

  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    Calories today - 1360 - I planned out my day already, that way I wouldn't snack, it worked yesterday.

    Worked out on my Tony Little Gazelle for 20 minutes, then took the dog for a walk with the boyfriend, that was probably 25 - 30 minutes.

    Plus random jumping, dancing around plus being silly with the boyfriend.

    Tuesday and Thursdays are my break ish days.

    Good luck everyone.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I had to share a minor food setback and then victory. Yesterday I was proud of myself for getting out of the Mcdonalds drive through line at lunch ... but today I allowed myself to give in to that burger craving and did go through a Dairy Queen drive through for a burger and onion rings. About halfway through though I logged on to MFP and tracked the calories and realized I wouldn't have much left to eat tonight and was way over on my fat - so I threw away about half of the meal! Yeah for me!
    I have to go shopping so I'm not eating out at lunch ... too many temptations.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good job throwing that fast food away istpaul. And FYI, when I'm craving a fast food burger, I nearly ALWAYS hit up Wendy's. Double stack is the way to go -- 360 calories and SO CHEAP. :laugh: Or, if I can wait, I just buy some really lean ground beef, add minced onions (for moisture mainly) and make my own burgers at home. They're usually 350-400 calories each (gotta have cheese!) and SO GOOD. :smile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks for the tips jlb123 ... it is so typical for me to crave 'bad' foods after a long vacation ... I always feel sorry for myself having to go back to work and back on a 'diet'. I need to break that mindset.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm also a huge fan of Wendys when I get a burger craving (like last night). I just found out that McDonald's has come out with a Big Mac Wrap, so that may be a good option, but they don't have the nutritional information on their website for it yet.

    I'm glad to hear others of you are Biggest Loser fans. It's the ONLY show that I HAVE to watch every single week. It makes me laugh and cry and I always get off the couch as soon as it's over and get to my exercising. Tonight, Jillian is on Jay Leno following Biggest Loser, so I may have to exercise after that. I can't wait to see what the new season has in store tonight!!

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hey Heather - I just had a thought. I don't usually watch Biggest Loser, but here's what I was thinking. I could actually start watching it, and WHILE I'm watching it, I can work out. A little chair dancing, some sit ups, lifting weights. I think you may have started something!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Calories- did great today and was under by quite a bit b/c of sodium in things
    water- 32 oz right now but I am still working on it
    Exercise-60 minutes today!!
    Proud- that I didn't blow my calories today and that I stayed within what i am susposed to eat
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Calories- did great today and was under by quite a bit b/c of sodium in things
    water- 32 oz right now but I am still working on it
    Exercise-60 minutes today!!
    Proud- that I didn't blow my calories today and that I stayed within what i am susposed to eat
    :drinker: :drinker: WAY TO GO MOMOFTWO!!!!:drinker:

    You are ON IT! :flowerforyou:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in -
    calories - great, around 1700
    exercise - 100 min total - 1hr Biggest Loser game, 40 min walking
    water - 80 oz
    proud - Doing better with keeping away from the sugary foods this week!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Carleybb, welcome to our group:flowerforyou:

    momoftwo, I really think cutting those diet frozen lunches would help you with your sodium. When you make chicken breast for your family cook an extra one and all you have to do it pop it in the micro the next day. I can't reduce my sodium. I have to take in the entire 2500 because I am on meds that reduce it due to my high blood pressure

    snowflakes, you always make sense to me and I think you always have sweet good advice for us.

    jlb123, the cigs are gone part of the past. Let them go. I quit cold turkey Dec. 14 , 1999 after smoking from the time I was 14 until I was 29. I was up to 2 packs a day and as horrible as this sounds the pregnancy before this was in 1997 and I could not quit for my baby. I am ashamed of that, but that is how much of a slave to cigarettes that I was. I was cutting back a ton but I still took chances with every cig I puffed on. Thank God I had a healthy 9 pound 5 ounces only 18.5 inch baby girl(she was so short and so fat it was hilarious) In 1999 thanks to the help of GOD I was done and have been every since. You have proven that you can put those suckers down, so just move forward. You are stronger now and I know you can move forward.

