

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Checking in

    Calories.. did very well with some to spare
    Exercise.. 80 min (feeling it in the calves to night)
    Water... Pretty good.. Working on the last little bit as we speak
    Proud.... I did not let life stress me out today (as I normally do).

    Watched the Biggest loser tonight.. So inspiring! Makes me want to go and work out now.. but, it is time for sleep. Next week I think I will ride the bike while watching it! :smile:

    Keep up the good work girls, I am proud of each of you!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member

    Another busy day on posting. You are all doing great! I have another couple of really busy days then I hope to be able to check in other times of the day for some chatting and support.

    Calories: closer than I have been only 150 under
    Water: about 6 cups today
    Exercise: none
    Proud: That I have made good food choices today and didn't pick up any fast food in town. (Tacos were calling to me...)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cals 1700
    Exercise, YES:sick: my husbands idea of a walk:sick: :sick: :sick: and did some gardening as well as played the wii for 1 hour. In total I have burned 1078 calories today
    Water close to 64 ounces, I am going to throw down 16 right now so YES

    I am proud that my friends Zora walked a mile today!!!:bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Momma2Four:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    It's another wintry mess in Northern Ohio again this morning:grumble: My DH was kind enough to find a working radio thus time spent on the elliptical machine this morning wasn't as horrible! I also paced myself better (I think) keeping my heart rate around 75 -85% of my max.:smile: Listening to NPR let me stick it out for 45 minutes this morning :bigsmile:

    We go to the In-Laws tonight, it's my mother-in-law's 91st birthday today! There will be much wine and unhealthy foods to eat.:tongue: I was under in calories yesterday so I should be OK going over some today.

    I walked at work yesterday - it was in the high teens and blowing snow. A couple guys that walk at lunch walk about a quarter mile to a parking garage and then walk up the ramps to the top, back down and again and repeat a few times. I'm sure I held them up by going too slowly so we only made it up to the top twice :frown: And once again my estrogen starved body decided that exercise means it's time to go nuts with the hot flashes. I was sweating like it was 90 degrees and humid :mad: I had to take off my coat and scarf. Both the guys were still cold and all bundled up with their gloves on and their chins tucked down into their coats.

    When we got back to the office I stayed outside to cool off. My hands were freezing but everything else was WAY TOO HOT!!! I tried to go back to my desk after about 15 minutes but NO still sweating.:mad: I kept going back outside and finally after almost an hour I just started dumping cups of snow down my sweater.:embarassed: Yeah. Classy.:embarassed: But it worked!

    AND I got in my HOUR of exercise between the elliptical machine and the walking (more like 90 minutes!):bigsmile: I'll have to MAKE time today to get at least another 15 minutes in. I'm not sure the guys will let me walk with them after my freak-show performance yesterday.:embarassed:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I had to make a list of comments so I wouldn't forget! LOL

    lstpaul - CONGRATS on giving up half the DQ! You are amazing! I don't think I could do that! :noway:
    Welcome Carley, Lisa and Heather (did I miss anyone? Sorry if I did!) :flowerforyou: You will love it here.
    momoftwo - CUTE pic!!! :happy:
    jenn - 100 mins of exercise? WOWSA, you go girl!!! :drinker:
    awestfall - I think 90 mins is FANTASTIC!!! You rock!!! :flowerforyou:

    As you know, I lost five then gained five over the holidays. :grumble: Enough of that. I am ready to rock-n-roll, girls! :laugh:
    With that said, I will tell you what I did today:
    cals: perfect
    water: perfect
    exercise: drumroll, please... I did the entire mile of the Leslie Sansone DVD at school today! I invited other teachers and one came! I was exhausted! I didn't think I could make it but by golly I was NOT going to quit! I did it, ladies! I did it!!! PLUS of course I did my 40 mins of bike and my arm work.
    proud: I walked ONE MILE!!! I couldn't even walk from my classroom to the cafeteria in October without being out of breath! Thank you all for cheering me on and making me feel special and worthy. I thank God every day for you all and I also thank God for giving me the energy and will to do this journey. :heart: I am so proud of myself! PLUS today in the hall a teacher came up to me and said, "Wow, you are really losing weight! I can tell in your face - you are a LOT smaller!" I just wanted to cry I was so happy! :bigsmile:

    Thanks Zora, I took the pic myself, my hubby was at work but I wanted a new pic so I took out the camera and took it.
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Checking in:

