamon and other blood sugar levelers when I first start up because my blood sugar goes wacka wacka, and protein at intervals helps too. Also sometimes I confuse thirst with hunger so I drink some water or tea and see if that calms me down. Gum helps, and it tends to be 5-10 calories a stick so I journal it. Actually taking a walk or stretching helps too. Who knew? I didn't think it would, but it did.
    Sometimes I set my calories too low in the beginning too, it's better to lose just a pound a week. I don't like that, but that's what the experts say == I'm an all or nothing person but that's not a good way for my health so I'm trying to learn to moderate....
    Anyway welcome this is a very wonderful group.

    I know I missed a lot of people and I am sorry. Please forgive me. The thyroid thing has really knocked me off course for a whle and work has been crazy hectic busy too.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks for the kind words everyone. It has helped me. I am just having one of those days. I guess feeling a little down and a little sorry for myself. I know I have shared with you all in the past about my son who is 4 he has a speech/language delay. He is suppose to start kindergarden in Aug. I was feeling bad about him, how is he going to go to school when he talks like a 2 yo.

    Sorry to chime in here, I'm not a member of the group I just happened to see it today and I seen this post...just thought I would share that when my son was younger, they told me he had a "communication disorder" it was very hard for him to pronounce certain letter sounds and going into kindergarten, lets just say....I was the only one that could understand him. I spent many nights crying and worrying about how he would do in school and I was wondering how he would learn to read, which is so important. Long story short, he is in 6th grade now and has been on high honors the last two terms. He reads all the time and caught right back up with his class mates. He did take some speech classes ( 4 years of them) and I lovingly forced :bigsmile: , the reading, we read about sports, sports, sports....our babies can tear at our heartstrings, just thought you might like to hear about a light at the end of the tunnel:flowerforyou: , Good Luck

    You can't even imagine how happy I was to read this. I have 4 children, my girls are all advanced and do well in school, they are active in sports, play instruments, and get good grades, then I finally get my little guy and he is struggling to speak. I know he is smart, but it is hard to tell because of his speech. I cry all the time. I just want him to be *normal* in school. I so appreciated you making this statement.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Rororosie: My busy day isn't going so well yet ... I don't think I'm going to have time to take that walking break that I had planned on ... but I did have to run out to do some Christmas returns at lunch, was driving around the parking lot looking for a close spot and then the light bulb went off and I thought 'why am I driving around for a spot when I need to find time to exercise', so I parked in the farthest spot out and walked to the store, and I did that at 2 stores ... so I'm counting that as 10 minutes of walking!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks Rororosie, for the nice words. Curious what do you take in the morning to help regulate the blood sugar? My hubby is a type 2 diabetic and meds are working but would like to see better numbers. His diet has improved this week. He joined with me, he is already starting to look like he has lost weight.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Welcome Lill, Congrats on returning to the site to make a difference in your life this year:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for all the encouragement girls, Okay I am feeling a lot better. I just got out and got some air, went to the neighbors house and visited her for a while got my house pretty clean need to get on to laundry so my day is going okay. I will be fine. By the way I know most of you work. Are any of you, SAHMS ? I am one, just wondering if anyone else was.

    lildeb 6 yo are sweet and honest you just gotta love them. I think it will be fun to have several different choices on the wii for your work out. I still want the wii fit plus. I almost have the husband convinced.,

    Yes, I am a SAHM, I love it, my son is 2 years old and my daughter is 4, she goes to the same Elementary School that I went to as a child, She is in all day Pre-K and loves it. She drove me nuts over Christmas Vacationa asking me every day when she was going back to school. My son gets into everything so I have to watch him close, his sister was never like that. Let's just say I have my hands full.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Afternoon, You gals are doing an amazing job....Keep it up:flowerforyou:

    I am check in for 1/5/10
    calories: way over...by 200 calories..
    exercise: if you cound running errands( paying bills, bank, food shopping, and dropping my son off to preschool)..and played a little wii
    water: barely 64 oz
    proud: That i am fighting and did not give up...some days i feel like throwing the towel...I have been very busy with my family, school, and 24 job ( i work from my house) that i barely have time for myself. ...

    Check in for 1/6/10
    calories: over by 100 calories and it's mid afternoon...:(
    exercise: not yet. i am not sure if i will either...i feel sore and i think i am expecting that TOM...ugh
    water: 6 cups
    proud: THat i checked in and stopped myself from eating anymore...i hate when TOM pays me a visit:sad: !!!

    Good luck everyone on your journey....This is the year we will lose all our unwanted weight....STAY POSITIVE:heart:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    momoftwo and awestfall, do find the added challenge of trying to stay out of the food since you are so close to the kitchen. I love being a sahm too. My daughter that is 16, I worked until she was 1 yr old. I have been home every since. I always joke that I have another baby when the one behind starts school so I won't have to get a job. My kids are about 4 yrs apart. My husband and I were trying to get on a payment plan with colleges. starting in 2011 every 4 years I will have a child graduate from high school and start college (Lord willing) so we are on the 16 year payment plan.:laugh: :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Just checking in to see how it's going. I'm lacking motivation for this afternoon, so I took another look at my food diary and found that I'm going to be WAY under my calories tonight even without working out. I WANT to workout, so I'm trying to figure out what else to eat so I don't go too far under my calories. Never thought I'd have that problem! It's amazing how many calories one can save simply by eating at home instead of eating out!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    momoftwo and awestfall, do find the added challenge of trying to stay out of the food since you are so close to the kitchen. I love being a sahm too. My daughter that is 16, I worked until she was 1 yr old. I have been home every since. I always joke that I have another baby when the one behind starts school so I won't have to get a job. My kids are about 4 yrs apart. My husband and I were trying to get on a payment plan with colleges. starting in 2011 every 4 years I will have a child graduate from high school and start college (Lord willing) so we are on the 16 year payment plan.:laugh: :laugh:

    sometimes I have the challenge of staying out of the food, but I have found that if I come on here instead that I stay out of it.