    awestfall, hope that migrane subsides.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you Momma, that is what I thought too, that I need to give up the frozen meals, they are expensive anyways, so I am going to scout around the grocery store Thursday and see what I can find that is lower in sodium than them.
    Momoftwo-I think everyone is right by telling you to cut out those frozen meals.I used to buy them too until I started watching my sodium intake.Besides that like you said they are really expensive.If you have a Sam's Membership I would go there and buy a big bag of chicken breast and load up on frozen veggies and eat things like that for lunch.Thats normally what I do but this week I have had to kind of scrap up what I can find in the house until payday.So I have been under my calories everyday and I think that may have been why I hada migraine today so I ate a little bit more fruit and veggies and it went away so I was able to exercise for 70 minutes today burning 750 calories.

    Momma2four-Thanks so much for checking on me I managed to push through it and eat a bit more and was able to get 70 minutes done without overdoing it.I would have liked to do my full two hours but my body just wasn't up to it.

    Jenn-Great job staying away from sugars

    Stephanie-Good idea on watching the biggest loser and exercising.I may hop back on my elliptical and finish another hour of running.I already completed 1 hour so I may do another.

    Hajohnson-Stick with it girl.So glad you joined us!!!

    Mstahl-So glad to see your pushing yourself to get that exercise in on your ellptical.You will so see its worth it in the long run even on those days you don't want to be on it.

    Checkin in
    Calories-1500 a little over (100 over)but still good
    Exercise-70 minutes 750 cals burnt going to go do another hour while I watch biggest loser.
    Water 64 ounces so far
    Proud I have great friend like you gals to keep me going
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Calories- did great today and was under by quite a bit b/c of sodium in things
    water- 32 oz right now but I am still working on it
    Exercise-60 minutes today!!
    Proud- that I didn't blow my calories today and that I stayed within what i am susposed to eat
    :drinker: :drinker: WAY TO GO MOMOFTWO!!!!:drinker:

    You are ON IT! :flowerforyou:

    thank you. I feel great today and I know that I can do this.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Carleybb, welcome to our group:flowerforyou:

    momoftwo, I really think cutting those diet frozen lunches would help you with your sodium. When you make chicken breast for your family cook an extra one and all you have to do it pop it in the micro the next day. I can't reduce my sodium. I have to take in the entire 2500 because I am on meds that reduce it due to my high blood pressure

    snowflakes, you always make sense to me and I think you always have sweet good advice for us.

    jlb123, the cigs are gone part of the past. Let them go. I quit cold turkey Dec. 14 , 1999 after smoking from the time I was 14 until I was 29. I was up to 2 packs a day and as horrible as this sounds the pregnancy before this was in 1997 and I could not quit for my baby. I am ashamed of that, but that is how much of a slave to cigarettes that I was. I was cutting back a ton but I still took chances with every cig I puffed on. Thank God I had a healthy 9 pound 5 ounces only 18.5 inch baby girl(she was so short and so fat it was hilarious) In 1999 thanks to the help of GOD I was done and have been every since. You have proven that you can put those suckers down, so just move forward. You are stronger now and I know you can move forward.

    awestfall, hope that migrane subsides.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you Momma, that is what I thought too, that I need to give up the frozen meals, they are expensive anyways, so I am going to scout around the grocery store Thursday and see what I can find that is lower in sodium than them.
    Momoftwo-I think everyone is right by telling you to cut out those frozen meals.I used to buy them too until I started watching my sodium intake.Besides that like you said they are really expensive.If you have a Sam's Membership I would go there and buy a big bag of chicken breast and load up on frozen veggies and eat things like that for lunch.Thats normally what I do but this week I have had to kind of scrap up what I can find in the house until payday.So I have been under my calories everyday and I think that may have been why I hada migraine today so I ate a little bit more fruit and veggies and it went away so I was able to exercise for 70 minutes today burning 750 calories.

    Momma2four-Thanks so much for checking on me I managed to push through it and eat a bit more and was able to get 70 minutes done without overdoing it.I would have liked to do my full two hours but my body just wasn't up to it.