    Calories- Border line of going over but with my workout did great.
    Water- All water plus some!
    Exercise- 30 minutes on WII and 30 minutes feeding at the barn
    Proud- That after my sabbatical from Christmas that I have gotten back to exercising.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good for you Zorahope on walking that mile! Great job to everyone yesterday!

    checking in for yesterday:

    calories: over - but just a little bit
    exercise: good - an hour step class at the Y for 1000 calories
    water: good - right around 64 oz
    proud: that I threw away 1/2 of my lunch and made it to the Y unscheduled

    Today is one of my busy days during the week where I don't have time to get to the Y and am running kids around, my challenge is going to be to get my hour of exercise in. I'm going to try to take a break at some point today and walk stairs to get in at least 30 minutes, and then try to get the other 30 minutes in at home tonight.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    We started our office "The Biggest Loser" today and our weigh-ins are Wednesday so I have my starting weight. I plan to also update my ticker on Fridays with our weigh ins here!

    We now have a digital scale here at the office which is AWESOME! I checked it against the old one I've been using here and it was pretty comparable - which is to say that I'm down to 197:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm also wearing a pair of pants that I was given in 2004, but they were too small. The previous owner told me that they are size 14s but really sized more like a 16-18. I haven't been able to button them and today the fit fine! I'm sitting in a chair and the waist isn't pulling in at all :noway: Can't quite believe it but I'll take it!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Girls Good morning

    I am feeling a little tiny bit discouraged. My calorie deficit between exercise and food has been high. I should have already lost a couple of pounds. Yet on Monday my weight was up about 5, I could tell it was water. The wedding ring was tight. I have been drinking water maybe not enough. But today the weight is still up 2 pounds. It is kind of irritating. I know that once you start something new the muscles will hold on to water. Although, walking is not new. Walking at the intensity I am walking IS new. I will walk and walk, but sustaining this almost jog for an hour is new and it is hard. My legs hurt soooooooo bad. My husband is giving us a rest tonight. I teach a class this evening at church, so we agreed to take wed. off. Anyways, I am venting, thanks for listening.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm so proud of you ladies! You're doing great!
    Momma, I'll bet it's the new exercise or just your body adjusting to getting back into the swing of things. I know you know eating well and exercising can only be good for you. :wink: You're doing such a great job and you're really an inspiration to me.

    Check in for yesterday:
    Calories: 1,331
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike
    Water: 80oz
    Proud: I caved to the free pizza from work. But... I only ate 2 slices so I stayed well within my calories & even stayed under around 2100mg sodium. :tongue:

    Doing alright today -- still haven't gotten in my oatmeal breakfast... guess I'll have it for a snack. We had a birthday party at work for a coworker & I brought canteloupe & red grapes for everyone so I had some of those for breakfast (instead of chips & dip, doughnuts, cake, and brownies like everyone else. I didn't even really want that stuff)). No cake yet but I have a feeling I'm going to have the tiniest piece ever because I really really really want some and the total deprivation thing is a horrible idea for me.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hey Girls Good morning

    I am feeling a little tiny bit discouraged. My calorie deficit between exercise and food has been high. I should have already lost a couple of pounds. Yet on Monday my weight was up about 5, I could tell it was water. The wedding ring was tight. I have been drinking water maybe not enough. But today the weight is still up 2 pounds. It is kind of irritating. I know that once you start something new the muscles will hold on to water. Although, walking is not new. Walking at the intensity I am walking IS new. I will walk and walk, but sustaining this almost jog for an hour is new and it is hard. My legs hurt soooooooo bad. My husband is giving us a rest tonight. I teach a class this evening at church, so we agreed to take wed. off. Anyways, I am venting, thanks for listening.
    Hi Momma!

    If your legs are sore from walking then you're building some muscles and yes - they are holding water! So that's GOOD weight that means you're going to be burning even more calories! Plus you are burning a ton with the exercise! I'm totally impressed!:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey Girls Good morning

    I am feeling a little tiny bit discouraged. My calorie deficit between exercise and food has been high. I should have already lost a couple of pounds. Yet on Monday my weight was up about 5, I could tell it was water. The wedding ring was tight. I have been drinking water maybe not enough. But today the weight is still up 2 pounds. It is kind of irritating. I know that once you start something new the muscles will hold on to water. Although, walking is not new. Walking at the intensity I am walking IS new. I will walk and walk, but sustaining this almost jog for an hour is new and it is hard. My legs hurt soooooooo bad. My husband is giving us a rest tonight. I teach a class this evening at church, so we agreed to take wed. off. Anyways, I am venting, thanks for listening.

    I can relate Momma.I was up 5 pounds last week because of TOM.And this week I have continued to eat right and bust my bum on my elliptical only to see te scale say 231 again and again.(last week I was up to 236 because of TOM) So I would have thought by this morning I would have dropped another 2 or 3 pounds but nope 231 again and again.I am going to continue to do what I am doing but I know exactly how you feel Momma when you are working so hard to lose but it just won't go away.Don't give up Momma we will see big numbers soon.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Keep up the good work Momma and Awestfall! ... the weight loss will catch up with your efforts ... the scale can sometimes take while to show results.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good Morning Gals!

    You all are doing great. mstahl: Yay for the smaller pants! Gotta love it... jlb: I'm with you NO depriving, yet just a tiny taste can hit the spot. Enjoy that bit of birthday cake. momma2four and awestfall: You both are working hard and you WILL see results.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks for the kind words everyone. It has helped me. I am just having one of those days. I guess feeling a little down and a little sorry for myself. I know I have shared with you all in the past about my son who is 4 he has a speech/language delay. He is suppose to start kindergarden in Aug. I was feeling bad about him, how is he going to go to school when he talks like a 2 yo. Then I went to my weight then some other things . Tom is here and boy have I got the blues today. I am just sittling here feeling sorry for myself. I need to get up and go do something and get my mind off myself. I really do appreciate all the kind comments and I will be fine, thanks again.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Its ok Momma2four some months we get bluer than others. I can always tell when it's a bad month when I burst out crying at the humane society comercials. I find Midol helps during those times.

    Zora - whoo whoo 1 mile! you go lady!

    Checking in for yesterday:

    Calories - good I increased my overall calories to 1500 to adjust to the holiday gorge
    Water - 60+ oz
    Exercise - last big lose workout at the gym...now I'm on my own
    Proud - I didn't pout all that much when I was at the gym
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    jlb: I'm with you NO depriving, yet just a tiny taste can hit the spot. Enjoy that bit of birthday cake.

    OMG I did. I had a very very small piece. It was so sweet I didn't even want anymore and I'm completely over it now. For just 60 calories (per MFP database for Publix cakes). I don't think I could eat anymore of it if I tried it's so sweet. :sick: I love my new tastebuds. :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    Here are my stats for yesterday (1/5/2010):
    Calories: Didn't eat my exercise calories, so I had 500 to spare.
    Water: 68 oz. Wow!
    Exercise: 42 minutes on the treadmill (Couch to 5K, W6D1)
    Proud: That I logged my food before I ate and stuck with it!

    I think my scale is trying to make me mad because I'm still fluctuating between 200 & 202 but I've lost a ton of inches over the past few weeks. I'm hoping my body is simply starting to reshape before giving up the actual weight. Everyone can tell I look better, I have more energy and I've gone down a size in my shirts! But, I'm not discouraged because ultimately I know I am at a better fitness level than most of the skinny people I know. They can't run a mile without stopping!!

    I'm so glad I found this group because you're all so active on the thread and dedicated! Keep being awesome!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Okay so I am a little nutty today as you all know I am blue, but feeling better. My daughter who is extremely thin. She will be 13 in about 2 months. She is 80 something pounds. Very muscular (naturally muscular not weight lifting muscular), athletic and just thin. She asked me how many calories I had to burn to lose 1 pound. I said 3500 she says that sounds easy, you should burn 3500 calories every day so that you can lose 7 pounds a week. :noway: In my best mommy voice I said sweetly, it sounds a little bit easier than it actually is:laugh: Just to let you know size 0 in juniors are too big for her and she needs a cinched belt to hold them on, this is the same sweet little girl(she really is sweet) that told me it should be easy to lose a pound a day.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - sorry you are having some blue moments. My daughter is only 6, but she is sweet (on her days), when i say something has xx cals, she goes is that a lot...she drew a picture of me (skinny of course) and on it says mommy is the biggest looser...how sweet...of course when i gripe that i have eaten bad or something...she is right there saying..."well get on your machine"...how honest they are at 6.

    I am feeling better about my weight this week...this water weight is slowly coming down. I was up to like 292 on friday and already back down to 290...hoping to be solid back under 290 by friday so i can be back where i was before christmas :sad: :sad:

    But then from there nowhere to go but down :)

    I think i am going to by the ea active today. I heard it gives you a good work out and i really like working out on the wii...seems fun, then i will have 3 workout things, that i can rotate on that wii and then through the elipticla in there too.