    Jenn-Great job staying away from sugars

    Stephanie-Good idea on watching the biggest loser and exercising.I may hop back on my elliptical and finish another hour of running.I already completed 1 hour so I may do another.

    Hajohnson-Stick with it girl.So glad you joined us!!!

    Mstahl-So glad to see your pushing yourself to get that exercise in on your ellptical.You will so see its worth it in the long run even on those days you don't want to be on it.

    Checkin in
    Calories-1500 a little over (100 over)but still good
    Exercise-70 minutes 750 cals burnt going to go do another hour while I watch biggest loser.
    Water 64 ounces so far
    Proud I have great friend like you gals to keep me going

    I agree that it is the frozen meals, so I am not going to buy anymore of them, I am just going to scout out the grocery store when I go Thursday and see what I can find.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok so update
    Calories 1500
    Exercise 90 minutes burnt 1005 calories
    Water 128 ounces
    Hopefully tomorrow I can go back to 120 minutes.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in
    Calories........1206 went over by 6 calories
    excercise.......none busy day will do better tommorow
    water..............still half way there ( I'm working on it)
    proud.............That I made it another day!! still no candy:drinker: :drinker:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I had to make a list of comments so I wouldn't forget! LOL

    lstpaul - CONGRATS on giving up half the DQ! You are amazing! I don't think I could do that! :noway:
    Welcome Carley, Lisa and Heather (did I miss anyone? Sorry if I did!) :flowerforyou: You will love it here.
    momoftwo - CUTE pic!!! :happy:
    jenn - 100 mins of exercise? WOWSA, you go girl!!! :drinker:
    awestfall - I think 90 mins is FANTASTIC!!! You rock!!! :flowerforyou:

    As you know, I lost five then gained five over the holidays. :grumble: Enough of that. I am ready to rock-n-roll, girls! :laugh:
    With that said, I will tell you what I did today:
    cals: perfect
    water: perfect
    exercise: drumroll, please... I did the entire mile of the Leslie Sansone DVD at school today! I invited other teachers and one came! I was exhausted! I didn't think I could make it but by golly I was NOT going to quit! I did it, ladies! I did it!!! PLUS of course I did my 40 mins of bike and my arm work.
    proud: I walked ONE MILE!!! I couldn't even walk from my classroom to the cafeteria in October without being out of breath! Thank you all for cheering me on and making me feel special and worthy. I thank God every day for you all and I also thank God for giving me the energy and will to do this journey. :heart: I am so proud of myself! PLUS today in the hall a teacher came up to me and said, "Wow, you are really losing weight! I can tell in your face - you are a LOT smaller!" I just wanted to cry I was so happy! :bigsmile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Zora,I am soo Happy Happy Happy for you. Congrats lady, remember when you told us a while back that you could only do about 5-10 mins. Now look at you!!!! This is just in a few months. Can you imagine what you will be doing next Christmas. I am so proud of you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Cals 1700
    Exercise, YES:sick: my husbands idea of a walk:sick: :sick: :sick: and did some gardening as well as played the wii for 1 hour. In total I have burned 1078 calories today
    Water close to 64 ounces, I am going to throw down 16 right now so YES

    I am proud that my friends Zora walked a mile today!!!:bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for today!

    Calories - Yes, 950 - I don't mind being under because I'll be way over tomorrow:embarassed:
    Water - just under :grumble:
    Exercise - 35 minutes on the elliptical machine, 45 minutes walking in a parking garage at lunch (so up and down hill)

    Proud - I'm proud that all of you are here and working your butts off :bigsmile: And I'm proud that two days in a row I went out into a cold garage and worked out on the elliptical machine:happy:

    I really :heart: love:heart: you guys and checking in and reading everyone's posts is my favorite thing to do these days. Each and every one of you helps me keep on track - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Just wanted to say GREAT JOB! to everyone today! Keep up the good work, this is our year!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good evening ladies

    Today check in
    Cals - over by about 100 cals
    Exercise - Just like 15 min with the kettlebell ( i ended up taking it back , i didn't like it as much as i thought)
    water - only about 1/2
    proud - I wanted t eat the whole house today and I didn't...